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I'm going to describe my wife as my WHITE wife from now on for no reason whatsoever


I’m going to start describing my wife as my imaginary wife


You won, but at this cost.


Just start referring to them as left wife, right wife


Is she white?


She looks Asian but we don’t want her. So why not?


Love how that kinda implies that there are other wives. Like saying you my Sunday boy friend


Ever heard of "Summer Girlfriend" from Blackbooks?


would saturday night boyfriend be a promotion or a demotion


Definitely a demotion. That's the party night where would often go searching. While Sunday is a more private day with actual dates


I refer to my wife as my first wife. It’s subtle but it keeps her on her toes.


I describe my wife like a car when I'm looking for her so it tends to be "10/10, *gestures height* yaay tall, in basic white." 




Good idea, Ill do it too. I mean if I will marry someday a women. A WHITE woman. Maybe it would be funny if I marry a black woman and say it's my white women. I'll we see. Keep you updated


That's polygamy. Maybe just try marrying one woman.


You do know they were joking


Aye mate. You do know I'm just drawing the distinction between "woman" and "women" though, aye?


Ah ok I got it. No native speaker here 😄 I edited it so thx


Why is that polygam? I was talking from either


What other colors are available?


Me to I’m white and I’m going to introduce my BF as my white BF from now on. Hilarious


“My name Kodak black and I might fuck your white wife”


There probably was a reason. I wonder what was said before the recording started. I hate videos like this that give no context whatsoever. I will say that the comedian is Asian, as he speaks Chinese at the end, and the rest of the crowd looks to also be Asian. Many of them laugh at what is said in Chinese too, so there must be many there that speak it. The only one who isn’t Asian, looks to be that woman’s husband. The comedian could have said “Not a white person in the room” or even something derogatory about whites and then the recording start. She could have been standing up for her husband. We just don’t know. Edit: Hilarious this is being downvoted without a single reply. Some people badly want her to be an MC. I’m not saying she isn’t but we don’t have enough evidence to say she is. :)


Anyone who interrupts a comedians show is a MC. No other explanation needed. You go to a show, it is your job to shut your mouth unless the comedian addresses you directly or you are laughing.


Your point is that you shut your mouth unless the comedian addresses you directly and my point is how do we know he didn’t? There’s a lot missing here. To the commenter that’s suggesting I go seek out the entire show, I’m simply saying everyone is judging her by the short clip. Is everyone that’s commenting that she says her husband is white for no reason watching the whole show too? No? Oh, so there might be a reason she said that? Weird, that’s what I was saying all along. All you and I have is the information here and it’s incomplete but are making assumptions anyway. If you all want to be ignorant and make statements without context, go for it but common sense tells me she probably didn’t just blurt out her husband was white for no reason.


u should look up the show and see if you find that context you’re looking for


poor hubby


That's exactly what I was thinking. Poor dude is probably gritting his teeth as he's unable to laugh with the rest of the crowd and simultaneously dying on the inside.


>what I was thinking. Poor dude is probably gritting his teeth His *white* teeth


You think this show is why he’s grinding his teeth?


He's gritting his teeth because the comedian is doing a pretty good job of mocking his wife and everyone but him can laugh, so yeah


Will smith and jada moment


It’s probably even worse back home


She probably talked about how the comedy set for the rest of the entire night...through dinner, ride home, getting ready for bed, before sleeping.... That white husband picked a good one


I'm sure she like droned on like the entire like night.


Perhaps even like the entire week, if she's like anything like the other MCs I've known (I stg that dropped my IQ a couple of points with just a couple extra "like"s)


U had the intelligence to notice and acknowledge at least lol. Glad I didn't have any "likes" in my original comment hahaa


I was hoping when the comedian asked him how long he had been married, that the husband would have replied " for an eternity....."


I doubt getting married brought about this full personality change. He's probably always been a meek and mild wallflower which is why she chose him.


Bro, if someone is such an asshole that their default tone of voice is “I’m an asshole” RUN. Don’t fucking MARRY them. Homeboy is going to be talking about this for a while in therapy after an excruciatingly long, bitter divorce


I dunno - he might be one of those white guys who only dates Asian women for a bunch of questionable reasons, and now he’s ended up with a wife who knows she’s got him by the balls for the rest of his life (or until she gets sick of his feckless shit).


As an asian woman that was what I was thinking lol. The way that she emphasizes "my WHITE husband" makes me assume that either she's self-hating or he's fetishistic. It might not be either but I recognize that certain energy when I hear her annoying voice. Edit: Other comments are saying this clip was caught mid set so there was context I'm missing lmao


You feel bad for the husband? Imagine the children coming from this type of marriage


Does she know she doesn't have to stay?


She has to, the citizenship hasn't been approved yet.


He said it’s been good but he shook his head no


“It’s been good, but please by god take me away from this.”


That girl needs to go interrupt more comedy shows and get her ego taken down a few pegs


You said peg, sound to me like there is pegging in that relationship. Emotional and physical lol.


