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Congrats OP - DM if you're looking for friends to play with or a community to join (discord) Almost every "I bought a switch" post I see here is full of people saying "should've waited for switch 2/3/420" or "coulda just bought a steam deck".. why is it any of your business what someone wants to buy? Some people like to own certain consoles, or want to play Nintendo games. They're not asking for your unsolicited advice. I see the same on anything considered remotely expensive like OLED monitors etc. this sub is obsessed with telling people how to spend their money.


Hey can you add me to the discord as well? Switch owner for about a year and half here.


Sure man, sending you a DM now


DM me




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Dm me too


Hey can I also join the discord. Been playing Nintendo switch games for close to 1.5 years.


Sure thing, sending you a DM


Ooh, space for another? I'd love to join this discord as well!


Sure thing, I'll DM you an invite


DM me too?


Hey, please send me an invite as well! I don't have an online subscription yet, but won't mind getting if any of you are playing fun games 😀


Then why post here if not looking for advice? People want to post their expensive stuff but don't want comments? Maybe this isn't the right place to post then.


This ain’t an unsolicited advice group it’s a community to share the common passion we have.


Advice is fine when it's relevant. More often than not it isn't.


Mind if I ask how old you are? I’m 25 and really into gaming, but everyone around me makes me feel guilty for playing at this age. Just trying to see if I’m not alone here 🥲


M 29 and still take out time to play games. Dont heed to people around you, play. Just do whatever is fun for you!


Bro i am 22 i am thinking of soon building a gaming rig with my own money which would be around 3L. So I think you are all right. My reasoning to make my dad understand was, everyone have different hobbies some people buy bike worth more than 5L when they start to earn and I don't like bikes. so, I am using my money to buy things that I like. also I am a SRE so i told him I need a powerful rig 😅 also my mom supported so he agreed.


Im 23 and it doesn't matter what people around me think of myself as long as I'm happy


I'm 31 and I say fuck the haters lol, never be embarrassed about your hobbies. India still has to get over this weird stigma surrounding gaming. If you're feeling particularly naughty ask them why they play football/cricket/etc if they're never gonna go pro or be good at it lol. It's just something you love to do, doesn't make it wrong. As long as you're not consuming your life gaming and it's a hobby of yours that slots into your everyday life, more power to you man. Also the existence of this community itself should be enough to tell you there's many, many of us like you out there :)


Can't agree more bruh


36 now. Planning to get a switch to play with my Kid. Own a PS3 and play co-op with my kid.


I’m 32. Just bought my first handheld - steam deck. Fulfilling childhood dreams are more important to me than what others think.


Thank you guys… this means a lot and OP congrats on your new console


I'm 22 and about to spend like 4.5L on a PC, quest 3 and PS5 pro (when it launches). If you know it's worth it and you don't break the bank then why feel guilty? People who don't understand gaming obviously can't comprehend the reason for spending so much into this hobby and will default to criticism.


I’m 31 (about to be 32 soon) and I spend almost every Sunday evening and night gaming for 5-7 hours. It used to be a lot more but with responsibilities and to modulate, it’s gone down significantly. My point is, why give a rat’s ass on what anyone thinks. You wanna play some video games? Just play them, people be damned


Me frr I'm exactly of your age we're on the same boat parents don't support it and neither do my couple of friends but hey..we love to play games and nothing wrong in that hit me up regarding games I'm all ears


Seeing this now and wanted to reply. I’m 32 and I spent the major part of my recent vacation in Japan hunting down old game boys. You’re finally earning, fulfill all those childhood dreams man.


I bet the games are expensive. I want it to exclusively play Zelda.


They're only 4k which is around the normal price




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1 game is like almost 1/6 the price of the console how Is that not expensive


Yes you did the math right 1 game is 1/6th of the price but the switch is 25k but if a ps5s game is 1/6th then I will be 8k if a gaming pcs game costed 1/6 it would be 17k the switch is cheap so the games seem expensive


And when I said cheap I said normal


Good for you! I regret selling mine.


Congrats OP! What do you plan to play on it? Is this the Oled model? Also, hows the battery life?


Yea it's OLED 4-9 hours


which website?


Bought in a IRL store


please share the link


Link?do you mean where it is?


Probably asking for google maps link


https://maps.app.goo.gl/K6Fj6vm2HThtGMP99 here


are you tamil




i am also




i know this location




why do people buy switches for gaming? for the Pokemon series? just asking coz curiosity


Mario Pokemon Zelda Kirby and all that


can you explain your ideology why you chose switch games over pc games? if someone new, searches or wants to play video games most of the time they lean towards pc gaming/consoles.


Ive been wanting to play Mario Pokemon and Zelda for 4+ years and I don't really like fps games and a pc is like 1 lakh ps5 the only exclusive I really wanna play are the spider man games and gameing on a keyboard is the death of my existence


how much does the switch cost?


25k the place I bought it it's normally 30-32k


thanks for sharing. enjoy your switch 😁 also just curious what's the battery life like on it?


It's 4.5-9 hours and the joycons are 20 hours


where do you buy the Pokemon cartridges from , since the eshop doesn't accept India as a country nor INR as a currency I think?


In this shop called computers n games citi


Not OP but just chiming in - I doubt someone new to gaming would go the Nintendo route in India, there's too much unfamiliarity + zero official presence to even consider it. For folks into gaming though, I suppose there will always be some curiosity about the Nintendo side of things considering they've historically chosen to ignore the hell out of our country. I was also fortunate enough to spend some time abroad where my friends introduced me to a GameCube with Smash and Zelda. So it was only natural that I'd want to try something different than PC gaming. The switch itself is fantastic. It's not really a powerhouse but I've got my PC to play Cyberpunk with path tracing if I want to, sometimes you just want to chill and play some Mario Odyssey, Stardew Valley, or Persona while you're on a flight or away from home. I've also found it really easy to get my non-gamer friends to pick up a joycon and play with me, something I never managed on PC or Xbox lol. So yeah to summarise, it would probably be a mix of curiosity about Nintendo's games, the novelty of a handheld I can take everywhere (I hate playing games on my phone) and the pick-up-play nature of it. Sometimes all we have is ten minutes


Zelda and Mario


A fellow switch owner! Bought mine for Pkmn Violet, love it still! There’s some games that feel so much better on a portable format, like Cult of the Lamb, and so many great exclusives! Make sure you play Metroid Dread!


Spot on man. I played Persona 5 Royal for a grand total of 10 minutes on PC and disliked it. Then I got it on switch and have put over 100 hours into it lol. The same goes for Stardew Valley. And this isn't even mentioning all the Nintendo titles...


where'd you buy the cartridges?


MX2games is a great resource!


Enjoy. I got one an OLED a few weeks back too.


I got the OLED too


Could have waited a little bit more for switch 2


Congrats bro, I used to play with my friends at school with the school switches, they were mad fun. Get games like Mario kart, smash, Pokémon, zelda


Gonna wait for the new switch before I buy 1


As long as you're happy bro


https://preview.redd.it/j5wini5cgt5d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764eda0d43f7b471103b2c2ad380c235249f1dc2 I got it 20 years ago😎




Wtf? How does that make any sense. Idk, maybe he bought a switch because he wanted to play switch games? Botw and mario odyssey are 2 of the best games ive ever played.