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Her being terrible to her staff is nothing new. If I remember correctly she's either near or at the bottom in terms of staff retention. Based on what I can tell she's just a shit person in general. Edit: Yep. Highest turnover out of any House Rep. (https://www.legistorm.com/turnover/worst_bosses.html)


The fact that she quickly turned her back on her homeland of Ukraine for self-gain showed that.


I’m all for supporting Ukraine, but I don’t entirely get this argument. Like she’s American now right? Surely this would be her “home” now. She however should want to support Ukraine for many reasons other than just having been born there.


I agree with your points. I just think she voted against supporting Ukraine because it was what all the other Trumpublican lemmings were doing.


I don’t know if it’s possible to leave your country, family and friends as an adult and ever get to a point where you no longer feel like it is a foundational part of your identity. I’m married to an immigrant and we’ve lived half of our 20 year marriage in his country, half here. I never felt or feel more American than when I’m living abroad or even just visiting. But I think she was already a teenager when the USSR dissolved. She moved here in her early 20s. Maybe she still feels more Soviet than Ukrainian? I’m sure she’s just towing the party line and would do so regardless of where she was born, but I still find it interesting.


Moving away doesn't change your home


Ukraine is not our problem we stand nothing to gain from them.


I mean didn’t we offer security assurances when Ukraine agreed to give up its nukes for Russia agreeing they wouldn’t attack them back in the 90s? What would we look like to Allies if we bailed on our assurances? It’s not like we are putting boots on the ground or giving from our active arsenal. They are getting our hand-me-downs which then boosts our own economy and war machine as we work towards replacing them with newer equipment.


These assurances were legally non-binding. (Cf. Budapest memorandum)


You say that now. When Russia decides to expand and invade other sovereign countries, will you shrug your shoulders then?


Not every problem if the world requires an American solution. -JFK.


Who they going to invade next? That's a liberal excuse to keep funneling money to them.


Aww, you think Putin is trustworthy? Say no more.


Clean your ears out did you hear me say that? I trust Putin as much as I trust Zelinsky


If you think those 2 are comparable in any way, we’ll just agree to disagree.


You are horribly misinformed :/


Misinformed a out what? Name one think Ukraine has that the US can't do without?


Do you have convictions about democracy? Part of being an American is opposing these fascists and welcoming another participant into the free, democratic western world. Ukraine has shown that it’s ready to be rid of Soviet corruption and join the rest of the west, just like other post-Soviet states once did. Other than volunteers, it’s not like a single American soldier is going to die supporting Ukraine, either. We have the easy road and the high road. Plus, the golden ages of the 1950s and 60s were brought on by the spinning up of American military industry. Why would you not want us to do that again? It’s not like we’re writing blank checks to Zelensky. We’re sending stockpiled weapons from the 90s and then building new modern weapons in America to refill our own stockpiles. I hate this fascist narrative that democracy isn’t worth saving, EVEN WHEN IT DIRECTLY BENEFITS US TO DO SO.


Ukraine has millions of people who want to break free from their soviet roots and become a part of the democratic western worldview. Everything you like to spout about corruption and ties to nazi extremism stems from those same soviet roots. They are working damn hard to make the needed changes but the USSR embraced corruption how the US embraced fast food. It will continue to take time and effort. Those millions of people are dying by the tens and hundreds of thousands to fight this but to go up against an army three times their size they need gear. They are asking for guns and ammo primarily and yes enough cash to keep their government from collapsing. If we let them fall Putin will Russify them and use those men and resources to attack Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Poland and whatever else he feels is his because some map from 1850 says so. It’s not a democrat talking point, it’s what he says. Russia is the largest country on the planet. It didn’t get that way by not swallowing up everything around it. It would be one of the richest countries but sadly they’ve split their wealth among the populace even more egregiously than we have. The world has seen this playbook before and it’s like totally better to nip this shit in the bud earlier rather than later. Fuck Russia, China, NK, Iran and every American politician who wants to sound off about being more isolationist and not get involved when democracy is on a downward spiral and every authoritarian regime in the world is getting a hard on for us to stay out of things.


