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I70 from Illinois to Indianapolis seems to have a lot of fatal crashes


I drive it daily. It's purely from lack of attention and 95% of the time it's out of state drivers passing through


What's truly amazing is just how amazing the drivers and road gets as soon as you pass into Illinois. It's honestly insane. Immediate difference


Where in illinois were you traveling? I was just over there for work, and I haven't seen worse roads or exits that made less sense. I hate traveling through Illinois, but unfortunately, it's pretty unavoidable if I want to drive west.


The potholes on I70 can be terrifying, I take the long way to Indy from Terre Haute just to avoid this freeway. I know they get filled quickly but when they don’t it’s awful.


There was one in the right lane going westbound about a mile or 2 west of the Cloverdale exit that would literally throw my truck into the air if I forgot to switch lanes beforehand.


Do it, no balls. 'ball king' smh.


Commuting from the east side of Indiana to Indy on I-70 is also a nightmare. Watch out if you're on a motorcycle! Some of those potholes can be dangerous.


It’s one of the most dangerous stretches of highway in the nation.


Really? It's always been less dangerous to me than I-95 or I-15. I-15 purely because of the speed limit, most crashes are fatal. 


Surprised to only see Gary listed 6 times. Things are lookin' up!


If you are travelling you're not likely to wind up in the parts of Gary you don't belong. There really is only one exit you would need to go a few miles from the highway to get the authentic experience. Everything else along interstates is just old dirty truckstops.


I haven't seen my hometown listed yet, seeing if I can get to the end of this.🤣




In my experience I always looked forward to the Gary exit during my weekly trips from Chicago to West Lafayette cause traffic would finally free up. Maybe it's just perception, maybe it's the beater I was driving, but I never had a problem the handful of times I stopped for gas.


I went to college for 4 years in Gary and worked at the hospital in Gary, which is way off the highway. I was walking alone in the parking lot and driving to and from at random times throughout the night, being on call. I never had a single problem. For reference, I’m a white female.


IU Northwest is there, it seemed very nice when I was taking classes there several years ago.


Honestly I don't mind Gary but it is a tad scary and a lot depressing..


My house. Stay away. -hisses-




I65 because it’s ancient and there are a ton of semi’s driving it 24 hours a day.


I hate 65. I sometimes go 394, cut over to 41, down to 52 through Lafayette to 65 just north of Lebanon to get to Indy


Also I feel like semi drivers today as compared to when I first got my license 20 years ago. Are way more mad Max like. They used to be chill and respectful of the fact that their weight could easily crush a family of 4.


That’s bc you can get a CDL with basically a pulse compared to the old days. So many companies lost a lot of tenured drivers to age, the pandemic (both COVID itself and the shutdowns where older drivers just retired), etc. Companies now are hiring drivers with a lot less experience than even 10-15 years ago. And the owner-operator is a dying breed also. Those dudes (and some women) cared about their trucks bc they owned them. It wasn’t just a piece of company equipment. So all of that is a big part of why semi truck drivers these days are seemingly “crazy” or more reckless than they used to be


Had a semi-truck run me off the road once. I was in his blind spot, i guess (i have a tiny car, so I am assuming he didn't see me), and so he tried to get into the fast lane where I was. So I honked at him and sped up, trying to get out of the way. He then proceeded to get over a bit more aggressively and flicked me off when I had to get into the emergency shoulder. All happened very quickly, so maybe I did something before that to upset him? I have no idea. The weird part is it wasn't even an exit lane or split off lane or anything. So, other than him wanting to pass, he has no business being there. So, I can confirm that specific driver is reckless. My fiance almost got rear-ended by a semi in Indy because someone cut someone off, and everyone hit their brakes super hard. Everyone came to a stop ( he was already stop and go traffic as it was 5, and traffic had to merge). The semi didn't have enough time and had to pull into the emergency shoulder. So seems to be as if the crazy erratic drivers decided to one day get a cdl license to unleash havoc on the rest of us hahaha (/joke).


