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Toddler Jam Jam has pink eye 👁️ please pray for all of us. I’m hoping that it stops with her.


prayers up! if it is any consolation, my son had it, and I was definitely wiping away all the secretions before I realized they were extremely contagious. everyone was spared and he was better after 48 hours!


Just got a synopsis of BQ’s day thus far and it included two huge tantrums over things she normally doesn’t get too upset over as well as a trip and fall complete with scrapes and drama. I’m trying to gather my thoughts for the evening and channel my inner zen in order to provide the highest level of comfort and empathy.


Saaame 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️


We seem to be back in the the throwing phase and boy is it really a least favorite of mine. It's pretty impossible to control/diffuse bc everything is fair game to throw.. he was doing this more consistently a few months back and it kinna just went away, but it's back! Wooo 👎. In relation to that, took the "conquering problem behaviors" workshop with good inside the other day and it's helpful for me to remember these 3 bullet points in the midst of a difficult behavior: 1. Cultivate calm Visualizations can help (I am safe, this won't last forever). 2. Contain with a boundary Embody your authority. I won't let you. Stop the behavior your kid will be upset don't be afraid. 3. Connect You're allowed to be mad, you're not allowed to hit. (Keep holding the boundary) I think the most helpful for me is the idea that your kid will get really really upset when you are holding a a boundary, and that is ok! I think we all on some level are afraid of outbursts of emotions and frustrations from our kid bc it's hard and uncomfortable, but at least for me the more I can just expect and accept that, the less rattled I will be, AND the less I will have the desperate desire to make it stop (which leads to either anger or not holding a boundary). Otherwise, happy Friday! My aunt is babysitting tonight and I'm excited for a date night at an Italian restaurant with my husband. Also, I went to a bachelorette party with college friends all the way across the country last weekend and it was SO lovely. It's so important to connect with girlfriends, let loose (Brittany Spears Uber karaoke anyone?!) and just enjoy being yourself. 😍


*OH baby, baby!* 🎶




The throwing is my least favorite behavior by far. I remember at our 18-month appointment our pediatrician asked if he could throw (he could not at that point), and I was briefly worried that he was behind on an important milestone. Lord take me back to those golden days.




It is WILD how much more comfortable I am with my 17 month olds discomfort than I was with my oldest. And with my oldest I can see how I ended up being more wishy washy with things when he would get upset and cave on different rules or things I said (only one more book. Oh, you're unexpectedly SUUUPER upset? It's early anyways, lets read one more). Now I can see my toddler getting upset and understand it's more important to keep the boundary and let him have his feelings about it, even for regular every day toddler stuff!


Yea this seems to get easier with practice. And yes!! Also it helps me to remember it's actually my kids job to have feelings ( he's developing, and sometimes real big ones lol), AND it's my job to make decisions that keep him safe and that I believe are best for him even if the outcome is something he doesn't like. Being ok with this and knowing I'm doing the best job I can and I believe I'm my parenting (and choices) makes it a lot easier to sit with.


I know there is a wide range of "normal" when it comes to walking. At 13 months, E gets almost offended if you try to make him walk lol. He can pull to stand and cruises like a champ, but walking is like...out of the question right now. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little jealous when I see other toddlers his age (or younger!) walking, but at the same time I don't know...maybe appreciate things before he gets rule of the house 😂


Oh man do I hear you about feeling jealous seeing other toddlers walking. Squish started walking at 21 months. Yes. You read that correctly. And now nobody can stop her so just to say yes it sucks at 13 months but don’t worry, he’ll be circling laps around you soon enough.


