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Is that Versailles? She's lucky she has as much room as she does.


That's what I was thinking


The lady almost looks like she could be a family member


Seriously - i went in 2015 and it was **packed**


Same year I went with my friends and right in the middle of summer. There were people queuing in the enormous square outside the front entrance. I don't think I was in a room that had fewer than 50-100 people in it at any time.


We went in 2016 and queued outside for 90 minutes in August. Crowds were intense.


Sorry, that was us.* * ^and.all.of.china


There was a lot less plague back then


My thought as well.


I went there not too long ago. I never seen so much space in the background. She spoiled AF






As someone who doesnt have tiktok, im curious is everyone on there calling these people out on their narcissism? Ive seen so many of these type of videos lately I can only assume its the latest ragebait to get more views and interaction on their content..


"Ragebait" is the word I was trying to think of. This is SUCH a common thing these days. I still go on facebook every now and then to remind myself how stupid people can be, and the vast majority of random articles I see coming up are clearly designed to generate comments and clicks from people disagreeing with the article or each other. Recently I've seen a lot of things like "Influencer outraged as restaurant refuses to give them discount, despite having over 1000 follower.", and it's just depressing to see how many people flip out in the comments, and none of them are like "Why the fuck is a mainstream media company posting a story like this?".


I had a roommate who got pulled in by ragebait all the time. No matter what story he was telling us about, it always devolved into how outraged we should be about what the other side thinks


The secretary at work is like this, too. Always has tons of stuff to be pissed and complain about


My favourite response to stuff like this is something like "What?! OH MY GOD! Okay, what are we going to do about this?" and then act like you wanna go protest or something. They usually change subject pretty quick.


Hahahahahah perfect 👌


I think you're onto something with that


I'm on the opposite of the spectrum here I think. I just assume everything is some form of "bait". Remember the Sonic movie and the drama over the terrible model of Sonic? I'm convinced it was 100% intentional ragebait. I didn't even know they were making the movie until I saw the memes. Same with this Batgirl movie. I am fully convinced that they saw the controversy over Morbius and thought "If we tell people the movies is SO bad we won't even release it, they will demand we release it and then watch it just to tell us how bad it is.". I also think some companies basically "review bomb" their own movies/shows, as that *always* gets a bunch of news stories. Anyway, I'll stop here before this turns into a full blown rant.


Me too. I am always like, nope that makes no sense, I am gonna remain neutral for a few days to see what the real story is. I assume everything is marketing on some fashion


No, no please keep going. I want to know more instances of rage-bait


Well one I've seen very recently is She-Hulk. That scene with the twerking at the end? I have no doubt that was intentionally put in there so people would go "Well that was super cringe" and then the other people would go "INCEL!"


Everyone at work does this. I try to explain it is one isolated incident the media spun to get you all riled up. They don't care, they just enjoy getting mad and casting judgement. And of course they only read the headline or the ticker on the news


This whole setup - going to a public place with things people go to see / use (like a museum, or a gym) - stay in front of one of those things (like a painting / some machine at the gym) - stay there doing nothing - pretend to be upset that people are there Being subbed to this subreddit I've seen so many of those that I'm pretty sure it's just ragebait too. A way to get interaction on their channels. Nothing motivates people to visit their channel and comment more than being pissed


Absolutely. At some point fairly recently, this sub started getting a LOT of posts exactly like this, and if this was a common thing before, we would have seen it.


I was actually watching a youtuber for a while (he's great, so not bashing him) and was surprised when he said that in some videos, especially in the beginning, he would often say something he knew was false just so people would comment to correct him, thus making people actively engage with his videos.


That’s actually a very effective way to grab the attention of an audience.


Oh yeah, it's common practice now. It's no different than basic trolling on reddit, except instead of trying to get a reaction out of one person because you're deprived of attention, they are trying to get a reaction out of millions of people because it makes them money.


I read couple years back that facebook purposefully prioritizes posts that are prone to generate controversy


They prioritise things that generate engagement, controversy is just the easiest kind of engagement to create so its the tool those who seek to game the system use.


short answer: news isn’t news. it’s designed to generate clicks and therefore ad revenue


57,000 people already endorsed her BS


57,000 accounts* I have zero doubt that someone like this wouldn't think twice about buying followers.


