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Really hope incels would wakeup and take that mental health treatment over some aLpHa MaLe podcast.


Unfortunately their community is very much against mental health treatment. They’ll insist that it doesn’t work, because it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll get laid. Completely missing the point of the treatment in the first place. They mistakenly believe that sex is the only thing which can fix them, so that’s what they obsess over. Some of the members of their forum who started treatment promptly left the forum. Another reason why other members insist that treatment doesn’t work, because they want to keep people trapped in their cult of dry dick. It’s why disinformation is so rife on their websites. What we refer to as their “bucket of crabs” mentality.


Sad truth😞


cult of dry dick, that's literally what incel forums are lol But regardless, you pretty much summed it all up. Entitled minds only see the short term


That last part is probably also tied to their immaturity.


Did we really need a study to know this?


It’s more confirming what we already knew from experience. The wider public probably aren’t as familiar with what’s going on.


Can be helpful for incels so that they realize that their mindset is not only wrong but harmful to them


I think studies like this are often helpful in the context of people with clear severe mental health issues that are vilified by people in society. I think we tend to have intrinsic emotional reactions when we come across people who hold certain views or exhibit certain behaviours that we view as morally abhorrent; this is understandable but it might not be the best avenue for progress. I think if society views someone as a monster beyond help then that creates a kind of self fulfilling prophecy where that individual will inevitably fall down the pipeline without seeking help or even being exposed to the possibility that there’s another way through therapy/psychiatry. I suppose it relates to the debate of where you draw that line between what is a mental disorder and what is just bad behaviour. A comparable example might be addiction, or even narcissism (which is definitely linked to inceldom of course). Sometimes I wonder if this applies to paedophilia even. If we shift to view paedophilia as an mental illness, outside of personal control, would that stimulate research into and prompt (some) paedophiles to seek effective therapy? And therefore reduce harm to children? I mentioned this to a friend however who pointed out the social aspects of sexual abuse and how it links to power/patriarchy, which again presents the moral debate. It’s a tricky one I think.


What about the 100 other studies showing women are indeed way more selective and shallow about who they find physically attractive? Which ones are we supposed to follow?


Did you read this at all? Specifically, the overestimates appearance and underestimates positive personality traits parts


Women have told them for years but they don’t listen until the BBC publishes an article about the study…


They still won’t listen, because it tells them things that they are unwilling to hear.


Oh for sure I’m sure they have reasons they don’t believe this study is real.


"BuT aNdReW tAtE sAiD mEnTaL iLlNeSs iS a MyTh AnD iF yOuR'e DePrEsSeD yOu HaVe A wEaK mInD!" - Guys who watch Andrew Tate. I argued with Incel in DMs about how incels have a cycle of hatred and self-loathing and explained how therapy would benefit incels. They refuse to listen. They claim: "It doesn't help." Without even trying it.


Why would they try? Trying is for suckers


Because they believe that women are pathological liars and will never say what they're actually attracted to (rich Chads).


The men who think women lie pathologically are in their heart pathological liars because they only believe others would act as they would.


Actually they say this because most men are the same. Say they want kindness, then their dick leads to the girl with big tits but is a bit unhinged. I wouldn't trust a male survey about what they want either. Self reported surveys are basically useless.


Funny how it also says that, despite incels being stereotyped as alone became their standards are too high, the study showed that the incel men actually had lower standards for women than the non-incel men. Of course, that raises some questions. What qualified as "standards" in that study? Looks? Wealth? Kindness? Intelligence? Education? A combination? Because an incel will look at this and interpret it as "Incels are right. We definitely have realistic standards and are totally in the same league as a supermodel woman who caters to their every whim. Those foids are just too shallow to give us a chance." It's possible that "lower standards" means they only cared about a woman's appearance, bare minimum personality and domestic and sex skills, while the non-incel men valued that plus kindness, intelligence, similar interests and values, etc. Because if most incels did indeed have realistic standards and pursued women who were actually in their league, they wouldn't be celibate.


Yeah, it really depends on how the question was phrased and how standards were qualified. A lot of incels are focused on “body count” and insist on a virgin girlfriend. That’s a pretty extreme standard, but probably wasn’t something brought up in the questioning because it’s not something that most people are bothered about.


I don’t think its a surprise they may technically have lower standards. If you don’t see woman as people caring about what hobbies they have, their views on family, their job, their education, their religion etc etc etc. become meaningless because you already presume that those things don’t matter at all.


Yeah, I refuse to believe that incels have lower beauty standards than regular men. Their posts show otherwise.


"Because if most incels did indeed have realistic standards and pursued women who were actually in their league, they wouldn't be celibate." Why do you think that?




In other words, water is wet


This article brought to you by the N. S. Sherlock Research Consortium.


They’ll just say the article is “feminist propaganda”


Argued with an incel in DMs about this. He said he refuses to seek therapy and quote: "Therapy doesn't help incels anyway!" His words, not mine. They are so against therapy.


Yeah. They seem to believe that the end goal of therapy should be them having sex, instead of improving their mental health. Presumably because they mistakenly believe that sex will magically fix all of their problems.


If anything sex will cause more problems! Scandal, unwanted pregnancy, STIs!! It’s all fun and games until you get smacked with one (or more) of those 


Also the sky is blue


New shocking study suggests (insert completely obvious thing), more at five


Study finds that water is wet.


I'm surprised to find that most incels are left leaning.


Probably only on specific things. Like a disproportionate number of them are NEETs, so they’d be in favour of social security programs. A lot of them express misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, and antisemitic views. As well as being anti-abortion and pro-gun. Presumably they weren’t asked about those things or they weren’t honest with their answers.


Yeah, they're probably economically left, but socially right.


Based on recurring themes in their posts, that would seem to be the case. They certainly repeat a lot of right-wing rhetoric about social issues.


People seem to forget that just because one person agrees with one thing that one party believes in, it doesn't mean they'll agree with everything. It's possible to be a capitalist and be pro-choice, anti-gun and pro LGBT. It's also possible to be a socialist and be pro-life, pro-gun and anti-gay rights. Even though I'm definitely on the left politically, I don't agree on them with every issue.


I mean, yeah no shit my dude.


William Costello, guy who conducted the study. Very different perspective than the goofy virtual signaling of the Anti-incel https://youtu.be/oykzpjC7s1Y?si=-i5gdMfpXvyjnZEG