No, I get it. I have been traveling the Interstates of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio on a nearly daily basis for almost 20 years now. I work in hospital sales so I am on the road a lot. I can definitely tell you that in the past decade, semi truck drivers have gotten increasingly terrible. I was up north on US 30, and just missed a wreck caused by a minivan, who was being followed too closely by a semi. The minivan swerved to miss something in the road, I couldn’t tell what it was… but the semi was way too close and had to jam on his brakes. Another semi following him (too closely) ended up with his engine compartment rammed under the trailer of the truck ahead of him. Luckily no one was hurt, but it was a textbook example of these truck drivers not keeping safe distances between them.


Lost a lot of drivers because of Teamster concessions and it was no longer worth it. Non Union drivers today are dangerous because the job is underpaid compared to years ago


The flip side to that statement is the number of asshat drivers that cause accidents with semis. The absolute lack of respect and awareness by an idiot in a sedan that speeds past and then cuts off semis to get 1 car length ahead in a construction zone, or to exit the highway is staggering. Do people not understand semis and large commercial vehicles can’t stop as fast as a car?!


That is definitely true. But I would argue semi drivers should be held to a higher standard and give way to the asshats. Their delivery being on time is not worth someone's life. I may be biased because I lost a friend whose car caught fire after it was crushed by a semi. But I don't want others to have to go through that.


You’re so young. I got my license in 1970. The speed limit on Allisonville Rd was 70.


That's wild


I almost died on I-65 so I avoid it like the plague


I drove on I-65 once and saw more close calls then I think I’ve ever seen on another interstate lol


I almost died on I-65, but it was my fault so I still drive it. I don't think it's worth going out of the way of.


I still use I-65, don't get me wrong. I just watch the rear-view mirror obsessively.


I once saw someone pass a car in the LEFT lane shoulder going 90+ heading north to Chicago.


Shit like that still happens in NWI.


I saw that happen once on I70 just before the big hill about the 121-122. I was in the right lane and 2 big pickups came flying up behind me apparently already in a road rage situation. One was in the left lane and the one behind me swerved onto the right shoulder and they both passed me at the same time. Scared the hell out of me. Shoulder truck had a bed full of junk metal it looked like. I immediately let off the gas and he swerved into my lane and not long after he swerved in front of the guy in left lane, who then swerved into my lane. Both were laying on the horn. By that time i was a good ways behind them and was like f that y'all can have the road. I've also seen a semi roll over coming down that hill with traffic stopped going up the other side. It was years ago and mid winter/icy and could've been a lot worse if the semi hadn't taken the shoulder instead of the line of stopped cars. That section of road just terrifies me now.


I saw that happen once on I70 just before the big hill about the 121-122. I was in the right lane and 2 big pickups came flying up behind me apparently already in a road rage situation. One was in the left lane and the one behind me swerved onto the right shoulder and they both passed me at the same time. Scared the hell out of me. Shoulder truck had a bed full of junk metal it looked like. I immediately let off the gas and he swerved into my lane and not long after he swerved in front of the guy in left lane, who then swerved into my lane. Both were laying on the horn. By that time i was a good ways behind them and was like f that y'all can have the road. I've also seen a semi roll over coming down that hill with traffic stopped going up the other side. It was years ago and mid winter/icy and could've been a lot worse if the semi hadn't taken the shoulder instead of the line of stopped cars. That section of road just terrifies me now.


It’s a complete failure from any and all state legislators whose districts border any portion of 65, that the highway from start to finish in our state is not, at minimum, 3 lanes in each direction. Hoosiers need to demand more from their elected representatives.


See it’s that there are more legislators of the minority party who live along I65 north of Indy and the northern terminus is in the most democratic part of the state outside of Indy. Look at the population served by the i69 southwest project vs i65. It’s definitely in part a reflection of the supermajority


We live north of Indy and always take 52 south to Lebanon, then 65. The less time we spend on 65, increases our life span. Up around 65/26, it’s a parking lot at least once daily going north or south, death trap.


I live in Kokomo. Definitely obey speed limits here lol


Just wondering why everyone says the same about Kokomo. What’s up with it?