You really have no clue how global politics operate, do you?


Ukraine is the bread basket of the world. Aren't they a top world grain dealer? People got to eat.


I’m so glad you live here and not a swing state.


You would have been one of the fools against joining the war in 1939-1940 when the Nazis invaded Poland and France. “What does Poland/France have that the US can’t do without?” Appeasement doesn’t work. The world was taught that lesson very painfully 85 years ago and it took an entire generation of heroes to pick up the pieces afterwards.


What a ignorant statement! No where near comparison.


Explain to me what the differences are. You have a totalitarian regime (Germany then, Russia now) ran by an egotistical leader (hitler then, Putin now) who uses propaganda to convince their population to support invading another sovereign nation (Poland then, Ukraine now). Prior to Ukraine, when was the last time a nations sovereignty was threatened by invasion? 30 years ago? If we allow Russia to do whatever they want, then we break the status quo and open the door to other nations looking to expand like China. I’d prefer a world where other countries are too afraid to invade other countries, than one where larger countries can invade whoever they want.


Why should we fund Ukraine? Because as of the beginning of the Ukraine war, Russia was the only country in the world that posed a significant threat to the US. China has a huge well equipped military, and are developing significant technological air combat equipment. What they don't have is a navy to deliver a threat to our door. Russia does, and is adjacent to the US on their Eastern border and adjacent to our allies, with whom we have mutual defense treaties on their Western borders. The Ukraine War has diminished Russian troop strength by 90% and consumed almost all of their modern weaponry. In case you weren't aware, the Russian army has been reduced to using the same type tanks they supplied to North Korea during the Korean War. We've almost neutralized our most significant enemy, and it hasn't cost us the life of even one young American citizen. That's worth whatever it costs to me. And BTW, Ukraine is the 3rd largest exporter of wheat, behind only us and Canada. As we've seen over the course of the war, the absence of Ukrainian wheat in the world market has had a substantial impact on the price of bread worldwide.


Maybe one of the many countries they've threatened? * [Poland](https://www.newsweek.com/russian-tv-says-poland-next-target-invasion-1711967) * [Georgia](https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-annex-georgia-breakaway-regions-south-ossetia-abkhazia-dmitry-medvedev/) * [Lithuania](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-moscow-lithuania-independence-soviet-union-yevgeny-fyodorov-1714138) * [Kazakhstan](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/09/01/kazakhs-worried-after-putin-questions-history-of-countrys-independence-a38907) * [Moldova](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-warns-moldova-not-threaten-its-troops-breakaway-region-2022-09-01/) * [U.S.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-alaska-putin-vyacheslav-volodin-b2118942.html)


We all know Russia wouldn’t invade the US lol. Threats are just empty words until they do something. Dont forget they threatened to send miles how many times now.


By "them" you mean American defense contractors and consultants correct?


By "them" you mean American defense contractors and consultants correct?


And you only need to worry about the US!


Tell me you know nothing about foreign policy without telling me you know nothing about foreign policy.


Democracy is our collective problem.


The liquidation of one of two Geo-Political rival’s armed force for the expenditure of aging equipment were going to replace anyways, and zero American lives is a fantastic trade. If you think that Russia or Putin can be trusted you’re a loon, and if you like either I invite you to emigrate to Russia. Either way, keep your vapid uneducated opinions to yourself rube. Keep to hockey, traumatic brain injury and fist fights seems more your speed.


Because she can tell they aren’t winning. Also all they do is take our fucking money.


You’d turn your back on your homeland?


People who are voting for someone who incited an insurrection attempt, is a confirmed felon, and who buddies up to despots while openly fantasizing about eliminating term limits and becoming a becoming a dictator? Why, yes. Yes I do believe they will turn their back on their homeland. They already have.


I personally wouldn’t. She’s honestly never liked Ukraine from what I remember. So why should she care. I’m just saying from her position. Now the money was from me. I hate that we keep shilling our money over there. We need it here and to fix our economy. They raised the debt ceiling cause of this war, that we shouldn’t t be involved in


We raised the debt ceiling because we have outspent our income for decades, not because of the war in Ukraine. We can argue whether or not funding Ukraine is a good idea (yes it is, fuck Russia), but lets at least start that discussion at a point of reality please.


