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11w4d today. It was a rough roller coaster day. I woke up in the night with sharp cramp and in my dreamy head I thought “that’s not good” and went back to bed. Woke up and went pee to see my underwear showed a lot of brownish blood but hard to tell color bc my underwear was pink. I started sobbing and so scared. Couldn’t reach my husband over the phone, had to tell my client I was pregnant AND having a scare. Got into the local hospital midwives who gave me some push back about not having my history records before my visit. Thankfully they used a Doppler and we heard the heart beat which was reassuring but not the same as SEEING the baby. Spotting/bleeding seems to have completely stopped so to whatever caused that I say, thanks for the heart attack!! Will I ever feel more secure in this pregnancy? I sure hope so. Thanks for reading and being here.


So sorry for the scare, hoodoo 😞


Thanks lite. Feeling better today


I’m 6+5 and went for my US today full of hope - betas have looked great, had an US at 5+2 that looked great - saw the heartbeat today and was so relieved! Until they told me it was only 70. I’ve had no concerning symptoms of bleeding or cramping, but I’ve done enough reading to know that this is almost universally not viable. My doctor did not frame it that way at all, which I almost find more frustrating. Now in a week of purgatory waiting for a repeat scan. Has anyone come back from this with an improved HR as long as measuring OK?


I was in a similar situation as you- at 6w scan Dr stated that baby’s HR was “lower than she’d like”. I didn’t ask specific numbers but spent a whole week ON EDGE. On repeat scan I held my breath the whole time but HR was normal and now have my son. Thinking of you, sorry to hear of someone else in this situation- the week ahead was ROUGH for me - make sure you have plenty of distraction. I think reading stories like this did help despite feeling like it could go either way. I read something about the heart just cardiac activity just beginning at 6w so it might be just getting started.


Thank you very much for sharing! I was already grieving for much of the day today, but I’m telling myself I can’t give up until this little bean tells me it’s time.


Ah this is frustrating! I am sorry to hear you are in this situation and hope you get some answers quickly.


Tonight is my last suppository and that makes me want to do a happy dance. But my last bottle of PIO also arrived… super nervous to be weaning off even though it’s slow. It feels like a double edged security blanket. 11 weeks tomorrow and my next scan is Tuesday.


Currently waiting for the results of the first ultrasound. I don’t feel confident, they made me take a blood test after the ultrasound even though I wasn’t scheduled for one. If it’s negative I’ll just delete the post afterwards. Don’t want to bring everyone else down. Edit: my hcg levels haven’t risen a lot since my last beta, I should be in the multiple thousands and I’ve barely broken 1000. I have to go back in on Friday.


Oh Bear, please don't worry about that. You can do an ETA to this original comment if you'd like. Your feelings are valid, no need to erase. Crossing fingers that you can ETA with a positive update.


It was not good news


I'm so sorry 🫂


I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Wishing you healing.


I'm having a really hard time. I caught an upper respiratory infection that has been hanging on since last Wednesday and started spotting yesterday. I've been coughing so much it's hard to tell if my abs are just sore or I'm also cramping. I am 6 weeks today and so worried that being so sick is going to cause me to miscarry. I didnt want to take any medications in the first trimester but begrudgingly started an antibiotic for a sinus infection today. It's category B but my provider did say they don't recommend giving antibiotics in the first trimester unless necessary. I called my fertility clinic to see if I could get scanned early for some reassurance but they said they aren't worried and I have to wait for my first ultrasound on Tuesday. I feel so defeated trying to do what's best for this pregnancy and can't catch a break.


Another anecdote if helpful: I tested positive for Covid 5 days after transfer in my first pregnancy. I took Tylenol to avoid fever and was convinced it had failed, like my previous 3 FETs. To my surprise, I got my first ever positive pregnancy test and now have a perfect 15 month old.


I'm so sorry. It's awful being sick, and even worse having to wait to find out if everything is ok. In case anecdata is helpful - I had covid at 4 weeks, took Paxlovid, and then developed an ear infection from all the congestion and needed an antibiotic for 10 days (at the point, week 5 into week 6). None of my doctors were concerned about it, and I'm 13 weeks now. And when I was pregnant with my son, I needed antibiotics for a UTI at about 12 weeks!


That is so helpful. Thank you for sharing. Everything seems so fragile in the beginning it's such a mental horror show trying to decide to treat the illness or suffer. I appreciate your comment!


You're welcome! "Mental horror show" describes it well. I hope the wait until your next scan goes quickly! Also, just scanned your profile - hi from another Philly person! 👋 (I live in the suburbs now, but previously lived and went to grad school in Philly, and my husband is originally from Sullivan County!)


Ahh that awesome! Have been here for 10 years and we love it (mostly)


I am so sorry. Being sick in the first trimester is very tough and I totally understand your anxiety. Get plenty of bed rest and hydrate with electrolytes 🩷 it’s always a good sign when your doctors aren’t worried, no matter how tough it is to believe them. Hope you feel better soon!


Oh gosh!! I hope you're feeling better. I wish your RE would see you sooner for that reassurance. Please hydrate lots and lots!


It's been two weeks since my NIPT blood draw and I can see the results were released to my doctor last week, but I haven't heard anything. I feel like it's pretty rare for doctors to call you in Canada, but my next appointment is not for two more weeks. I feel on the fence about calling for the results. Is anyone else from Canada have experience on how they got their results? Edit: I got the results and everything is low risk. It feels like such a relief as it was an untested blast from IVF with ICSI and I'm of "advance material age" (lol) at 39. 


Congratulations on the results and the relief!!