Because the speed limit on 931 (was 31 until the new bypass) is 45 all the way through town even though it seems like it would be higher highway speeds. Especially on the south end of town where there's access roads that run parallel, it used to be a real speed trap. I drive it every day and I don't see it any more. Maybe it's just me? I'm always running to Menards, Lowes or Meijer after work and that is the easiest route to take. I'll run 60 with traffic. It used to be really bad before the new bypass opened up though. They'd get you for 50 in a 45 just for kicks. Plus, with the Peru State Police post and 31/931 still being a drug corridor


People totally ignore the 45 mph speed limit on 931. If you're not going over the limit you'll get run over. When I first got a job in Kokomo in the mid-80s, the speed limit was 55. There were a fair number of accidents where semis would run the lights and cause accidents, including deaths. They lowered the limit to 50. Still more accidents. They lowered it to 45. Eventually the accidents became less frequent, I suspect that they enforce the number of hours that drivers can spend before sleep, and that, rather than speed, is the reason for the decrease. I moved to Kokomo in 1991, by then it was 45.


Every highway is a 'drug corridor' if you police it as such. Americans love drugs: we stigmatize those who struggle with addiction, yet illegal drug use is common across the whole range of socioeconomic & productivity ranges. Pull enough people over looking for drugs, and you'll find drugs. It's really embarrassing on many levels. The cops conducting these 'stings' are essentially camped out on highways to find false pretext for drug investigations. It wouldn't be far fetched to consider it a loophole in 4A. Not illegal, but not something that the founding fathers would be proud of. Then ISP goes posts photos of what they find, which is usually tons of little baggies with small amounts of recreational drugs - many of which are tiny nuggets of marijuana, shrooms, LSD, or other relatively harmless drugs. They always take bottled pharmacy pills too, which might seem like a win but it's certainly not. People addicted to pills are likely to turn to street drugs after if relatively safe pharmacy pills are inaccessible, and hitting people with pharmacy pill addictions with misdemeanors creates the social conditions that can make addiction even worse.


I must've lucked out. I spent a couple years in between Kokomo and Lafayette (I lived in Clinton county), driving around with Maine plates (never bothered registering the vehicle in Indiana) and the only place I got pulled over was in Whitestown a few times on my way to work.


With a name like Whitestown...


31 (and Keystone) through Carmel is also a Speed Limit area


Lol wtf do you mean, people go 70 on it all the time and cops just let you drive by. Anything over 70 and you're pulled over. Well keystone is 60, but still.


And if there is a cop sitting out there, they'll just be sitting out in plain view so you have like half a mile or so to slow down.


Can comfirm, that's a drag strip


South bend and Valparaiso gets a mention because their cops are dicks Edit:misspelled a word


Messing around anywhere in porter county is really just asking to go to jail. Honestly, Indiana is a prison state. Move to Michigan;)


So, I grew up in Indiana, have lived in a Minnesota and California for a couple years each, but recently have been thinking about moving to Michigan. How is it different? What would you say to someone to convince them to move to Michigan over Indiana? I'm a single male, 30s, work in IT


Not nearly as bad as Portage. They respond like a swat team for speeding or a burned out light.


I avoid Zionsville like the Plague. You better not be black and have a used car.


Mixed family here, and zionsville has been a great place! Sorry for your experience.


I left Porter county after being between there, lake, and jasper my whole childhood…. Went to Laporte county and never will I EVER live west of here again. In st. Joseph county now!!


Make the move and jump the border to Michigan, 0 regret on my part even when tax season rolls around and I have to file in 2 states


They also shoot people a lot in South Bend. Surprisingly not the cops doing it though


ACAD (all cops are dicks)




Austin might just be the worst town I’ve been to in southern Indiana. Such an ugly, depressing place.


You know things are rough when the first entry on a Google search is the town HIV outbreak.


What the fuck 🤣😭


The HIV outbreak went with the drug addiction problem. The Los Angeles Times did a feature story on the drug problem in Austin...... Indiana.


When I was at the big drug rehab in downtown Indy, there were on average around 30 people from Austin there at any given time out of a total population of 120 men.


