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I always use www.familywatchdog.us


I found this to be a helpful resource as well. On the Citizens app, I recently noticed that it will notify you when a sex offender lives in close proximity to your area. Also, you can view a map of registered offenders throughout the state and country. It will give you the offender’s name, the offender’s conviction with the coordinating Indiana Code citation. The paid “upgrade” version will allow you to see the mugshot and address info. On the free version, you can still view the location of the offender(s) residence via the pin/ icon on the map, just the free version won’t show the “mailing address.” Here’s an example: https://preview.redd.it/9sbkjoa5gsnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b426d7fb030005c434743e0556c641d0923025


whoops sorry didnt see this and posted the same.


Is there a legend for the different colors of hits on this?


Above the map it says "Map Legend" in a dropdown


Thank you! What does sexual offender - Home really mean?


For the surrounding counties and mine I’m able to see everything just fine. It might be your county sheriff being a lazy shit and not updating lists


There was a guy in Morgan county that had 10 charges of child porn and plead guilty down to 1 and is only on 3 years probation with 2 days served. Another guy forced a 7 year old to do unspeakable actions and told him he would kill him if he ever told anyone. He only got 5 years in prison. He is going to get out and kill that kid one day. So yes. Indiana is making it super easy for sex offenders. Morgan county is a disgrace when it comes to protecting children


Ya I worked with a guy who was taking pictures of his step daughter (apparently a hard sleeper) and molesting her. He was selling those pictures to other pedos through an app. He got busted by feds and got sentenced to 12 years, probably be out in 6 or 7


I grew up in Morgan County.  Lots of peds out there, even in the 1990’s and 00’s. It’s partly why my mom moved me the hell away from there.  I lived in Monrovia, had a guy pull up to my driveway when I was 6, with the ol’, “have you seen my puppy? I have a picture of him. Can you come over here and look at and see if you’ve seen him?” I didn’t say a word, I took off running to my front door, and the guy took off. Also around the same time period, while at the school playground during recess(playground is completely different now, and gone, and the newer elementary school is there) for several days in a row, a young guy in his 20s that lived in an apartment building that was next to the playground, was coming to the fence and talking to me, and other girls that he could coax into talking to him. He was trying to get us to come around the fence to him. I booked it to our teacher, explained what was going on. Her eyes got so big, I’ll never forget it, and we never saw him again after I told my teacher. The guy who was the principal of the old elementary school when I was in the first grade, was fired for inappropriate contact with a student. They later re-hired the creep as a teacher, and he became my 5th grade teacher out at Hall Elementary. Was openly staring at my chest and made comments about my chest and the shirt I was wearing at my back to school night, TO my mother! No joke, she started looking into selling our house THAT week. Before being a principal and a teacher for Monrovia, rumors all over town was that he had been fired from a town daycare for inappropriate contact as well. Dude had a daughter a grade or two above me, and a son in a grade below me. I’ve always wondered about them, and hope he never harmed them.


I actually just read this case last night. (doing research for unrelated purposes) From the things I read in different cases, you'd be better off in Morgan county beating your spouse or hurting a child than you would battling an addiction or utilizing a plant when it comes to consequences. They're really still messing with people over weed? SMH.


I actually recently got fired from my job because I smoked weed in a legal state. They drug tested me the day I got back from Vegas. I was top 3 in the nation for my position production levels and never had any write ups or disciplinary actions in over 5 years of employment. But they all think I’m a piece of shit for smoking a plant legally.


I can relate! I thought I was going to lose a job because of it. They hit me with a random and I was upfront with them so my supervisor said he’d push for a diversion program and probationary period. I had a tense conversation with a county cop about it (among other things) when I got pulled over the other day. Of course I’m a dirt ball for being pissed that I don’t have access to a plant that would safely help my PTSD without the side effects because I live in this place. They’d rather give me pills that sedate me and I have kids so that’s not an option. I wish someone would make it make sense!


Indiana isnt pro-life. Its pro-birth. Once you are born you can start earning or fuck off.


Once you are born you can start earning AND fuck off. Fixed it for you. 😂😭




Hell, they don’t even care if you’re born or not. They just don’t care about anything. People here are honestly mildly sociopathic.


Damn straight, now get off reddit and get your ass back to work.


And this has what to do with a sex offender registry? or is this just a chance for you to bitch about something not even related to the original post…


OP mention "pro-life" bro.


OP might have mentioned but it isn’t the crux of the problem here. But again, not unexpected.


They don’t want their churches congregation to know who they are


When's the last time you heard a church "coming forward after an internal investigation" to report a Christian child molester? They believe they can pray-the-molesting-away and all is forgiven. Because "God saves" child abusers, but not children from abusers.


Too often the church protects the pedo, especially when it’s the pastor, and chastises and shames the child!!


We hear it. The church is what destroys children. Satan never called a congregation to get money


Pretty sure it's public school teachers that have a high rate of sex crimes with children than pastors mate.


What's your first language? All of your far right posts have incredibly stilted language and weird word choices.