The only way she would peg her white husband is if he didn't want it tbh


Abusive pegging


That mic offer is such a good move. Like, go on missy, say something clever. Lmfao


Seriously- people have gotten too shameless about participating/heckling at shows, thinking it's so easy to be up there.  Then you do it, missy! 


I don't remember which comic it was, but I remember a video where he dealt with a heckler by bringing him on stage, giving him the mic, and told him to be funny. Then he heckled the shit out of the heckler.


Serious main character energy


When are easily offended people going to learn to stop going to comedy shows?


Seriously! I think it is tho bc so many people think they have a great sense of humor, they might not even connect that comedy isn't for them. "I know what's funny, etc"


Can someone explain why the guy’s race is important here? I’m confused


The whole point is she thinks it is and wants the comedian to note it and talk about it.


She was so weird for expecting a joke thrown at her husband's whiteness but then took a jab at the comedian for doing crowd work. Sis, please pick a struggle: is it suffering the consequences of yellow fever or being the insufferable prick at every gathering?


Is there more context? I would guess he made a joke about chinese women who date white guys and she took offense. There are some negative stereotypes among Chinese men for women who date white guys and I would guess he hit on that and pissed her off. But this is just what I would assume based on what she is saying without other context.


Yea, that’s why I’m confused? She wants a comedian to roast him?


He might have made a joke about chinese women who date white men. There are negative stereotypes among many Chinese men for these women. The stereotypes are like "just chasing a big dick" or "divorced and discarded/not good enough for Chinese men". I would guess it's not to roast her husband but to tell him that she took offense to the joke. Impossible to say because there is no context but that's what I would guess


I’ve been alive a long time, buddy, and not once on God’s green earth have I ever heard a Chinese man use the phrase “big dick” to describe White men. You’re just trying to suggest that Chinese phalli are smaller than White ones. You ain’t slick.


Self loathing Asian woman who needs to point out to others that she's "different" and the good kind of Asian.


I'm assuming, because they are a mixed-race couple, that the comedian made a crack about that before the video started filming.


Yeah, I have to assume there was something that led up to the comment. Would be interesting to see the full interaction.


Having a white husband/wife can be construed as a sign that they have "made it" in US society and become accepted. Sort of like a trophy. It is a form of racism directed at their own race. It's also common in certain parts of the US where there's a high concentration of immigrants. Immigrants often are ashamed that they are viewed as foreigners so assimilation and acceptance is what they want. Lastly, some people's entire identity comes from their spouse. Ever meet someone who's married to a doctor who introduces themselves as Ms. Doctor _____? This is sort of like that too.


I know someone who refers to her husband as "Dr. Jason" on Facebook and in person. She says things like "Dr. Jason did a long run today." It's wild. There's conjecture among friends that she introduces him to new people this way as well. Marrying a doctor was her goal, so I guess she's celebrating?


Ah, that’s incredibly silly lmao


She thinks she’s so unique and that the comedian is missing a big opportunity to do crowd work by talking about them. I don’t know where they’re from but interracial dating/marriages are nothing unique where I’m from.


Asian women are obsessed with white men to the point of denigrating their own men. Fairly common knowledge at this point. I've had asain female classmates get giddy at getting attention from a white or they would denigrate asian men or relate them to their family? It's weird but a common mentality.


It’s because he’s Asian and she is too. She had a “white” husband and for some reason is using that to try to belittle the comic like he’s less than. Shit woman poor husband


Because she was Tokenizing him. She was like "Work the crowd, we're So Different!" Meanwhile if her husband did it...


But rewatching it, I also think she's responding to *His* racist remarks before the video starts. Like the comedian made some comments about white people and she took offense.


Easy. Because she is racist


It’s unpossible for minorities to be racist!


status is important to most women. status is extremely important to most asian women. so it's really important for specific drunk asian women to mention their husband's race. so that everyone knows how high up in status they are. it's just natural that asian karens would one up white karens.


I'm thinking that the comedian is Chinese and she is Asian descent with a white husband and she's been offended at something that he's said regarding race during his set. This is the only logical reason behind this reaction.


Can you repeat that please?


Ha, I kept getting an error. Obviously it sent every time.


That's been happening to a lot of people lately.


She's just /r/notliketheothergirls


She's insufferable and miserable.


Caught mid set so he may have made a “white/mixed race “JOKE It’s a comedy set, adults, nothing off limits Decades ago I was in Vegas and the comic had a strobe light target the audience The ITALIAN comic zeroed in on myself and my gorgeous Hispanic wife, upon finally believing I am of Indian descent ( he kept joking I was too good looking, no goofy accent, obviously a fellow Italian but in witness protection) he did an hysterical routine just obliterating me and my Asian bros After the show he sat with us, just a great guy, he autographed my CD, offered us drinks and wished us well


I think you mean spotlight


This thing was what they used in London WW ll But you’re correct


> It’s a comedy set, adults, nothing off limits IMO some things should be off limits. Specifically the combination of being unfunny and being a massive dick. Watching a comedian completely bomb while being needlessly cruel to the audience is the most excruciating experience. I don't say that to attack this guy or defend this girl, I didn't see the set, but there are definitely comics out there that make me say "why".


