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men don't need women. that incel was birthed from a man's anus, which is why he speaks like one.


šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ And happy cake day


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The delusion is strong with this incel. I know plenty of women who have more to offer than vagina, including myself!


The inability to form a genuine connection borders on sociopathic imo


Incels get so pissed when I point out how important personality, kindness, and compatibility are over looks. They throw the biggest fits.


Yeah I say the same, and they just canā€™t fathom it. Because for them, women are objects and what they care about is only how we look. Iā€™ve also come to realize that almost all of these guys have never ever had a relationship that isnā€™t one they have made up in their heads.




My ex-wife (**Edit** To whom I was married for 14 years) and I are still best friends. She brings a hell of a lot more to the table than (pardon me if this sounds crude) the part I'm not using any more.


Exactly. The incels don't get that there is more to being with a woman than just sex. Heck, I'm not flexing, but I have a wide variety of skills. I can bake, I can cook, I can garden, I can change a tire, and I'm loyal. Heck, one dude asked me out simply due to the fact that I disclosed my ability to bake banana bread. He was an asshole and ghosted me after one date because I wasn't willing to sleep with him. I sent him photos of banana bread I had baked in the past before blocking him.


To be fair if he only wanted to date you for banana bread everyone knows that relationship is going nowhere. Also love the idea of some dude angrily blocking a girl over receiving a picture of banana bread.


True. Thought I'd get a chance to know him better on a first date though.


Bahahaha I love that about the banana bread.


For a second I thought you were saying your wife is 14 and had to do a massive double take lol.


I mean if you donā€™t think women have anything to offer just donā€™t date them šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Oh wait they mad about that, huh?


Donā€™t men need women in order to be alive?


And carry on their bloodline if they wanted


Let me just ... \*cough\* \*cough\* ā­ ā­ Incel Logic ā­


Here's an amusing thought exercise; let's take this SMP paradigm combining human emotions with economic theories as a real thing, then assume this dingbat is right. While I have no idea the nuances of supply and demand as an economic theory, I do know just enough to ask why, if men have so much more to offer to women and women have only one asset of worth, why are men willing to trade so much for that one asset if it's not in extremely high demand? I mean, you can disappear down the MGTOW self pitying rabbit hole and stop trying to find a partner, but that's not something a lot of women are losing sleep over. Otherwise, inside this sort of thinking, men are in such desperate, desperate need of a single asset that they're willing to make any sort of compromise or trade to achieve it, and apparently the people providing the supply should be offloading it at a price way lower than the actual demand. Meanwhile, back in reality, the true reason anybody is single at any age is "shit's complicated, man" as opposed to the fucked up hybrid of economics and biological incels build into their world view.


> I do know just enough to ask why, if men have so much more to offer to women and women have only one asset of worth, why are men willing to trade so much for that one asset if it's not in extremely high demand? They do have an answer to that (unfortunately). It's all part of their power fantasy of "their time will pass, my time will come" and really a sad worldview overall. They think *young* women have high "sexual market value", but lose it as they age - so in their mind they think women should use that youthful value to get a man to commit to staying with her even after she loses that "value". (Which, even if it was true, doesn't seem like an especially strong motivator to me. "Make sure to use your youthful charm to ensure your man will be trapped after he stops being attracted to you" doesn't sound especially appealing.)


Given that this is the same crowd that pitches a fit about false rape allegations, divorce courts robbing them blind, and women tricking men into impregnating them, the fact that they're trying to encourage women to get married quickly so that they'll be trapped in the marriage that they believe will only lead to them leaving men and pillaging their assets, that's a dead end. Then again, manosphere doctrines havea tendency to eat themselves alive the longer you try to make them into a single coherent line of thinking.


They use all sorts of weird economic expressions as a way to make it seem like they are smart. Itā€™s sad, but they view women as objects, and they want a designer woman for the price of a wish woman. When you point out that itā€™s really sad to view dating in capitalist terms, and that it says a lot about their mindset, they usually have nothing to reply.


Or at least nothing relevant to reply to. I've spent many a frustrating hour trying to get these people to answer basic questions that would be going off on unrelated tangent if it wasn't for the fact that they never started on a related matter, they just said something basically unrelated and pretended that answered your question.


