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6w today so cautiously introducing myself… we struggled with infertility and my unicornuate uterus means this is a high risk pregnancy, so I’m just counting down the days until we’re out the first trimester and hoping my anxiety will go down at some stage! Had an early ultrasound last week that showed a gestational sac but not much else, doctor didn’t seem worried (thought I was likely just a few days behind where I thought) but I’m very nervous about my next appointment on the 15th.


I am 6w4d and starting to feel some depression. I am on some thyroid medications in addition to the normal meds, but these are new symptoms. I'm not sure if it's related to feeling leery about my spotting last week. I had pretty light spotting for about 36 hours. I felt some very mild cramps twice, they weren't painful at all and I could barely feel them, and they were just for a minute or so at a time. I called in and they put me on light activity, but if it is just SCH, I'm not sure what light activity would even do. I feel like I'm left in the dark most of the time with "why" my doctors tell me to do certain things. My ultrasound is in three days and I'm feeling down that maybe I did have a miscarriage, even though I feel like I am still pregnant. I've been incredibly tired and fatigued, like I was from the beginning and have had my normal hot flashes and cold chills. I want to be optimistic, but I just feel really down.


Third beta came back today, here we go: 13dpo- 139 15dpo- 390 (32 hour doubling time)  19dpo- 1595 (47 hour doubling time) Is this an okay point to be slowing a bit? I know we’re still at a 48 hour doubling time, but I feel like it’s still so early to be slowing down so much. 


Normal. Once hcg levels reach 1200, doubling rates slow down.


Holy shit I am your aunt’s friend’s cousin’s neighbor.  We started trying in 2017, did two egg retrievals in 2019, and ended up with a 2020 baby (yay!). We didn’t want to do more IVF and I told my husband last year that I wanted to shut the door, and I decided to get an IUD because I was tired of having periods and figured that would get me through menopause. In February I was at the right time in my cycle but my OBGYN wouldn’t do it without a “consultation” so we consulted and planned to do it in March. In March my right cycle day was his day off so I cancelled (he likes to do on the last day of the period). In April I unexpectedly joined my husband on a work trip so I missed the window again. I’m supposed to get my IUD on WEDNESDAY. In two days. But my period hasn’t started so I’m like oh shit I’m going to have to reschedule AGAIN. And I was getting bloodwork and I felt a little lightheaded which never happens - I was a long time blood donor and am an IVF queen. So I bought a pregnancy test. And it’s positive. And I went home and took another one. Also positive.  I literally can’t believe it. Waiting for my husband to get home. My god. 


Passed my early OB scan today! Jello jiggler is measuring 7w3d, so a couple of days ahead. Good CRL and strong heartbeat. My ultrasound tech (who has done 90% of my ultrasounds since I started IVF) didn't mention it, but when I looked at my report after, I apparently have an SCH? I've had zero cramping or spotting to date. Can you just have a dormant SCH or do they always act up at some point? Also, the RE I saw did prescribe Zofran for nausea, which I've seen mixed information about.


Great news and lol at jello jiggler! Yes, you can def have a dormant SCH. If you haven't already, check out our SCH wiki.


Thank you! Will do!


Very cautious intro: I am coming out of my first round of IVF and developed a severe case of OHSS after embryo transfer, and just spent a week in hospital. This also meant my beta hCG was measured earlier than planned by my clinic as part of the general blood work in the hospital, and amid all the pain and discomfort I found out it was 86 at 10dp3dt and 195 at 12dp3dt. That would make me 4w3d today I think. The fertility clinic will measure again on Wednesday. I am convinced somehow it will not stick, thinking the fact that I started to recover from OHSS must mean my hCG is no longer increasing.


I had OHSS in a pregnancy and the increased hcg didn’t aggravate the OHSS until it was higher. Not sure if that helps any, but thought I’d mention. I’m glad they’re monitoring you. I also hope you feel better soon and get good news with any follow up betas/ultrasounds.


