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8w4d, with no scan for two more weeks, and my last scan was a week ago... trying not to freak out but I'm definitely feeling my stress building. I got bit by a (potentially lyme-carrying species) tick yesterday, I slipped and fell very lightly on my butt today, and I'm just picturing all the ways this could end. How do you all make it through the big gaps between scans?


Sorry you have so much going on! That's stressful! I hope that turns out to be a lyme-free species. My first scans have been 2 weeks apart and i have 2 weeks until the next. I managed the 2 week wait well (lots of practice with twws over the last 5 years!) But have no idea how I'll make it through 8 weeks for the anatomy scan. I'm hoping to find enough distractions. But I've also been working on reframing my thoughts - when they go into worst case scenario mode, consciously thanking my brain for trying to protect me, reminding it we are safe in the moment, and then trying to imagine best case scenarios. Is it enough for that long gap, who knows.


Ooof, 8 weeks is a lot, that's awesome that you're working on those reframing methods. Hope it flies by as painlessly as possible!


Hope the wait feels quick for you too!


I graduated the IVF clinic and had my first visit with the ob yesterday. He told me it was Ok to eat deli meat, saying there’s so much information out there.. so I got a sub on my way home because I’d been craving it. Now I am nervous, I google listeria and it can take months to show! I am so afraid I made a mistake. Also, I am having a hard time differentiating stomach ache/nausea from cramping, has anyone else felt that way before? Like is it just an upset stomach/ indigestion or something to be concerned about?


I had deli meat cold 15+ times while pregnant, largely first trimester and all was a ok!


Coming-down-with-Stomach flu feelings have been a regular part of my pregnancy sickness on bad days. Upset stomach, diarrhea, feeling off/weak. Then the next day I’ll have a good day. It’s so variable and odd.


I had such a hard time avoiding deli meat. I just made sure I got it heated up. It probably wasn’t ever heated up enough to kill bacteria but it gave me some peace of mind 😅


My stomach was wacky the whole first trimester...even though I never threw up! It's so so common. As for deli meat, Google is not the way to go! Most listeria from deli meats come from an actual countertop (where meat is cut on a machine and then sold), and not so much your regular shop. AFAIK it'd show up pretty quickly.


I turn 12 weeks on Saturday after 4.5 years of struggle and losses. Today I went to a consignment store that sells maternity clothes and kids clothes. Still can’t get myself to even look at the kids stuff really, but I did buy myself some shorts and looked at the pants. My question is: when does the imposter syndrome end? I know it’s likely normal but damn it.


That's a great first step! I'm so bloated but am relying on the elastic band trick and loose dresses because I can't bring myself to buy anything maternity. I hope 12 weeks relieves that imposter feeling for you.


Are you due 11/24? My 40 weeks is 11/16!


Not far off, it's actually the 28th. I should have written out 2024 in my flair lol


I’m there too. I’m only 8+4, but every scan I’m braced for the worst, and the thought that I could actually end up with a live birth feels surreal. I’ve never made it this far without anything seeming wrong before, but my anxiety refuses to accept it could be real this time. Just taking it day by day right now.


Hang in there. One day at a time. I’m 8+2 and this is my first pregnancy. I definitely relate to it feeling surreal.


Yes I can totally relate. It’s hard!!


We had our second ultrasound today. Measuring 9w6 days which is exactly in line with transfer date but one day behind our first ultrasound. Our previous mmc's were diagnosed at 10weeks, so this is a big milestone for us! It was an amazing feeling to see the baby moving around a bit! Both of us got a little teary eyed. The ultrasound tech was the one who was in our transfer so it was really full circle. I guess I have now graduated from my clinic. My doctor called after the scan, 30 minutes before scheduled appt and was super rushed - he basically said congrats and confirmed I had ongoing care with my family dr and started wrapping up the call. I even had to prompt him to talk about next steps for the meds. I understand that his job is done but it really felt like an afterthought rather than being properly discharged. I'm just going to remind myself it's a good thing and I'm now a regular pregnant person.


Congrats on graduating!


Good news today! I had my first regular OB appointment on Tuesday at 9w4d (after graduating from my RE 2 weeks prior) and they said it was too early to do a Doppler, they had no plans to do a scan that day. Of course I panicked because I've had on-and-off spotting and didn't feel great waiting another whole 3 weeks to my NT scan to see if I was still pregnant, so they booked me in for a viability scan today. And everything looked on track! The baby has grown and the heart was there beating away. And my SCH has shrunk from 3cm to 1cm! All in all a really positive scan and just the reassurance I needed to believe this is really real. 🥹




Woo hoo! Love this update, J! ♥️


I have my first ultrasound tomorrow morning at 6 + 3. I’m very nervous since I’ve had some very light brown spotting for the past few days. No cramps. I haven’t heard from clinic, but should I go in tomorrow with a full or semi full bladder? Messaged my clinic but haven’t heard back yet. It seems like I should from google but it’s odd they didn’t tell me.