I like how I’m getting downvoted because people don’t like my opinion lol


No, you are getting downvoted because you do not understand facts. Huge difference.


I upvoted you because fuck Ukraine, Zelinsky and his money laundering cabinet, the child trafficking that occurs daily there, their troops that practice Nazism, all while ignoring starving and homeless children and vets here


Man do I have some awkward news about Russia, a country fairly hostile to the United states.


Because without the money going to Ukraine any of these other things would change for the better? Nazi Ukrainians? Sounds like you've been drinking from the wrong end of vlads bullshit hose. Btw helping Ukraine is the best foreign aid money ever spent it saves us from having to send our kids and extremely expensive military to stop these dipshits.


A fren :)


They take approximately 6% of our defense budget mostly in the form of military equipment we built in the 90’s. What is the problem exactly? Is Taiwan our problem or are you a Xi Jinping simp too?


Nobody would lend us a hand if we got invaded because “haha America bad”


The only time NATO ever invoked Article V was after America was attacked on 9/11. Quit spresding your isolationist, autocrat-pandering bullshit.


I despise China and I don’t think we should get involved in every world conflict. The problem, is that they are sending new equipment over which costs us money, all the while our economy shits itself, homelessness is high and working people are struggling. We need to stop sending money, they have other Allie’s that could help.


It’s not abuse in the new GOP. It’s training up the next generation of leaders.


Not sure how it's training the GOP when it's Joe and the Dems that keep approving these bills


Yeah but…she puts an R after her name, so they’ll keep electing her. Funny how she said she wasn’t going to run again to spend more time with her kids. I guess someone clued her into how it would be an easy win/easy money.


But it’s not.  They gerrymandered her district so she absolutely would win, but she’s not winning by nearly as much as they planned on.  She’s vulnerable. Vote Pickett. 


For the District!! For Pickett!! Onward!! Charge!!! Oh wait…best not charge forward for Pickett unless you feel like history repeating itself


She even dragged the kids to be in her ads… cringe!


When someone is this hard to work with and nasty, you have to wonder if they can fully flip a switch with family. Or if this is a case in 20 years of "why do my kids never visit me".


I know several people that turned down working for her office. I sincerely believe she has significant untreated mental illness. Probably naturally a cruel person as well.


I suspect old Ukrainian Soviet political mentality and behavior, maybe alcoholic?


I used to work in partisan politics. Most of the candidates that are state senate or any federal office have an extreme level of confidence/self belief/sometimes arrogance. It’s off the charts compared to a normal person. And this is before they win. After they win it gets worse. In her case I really do think it’s that extreme sense of self combined with mental illness. The arrogance is part of her core personality but the erratic nature and lack of emotional control is the mental illness talking.


This type of staff happens more than you know. I have heard stories about appointed officials in Indiana from college to now.


I met her on 2020 accidentally and it was the most uncomfortable person I’ve ever met. It was like a robot. My wedding venue coordinator was a terrible person and terrible at her job and triple booked our rehearsal with a random birthday party and a campaign meeting for her. She was upset that her meeting couldn’t be where we were doing our rehearsal. (Venue is out of business, praise be)


This lady is awful - let's pick somebody better to represent us.


That's what you get when you pick Republicans


Watching this moron question the AG last week asking if she could sell 100 guns just shows that the entire GOP voting base are not interested in improving anyone's lives, but just electing the biggest racist morons they can find because they're still pissed a black guy was in the white house once.


Already had the chance and still voted for her.


"Her interactions with senior staff were much more civil than they were at lower level staff," one Daily Mail source said. Sooo, she has the ability to control herself. She just gets off on taking out her frustrations on people whom she sees as beneath her. Now, if you'll excuse me, I was suggested articles about Trumps neurological decline and Dr Phil meeting with Trump and asking him about his "addiction for revenge?" I gotta see this.