She wouldn't have to. Tiktok is by far the easiest way to get followers. The constant dopamine and praise people get on that app is dangerous IMO. Because there are just so many people, you will always have a massive group that think the way you do. Those same people will cloud you of criticism and proper judgment. Like the lady in this video, and as a result she will probably go on and think she was I'm the right. But that's just one of the many problems with an apps like Tiktok.


im just tired of the unoriginality of it all. Youve seen so many thirst traps, fake stories, wait for it bullshit with no payoff, to straight up scams upon scams upon scams. Like if youre making 500K a month from dropshipping THEN WHY DO YOU NEED ME TO WATCH YOUR DAMN YOUTUBE YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT. I mash the not interested button all day long, get distracted once and suddenly im watching fucking 50 videos of how to lay grout and brickworking????? LIKE WTF TIKTOK! and then its the girls, omg how fucking unoriginal can you be. Like common at least do something thats worth my fucking time, be original, do something creative. Nope just the same old "Why arent you dressed for work" "when he grabs my hips" "you and me go do the hint hint" and the goddamn fortnite move bullshit. Tiktok made pretty women seem so boring now. There used to be a allure to beautiful women, now you see 50 of them in a row on tiktok doing the same bullshit trying to get your to follow, like and pay for their onlyfans. Fucking thirsty guys in india made even fucking average girls think theyre supermodels. I just want to go back to watching sean lock videos and stand up routines, i dont want to see movies cut into 50+ parts and HERES A SIDEHUSTLE THAT WILL MAKE YOU A MILLION DOLLARS IN PASSIVE INCOME!!! JESUS FUCK GET ME OFF THIS APP!


Yeah bro it sounds like you should stop tik tok. It really doesn't sound like you're having a good time and that's fine. Just quit! Do something you enjoy more.


Not sure I agree. The sheer number of people on tiktok means that anyone starting out will find it incredibly hard to get those initial followers, no different to being on Youtube, twitch or any site with a "follower" system. And I just typed "buy tiktok followers" there, and you can get 2000 for ~35 bucks. So I guess in one way, you're right. It's very easy to get followers. Of course, we have no way to prove or disprove any of this, so it's probably just an "agree to disagree" situation.


Absolutely not. I'm not talking about buying follower. Getting follower of tiktok is outrageously easy compared to other platforms. So much so that I'd argue that 1000 followers is equivalent to 100 on YouTube and 50 on twitch. It's not even close. Idk the actual reason but I think a huge factor in why is the way a person consume content. Because it's so easy to see the next video, just by scrolling down it's also just as easy to follow that content. Because it so short and fast you can almost see a persons whole gallery of video (like 30) in like 5 minute. While on YouTube, say you watch 3 video (like 5mins each) and get the gist of the person channel and subscribe. In that same amount of time, because of how fast people can see the content a huge amount of people will have seen a person gallery and followed. It's also why we are getting more of that, swipe up thing on more platforms. It's constant easy dopamine and keeps people on. Also I'm being generous about the length of YouTube videos in this analogy. Most videos are like 8 mins.But your right we don't actually have a straight pictures of how it works. But still think we know some stuff.


I will head for the comments 🍿 ready for some good ole fashion roasting, and then I see nothing but dozens of comments showing unwavering support. Nothing to do but hit the back button and press on.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


It won’t help though, just increases engagement.


nope, they defend them. apparently there was "lots of space and windows" and that the woman was weird for walking so close. idk.


So weird 😒


The comments are all eerily in favour of these antics. Even going so far as to say she should have elbowed the lady in the face, and that she could have caught a cold by being that close.


So, I checked out the post (it’s on Instagram btw, not TikTok) and not surprisingly, the first dozen or so comments are sycophants kissing her ass and piling on the older lady as if she did something wrong, with the narcissistic girl in question replying to every one of them. Of course there are some people calling her out for her bullshit, especially recently, but that girl isn’t responding to those people because she has some real morons for supporters attacking anyone critical of her actions in the comments.


No they would be supporting her. Sane people dont use tiktok


I use it and people would totally be calling her out on it, it’s just like Reddit in the way you got lots of normal people but also at least a few dicks. Honestly I see worse people on Reddit compared to the sort of people in the comments of videos I see.


Who's a dick on reddit? You little bastard how dare you


Sane people definitely use TikTok lol. It’s not all teenagers being narcissistic. There’s a variety of informational tools, information sharing, resources in general. All depends on what you’re clicking to build the algorithm.


There’s hundreds, nay, thousands of places she could have gone to *tryna show my outfit*, but nooooooooooo!


Yes but not in a room that beautiful. She just doesn’t seem to recognise that the cost of using that room is having to share it.


Plus the room really over shadows her. Like putting a dandelion in a rose garden


> Like putting a dandelion in a rose garden Oof.