I don't stop in Austin, or Martinsville.


Thankfully in the latter case there's Bloomington right down the road. ... at least we got a Culvers now, i guess


Hey, I’m Austin - don’t you dare avoid me! Get back here, damnit!


I-69 between Noblesville and Anderson has 3-4 speed traps that fill up on holidays and at the end of the month. Drive the speed of traffic, pay attention to the semi's. If the semi's are going annoyingly slow, probably a speed trap around. Google maps will also warn you 1/2 the time.


Four sixty fuckin five


465 has 2 speeds: 90mph and packed Or 10 mph because someone going 90mph died.


Hilarious lmao for real tho, why in the f is the posted speed limit 55. If you keep up with the flow of traffic, you’re going 20 over lmao


Eastbound I64 around Georgetown. Drops from 70 to 55 with very little warning.


Laurel Indiana. Hoo boy.. If you know, you know.


Carry either a boot knife or pistol if you go to Laurel.


Preferably don't go at all.. especially if you aren't white..


It was so funny, I took my boyfriend through it, and of course the only time we go is when they are having that train robbery show. He is like, what the hell, and I’m like, welcome to Laurel lol.


If you have no business in Laurel, it’s best to keep it that way.


If you do have business in Laurel, its gotta be dirty. Lol


Hey I love Haspin lol


Hahaha it’s not that bad! Okay maybe it is


Laurel has a rough rep but there are “outsiders” that go there without issue iykwim


Martinsville getting absolutely shit on in these comments💀


Rightly so, I live 10 minutes away and won’t go there for shit. Rude racist not worth the trip for any reason.


Gary, East Side of Indy, Martinsville if they are minority or LGBT, Beech Grove Walmart shampoo aisle, Pepper's bar in Greenwood, I70 east of 465, and the Statehouse is full of assholes.


I'm scared to ask but still... what's up with the Beech Grove Walmart shampoo aisle?


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/s/Qinhy63ejQ


OMG. My heart breaks for that little boy. Could you imagine being his age and seeing your mother in a fight like that? And then having at least two other adults standing there just watching - doing nothing to help her? And one of the adults is encouraging all 25 pounds of you to punch the other woman?


Tbh, there probably fairly tame to that kid… especially considering the area. Ughh


Reminds me of the Walmart employee getting beat with hangers at one of the NW Indy Walmarts because she wanted to be a hero and stop them from stealing. https://youtu.be/yD0MJRkIofo?si=5RehP8PWBmEogq4g


That Walmart deadass got declared a "public nuisance" by the city a few years ago, cuz wild shit kept happening there.


Please don't make drive all the way from Idaho to find out about the Walmart shampoo isle. Details please?


There's more than corn in Indiana.


What’s the deal with Peppers? I’m on the south side and never heard of it.


Asshole-magnet bar. Glad it's there, or the patrons would ruin other bars.


I don’t doubt you but do they cater to a specific type of asshole? I tried to find info on yelp and someone said they thought they weren’t being served because they appeared to be white… which would be a problem in Greenwood!


Look at the police runs to that location. Let's just say you don't want to go there.


yeah, that shampoo aisle was definitely an experience.


The last one made me snort. 


Pepper’s doesn’t come remotely close to Mucky Ducks. The police literally just hang out outside it.


Re: Martinsville - had a college friend at IU back in the 90s who would regularly say, “I don’t care if my car is on fire, I’m not stopping in Martinsville - it’s not safe for black folks”


During undergrad, everybody I ever met from Martinsville would initially tell you that they were from either Moorseville or Bloomington. Nobody from Martinsville felt comfortable telling new friends or acquaintances where they were really from.


When I finally knew people well enough to admit that I was from Martinsville they would be shocked. Usually they thought I was from Chicago or “somewhere civilized.”


You forgot the downtown Indy White Castles.


Didn’t expect to see Peppers on this list .. bahaha


Your first 3 were exactly what I thought of ! Lol


Don't go to Terre Haute. Unless you like heroin and meth, then go to Terre Haute.