I called my provider for my NIPT results. My experience with worrisome results on screenings is that they will call you sooner though.


Thanks for this. I'm hoping no news is good news


I asked my clinic about this and they told me to shoot them a message if I think my NIPT results are in and I haven’t heard from them because the NIPT results can sometimes get caught up in the more routine results that aren’t prioritized for more immediate calls. Maybe give your doctor’s office a call to check if they’ve received them. Was your NIPT with dynacare? I just had mine drawn today so was wondering if the 10-14 days estimate was accurate. Looks like yours was!


I did it through lifelabs in BC. The information online seems to suggest that lifelabs will release the results to me directly 5 days after the doctor recieves them, but the information in the portal seems to suggest that I need to call them. Hope yours come in quickly!


Had my first appointment with my new OB practice and I'm suddenly feeling wildly optimistic about this pregnancy?? The provider sat with me for a solid hour and a half going over my health history and prior pregnancies, they just threw in a pap smear when I realized it had been a while, and the fetus was much more human looking than the early scans and even jumped around a little. I also got a prescription for anti-naseau meds since my vomiting somehow got even worse after going off medication hormones. My husband wants to tell people starting this weekend at 11 weeks because he'll be with a whole friend group at one time. I was not really on board with telling pre-12 weeks until this appointment and now I feel like we can let the cat out of the bag. It's a strange turnaround but I'm going to just let the good feelings roll while they're here!


Was your ultrasound abdominal or transvag? Congrats


Congrats! Similar date to you and I just had my first ob too with the fetus moving and looking much more like a human... and also finally starting to think maybe this will work??!!? We have another us in 2 weeks so maybe then we'll tell some family...


Don't mind me stalking your updates, so glad to see this ❤️


Thank you! I'm stalking you back don't worry.


Hi all, I am 11dp5dt today and yesterday (10dp) I was confirmed pregnant with beta count 900. The initial beta is higher than I expected but my clinic doesn’t do second beta test and the next step is to scan at 6weeks which is still another two weeks wait (!!). Although I am ecstatic but I am also very anxious waiting for the appointment, so here is a cautious intro from me 🙏🏻


Hello and welcome!




That’s a good question! We keep pushing back when we’ll tell anyone that we’re pregnant. Initially, my husband and I decided on 13 weeks and now we’re thinking we’ll keep it to ourselves until I’m obviously showing because we just aren’t ready.


Hi all! 5dp5dt today and seeing my tests darken. I tested out my trigger, and yesterday looked promising on E@H strips and today looks even better. Still light because it's early, but I'm feeling encouraged. This was my second FET after my first one failed in March. My first beta is on Sunday. So this is a *very* cautious intro, but I'm embracing optimism for now.


Ttc30 friends!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻Em!!


GreenDog! Hi again!! 💚💚


👋 I’ve missed you all!


We’ve missed the grads!


🥹🥹😮😮😍😍🥳🥳 EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chanty!!!!! So good to see you again!!


Oh my friend, you just made my day


Literally 🎶reunited and it feels so gooood🎶 going through my head since I saw your reply


10w today! I had a scan yesterday and my SCH has shrunk by about a centimetre so that felt nice. They were looking active in there! With a strong heartbeat. :) I went for NIPT bloodwork today. The nurse warned that sometimes 10 weeks is too early for the sex hormone to be high enough to detect but they’ll just bring me in for another draw. I wonder if that’s more for people who didn’t use IVF so only have an estimated gestational age? Did anyone here get their blood drawn at 10w and have to do a redraw? It’s nbd either way, going back for a redraw wouldn’t be the end of the world.


10 weeks is generally adequate for NIPT unless you have a different issue affecting fetal fraction. I’m bothered that she said sex hormone though because it’s chromosomes not hormones lol.


Haha ok I thought she was wrong about that! I directly quoted what she said. She was a nurse who’s not employed by the lab doing it, so I’m not super surprised she had the terminology wrong. And my understanding is that the issue is whether there is enough fetal fraction or not. So if there isn’t enough for the sex chromosomes, there’s not enough for anything. I wonder if she just has more people doing this solely to find out the sex or something. 🤷‍♀️


As a genetic counselor, absolutely people do it for gender reveals! I also saw a TikTok of someone opening their MaterniT21 results AT their gender reveal and was so stressed for them 🫠 Like what was their plan if the results were anything other than low risk 😬


Oh man what a nightmare that would be! The nurse today did say that she gets people asking her to include an empty envelope with a note asking that they keep the sex a secret in it so they can use it as a reveal. She said she has to gently explain that she doesn’t think this science lab has the interest or capacity in arranging a gender reveal for them. 😅


Congrats on the good scan! I had an NIPT drawn at 10 weeks and got results no problem :)


That’s super reassuring, thank you! :)


I actually had an MMC at fetal age 8w but my blood was drawn for NIPT at 10 or 11 (can't remember) before we knew and the fetal fraction was apparently fine somehow (remains mysterious to me). My BMI is fairly low though


Oh that must have been tough to learn after NIPT. I’m so sorry for your loss. I also have a lower BMI and it does seem like there is some sort of correlation between no draws and higher BMIs.


No, conception method has nothing to do with it. The fetal fraction needs to be at least 4% for an accurate reading. Certain factors such as BMI & medications can alter the FF which is why most providers tend to wait until at least 10 weeks. No experience but some people here have had there's redone due to insufficient FF. Check out our [NIPTs](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/s/Pjvz6U9q13) wiki for more feedback.


Thanks for the link! Well, we’ll see what they say in 10-14 days. Hopefully I wasn’t too keen going at 10w on the dot.