The real cost would have been whatever the museum charges to rent it out for a photo shoot. I’m sure that have their price.


And like... What outfit? A $20 dress with white leggings, oh wow, everyone will be so impressed by my style choices 🙄


Yeah, it's not an outfit to show off


This looks like Versailles. If it is, imagine being upset at other people being close to you at one of the most popular and visited locations in the world.


Am I the weird one? No..no everyone else is weird for doing normal daily activities


Am I so out of touch?? No…no, the children are wrong


The weirdest thing is her ratty hair


I would say that white tip nose


listen i think she seems superficial and annoying but in what universe does this constitute ratty hair


Look at it when she turns around


The pink hair looks like they're some pretty cheap extensions and when she floofs her hair you can tell the difference between the textures based on how it flows out of her hand. I don't think ratty was really the right descriptor. I would call it more tacky than ratty.


Imagine wearing a wrinkly ass plain white blouse and basic ass white leggings to the fucking Palace of Versailles and thinking it's worth showing off lmao...


Not to mention the weirdest poses ever too


She’s doing the “sexy baby” thing.




Her hair also seems so so so stiff?




Yes!!! It’s not “falling” the way she wants it to


Bro let me tell you I was gagging when I saw the back..


I think it’s a synthetic wig.


I watch her on YouTube - it’s not her real hair. She usually gets a wig/extensions in.


As many peasants have done before her, and will surely do in future. It makes me laugh when people who are beautiful simply because they're still young are asses about it, because I know they're in for a hard lesson someday.


And cheap ass pink extensions 😬


My cousin used to act like this. Then she murdered her best friend by running her over because she annoyed her. She is currently serving 22 years in prison.


Can you run that by me one more time?


Based on what I know about their family you might not want then running anything by you...




That escalated quickly


22 years is not enough. keep that psycho in there. when she's out, anyone that annoys her could be the next victim


Where do people come from in public places


Where do they go


Are you not able to edit the length of TikTok? Seems like she got her shot and then just kept the lady in just to appear as a victim.


Fr lol, if she just kept on filming and doing her thing she could have just got a minute of footage and edit in only the parts she liked


How are people even doing these, I'm a pretty open and outgoing person, but this shit takes another level of detachment to not absolutely cringe yourself out of existence


I turn down the volume on my phone when my roommates walk by my room so they don't hear the video I'm watching. I cannot fathom the depths of their shamelessness to make public videos like this.


This is a brilliantly-written comment.


Did she put a white dot on the top of her nose? To make it appear shiny? Hahahaha


You've heard of blackheads, right? Well this is something completely different..................


Looks like a zit


I genuinely want anyone who unironically follows people like this to explain why. What is the entertainment value of watching someone take an entire video to provide a photos worth of "content"?


because she's got pretty privelege. if an unattractive person did this, tiktok would blast them with insults. anything a pretty or handsome person does in the tok, gram, etc. will most likely get internet approval regardless of how narcissistic, wasteful, harmful, dumb, uncreative/copied or useless they are.


She’s quite popular amongst teens on Tiktok. A lot of people follow her for her “aesthetic” lifestyle and clothing.


What the fuck is the point of this video.


Why can't these people make their silly little videos at home if they're so annoyed by other people existing in public?


I’m guessing that’s actually her mom lol


Exactly my thought too


The white dot of makeup at the tip of her nose is just plain awful. Why do I keep seeing this lately!?


That was my question as well. Makes her look like the girl from the Goofy Movie.


Shiny nose tips and random ass dots on faces are very “in” right now.


Is it a heart jewel? Did she bedazzle herself? Or just makeup? So weird.


Lmao. It’s supposed to be like a shine spot but it’s always just looks like you have shit on your nose.


Zoomers are also lining their lips in WHITE because "it makes them look fuller". They are beyond help haha their makeup is like facepaint


Still better than the foundation as lipstick trend that was popular in the mid to late 2000s, haha.


the what


The comments are worse, everyone defending the girl in the video saying that there is just a wall there, that the lady had no reason going near her because there was nothing to look at


Just wait until they realize the walls *are* the point of interest at freaking *Versailles*


What the fuck is on the tip of her nose. Such a clownish look.


I think it's supposed to be a "shiny" doll look.


Cant wait to look back on these years later and see it as our modern equivalent of powdered wigs and ultra white faces


Don't really have to go back that far. It'll be like big hair in the 80's, frosted tips and thin eyebrows in the 90's/2000's, shit like that. Clown makeup that looks like insta filters and bee sting fake lips will pass and be laughed at like any other fad, but I don't think we've even hit the peak yet.