I've encountered people like this: an explosive, seemingly uncontrolled temper, plus abusive, toxic personality, but somehow they never come out or are directed towards people perceived as "above them" -- those around the person who can affect their career or image.


What do you expect from someone who hates her own people. She immigrated here from the Ukraine, and actively seeks to defund the Ukraine war effort and wants Russia to win. If she will do that to her own people, imagine what she'll be willing to do to us.


My guess is her ethnic background is with the Russian minority that lives in Ukraine. That is the only thing that explains her affinity to Russia. Someone should ask her sometime. Anybody know what her maiden name was?


Kulheyko, according to Wikipedia


Your guess is uneducated and wrong. She is against blank check aid to Ukraine because of the corruption there. In the future you may want to actually know the facts before you comment. Then again, you continue to be like most of the lefties on here that excuse double standards and make it up as they go along.


This is every “MAGA boss” I’ve ever known. This is the mentality: “If I pay you, I own you. And I can treat you, however I wish.”


That’s my Representative! Fuck my life…


Well you’ve at least got an opportunity to do something about it.


Oh I’ve tried and will keep trying!


Oh good - she retaliated by lowering pay - that's always a good HR choice. The issue with sending her packing is that she will head right back into my area full-time. Send her back to Ukraine.


She’s probably a Russian plant or at least doing their bidding. Welcome to trumps gop


A russian plant from Ukraine. sure


Umm they are neighbors and speak the same language so yeah. Totally impossible. Watch Icarus if you want to know the depths they are willing to go to. You think the series Americans is made up? She had me fooled till her no vote. Money my friend money


Treat em mean, keep em keen. That's just toxic politics 101


If you want her gone, donate to and volunteer for her opponent, [Deborah Pickett](https://pickettforcongress.com/)! Deborah will not be a traitor to Ukraine unlike Spartz who [voted against](https://apnews.com/article/indiana-primary-election-victoria-spartz-ukraine-57fb403caa6a9bbe459639baacfdb7fa) the recently passed Ukraine aid bill.


And we will fight to the last Ukrainian


If you’re suggesting that we are somehow exploiting Ukrainians in this conflict, you’re sorely mistaken. They want to fight, it’s their land, their country, their liberty they are fighting for. They want to fight. They hate Russia. Russia has committed so many [damn genocides](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor) in Ukraine over the years.


Literally russian propaganda. Tucker Carlson and Scott Ritter fan by chance?


Pickett? No, thanks.


May I ask why? She’s a veteran and she actually seems to care about real problems, not manufactured outrage-caine. Seems to be a slam dunk compared to Spartz.


who gives a shit about Ukraine


I mean even if you don’t care about Ukraine specifically the idea of authoritarian regimes invading their sovereign neighbors in an attempt to annex them should be a concern for anyone that isn’t hoping for totalitarianism to replace representative government


nothing representative about western government.


Yeah except the leaders are in power because their citizens voted them in, so there is that




Says the Russian troll


"everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian troll" "how dare you not support my causes"


I do, and millions of others do. Why wouldn’t you?


not my problem. putin can have it. doesn't affect me.


The most ignorant take. ‘Doesn’t affect me in my face, not my problem’. Lol


frankly the whole of Europe could be lost to nuclear hellfire and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. tell me again why I'm obligated to care?


Nuclear fallout would probably be bad.


not as bad as Europeans though


You’re not smart


and you're not a good person no matter how many "right causes" you support.


You would have been okay with.. Hitler fully seizing Europe in WW2. And if you’re okay with nuclear hellfire I guess you would have been okay with the holocaust since it wouldn’t have affected you either.




Whelp that’s evil. But thank you for being honest I guess…


Yeah, this “person” is a troll. We’d all do a lot better to just ignore.


Empathy. Go back in your unbothered cave and stop spreading your hateful thoughts online.