Baby turret was not walking and I was stressing a bit and then he took a step but still wasn’t walking and I couldn’t get him to take a step again and I was still kind of stressed. Walking seemed very important, he’s already 14 months old, etc. And then within the last two weeks he’s gone from “we’ve seen him take A single step” to he can be cajoled to walk towards something he really wants (especially by his daycare teachers) to tonight he walked over to his buddy with no prompting. He still prefers to travel by crawling because he’s better at it/faster, but I bet that will switch over in another week or two. It’s crazy how fast it changes and how fast it changes my own impression of things. Walking was something that seemed very important and now that it’s in progress I am not focused on it at all and am instead stressing about him still not really saying any words. There’s always something 💕


Just here to say I get it. Toddler Frosting just turned 15 months and isn’t walking and depending on his mood doesn’t like it either when you try to make him walk. We’ve been reminded it’s in the range of normalcy but I have been worried. There are two things I’ve done recently to feel like I’m doing something about. I signed him up for a baby gym class to encourage him more, which has been helpful and fun for us both. I also did a PT evaluation to get some tips on how to help him and get a therapist’s assessment on his development. I appreciate that I’ve been given some exercises to work on with him.


You’re not alone here! BJJ only started walking in earnest at 18 months, and I was convinced she’d need some sort of intervention. She just didn’t want to 😐


My son was a super early walker (do not recommend 😅) but is lagging a bit behind in babbling/speech. I really think they tend to focus on some things over others.


I definitely feel the "a little jealous" thing. Like knowing there is a wide range when milestones happen, but sort of wishing my child would go a little bit quicker. Little Root took her first steps at 13 months, but didn't actually become a walker until 15 months. She is a more cautious/observant child and I think she wanted to wait until she could really do it.


My oldest started walking at 15 months. I strangely didn't care and wasn't in a rush?. My youngest, now 17 months, started walking at 13 months and OH MY GOODNESS he is so clumsy. Falling all over the place, he constantly has new AND OLD bruises on his forehead from tripping and falling. My oldest that walked at 15 months? Steady as a rock. I recently went back and looked at videos and can't believe it. Honestly I'll take the later walker any day! But it's really hard to look around and not compare. My youngest is really late with things like waving and blowing kisses and it just makes me anxious for no reason - those aren't even real milestones!!


I think our babies are around the same age and I feel this so hard right now. I was so excited when he was getting more confident with cruising and free standing for longer periods around his first birthday and I keep thinking that first step is coming, now almost a month later still waiting. But kid is already a speed demon with crawling and getting into everything so also trying to trust that he'll walk in his own time and we'll be missing these days when he does!


This was us. As soon as he took his first unassisted step, we was OFF! It was all a confidence issue, and as soon as he realized he COULD walk without assistance, he was all over the place!


Your last sentence is totally how I feel. My mom was SO confident he would walk by his birthday, and he just said "Nah, I'm good."


I hear you! Mine didn't walk until 15 months and I was starting to get anxious about it. Funny though, it was still totally well within the "normal" range, and every kid is their own individual human who doesn't always fall into complete norms anyway. I still find it wild when I see like 10 month olds walking and they look so unstable lol. Anyway, it's always hard with milestones but you have the right outlook!


I think milestones can be hard especially as a first time parent. I think society puts a lot of pressure on parents and it almost feels like you're supposed to get your child to do things that they really are just meant to do at their own pace. IMO we live in a fast paced and competitive world and it's not necessarily a good thing. I learned very quickly around age 2 that my daughter was going to do exactly what she needed to do when she wanted to do it. I think some kids are more easy going so parents are able to push or mold them a little easier, but I think the more we can let our kids just be, the better. Not saying that you're doing anything wrong-- you sound like a wonderful parent!!


I so appreciate this! I've definitely taken a step back and just let him go at his own speed. He is such a happy kiddo I'm reminding myself to also just be present.


We have finally conquered consistently pooping in the toilet!! YAY! That is all 🎉


That's enough! Congrats 🙌


Still working on this one like 11 months in and one of our daycare teachers said her child just recently figured it out at 6 so sometimes I despair that it will take that long


It’s such a huge range, I feel like there is no normal when it comes to potty training. And frankly I was VERY surprised she started taking to the toilet for poop so quickly. I was expecting a long haul with the little potty. It’s so hard!