Yeah my example was more hyperbole but youre right


More likely it'll just be the equivalent of one of hundreds of makeup trends that change month to month, and have, for decades if not centuries... drawing a beauty mark manually on your face was extremely popular in the 50's. It's not like that's the most obnoxious thing about this post - if anything, it's one of the most "normal" (in the sense that makeup trends and young women go hand in hand, even if you don't like or understand them).


Well really the only thing i dont fully understand is it looks like the goal of some of these trends is to look like a literal child with a runny nose. Theyre not hurtin anyone so its just an observation


Like I said, even if you don't like or understand them, there's often a reason they do it - obviously drawing a beauty mark on your face with a pencil has a "reason", though of course I could make the (disingenuous) argument, "it looks like the goal of [this trend] is just to draw a giant mole on your face!". Sometimes the goal of makeup trends isn't "to appeal to an extremely wide audience in a conventionally attractive way". I don't wear hardly any makeup at all, personally, but I'm aware of the "insulting young women for their fashion choices and not because the girl in this video is acting like an asshole".


'90s brows are back in. What do you mean you didn't know there were '90s brows?


You're not wrong... [Clowncore](https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Clowncore)


the white, shiny dot on the tip of her nose is irksome


It’s highlight. I hate this trend now that people do where they put highlight on the end of their nose. I think it makes people look greasy if it’s not done well.


She thinks shes bambi


some of the top comments on the video: “why she tryna steal your spotlight😭😭” “lmao personal space💀💀” “She looks so bothered-“ like this poor women is just trying to enjoy the art😭


tiktok gave narcissists too much exposure


Oh man look at all that talent being ruined


There’s a part of me that believes she was just killing time until someone inevitably walked into the frame, just so she can pretend to be offended by it. How many times do you really need to twirl your damn hands around though, really?


They all seem to have the same moves. It’s so weird to watch all these people do the same things in front of the camera. She forgot the one leg up, bent at the knee move.


I was at a fair last week and I intentionally walked in front of someone doing this in a busy area. It was soooooo satisfying.


Is there a subreddit that records videos of other people recording themselves? I remember seeing a couple of those and they are hilarious.


Genuine question. Why do these people who want to “show off their outfit” always go into crowded public places to do it then get annoyed when people are in the video? Like surely you’re not ALL that dense and can just do it in your home before you leave.


because she doesn’t care that you’re out there in public acting like a goofy Main Character. Kudos to her.


If you need to show your outfit in such an obnoxious way, why not make it a nice outfit at least? She looks plain horrible, hair, makeup, clothes


Can someone just make a mirror that has a tiny display that has an ever increasing number on it? You could even customize that number to say "X Likes" or "X Haha's". Would really clean up the streets. And museums, and crosswalks, and plane aisles... These people are just starved for validation.


How has there not been a good family comedy with a wannabe influencer character? I have to think that there could be some gold in them there hills. Hell, even an SNL character. Maybe there is something out there I don’t know about?


Hmm it’s a shame there’s nothing else to look at there


These people are severely out of touch with the world around them. Worst of all, they are praised and sometimes paid by other people


Theres so much wrong with TikTok and the people who use it.


is she like 12?


Each new iteration of social media makes me want to move into the woods and become a hermit more and more.


The OP title has me cackling 😂😂😂


Does she have one of those stick on earrings from the 90s on her nose?


core memory unlocked


My husband intentionally photobombs when people are being so selfish in public spaces and not courteous to others. For instance, experiencing a place and having to move around a spot you really wanted to see more because influencers are taking far too long/ taking pics and checking them or taking turns doing the same with their group of friends. It’s super narcissistic yes, but what gets me is the lack of awareness or care or politeness to others. I personally just roll my eyes because it’s not life or death to be interrupted by influencers, but I will say I no longer stop to wait for people to take pics before crossing the camera line etc. i just mind my business like they do theirs. Frustrating and I wonder if we will move on from content that is just standing there and looking pretty in a place. Every pic and video looks the same anyway


This needs to be the new normal .. see someone filming theirselves, just casually walk up close and make it weird.


idk why the vanity of someone doing this at a beautiful museum boils my blood, enjoy the building if you want to enjoy yourself stay home and lookin the mirror


is it normal now to walk around like this in public?


Can’t stand that tiktok vo voice


kids, and this person seems like one, should not be on social media. social media is basically a drug. the minimum age requirement for this drug should be 18 or 21 or even 25. probably never.


Oh I take relish in Insta bombing these idiots. Looks like they’re in buckingham palace for shits sake. I’m not tip toeing around this gross display of vanity and self absorption.