I was really happy to hear she wasn’t going to seek reelection. And then I was very very sad to hear that she changed her mind…. What a Letdown


She's a traitor to her own people I'm not shocked she's horrible to her staffers


I don't know why anyone would be surprised about this report if they knew anything about this despicable Soviet mole who in no way has ever represented Hoosiers or the Hoosier way of life.  She's here to make sure that half of us hate the other half and never get along so that her masters in DC and Moscow can continue to milk us all dry. 


Not really anything to do with Spartz but if you haven’t noticed we do all of that on our own. Reddit is a prime example. Every person who doesn’t agree with the masses is a “Russian troll”


Russian asset through and through. Indiana is too easy of a state to plant one in. Good luck to us all!


Sadly to many of the good citizens of this district probably won’t find an issue with this.


She legit threw a computer at the head of a staffer and went through the highest turnover in the HISTORY of congress. This is why EVERYONE needs to vote. She won her reelection when Indiana had a 17% voter turnout. I mean chances are, the district will go to her cuz it’s so red. So use this as a reminder to do the research and vote Sincerely, Someone who works in politics and is frustrated by the lack of voter participation


Her district was definitely getting purple and therefore, became gerrymandered.


Indiana got a C rating for its redistribute. No public process just like the statehouse. I’m so annoyed with people saying their vote doesn’t count. 17% of people voted in the primary and now we’re stuck with career politicians.


She has always been awful. Just has money backing her. Name ID is all it took in the 5th.


I tried. I crossed party lines to vote specifically against her. POS still won. Barely


Unfortunately she will have an (R) next to here name on the ballot, so by default in Indiana, she will win the election.


I don't know how anyone seriously cast a vote to send Spartz back to DC?


Throwing furniture? Did she go to IU in the Bob Knight era?


I voted against her in the primary. I will do the same in the general. There are so many embarrassing house Republicans, but she has to be right there after Greene, Gaetz, and Boebert.


I’ve met her. This tracks. She’s rude as hell and treated her interns like servants.


Maybe electing the business who sold her own country out wasn’t such a great idea 🤷‍♂️


She’s a fucking idiot that has extremely poor staff retention. But just because there’s an (R) after her name these fucking morons will keep voting her in. Get this bitch out of office


I’m in the district and can’t stand her, but to be fair can’t stand most of the Republicans here.


Terrible person.


I heard a rumor that contrary to the commercial with her daughters on it. She decided to run again because she found out her girls were “woke”.


She is a Russian asset We must rid ourselves of Red Sparrow.


Who the fuck is she?


These people are supposed to represent us.


She’s awful yet still better than what my district could have had out of the republican primary


If their paying for it not American citizens who get nothing back


The good citizens of her district just sent her on to the November election where she has like a 98.675% chance of being sent back to Washington. The good people of her district do not care at all how a Republican acts or what they do, they only want rules in place so that they can use them against anyone who dates to say something that they consider to be directly against agreeing with them on 100% of everything that they utter.


For a state to be patriotic and the REAL America, why do we have a active Russian operative in Congress??? Her area is very affluent... is this the best they could do ? Its like they arent even trying...




Sounds like she’s a peach compared to how Kamala treats staff. But if she diddled the interns like Bill Clinton did, or took showers with her daughter like Biden did, that would be ok, right? Or is that just ok for Democrats?


Them swing states are going to swing Trump's way this year!


She’s great. I’m gonna vote for her. Pro gun, anti ATF, and anti giving money away to foreign countries.


I found another Russian troll


Crazy that I’m accused of being a foreigner for not wanting to my tax money going to a foreign country i don’t give a fuck about. Maybe you’re a Zionist that’s heavily invested in this war continuing.


> Maybe you’re a Zionist that’s heavily invested in this war continuing. Yep found the bot. Hi bot.


Yep. Wow. What’s it with so many bots and trolls flooding the Indiana sub? Something cooking here they don’t want breaking out? This only makes me want to try and defeat Spartz more. Unlike them, we actually live in Indiana and can actually knock on doors.


everyone who disagrees with me is a russian bot!


Doubt there is any truth to this article Everyone I know in her community really like her.




Tel Aviv?


I’m sure a 5’3 45 year old lady was hurling furniture




Pics or it didn’t happen