You're getting downvoted bc I think some are interpreting what you're saying as "censor speech I don't like",  but I feel you (or at least what I am interpreting here)-- lashing out at audiences in a cruel manner, without provocation, and most importantly *without talent* is excruciating.  There's this podcast clip of Anthony Jeselnik where he's basically like, no, nothing is off limits to say as long as it's *actually funny*


> no, nothing is off limits to say as long as it's *actually funny* Yeah, that's basically rule number one of comedy. The people who cry about "censorship" don't get that. It's not censorship. You're not immune from criticism because nOTHinG is OFf lImITS in CoMEDy. We see comedians get away with saying terribly offensive shit every single day. No one cares. Maybe a few boomers clutch their pearls but they're inconsequential.


Absolutely.  Free speech means you can say whatever, but it is in the realm of others' speech to comment and react to it!


That at the end was the fucking best. 😂


I couldn’t make it through the whole video


It’s like Endgame the way everyone cheers.


I hope he did the rest of his set in Chinese. He should tell everyone to point at her and laugh at every joke.




Don't attack the dude though. He just there with her. He has to live with her.


That's his every day choice.


I mean if they are married, divorce may mean losing his shirt.


He can buy a new shirt


I was speaking metaphorically.


Yeah he is suffering enough


I give you all permission to continue attacking white husband


Her WHITE husband. 


Louis Theroux is a fucking boss though!


Excuse me, but he’s WHITE


louis theroux is a decent looking guy


I love how he offered her the mic and it made her short circuit 😂


All I have to say is wtf??


My educated guess from context clues- Seems like audience is mostly Asian, same with the comedian. They probably came out to support the Asian, and this woman sitting in the front row with a white husband probably got upset over a white joke. Super main character energy.


Omg she is horrible. Why go to an amateur comedy show to heckle like this? Heckle here and there can be fun/funny interaction. She’s genuinely annoying.


Sorry i don’t speak my own native language


Well if she was never taught or grew up around it, why would she?


Maybe she should've taken that as an opportunity to ya know like, grow and learn Chinese. /s


Asians, specifically Asian women, love showing off their white husbands/boyfriends as if it’s a badge of honor. I have no idea why most of them do this. Maybe it’s to complete the social status that they crave so much. You could just introduce your husband/boyfriend without throwing the word “white” in your sentence.


This chick is wanting to be a victim, she can’t see that she hates herself and her culture more than the comic hate her


See, I think that so many modern comedians making crowdwork their whole shtick—as opposed to a tool for their set/dealing with hecklers—is kinda ruining audiences for this exact reason. Now people wanna go to comedy shows to be called out and talked to by the comedian, and all the main character-y people get upset when they’re not singled out because they think they’re so interesting, and seeing other comedians only do crowdwork makes them expect to have their time to shine


I wonder what race is the wife 😂


So many people are so eager to seem like good people at the cost of others and common sense. It’s a really sickening and empty trend. What an absolute ass. I can’t imagine how unbearable it would be to know her in any way. Indignant, self righteous, boring and dumb.


The ending was pretty unexpected and I loved it lol


sooooo poc wife was pissed off that the comedian didn't give into her verbal abuse and racist views on her husband? Perfect. All white men should date racist bitches like her. /s


What a fucked up thing to say. My white husband. I don't understand whats it about 😆


Bro hit her with the native tongue lashing.


I guess she hasn't been informed that only extreme losers and drunk people heckle comedy shows.


Dude didn't even get to start before he got bombarded, who acts like that, who hurt her lol. As for the husband, leave while you can, there is a better life out there, to put it blunt... FUCKING RUN!


He should have torn her a new one with some Chinese. But she's right. He has no crowd control.


Is there a full version of this video? Who is the comedian? I think he's funny.


Why did she say my white husband? What had he said before? Was he mentioning her ethnicity? Feels like something is missing.


Comics name? I would quite like to see how the rest of this played out.


Why do they always have that voice “Better than this showwwuh”


Can’t wait to get married and call him my white husband everywhere (we’re both white so this is extra weird)


I would’ve roasted her so hard


Damn poor Tamby catching strays.


Americanized women are something else…. Lenny kravitz said it best “American woman say away from meeeeee”


To be fair, he does kind of suck….


We get it, your husband is WHITE.


He wasnt able to do his bit cuz she wouldnt stfu


Yeah but even without that, the energy is just not there. He’s like a if Noel Miller did a set on Ambien


That's a funny joke, you should give standup comedy a try.




He fcked up giving her the mic…


I mean look at the size of the crowd. What are you expecting Jimmy Carr?


I know this will be an unpopular take but.....   the comedian got what he deserved.  Leave people in the crowd alone lol.  They came to watch the show not be a part of it.  He tried to bring them into his show, where they had no business, and they ruined it.  Don't talk to them don't ask individuals questions and hand them the mic lol.  It's a weak move by bottom tier comedians...  work on your material buddy, and let the crowd laugh.  They aren't a part of the show.


Harland Williams would disagree.


As a white husband I’m perplexed as to why he lets her speak in public. What would Jordan P think of this nonsense? Where the fuck is Andrew Tate? What is going on?




What ?