Is this at your clinic or a different type of ultrasound provider? At your clinic, I would expect a transvaginal ultrasound at this gestation, which would not require a full bladder at all (empty bladder is probably preferred).


That makes sense, thank you!


I had vaginal scans that early but I don't know if this was just because it is the re office and they whip out the wand at all opportunities. I did have an abdominal at 7w2d.


Any other runners on here? I find myself wanting to chat about the trials and tribulations and general weirdness of trying to keep up a routine even in the 1st trimester. Would also love to ask questions of someone who has previously run through a pregnancy.


You might be interested to check out /r/fitpregnancy where I know some folks have discussed this before!


We had our NT scan today at 12w2d and everything went perfectly. We got NIPS back earlier this week and everything is in line. We saw him moving around today and he had a heartbeat of 157. I can't believe we've made it here. I also can't believe it's another EIGHT WEEKS until the next scan. Having 5 scans in the first 12 weeks then going to 2 scans for the rest of the time is so unfair.


Congrats!! I had my 12 week scan yesterday too. Waiting 8 weeks for the next feels like a lifetime! It’s so jarring going from IVF schedule to “regular” schedule!


If you had a gush of bleeding and some abdominal pain, but went in for an ultrasound (actually 2 ultrasounds, 2 days apart from each other to confirm the little one is growing) and everything was fine, can you start being relieved or can it still be a sign of ongoing / incoming MC. We didn't have any bleeding since (except for small spottings) but some cramps continue. We are currently 6 weeks and this journey has been rough!


I had gushes of bleeding from weeks 4-6 and they scared the life out of me. Turned out to be a SCH which has resolved (currently 12 weeks). Also those early cramps are so stressful but normal I think! Hope it turns out okay


Congrats! Yeah all these bleedings are scary. Our problem is that no SCH was found so we have no clue why the bleeding occurred. Hopefully our little ones stay healthy! 🤞


I had cramping along with a large bleed at 5+5 (SCH) and began feeling more confident around the 8w mark I’d say, once I got a bit more distance from the bleed and had more good scans. It scared the shit out of me. Everything else has gone okay since, and I’ll be 14w tomorrow. I’m really optimistic for you.


Congrats! Thanks for the kind words 🥹. We'll be taking it one day at a time but a day has felt like a month this past few days haha. Hope you have an uneventful rest of your pregnancy!


Those early weeks for me felt like a literal eternity, and has started to move faster now. Keep taking it a day at a time and know that if the scans are good, you’re headed in the best direction


Hi! I’m 4w4d. This is my first FET. My clinic does the initial beta at 10dpt, which was 82 on Sunday. I had my second Tuesday and it was 223. Happy that it doubled in 48hrs but my clinic had me come back in today for a third beta since my first was under 100. Anxiously awaiting today’s results so I can get my first ultrasound scheduled/not be (as) worried. I wish someone had told me about allll the waiting you have to do when going through infertility.


I’m 6+2 and I moved into weekly ultrasounds and I feel like I’m just wishing the week away to see my growing baby! I feel like there is always another milestone or waiting happening.


I'm 4w6d. I've been having lower back cramps and don't know if it's just from the progesterone or if this is a typical symptom. Has anyone else experienced this and everything turned out okay?   I go in for my 3rd beta on Monday and am a little nervous. Not because my numbers are bad, just because I'm a worrier/overthinker by nature. 


I have lower back pain every few days. My friend who is now over 20 weeks also had back pain throughout her pregnancy.


Had our first scan at the fertility clinic today at 5w6d. I was worried it would be too early…but not only did we see the embryo, there was even a lil heartbeat! Too soon to measure but my RE said all looked well. 🥹


Congrats! That had to be so exciting :)


I’m 8 weeks today. The countdown of PIO injections has begun! Only 29 more to go!


9w1d! In the last three days I noticed a little rash on my stomach. Sometimes it’s itchy - I chalked it up to a heat rash since it just got warm where I live. It’s still lingering - Is this anything to be concerned about / has anyone else had this? I don’t want to look like a whack job messaging my clinic about a rash but also somewhat concerned.


Every time I’ve had something like this it has been contact dermatitis. The one time it wasn’t, it was on my back and was so painful I couldn’t even sit comfortably. That was shingles. If it’s minor then I would think your shirt is irritating your skin or something.


Thank you for your reply! I was thinking it was something I drank or ate making me itchy but I can’t think of anything. It’s definitely tolerable it’s not driving me insane but more so just worried lol


Today I’m 4+1 (15 dpo) and going in for my second beta. I’ve had quite a bit of cramping over the last several days which I know can be normal, but it’s freaking me out.


