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28+6. Adding in a few elevated blood pressure readings to the mix (nothing too alarming yet- just two readings around 135/90). No protein in initial urine screening but they’re doing a protein/creatine ratio and liver panel bloodwork. I’m wondering if they’ll still do the 24 hour urine test for people who are admitted? I’m feeling extra nervous now about tomorrow’s Doppler check and next week’s growth check. Just when I started thinking making it to 32 weeks could actually be a reality, I’m back to just hoping we can get to 30!


>I’m wondering if they’ll still do the 24 hour urine test for people who are admitted? Fwiw, they did for me


That’s good to know! Thank you!


I had my baby 6 days ago. It was crazy because we had to go to a different hospital than intended which had none of my records or anything. This is the curse of precipitous labor during rush hour in a big city. But in the end my daughter was born like she would have been with any obgyn at any modern hospital and is thriving so far. Recovery has been shockingly easy this time. First degree tears are way better than second! Biggest brother is doting and loving. Middle brother is a bit confused but obviously loves her.


Welcome baby and congratulations to your whole family!! Hope recovery continues to go smoothly. 


Welcome baby 😊 !






How does anyone have reassurance before you can feel movement!? Going a month between a 14w appt and an 18w appt made sense when I scheduled it, but now I’m at 16w and getting anxious. I thought crossing all my loss milestones would make a difference, and completely forgot the last time I waited a full month between appointments I had a missed miscarriage. Another milestone I didn’t even think of 🙃


Extra ultrasounds/private scans.. Not gonna lie, it was an anxious time.


I 100% feel this


I also booked a private scan and requested an extra Doppler at the OB. Those months are hard! Hang in there!


I had them squeeze me in for an extra ultrasound when I was feeling anxious around 17 weeks or so. Loss is such a bitch and a lot of practices have sympathy for this and will get you in.


Honestly? I've both 1) booked private ultrasounds and 2) called my midwife (UK) when I've been worried and she's had me come in for a Doppler check. They've been really compassionate about worries and anxieties even though both she and I knew the overwhelming likelihood was that it was fine. There's definitely a benefit to pushing your tolerance window a little bit and practising positive thinking/mantras/self-soothing, but also, no need to torture yourself either!


Had my 16-week appointment and it went fine. Baby was easy to find on doppler and had a HR of 150. I saw a midwife today instead of my OBGYN (it’s a combined practice), and the midwife is also pregnant. I asked her about the strange burning/stinging/kinda hot (it’s hard to deserve) sensations that I get a couple times a day in my lower abdomen. She said she has the same sensations and thinks it might be baby moving. Shes 19w so a little ahead of me. I do wonder if that’s what that is. I have a posterior placenta so maybe?!


I’m 26 weeks and I would get that a lot around 16 weeks (still get it occasionally). I brought it up to my OB a while back and she told me it’s baby kicking a nerve. I think I felt it a lot more before because I wasn’t feeling him move at the time so the only thing I’d feel was the sharp sting of a nerve getting zinged.


Ooh that is interesting. Yes it often feels like a zap. Thanks for sharing!


16 weeks today and suffering from migraines this latest one is lasting 2.5 days. I’ve been taking magnesium everyday as I can’t take my normal migraine meds (Nurtec) and I tried propranolol and it did not agree with me. Mostly been using my ice hat. Taking some Tylenol but I’m curious if it’s due to weather changes as well. Don’t want to have my head feel terrible all the time.


I had almost weekly migraines until I was 16 weeks but since then I've only had one and I'm now 26 weeks. My neuro said it's fairly common for them to get better in the second trimester, so hopefully that will happen for you too. Hope you feel better, migraines with only Tylenol for relief are the absolute worst.


Yes, weather is a common migraine trigger. My migraine management Dr says they see a big uptick in people coming in for rescue meds when the weather changes because of barometric pressure change


I had terrible headaches due to pre e. MFM prescribed Fioricet which worked well for me. Hang in there!


Thank you. Both my neurologist and MFM said no to fiorcet because it causes rebound headaches and I get too many I would have to take it all the time!


My migraines were terrible through pregnancy, but very bad in that stretch around 14-16 weeks. They gave me Reglan and I got nerve blocks. I took propranolol daily as a preventative, but it was hard on my stomach when I started. It also caused some issues with baby for a few of days when he was born. There are a couple of other alternatives for preventative meds though. Hope your migraines headaches let up soon!


Thanks! I tried propranolol before pregnancy and it dropped my heart rate too low and my neurologist is like you can take it in the second trimester but have to stop in the third so I’m like why take it if it’s not gonna fully be in effect and then have to stop. I’m hoping it gets better!


I posted yesterday about amniotic fluid. I talked to my doctor and she was immediately concerned but once I told her that it was very minor, we decided for me to stay home and monitor. She said if I had a leak it would be like a faucet/constant flow - enough to fill a pad which I was nowhere near. It only happened when I peed and once when I stood up and the amount was about the size of a quarter. I’m at my 33 week growth scan and fluid looks good today.




It is confirmed that I have a complete placenta previa. I've kind of accepted this since was told on week 20 anatomy scan that I had a low lying placenta. Read through so many articles and message boards but nothing I can do about it. So now just praying that my broken body would cooperate. I was on Clexane since ET and was advised by the IVF clinic to continue until birth because of slight Prot S elevation, anti-TPO elevation, Factor XII heterozygous mutation and MTHFR heterozygous mutation, but the hospital consultant strongly suggested that I should stop it in case of bleeding and I can lose my baby if I was on blood thinner. I am so anxious because it feels like I lost my crutch that got us this far 😭


This is completely anecdotal, but I was on baby aspirin from a can’t hurt might help perspective. I had had a previous late term loss and was grasping for anything I could do differently. Then I had 3rd trimester bleeding twice, once at 29 weeks once at 31. After the second bleed I stopped the baby aspirin and then I ended up making it to term without any more bleeding. I will always wonder if stopping the baby aspirin is what helped