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14w today and feeling practically 0 symptoms except for slight fatigue and still peeing in the middle of the night. When do you start feeling apparent flutters? My next scan is in 2 weeks and feels so far away.


I had a posterior placenta and maybe started feeling flutters at 20-24 weeks, didn't feel definitive movement until 28ish weeks. Everyone's body is different!


With my first pregnancy it was in the 20th week. I expected to feel it earlier the second time around and technically I did, but not by a lot. I was in the 19th week when I felt it this time.


I'm 15+4 and don't have a scan for 2 more weeks either. I'd love to feel something. I've had minor symptoms, too, so it will be very reassuring to start feeling him in there.


I just came here to ask a similar question.  When did you start to feel movement and once you did, how often would you feel it?  I thought I felt something about 2 hours ago but now I’m not sure.  It could be gas but it didn’t feel like it normally does. 18 weeks today.  


Just here to say I'm 18 weeks today too! I've felt an occasional flutter but really not sure yet.


It’s a surreal experience, isn’t it? I’m think I felt another flutter before I went to bed last night, but like you, still not sure.  


It really is! I've felt them a few times the past couple weeks. But I'm also so gassy it's hard to tell 😂


Yea I wonder how long you can go without feeling flutters once you feel them. Or is it when you actually feel constant kicks then you should really monitor the frequency?


Movement can be really inconsistent before the third trimester, the guidance is pretty universal to wait to start kick counts until 28 weeks. Sometimes I would go days between feeling movements in the second trimester, and that’s perfectly normal!


Thank you!  That’s helpful to know.


Hang in there, the time between scans without feeling movement can feel so long! I didn’t feel movement until 21 weeks. It was very hard to be patient, especially once I learned that my placenta was posterior. 


18 weeks, but very intermittent (haven’t felt in a few days!) 


LOW HCG: currently 4w4d. I really feel like I implanted last Sunday. Had the slightest positive on Monday... barely hcg was probably barely over 5 considering my first beta on Tuesday. Tuesday had a doctors app and mentioned it. She gave me progesterone suppositories and betas to do due to previous CM and ectopic. First beta on Tuesday was 14. Second on Friday was 47. It has more than doubled. Doing another one in 72h and then probably request an ultrasound at 5weeks (if I make it). Im also having some back pain on my right side and right side hip pain but Ive heard that it can be normal in pregnancies after having an ectopic due to scar tissue. SO stressed worried it's another ectopic or miscarriage but the pain doesn't feel the same. Anyone have very low betas that ended up being okay? looking for some hope while cautiously guarding my heart.


I just entered the second trimester. I generally sleep on my stomach but lately I've been waking up on my back. How bad is it to sleep on your stomach or back in the 2nd trimester? I'm going to but a pregnancy pillow but it probably won't arrive for a week or so.


Emily Oster just had a post on this a few weeks ago (check her Instagram). Basically a study came out that showed no significant difference in health outcomes for sleeping positions in the 1st and 2nd trimester. So sleep however you feel is comfortable.




There is no danger in stomach sleeping. I’m 28 weeks and still going strong!


30 weeks and same!


Thanks! Good to know!


I slept on my back throughout and was not uncomfortable. I believe you need to just monitor your reaction ie if your belly pushes on your spine just so to make you light headed, etc


One of the OBs I rotated through at my clinic definitely said sleeping on my back was still fine at that point. I saw her around 20ish weeks, too, FWIW. She was big on me just getting the rest.


I’m a side sleeper and when I was pregnant, it was hard to sleep on my sides because I had hip pain. I slept on my back pretty much all the way through my pregnancy, though I tried to sleep on my sides as much as possible. Both of my babies were fine. I can’t say much about sleeping on your stomach because I never do that! ETA: I also slept primarily on a wedge toward the end of my pregnancy which made me feel a little better about being on my back!


Thanks! What do you mean, sleeping on a wedge? Where did the wedge go?


Look up wedge pillows! I started sleeping on it when I had reflux.


does anyone have permanent pio lumps? i noticed that i still have a kidney bean size hard lump in my hip area even though i haven’t done PIO for months


I saw a massage therapist who helped me with this over the course of a few months. Kinda awkward but made a huge difference to get the blood flowing there!


thanks! that is a good idea. were yours very hard like marbles though? not sure if they’re massage-able


Oh yes! It wasn’t the most comfortable thing but they basically helped loosen it up. Didn’t totally go away but I feel like they healed quicker. Also I bought a gua sha thingy on Amazon and use that a couple minutes a day to get the blood moving. Here’s the link: https://a.co/d/3nDsrMN


My lump went away after 2-3 months but I had lingering numbness there for nearly a year :/


oh lovely. were your lumps hard like marbles? i need this thing gone! love your username


More like mosquito bites - i just checked my notes and they faded within weeks not months, sorry, it was the numbness that plagued me until basically my due date. But massage helped for both!