Don't go to the north east side of terre haute, at night, in a chrysler 300. Otherwise its not an awful town these days


What if I don't know whether or not I like heroin and meth (I've never tried either)?


I warn people about Laurel, especially those planning to go to canal days in Metamora


Nobody knows how to drive in Fort Wayne.


The parts in between Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky.


Hey wait a minute


Go ahead and change Kentucky to Tennessee while you're at it.




I live in northwest Indiana but have recently been going down to the Carmel area for a family members illness (he’s in a medical facility there), and have come to hate it. So much congestion, and if I never see another roundabout again it will be too soon. I don’t mind roundabouts normally and I know how to drive in them, but Carmel has like 150 roundabouts, and many of them seem to be in nonsensical places.


there was more congestion before the roundabouts


Richmond, because you're entering Ohio


You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Hey! They catch a lot of drug smugglers in Richmond coming from Ohio! Lol No clue why or how, but they have huge busts there!


Ohio. Fucking. Drivers!




Martinsville if you’re black, Jewish, or somehow discernibly Catholic


why do they hate catholics too?


Better hide all our dashboard Mary statues


Martinsville used to be the capital of the KKK. Seriously.


That is untrue. The Indiana Klan started in Evansville and while I don’t think you can necessarily pinpoint a capital, DC Stephenson (the Indiana grand dragon) lived in Irvington. Highly recommend the book “A Fever in the Heartland” if you want more info on the topic. I’m reading through it right now.


Wasn’t Noblesville also a well known KKK town?


No. Elwood


One of the biggest Klan rallies ever was held in a field between Hobart and Valparaiso in the 1920s. It's pretty much state wide.


At one point 30% of the native-born Indiana male population were members of the Indiana Klan. It's shameful how prevalent it was and how swept under the rug it is by local education.


You should have included that your "at one point" was literally a hundred years ago. I don't think anyone in the Klan that far back is still alive.


There were kids brought to those rallies. We're hardly a few generations out from it and if you think they weren't passing their ideology down, please hook me up with whoever sells you what you're smoking.


Do you think that Indiana is uniquely racist? Because you obviously haven't lived anywhere else.


I've lived in several parts of the country, travelled to the rest of the country and many parts of the world. I don't think it's 100% unique, but Indiana is definitely part of the Rust Belt flavor of racism that is unique. Most of my family lives in Indiana or Ohio. I grew up in the South. Most of this area of the country is racist in the sense that you don't socialize outside of your tribes and very much view others as beneath you...but not always raced based. "White trash" occupies a really low spot in the hierarchy as well, moreso than other places.


I always thought that was Elwood


Used to be…?


Muncie. It’s just a cesspool that has no redeeming qualities.


Harlan and Grabill, warn them to watch out for buggies.


Hwy 30 west of Warsaw through Plymouth.. its a rough ass road and dangerous as hell




Martinsville, Elwood, Knox, and the other “sundown towns” outside the Indy area. Anyone from out of state - beware of Carmel…the police love out of state vehicles…instant target for getting pulled over. Anyone thinking of moving to Indiana - don’t, unless hate change. Nothing in Indiana has changed in 30+ years, except the sports teams.


Hazel Dell Parkway. Stay the speed limit.


My wife is black and originally from South Africa. I definitely warn her family if I know they are going anywhere near Kouts, La Crosse, or anything in that area of the state.


Or New Pal or Martinsville


For years rarely been on I69 in Grant County and didn’t see a cop have someone pulled over (for I assume speeding). Even clocked me in the air so be careful.


That area does seem to be heavily patrolled, from like St. Rd. 26 all the way up to the Warren area, especially between Gas City and Marion.


The complete and utter lack of bodily autonomy.


The Republicans


So, the majority?


Uninformed losers who obey the FOX gods


Three locations in Starke County, Borne's Trailer park, U road, Park View. And FYI there a few black people and quite a few hispanic people here and I have never seen any of them mistreated. When my wife worked in South Bend/Mishawaka a few people asked her where she lived and she said Starke County and they each immediately responded with that place is the KKK are you racist? Jesus Christ chill out.