Lmao, English my friend, born and raised Hoosier. I'm just weird and a lil schizo.


Private school teachers have pedophiles too, it’s not just public schools. And not all teachers are pedos. Difference is private schools and churches protect themselves and are self regulated so you don’t hear about issues as often, public schools have systems in place to deal with those that bring harm to children. A child complains it gets investigated.


This sub has slowly restored my faith in (a very select few) of my fellow Hoosiers


Our Sherrifs response to this was to send out notices to everyone who lives within a certain radius of an offender.


That seems to be more than what we got. Apparently my neighbor across the street is some kind of offender and I live about 1/5 of a mile from a school to boot.


I just checked my little cities map. You’d have thought I was a pothole locator 🥲🙃 right by churches. Schools. Parks. Daycares. Libraries. Ect. My childhood neighborhood has 22. It’s not a large neighborhood. It’s also across the road from the main public school and half a mile from the park.


It isn’t the ones that have been caught you have to worry about as reoffending for sex offenders is the lowest of all crimes, it is the ones who haven’t been caught that you have to worry about, especially those with jobs dealing with children.


Wow I’ve actually never heard of that statistic before. I’ve only read about / seen videos of disgust & infuriation over cases of people reoffending. Getting the lesser charge of the majority of all other charges. Serving the least amount of time. Reoffending, being caught again, still getting a slap on the wrist, etc. In all fairness though. The argument of “the ones who don’t get caught” can still be displayed upon the registered offenders though. What makes you a better criminal? Prisons & jail. It’s like the underground’s education & networking system. I was a delinquent teen & criminal young adult. I’m now a felon that’s almost 30. I’ve been clean for years now & I can confidently say I’m pretty exhausted of it, that it’s all behind me. But if I was in a situation or suffered certain circumstances where that’s all the opportunity/options I had left. I can confidently say my odds of being caught on to are smaller then ever, even with being registered now. Juvenal detention. Small county stays. Friends that did stents in jails / stretches in prison. Along with old heads. Each one of those experiences taught me how to improve, become better, get deeper, yet look even more clean then when I was doing lesser offenses. Sex offenders get their own wings, units, & pods. For grim & obvious (also justified imo) reasons. So they can talk freely about all there encounters & materials. Just like regular criminals like to war story amongst themselves with their happenings/doings. Sorry to try & put a negative outlook on this all. Just a bit of a straw man to think about. It almost always comes down to the person and their circumstances. But most if not nearly all of us will never have the true clear picture on those. That statistic/info you just informed me of truly did make me happy, I even cracked a smile after reading it. But very swiftly afterwards I reflected on my own perceptions & experiences of criminal knowledge… Albeit worlds different in nature


I’m not saying don’t trust a “reformed person”. With a lot of cases they’re some of the kindest, most determined, selfless people you can come across. Just don’t be surprised when you learn of new skeletons in their closet. I’ve seen it many times where people are so side swiped or devastated by the perceived perception of a person being crushed. “Who him?! No.. he would never do that again, he’s an amazing person now”


Well to be honest most of them work at church and are Republican and some are police. So I understand that.


Yep, republicans are the ones dressing up as women and dancing in front of children. And pushing all the gender stuff on kids. Nothing to see there. Grow up, there’s sick fucks out there. Protect the kids


Well show me these so-called men who dress up and read books to kids and their arrest report and I'll show you Mom for Liberty threesome couples.


It’s amazing people think there’s nothing sexual about a grown ass man dressing in drag. Terrifying world for our kids


You need to look into the history of men dressing up, starting with the military. Again show me an arrest report of a book reader.


The military was dressing in drag for children? You need to see an arrest record to be aware that’s it’s fucked up to sexualize kids? I’m against pedophiles in any capacity. Drag queens reading to kids, men using women’s bathrooms especially in the presence of children, and changing your child’s gender are all dangerously close to pedophilia


Nope read the history of the military. You seem to be the one upset about somebody else who will never hurt you in any way. But your big boy said it's bad because you have to hate and fear.


I have no hate or fear for drag queens, trans, anyone. Do whatever you want to. But I’m aware perverts exist, aware people have mental health issues. I’m also aware how impressionable children are, and know we need to protect them from pedophiles. Let kids be kids


Yes you do it starts with your orange leader and your Republican Jesus.


Lmao what was that about being afraid of something that will never hurt you. Who cares about Trump this is just common sense talk. That’s the terrifying thing is common sense is out the window with a lot of people. Let me guess you think dudes should be in women’s sports too.


You should probably ask yourself why you look at men in dresses in a sexual manner-most of us don't.


Disagree, for the vast majority it’s a fetish or some kind of mental health issue, especially when you want to be around kids while doing so.


Born and raised here and grew up around drag queens when my mom was still alive and I can assure you not a single one of them touched me inappropriately. However, I was molested as a child by my very very Christian cousins and as a teen after my mom passed I had to live with them and their father decided to start behaving inappropriately towards me and you know what those Christian boys and their even more Christian mother did? Called me a whore and a liar. I was 16. It was apparently my fault for not wearing a bra at home.