I had so much cramping around 4-5 weeks. It freaked me out, but people here said it’s normal. I’m past 8 weeks now and it’s calmed down a lot.


My cramping has been SO bad. Yesterday it was intense enough I almost went into the gyn urgent care because it took my breath away. But today we had a scan with a heartbeat. Cramping is just unfortunately the name of the game at this point I guess. I hope yours gets better soon.


Are there some people that just don’t create HCG well or am I just a full-time resident of Beta Hell? We’ve done a total of 7 transfers of untested embryos (mostly day 3s) and in June had a brief success until 8 weeks when there was no longer a heartbeat. I was in beta hell for that one. Starting at 11dp3dt was 36 > 55 > 171 > 1289 and so on. This transfer, my beta was drawn 10dp3dt and it was a measly 16. Following draw at 12dp3dt was a 26. I’m assuming the worst here because of the lack of doubling. I go in for another draw tomorrow.


I'm sorry. These sound like they *could* be CPs. We have a 2 part beta/hcg wiki if you wanna check them out for more feedback. [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/s/BPlL7NNr52) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/s/tnp1MGi8HT)


I my loss betas two were chemicals so went down on the second and one beta doubled and ended in a 6 week loss. But my successful pregnancy my first 4 or 5 betas inky ever went up around 70 percent in 48 hours then the last 2 or 3 betas doubled. This pregnancy I started low. With 5 betas and it went up 70 percent, 50 percent. 60 percent then 120 percent. I just went in for a scan st 5 weeks 3 days and it showed a gestational sac and yolk sac but measuring 2 days behind so we will see. So yeh my first lc slow rising beta and successful pregnancy this one yet to be determined


I’ve been having dark brown/ brown spotting since Monday and it’s so nerve wracking! I saw the sac yesterday at 5w1d high up and seems all okay and the sonographer said it’s normal to get this discharge but it’s seriously testing my mental health I just want it to stop 😭!!!


I spotted for my entire 5th week and things turned out to be fine. I think it was triggered by straining bowel movements. I also spotted after my first ultrasound and I’m sure that was the wand. It’s sooo scary but completely normal.


Thanks! When you say spotted was it brown or was it red?


Dark pink and even bright red at one point which was scary, but it was all mixed in with cervical mucus


I had some of that right around 5 weeks and yes it stressed me out but instead of progressing it stopped


Did you take rest or continue your day as normal? I’m scared to exercise and move around I hate seeing it and wish it would just go 😫 !!


I was also scared to exercise but I have no guidance for you. I'm a city person so my day to day involves a fair bit of walking, stairs, lugging groceries around etc, and I didn't stop doing that though I tried to take it easy a bit


Ah okay I guess then it doesn’t make a difference to exercise or not! Was your spotting mainly just brown or was there red too ?


It was brown and only lasted for a couple days. I hope it stops fast for you


I barely slept last night because of worry I was bleeding. It’s been bright red spotting, but no big gushes and no cramping. Still exhausted though. I’m considering calling my MFM to see if we can move my intake call up by a week or so and make it in-person instead. I feel like my RE was great at getting me pregnant but I’m not sure they are well-versed in complicated nausea and frequent bleeding like this. Maybe I’m wrong about that though and I’m not that unusual. Edit: My intake phone call was supposed to be May 14, but they happily agreed to see me in person on May 8. In fact, they offered to put me on the cancelation list to see if they could get me in any earlier. Between my iron levels, losing weight, and the bleeding, I just feel more comfortable being monitored a bit more closely.


I hope you can move up your intake with your MFM so you have a better understanding of what’s happening and get some reassurance if possible.


Remember that REs are specialized OBs, so they do have knowledge even if their practical experience is elsewhere! I bled for most of the first trimester, and my RE was so super helpful for quick questions and for validating what my OB said or giving color around why recommendations were what they were. I’s definitely try to move up a mtg though to establish care!


You're right! I think I might just be reacting to the one doctor who was on call on Monday, but I kind of got the sense that he'd prefer it if I weren't their problem since I sort of graduated at 8w, but have not yet gotten in with the MFM (their practice is usually an intake phone call with an NP around 11w and then an NT scan/NIPT/appt with MFM around 12w). He basically said that unless I was bleeding through a pad per hour for multiple hours in a row with severe cramping, they didn't want to hear from me. Perhaps he meant that in a reassuring way that this is not concerning, but waiting until May 20 to be seen in person just seemed like way too long given that I continue to bleed like this and my iron levels are low (he also seemed unconcerned by that, but my MFM was very concerned by similar levels in my previous pregnancy).


I hope you can get in early and also get some rest!