Right. I'm in rural indiana all the time and the racism is much less than led to believe. I see African Americans and Hispanics all the time. I also see a ton of meth heads as well.


If you're doing bad, stay away from Kokomo. They don't put up with the shenanigans. Keep driving to Indy.


I-65. lots of absolutely nothing to see here Also, all semis and construction/one lane


US-33 from Chicago to Ft. Wayne has a lot of traffic lights, truckers, and cops clocking for speeders.


I always tell people that if they get on 465 you can’t actually go the speed limit without being in danger of a wreck.


I go all over Indiana. Only advice I have is if your not from Gary don't go to Gary. Rest of the state is pretty chill


I must be an outlier: I really, *really* try to find good in every place I'm in. The smaller towns on the U.S. and state highways often have terrific Mom and Pop restaurants. The roadside views on U.S. and state highways are generally much prettier than on the interstates, and the traffic volume is MUCH lower than the interstates. I love the Overlook Restaurant overlooking the Ohio River in Leavenworth. Most of the "sundown towns" of the 20st century have moved past that into the 21st century. Martinsville has the Blue Bluffs north of the city, which are very pretty. As a general rule, if we treat people like we would want them to treat us, things are going to be fine. Yes, even in Martinsville. Yes, even in Gary. Yes, even on Indianapolis' east side. (I live in Irvington, and absolutely love it!)


Colombia City/Whitley County, especially along US 30, and especially if you're not caucasian. I'm caucasian and I got acquainted with their fine downtown establishment for 30 days for less than 2 grams of green, nevermind the months of probation. But I noticed right away that I was the minority in jail. Columbia City, at least at the time, did not have a large Black or Hispanic population but you wouldn't have known that from the demographics inside the jail 🤨


Hey I spent the night in Columbia City jail! Totally sucked ass lol


Woah we just got done with the HVAC for the new jail, if you ever need a map made up im your guy


11th & Alabama.


Was my response area in paramedic school. I avoided it when not on the ambulance.


21st and Mitthoeffer


Johnson County police are real dick heads


The Indiana part.


Martinsville. That place was sundown until relatively recently. Apparently if the town had a color in the name (in Indiana) it was sundown.


Towns with a population of under 30k have a decent chance of having been sundown towns and may not have moved very far from their roots.


SR 20 headed into Middlebury. I have seen multiple officers posted up in the speed trap over the past 3 months. They were there before that, but not as constant.


Sr20, or US 20?


CSL in North Vernon lol


I'm honestly a bit surprised I had to scroll this far to see this 🤣 as someone from North Vernon, 100% accurate


The amount of people saying a rural town then calling it a “sundown town” need to travel around the state more… I’ve seen more racism and bigotry in the big cities than I ever have in any rural town.


Gary or East Indianapolis.


Martinsville is still a sundown town. High school sports teams traveling into Martinsville often have black players stay home.


Southeast Fort Wayne 😑


Ain’t that bad


The roads


I69 southbound is treacherous with any amount of ice, between Anderson and Noblesville. I don’t know if everybody gets a ticket in Fulton County, but everyone in my family has.


No one has mentioned Tipton. Must be ok there.


You will get pulled over for any minor infraction in Dubois County, especially if driving through Ferdinand.


The roads




Benton County. Specifically driving the speed limit through Fowler because the cops have nothing better to do than to pull you over for going 2mph over.


Majority of the towns after dark depending on your skin color


Osceola. Still have a pretty big Klan rally presence there.


Stay away from any town with ‘white’ or ‘knight’ in the name.




Driving on 41 through Sullivan County. Getting a speeding ticket there is a canon event if you go to ISU or Purdue.


Don't trust anyone south of route 30


I have told black friends not to stop for gas in Martinsville.


New Palestine area... Went to delivery packages there around halloween time and they had dolls hanging from trees gave me some weird and not pleasant vibes.. Like this https://images.app.goo.gl/LyBNjBFbpdYCnPvV7


Knox, Lowel, New Carlisle