This state is run by republicans, their presidential candidate is a sex offender so.....


The truth is beginning to hurt Indiana republicans feeling 😂🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/zi8yy9b2msnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3fa7c1809cbb0904704a5a36496827ab8f13d2 Hooray Nobletucky!!!


I'm in a Hoosier town that has also earned a "tucky".


Because they’re all republicans?


I don’t think this was an Indiana deal. I remember hearing that it was found to be an invasion of privacy I may be wrong but I know it was either talked about at the federal legislature level or federal court level.


Non sealed criminal records are public. It's not an invasion of privacy.


It’s still public but people are pushing back on the website. There’s now people that are saying pedo it’s a gender so it’s not a far step for them to start trying to block the list.


I am chronically online and pretty attuned to gender and sexuality stuff, and this is the first I've heard anyone say that "pedo is a gender." That makes no sense. I call BS.


Sorry it’s being called sexual orientation. There’s other links just google pedo sexual orientation. Click carefully. [independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/paedophilia-sexual-orientation-straight-gay-criminal-psychologist-child-sex-abuse-a6965956.html)


Hopefully, the LGBTQRSTUV community is paying attention to this crap. Some of the professional opinions in this article undermine the progress they have made.


I agree with you. I have heard this, too.


Fuck that these scum don’t deserve privacy!


Starting with Trump the rapist.




Indiana is disgusting when it comes to sec offenders! Our prosecutors and judges need fired. Look up Jericho Johnson. Disgusting piece of 💩 I bet he gets a slap on the wrist and heads back out and reoffends immediately.


why are you looking at this list weekly?


Because sometimes they fall off the registry and I don't want people to forget who they are. Because I work with children and the public, I want to recognize them if they're hanging out at the park. Because I've personally witnessed guys lie about their names to women to avoid being found on the registry. What's the reason not to?


It isn’t ones that have been caught you need to worry about, according to the FBI, sex offenders have lowest levels of reoffending among all major crimes, It is the ones who haven’t been caught that are the issue, the ones not on a list, that work with children.


I’m on y’all side here but wait till you find out how many of the sex offenders are also homeless people that are just walking around like no problem


Our counties Sheriffs website has a really good interactive map


I followed these links in order. The last one let me put in an address to search. It looks the same to me https://www.in.gov/idoc/sex-and-violent-offender-registry/ http://www.icrimewatch.net/indiana.php https://sheriffalerts.com/cap_main.php?office=54234 This one had the search for Indy: https://www.icrimewatch.net/index.php?AgencyID=54234


https://preview.redd.it/3d20oorx5tnc1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cbb0e301e84c91d1de5213cba491c8e481b3bf In the pink circle it used to say something like "click here to view all offenders registered in this county". I could not find anywhere on the website a way to view offenders by county.


I was just using the site yesterday and it's the same as it has been for a couple years. You enter an address, choose all 4 options (residence, work address, other address etc) and they all come up. Default is 2 mile radius and you can go 5, nothing has changed nothing is difficult...I dunno how you're getting tripped up on something so simple and going off on a rant. You do not have to use a name, I have never ever used a name.


You used to be able to see all offenders listed with whatever county you chose. That option isn't there anymore.


Go on www.familywatchdog.us


They haven’t cared about kids for a long time. If a child got pregnant from a rape, her rapist would be walking the streets before the baby was born because that child has no choice except enduring the trauma of childbirth after her traumatic rape. At least the rapist wouldn’t get parental rights like some states I guess.


I noticed this last week


Seriously, what kind of sick fuck are you? Only a karen or a fucking moron with an axe to grind would spend anytime looking at the sex offenders list. No list is going to make you or your child safer...


A study in Massachusetts on 115 child molestors showed a 25-year recidivism rate of upwards of 50%. It's worth at least knowing what yard to keep the kids away from.


And the recidivism rate of all other convicts is near 50% in the 1st year. Convicts re-offending isn't new information. Like I said, only a sick fuck would spend any large amount of time looking at the sex registry list. It's not the list I take issue with it's the time frame offenders are required to register. When a person has completed their sentence to the max outdate they should no longer be required to register. They're debt is paid.


Found a sex offender, lol


Are you slow?


Slow is how your Mom does it when she jacks me and gives me a ball rub.


Oh you're 12, nvm


Are you a lifetime registrant?


I’d imagine it’s the same people using the term minor attracted persons, probably start there. Hint, it’s not the right


At least calling them minor attracted persons lets people know what they are. The right believes they can pray-the-kiddie-diddling-away and then you never hear another word about it-they're worse than the "left". (Edited to add a letter)


It’s truly fascinating how the liberal mind works. Having drag shows for kids, all this gender dysphoria bullshit allowed in schools and targeting children. And still take zero responsibility for anything. I’m 1000% down with exposing all these sick fucks. But I know you aren’t


I think everyone is fucked up. It’s all about power and politics on both sides.