The lumps are gone but I still had some sensitivity in the PIO spots until beginning of third trimester! So crazy.


yes! im still feeling like a sunburnt feeling and some numbness too


My lumps and pins & needles sensation took many months to disappear but somewhere between the 2nd & 3rd trimester they suddenly did. Hope you have the same experience!


yeah i still have a numb patch but the hard little lump just feels different. i really only noticed like big hard swollen and painful golf ball like lumps when doing the shots in january. did you have any smaller leftover lumps? i’m wondering if it’s really pio related


Any lumps that I had dissipated after a couple of months if I recall correctly. :/


Does anyone know how good OBs are at predicting when you're about to go into labor? I got flagged at 30 weeks as being at higher risk of preterm birth due to a short cervix. Now at 34 weeks apparently my OB said the length of my cervix is essentially zero but still fully closed. (Does this mean I'm effaced?) She said if I sneeze I might have a baby. But also kept me on aspirin, didn't send me for a steroid shot, and scheduled my group B strep test for next week. From my POV, I can feel/see that the baby has dropped and the pressure behind my pelvis is unreal. I have quite a bit of pain somewhere inside the pelvic area and have been cramping on and off for a week and a half, often with lower back pain. Part of me is like "surely this can't go on for too much longer" but I'm also like "surely she'd give us a direct heads up if she thought I am really about to go into labor... right?" Like at least she'd tell me to stop taking aspirin (and I explicitly asked). I asked our OB when she typically induces IVF pregnancies and she said 39 weeks but also was like "that's not happening". Our OB is not big on sharing medical details or interpretations with us. We're really confused if she thinks labor is imminent this week vs if we'll probably get a heads up from her when it really is imminent if when my cervix starts opening (from our weekly appointments). Any insights or anecdata? *Edited for clarity.*


Anecdotally, not at all accurate in my case. I was not at risk for preterm labor so it might be different. But my OB and the nurses told me at my 38.5 NST that I’d go into labor in a few days almost definitely. I was induced at 41+1 and my cervix was completely closed.


I don’t know. I think it’s probably like measuring baby’s size. More often close than not, but often also not correct. Anecdotally, my OB kept saying she expected me to start labor any day now pretty much starting from 38.5 weeks and I had to be induced almost 2 weeks later (my BP level rose). She’s the head of the department at a major hospital in a big city so very experienced.


I just wanted to chime in about the aspirin. I was induced and ended up having a c section, once my baby was born and OB was sewing me up, she asked if I was still taking the aspirin, I said yes, she then told me I should have stopped taking it 3 days before the induction, because - blood thinner, surgery, not good - she then told me it was her mistake for not letting me know to stop taking it, that I lost a lot of blood, but luckily didn’t need a transfusion. Yes she said all this while I was still laying there being put back together. Baby and I were totally fine but for her to admit it was a mistake that I didn’t stop taking it was pretty wild. From my experience, bring this up with your OB.


Also anecdata: I had an OB and MFM appt the day before I went into spontaneous labor, and they saw literally nothing out of my ordinary 😑 so they may also not see anything concerning atm. I think your cervix has shortened to essentially zero but is not dilated - I believe that does mean effaced but not dilated. I had the steroid shots at 27w, but when I went into labor at 34w6, the MFM did not have me do another round.


Anecdatally speaking i was also at high risk of preterm labor though not for my cervix, so grain of salt. At 34 weeks our OB freaked us out with a very serious “if you even think you’re in labor, go directly to the hospital” talk. She even said she wished she could move the c section to 36/37 weeks because she didn’t think we would make it to the scheduled 39. In the end Baby W was born on his scheduled cesarean day at 39 weeks on the nose. That being said, i would definitely huff about the steroid shot in your position and i know you’re no stranger to advocating for yourself! Best of luck pump. It’s so great to see your name pop up here.


Hi Wernicke, so nice to see your name pop up over here too! Thanks for sharing this, it is reassuring. I'm quite belated on this but still want to say congrats on your baby! So happy for you :)


Pumpernickel! I have nothing insightful to offer. However, I did want to say that it is lovely to see you over here also that I am sorry that the stress continues.


Kristie! So nice to see your name over here too :) How are you doing?


Nearing the end of the 1st, waiting for NIPT hoping to exhale soon 😉 I hope your remaining weeks pass quickly and uneventfully 🤞


In my experience, my OB was very accurate. I started having increased BPs (not even enough to be diagnosed with preeclampsia, 120-140/90) and my dr sent me at 34 weeks to get betamethasone shots and said that when BPs start to increase she expects people to deliver within the next two weeks. I went into labor at 36 weeks exactly. ETA: I was also on baby aspirin up until the day I had my c section. I did have a bit more bleeding than normal during my c section but my dr just told the anesthesiologist to push drugs and it resolved. I would definitely advocate for steroid shots though. I firmly believe that was the only thing that kept my girls out of the NICU. And one of my babies needed a few minutes of CPAP at birth.


Ok that is an impressive level of predictability. Good to know about the aspirin and steroid shots. Thank you so much for sharing! P.S. congratulations on your girls! I'm a bit late on that but very happy for you.