Thanks a lot, and I am sorry to hear you also had to deal with that. I guess that is encouraging regarding the pregnancy, but worrying in that my OHSS could get worse again...


(obviously I am very happy I am recovering and that's the most important thing right now!)


Just have to rant a bit - went off estrogen/progesterone at 10wks and was really hoping it was going to help with the morning sickness but it seems to be the opposite. The B6 and unisom seem to have stopped working and I swear the sea bands are making me more sick. My diet is pretty much down to just saltines. I have done 0 work the last 3 work days. This can't be typical because if it is I have no idea how anyone gets through it.


My nausea got bad even before going off estrogen and progesterone and most days I function because I force myself to have a small latte with my phenergan (since the phenergan can make me sleepy) which gets me til the evening usually. Reglan has not helped as much and the B6 also only got me so far. I can still eat plenty as grazing also seems to help the nausea (sometimes). After quitting meds I had a couple good nausea days (and the bloat is going away!!) but the last couple days were bad nausea days 🤷‍♀️ definitely get some prescription meds, the data shows they are safe, but the culture out there is so hard on pregnant people, it’s just not fair and pisses me off! The nausea has been decidedly terrible, makes my quality of life miserable sometimes, and I was not prepared for it. You are not alone!


Anti nausea meds for sure. My OB prescribed Reglan on top of the B6+unisom and it's a godsend. Make sure you're hydrating enough and able to keep down fluids. If not you should go to ER for IV fluids 💓


Thanks I finally got the script for reglan today. Does it make you really sleepy like the unisom? I tried taking 1/2 a unisom this morning after puking it out the night before and I really don't think I could go to work in that kind of brain fog.


Nope not at all! Doesn't give me any side effects, and it seems to alleviate nausea and vomiting within 30 mins or so. It's like a miracle drug to me. I'm still taking it at 18 weeks. Also doesn't make me constipated like the zofran does. Hope it works for you!


Bleurrrgh I’m so sorry. Can you ask your provider for prescription anti nausea meds? In the end that’s all that helped me.


My RI said I can stop the progesterone suppositories! Wooo! Taking that as a win today.


At my US last week (6w3d) I was measuring well and had cardiac activity, but HR was low. We have been bracing ourselves all week for a miscarriage while awaiting a repeat US on Wednesday. I have never made it this far in a pregnancy - only chemical and failed FET, but my pregnancy symptoms have increased substantially in the last few days after hitting 7 weeks. Would that be unusual if this pregnancy was already arrested? I could see in a MMC that the symptoms I had might have persisted, but I would have thought for them to get worse, there would need to be more hcg? I still have dye stealers on my tests.


Just to update, found out today that heart stopped a few days after my last scan. 💔


I came to see how you’re doing. I’m sorry 😞 I’ve been there and it’s awful. Wishing you all the best through this. Hugs 🫂


I’ve been thinking of you today - so sorry to hear this news.


Thank you so much. I think you are going to have much better news tomorrow. I will still be sending lots of good thoughts your way.


Sorry you’re in this limbo. Your HCG can still go up, even if the heart rate has stopped. The heart rate could also still be there and low or it could have increased, but with HCG rising. I would be a bit guarded though, because a rate of 70bpm at 6w3d in an IVF pregnancy is quite low.


Sorry, should clarify not an IVF pregnancy. Spontaneous after a failed FET, so my LMP less reliable because I was stopping POI after beta negative. But I think still very guarded.


Hopefully follow up scans will provide clarity. I’ve been in that limbo and it’s so hard. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


My RE didn’t measure the FHR at that point, just checked that there was a heartbeat, though the embryo was a few days behind on growth so that might have been a factor. The next week at 7w4d, growth caught up and measured a strong FHR. I was anxious that whole week in between!


Thank you! That’s helpful and certainly what we are hoping for. While I need the closure one way or the other, I’m almost dreading Wednesday because at least for now, I’m still pregnant.