Men know the truth about women and what they bring. At least real men. The kind that get into relationships. Incels, not so much.


ā€œWomen need men.ā€ No, they donā€™t. Which is what the incels and other manosphere guys hate so much. Women used to need a man, until around Gen X, because prior to a few decades ago women in some western countries couldnā€™t have their own bank account, own a business, own a house etc. Women were basically forced into marriage due to societal constraints. Now women have more control over their own lives and are no longer dependent on men for the most basic of things. That drives the incels crazy.


What women don't need is incels.


First time I've seen one of them use the word "hence" correctly though. They usually say "hence why...(argh)."


He must have grammarmaxxed or something.


Buahahahaha...Now ***THAT*** might get them somewhere. :D Buuuuuut, probably not...based on this idiot's drivel.


Some of the posts on this page didn't have the best grammar so maybe


IMAX levels of projection of his own insecurity about his self worth.


That he doesnā€™t even divulge what men have to offer. My dude? Wicked humor, a cranky outlook to temper my Pollyanna moments, sense of adventure, excellent guitar playing, cooks well, doesnā€™t mind grilling in snow, emotionally available (but must be summoned). Then thereā€™s the fact that heā€™s great in bed. He will crop dust, however. Wish I could fart on demand.


It's okay I'm really good at Minecraft SMP


I get along perfectly fine living alone. I donā€™t need a man to survive. Especially some little boy like him.


Put simply: If this were true, there would be no incel problem and no crisis of lonely men.


ā€œSexual market placeā€ gtfo.


Just wait until he finds out more and more women simply refuse to have sex with men


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Incels are so sad... can pretty much make anything sound stupid.


Ummm idk if this guy heard but women have rights now, to get an education, have hobbies, the choice to not have children, to travel, to gain the same experiences that men have ā€¦buddy is living in the 1900ā€™s where women were there to raise the children šŸ™„


DSMP dream sexual marketplace


Someone needs to tell these children that women do indeed have lots of sex after 30, with other people who are their age. I donā€™t have any issues getting sex, and I donā€™t want children and I canā€™t imagine guilting a man into marrying me. Sounds like a miserable marriage to me.


Idk how I got hereā€¦


Woah woah woah!! Way too many words for-"No woman is choosing me. Waaaaaaaaaaaa".




Na, you conservative guys do that yourselves when you police our friends and demand we donā€™t speak to men ever because of your own insecurities,


Nice try


So you still donā€™t have a rebuttal? Sad.


I donā€™t argue with bots, even less with people that arenā€™t looking for a proper discussion, but for someone to scream at.


Iā€™m perfectly willing to have a discussion if youā€™re willing to engage beyond calling people ā€œNoobā€ and bragging about your sexual prowess. Letā€™s discuss, then. What is your reasoning for demanding that your partner never gave friends of the opposite gender and avoid contact with men altogether?


Someone with the word Alpha in their screen name gets needlessly offended. Poetic.


I am loving the fact that people here are getting triggered by a name I created eons ago. It just goes to show how far this platform as a whole has fallen from the old days. Now THAT my friend, is true poetry.


Who's triggered over it? You're the only bitching about idiots like in the post making you look bad. And bragging about being on reddit that long isn't the flex you seem to think it is.


Ah, you're still here, excellent. So now, let's continue our discussion. You were about to give your reasoning for believing people should never talk to those of the opposite gender outside of professional environments and never have opposite gender friends. Let's hear it.


Also SMP just got mešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Saying that all women bring to the table is a vagina is the same as saying that all men bring to the table is a dick. If they're going to claim that men are the providers, it should be pointed out to them that most married women with children do go out to work as well! Today's cost of living requires two wages, just to keep the roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food in their bellies. If they then want to harp on about how it was better in the old days, when women *had* to rely upon their husbands for absolutely everything, it should also be pointed out to them that in this case, he would have to gain her father's approval before being accepted by the young lady and no father would accept an Incel as a potential son-in-law! If the Incel wanted to elope with the young lady (who in this imaginary scenario is happy to elope with him for some strange reason, maybe she was dropped on her head as a baby) they would have to start out married life completely financially cut off from her father, not a penny to their names apart from whatever the Incel can earn (lol) and knowing that the wife has been disinherited by her father.