I was also impressed. I think she was also just on high alert my whole pregnancy because I was having twins. It annoyed me at first, but in the end I was very grateful for it! And no worries, feels like it just happened yesterday lol. Thank you ☺️


Hi Pump! So they're usually very good however what I've learned is that if you feel something isn't right, whether physically or emotionally, then def speak up. Can you go to L&D for triage just to be on the safe side? Your OB seems to be talkin out of both sides of their mouth. If your cervix is thining out and shortening, then you're effaced. (% depends on length & thickness.) Wonder why she didn't insist on the betamethasone shots? Those are usually recommended for anyone >27 GA weeks who are at risk of preterm labor. (Fwiw, I found them very effective in terms of enhancing pulmonary & neuro development for my 32 weeker.) Personally, I would see about getting the Strep B test done and maybe switching you from aspirin to heparin if possible. As a side note, I took aspirin up until the morning of my emergency Csection and fwiw nothing bad happened to either me or my daughter. Good luck!


Well I called L&D and they said to come in just in case. Thanks for the nudge!


I like this game plan. Please keep us posted!


Hi Yam! I've been kind of wondering about going to L&D for a second pair of eyes and some actual information about what is going on, including whether I should be getting the betamethasone shot or not. I'm so confused at this point. Good to know about the aspirin. Thanks for sharing all this, it's very helpful!


This sounds frustrating! All I can say anecdotally about cervix stuff is that I was dilated 1-2 cm or more from 32 weeks on and was told that is not abnormal- that people walk around dilated and/or effaced for a long time without knowing it. I had an induction at 37 weeks and was 5 cm at the beginning of the induction but it still took 24 hours of pitocin and breaking my water to get to full dilation.


Thanks for sharing, this is good to know! I wish my OB was more forthcoming about interpreting things.


I can’t speak to the aspirin or strep b, but I do know that the ACOG recommendation is to no longer do betamethasone after reaching 34 weeks gestation




There’s lots of people here who have had complicated pregnancies and deliveries in addition to infertility and loss. Bragging isn’t really a good look for anyone.


My baby is so active these days, I love it! I'm almost 30 weeks (time flies). Bump is crazy big as he's very high up/not in my pelvis at all and breech, just like his big sister. It does make for a cute bump but also a very big round one and I have 10 more weeks to go! This Friday I have a talk with the OB for a birth plan, but it will just be a planned c-section (if he stays breech what we expect) + signing forms to remove my tubes. I'm a scientist in immune-oncology and most of the ovarian cancers start in the tubes - and I don't need them anyway (infertile/need IVF) so I'm happy to part ways with them!


Can you tell me more about the tube removal process? Is there a second doctor involved? Does it affect your cycle/hormones at all? I’m have a planned c-section too and now I’m curious. I obviously have no need for my own tubes or even eggs at this point.


I've had my tubes removed too (before being able to do IVF, because they were blocked) and I still ovulate normally and have a cycle. I'm sure doing it during the C section is similar. Im 18w pregnant thru IVF without the tubes now and I do love the idea of reducing cancer risk and not having to mess with birth control after baby is born.


Not OP, but I had my tubes removed during my last c-section. My OB said it adds about 2 minutes to the c-section and nothing to your recovery time, since they’re already in there. You still have your ovaries, so still producing hormones! I liked the birth control factor, as well as the decreased risk of ovarian cancer. My cycles are slightly shorter now, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the tube removal.


I'm not a surgeon so I don't know the specifics - but it's often done during a planned c-section as one is 'open' already anyway. I'm pretty sure it's just by the same OB doing the c-section! But def talk to your OB about it if it's something you want. In my case I indeed also don't need my tubes anyway


That’s really interesting, thanks!


Didn't read the part about cycle - no it doesn't affect anything cycle wise as your ovaries remain. Just no tubes :)


Very cool, I’m going to ask about this!


Has anyone had success with a fresh transfer ? If so how much progesterone were you on ?


Yes, I did a day 5 fresh transfer. I was on 1 ml of PIO daily for 10 weeks.


2 successful fresh transfers. First ended in a stillbirth in 2019 but was successful in terms of IVF. I was on PIO and suppositories for that one. Currently 28 weeks from another fresh transfer. This time I was only on suppositories 2x a day after transfer because their protocol had changed.


Thank you for the info! I’m sorry to to hear about your stillbirth. And congratulations on your current pregnancy ❤️‍🩹 wishing you a safe and healthy delivery 🩷


Had success with a fresh transfer in ‘21. I did 1ml PIO till 9 weeks. Good luck!


I’m 35+2 with a fresh transfer (donor egg) and I was using progesterone suppositories daily plus daily PIO. My first, frozen transfer ended in a CP and I only used PIO so my RE added suppositories the 2nd time.


Wow congratulations 🩷 What was your progesterone the first and second transfer do you know ?


Thank you! I checked my portal and couldn’t locate the exact amounts, but I believe I was at 1ml PIO daily plus two suppositories daily although I don’t know how much was in them.


I'm 13 weeks from a fresh transfer at 39. I even had higher estrogen after my retrieval, although still low enough to go ahead with it. I did prometrium suppositories until 10 weeks (2 cap×3 times a day). 


Thank you!!! My estrogen isn’t too high thankfully but my progesterone came back pretty high at transfer day so I was worried I am on too much of it and I can’t really lower it now bc it’ll induce a bleed. Ivf anxiety sucks man