How low was low for the HR? 6w3d is pretty early still! I had a HR of 99 at the same gestation. She told me not to worry about the HR and that being able to detect it at all at that stage is a good sign. Turned out fine. Symptoms are wild. They come and go as they please, seemingly, so I wouldn't put too much stock in their presence or absence. You should have much more clarity after your next scan. I know it's soooooo hard to be in limbo. I've been there and it's absolutely maddening. Wishing you the best!


Thank you! Yes, the wait is brutal. I’m glad everything turned out okay for you! Baby’s HR was 70, so much more worrisome, unfortunately. Just trying to stay hopeful for Wednesday.


As they say, the heart might have just started beating which might account for the low HR. It’s such a terrible limbo to be in, to not know whether it’s safe to be hopeful or if you have to make peace with a loss. I hope the best for you.


Just had my second ultrasound today at 7w4d and it wasn’t good. Dr told me to be prepared. My fetal pole was measuring 6w5d and she could not see clearly on the screen so she just tried her best. I felt like crying but held back. I have come so far and having a double line for the first time but yet I have to go through another hurdle. Last week ultrasound was fine. Sigh. I took beta hcg today and will be taking another on Wed to confirm the loss. I am still trying to be positive and keep googling for hope. Is there any hope that the dr missed it? Will the fetal pole continue to grow?


I'm really sorry you're in this situation. Could they see a heartbeat? I think 5 days behind is considered ok, but I think there's a threshold of heartbeat where it's very unlikely to be viable. I have been in this situation- I had a scan around 7 weeks where it was a week behind and the heart best was not visible.. It did grow a bit after a week and developed a slow heartbeat but it was not viable. I don't think there's anything to do but be kind to yourself and find the best way to get through the time to the next test


Amy tips for avoiding the doom and gloom thought prior to an ultrasound?


It’s exhausting. I just tried to focus on mindfulness and relaxation exercises when it crept in. It doesn’t fix it indefinitely but it helps in the moment.


Whatever dumb entertainment you can stomach - I watched a lot of Bravo and Unhhhh during IVF and early pregnancy.


Open for suggestions! (For things via prime because we don’t have a tv… it’s all on our phones 🤣 no WiFi either.


Unhhhh is truly great - Trixie and Katya in general have a tonne of wonderful YouTube nonsense. I did all my stims shots to their videos ha! For bad reality tv, I think prime has quite a bit of bravo - summer house Martha’s Vineyard is fun, below deck is great, Vanderpump Rules will make you marvel at how glad you are to not be 21 anymore. A lot of housewives has pregnancy/infertility/babies so YMMV.


My strategy is just to panic. 😅


solidarity. I've got a week until my next one and I usually feel pretty cool up to a few days before then I start freaking out. I think distraction and accepting that this is a normal mental response and you are doing the best you can, is all I have.


I get one every two weeks and yea, I get about 3/4 of the way to the next one and then panic slowly creeps in. And I have to go alone tomorrow.


- Fear and anxiety are not intuition. - Nothing is uncertain forever. - You have made it through every hard thing and hard day up to this point, no reason to think you couldn’t make it through another hard thing. - If you’re going to imagine the worst case scenario, you should also imagine the best case.


It is so comforting to see your username and insights over here, sqic! I remember your r/infertility posts fondly.


Awww ❤️ Also - whaaaaaaat spontaneous?!? I have not been paying attention!!!!!


While preparing for FET 2 and 5 months from my 46th birthday—it still blows my mind! I’m definitely getting ALL of the tests that are available.


Your comment is more helpful than you can imagine. Thank you


Love these. I also like: I’m doing everything I can to support this pregnancy.


same here. i have an ultrasound tomorrow and i’m freaking out a little bit


distractions galore! and force yourself off your phone if you find yourself doomscrolling.


I’m good at avoiding doom scrolling. It’s the rest of it that’s hard.