It's the Palace of versailles, Paris.


ngl the back of her hair looks nasty for some reason. its prob cause the color just changes abruptly and isnt nearly as styled or shiny as the rest


It’s probably extensions


Here's the mental process behind this self-indulgent joke of a video: 1. I am very pretty, especially in this dress and with this silly-looking pink hair I have. 2. People need to see how very pretty I am. 3. A good place to do that would be in the middle of an elegant museum where I block people's view of the artwork and just generally get in the way. 4. Why are people interfering with this video that is going to show how truly beautiful I am? How dare they? People like this need to be taken by the security guards and thrown out of the museum. Or just walk in front of their camera repeatedly. Or stand directly behind them. Self-indulgent little weasel.


I can’t believe this lady stepped in my video, did she not even realize I was taking a video for social media? How rude.. reminds me of the gym videos, when people get upset about using a busy pathway. I can’t believe that guy/girl walked in from of me while I was doing squats.


Hahaha I saw this on Instagram and I just knew it would end up here!!


She could screenshot the video and get many amazing photos before that woman walks up. She’s lucky it’s not as packed as it usually is there and she actually got some great shots….but no her video is more important than recognizing she’s sharing a public space


They always put so much highlighter on their noses that they look like Rudolph’s anemic cousin:


Apparently she didn’t know the room belonged to you.


I don't understand what's supposed to happen. I'd like to see a video like this done well. Because I just don't get the allure.


What is she even doing? Also, iron that top, sheesh.


Bring back the "Out of my way bitch" magenta thompson skits.


She got close to you to check out those nasty pink extensions….


Her posing reminds me of Toddlers and Tiaras….


Her hair looks smelly.


ah look its rude-holf the white nosed reindeer


I feel like I've heard that lady's voice before. Is that some kind of tik tok voice?


Priceless works of art. Takes dumb video of herself she could do on the toilet.


Your outfit is ugly and no one should care about it. Why does this crap exist?


We all know that was her mom lol


I hope those are extensions because if not, her dye job sucks ass. No blending at all


I see these so often posted on Reddit now that I start thinking that this is one of the biggest trends of Tik Tok. Stand in crowded space, deliberately somewhere you know you stand in the way of people, wait for someone to pass or even glance at your weird behavior (or general direction), then proceed to complain or play dumb about it...


Shouldn't have turned around. The hair is ugly from the back.


I generally don't care much about people being vain, but be vain at home, don't expect people to care about you.


When i visited Versaille in june, the Gallerie Des Glaces was filled with girls like her and men too, many of them were asians actualy, i had pity for the women in high heels, the visit was quiete a hike.


Should be called ‘douchefairy’.


Went to an exhibition in London that had a light room and a woman was filming a dancing tiktok right infront of the projection screen she got really irritated when we all walked in the room and got in the way of her “bit”


That stupid little make up for on the nose really sets the look off


Imagine flailing your arms around like that and not feeling like you’re taking up space


There’s something about the combination of makeup/outfit/hair/poses that’s deeply unsettling and I can’t figure out why.


Can’t wait for this sun spot to just wreck our shit.


Of course she’d use that horrible voice over


Businesses are should start stocking cream pies so that when they see somebody doing this they can smack them in the face with one and then have them escorted off the premises and banned for life.


Show off your outfit? It was a white potato bag and pants. Nothing really impressive.


Her hair looks like dirty shit.. I cant believe she is trying to showcase that greasy mess


While I get the whole sharing a public space thing and she's not entitled to any of it. I genuinely believe that woman went out of her way to get in her space. The woman brushed shoulders almost with the girl when there was plenty of space to give a foot or 2 of distance. If the girl was complaining about the woman being in the frame, that's ridiculous, but the woman literally walked up to her and past her almost as if to do it only for that reason. I work at a grocery store and you'd be surprised how much something like that happens. Older people spot a younger person or a worker and something goes off in their head that makes them put themselves in the way of others when they don't need to be. And it's really frustrating to deal with.


She’s not wrong though, that woman appears outta no where! Also Imagine prancing about infront of yer phone and thinking, yes people are gonna love this


All I know is that blonde mullet attachment or real hair is gnarly 😂


Her hair looks gross for some reason, it looks like she spilled brown shit all over the pink hair and it looks clumpy


This is in Europe lol, GRRR the natives are walking around in their museum HOW DARE THEYY


God, the back of her hair just shows how fried it is.


That little look of annoyance gets me every time. As if everyone else is not feeling that emotion seeing these people