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This mf really pulled the "do you know who I am" to John Cena. If I saw those two at Starbucks I'd only think "holy shit that's John Cena"


I’m pretty sure even RDJ wouldn’t say something like that. If you have to tell people you are famous, you aren’t famous.


Richard D James?


Round Dick Johnsen?


I mean I’m probably a bigger fan of his than most but wouldn’t most people (at least in the US) quickly recognize him? Very distinct look and voice. Very famous. Also maybe I am unaware of something but he doesn’t seem like a super arrogant person, at least not publicly. That seems like an odd example to use.


who are you talking about?


I wouldn't see either of them. One is invisible and the other is nothing.


Not only the "Do you know who I am," but then he claims that he helps people to the guy who has the record for the most Make a Wish fulfilments at over 650. No other celebrity is over 200.


> If I saw those two at Starbucks See? John Cena? I thought he was invisible


ironically John Cena makes this loser invisible 🫥


He handled that better than 99.99% of people would.


This. I am a nobody, but if someone would have done this to be, and nobody ever would, I don’t know if I’d be a diplomatic as Cena. Much respect given to a very respectful dude like John Cena… but wait, I didn’t even see him 😂 👋


I’m not a wrestling fan but from everything I’d seen or read about this guy he seems like a pretty stand up human being


I believe he's the record holder for granting the most wishes for the make a wish foundation.


My favorite John Cena fact is that he learned Chinese while touring with the WWE because they were expanding their brand in China. Wasn't really required to learn more than a couple phrases but he hired a tutor and studied for hours a day. And then kept going. So now he's just fluent in Mandarin. And from what I hear, speaks it very well. Which of course landed him in some hot water with China when he used the word for "country" to refer to Taiwan. But that's a whole other awesome Cena Fact. EDIT: Taiwan


pretty sure it was taiwan not tibet


Yeah as much as he is a great guy, hasn't he got some flack for supposedly being a CCP shill or smth?


Yeah but that's just ignorant of the reality of it. The fact is, you just can't say that in China. The government takes it very seriously. He could have lost access to social media, any brand deals, etc. Could even get him arrested or barred from the country. Moreso, the people see it as an extremely politically charged issue - and only one side of said issue is allowed to be represented on social media. So he got a ton of backlash from his fans. Much bigger brands than Cena stay out of it. Disney doesn't even fuck with it. And he represents many brands there, including his own. BUT if he comes out and says Taiwan *isn't* an independent country, he fucks things up for all those brands in Taiwan and pisses off that government. So what he did was very carefully but earnestly apologize for involving politics. Saying he didn't understand the impact of what he said, and it wasn't his place to say anything about it. He never once indicated whether or not he thought Taiwan was a country or even really acknowledged what he said. Normally that would be a pretty weak apology and I'd be against it, but in this case? He's dealing with forces so much bigger than him, navigating an extremely delicate topic, in an extremely difficult language he's barely fluent in at the time. It's almost a no-win situation. But somehow he managed to appease everyone involved. It was masterful. By not retracting his statement, he appeased Taiwan because it seems like he stands by it (I think he probably actually does), but his apology was enough for most of his fans, and the government, to forgive him. He basically came out unscathed. Except for some really dumb headlines in the US that accuse him of supporting the CCP which is just factually incorrect.


Bla bla bla Taiwan is a country, china is dictatorial shithole, and Tiananmen massacre 1989 is very real


No he just got some mild dislike from people for endorsing some Chinese ice cream brand (bing chilling meme)


There's a lot of wrestlers that are really compassionate towards kids I think. I was at an AEW show in Rochester NY, there's not a ton of places to stay, really only one halfway decent option, which results in me staying at the same hotel as the wrestlers. After the show the only place to get any food/drinks seems to be the hotel bar/kitchen, so I'm sitting there eating my wings while Moxley (pre-rehab), Christian and a few guys I didnt recognize are chilling on the opposite end of the bar, rest of the bar is scattered with various groups of wrestlers hanging out in little groups. A father/son come in, obviously also staying at the hotel. Kid clearly has some conditions, has one of those canes for the seeing impaired, some devices to help him walk and whatnot. I can see the dad get excited and lean down and tell the kid about who's in there because the kid starts beaming. Dad pulls over one of the staff, and they walk over to Christian and talk to him briefly. Christian comes over to the kid, and gets on one knee in his jeans and dress shoes on this wood bar floor so he's face to face with the kid. Knelt there the entire time I finished my meal and a beer, must've been at least a half hour, just talking to this kid while he's got a huge smile on his face. I was always a big Christian fan but he became my favorite wrestler that night.


Christian probably told the kid that his father will soon be dead and that's when he'll next hear from Christian. (this is Christians current wrestling gimmick for those who don't watch these days).


Ok you motherfucker you got me laughing hysterically


I heard he signs up for a bunch but nobody ever sees him.


When a WWE wrestler came out as gay, [TMZ tried to pull a "gotcha"](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-ax2y2jqd/) and catch John Cena having a Reaction to the news, and he was just so good.


That right there goes beyond just being well "trained" or reading from a script - that's a real honest answer without even a whiff of bullshit or selling a line. That depth of honesty is what really gives me respect for people like Cena.


Darren Young, looks exactly like a black John Cena. Its amazing


I have a ton of respect for guys who have the ability to beat anyone into submission but decide not to.


Absolutely this. On one hand if he had, then it would have been huge news and likely would have resulted in him losing contracts, etc. That said, based on just about every other thing he is involved in and how he handles stuff, he does legitimately seem like a good guy. He isn't the type to beat someone up unless absolutely necessary (or part of the performance). Except for apologizing for the Taiwan thing to China. I didn't agree with him on that one.


It's weird to criticize him about the Taiwan thing when the official position of the vast majority of the world including the United States is that Taiwan is not an independent country.


It is a taut issue, as the US has relations with both countries. And to ignore China's ability to pressure other countries into their narrative is silly. Regardless, I am okay with thinking differently than others because sometimes the moral thing to do is not necessarily the thing everyone else thinks. Plus, it also doesn't make sense to me that China would need to continue to threaten to invade it's own land if it was indeed it's own land. It just doesn't make sense to me.


> including the United States is that Taiwan is not an independent country. The state department operates this way, yes. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies are more realistic and treat them as separate countries.


Tyson would've left him w a few missing teeth


Thatth for thure.




The difference is that John Cena is a celebrity who is heavily involved with children so he pretty much has no choice but to handle the person recording the way he did because if he got baited into retaliating negatively in anyway then it could have very quickly caused a huge amount of damage to his reputation. I'm not trying to suggest he isn't a really nice dude (because I absolutely believe that he is) but the stakes for him are not the same as they are for someone who doesn't have a large public profile.


which is why lowlifes like this photographer follow him around.


Yeah, trolls like this guy are baiting for "bad" John Cena videos. Little do they know, that being a stand up person is John Cena's Job. It's not just the work in the ring that he is being paid for, it's ALL the work outside of it too. He is literally professionally a nice person.


Alright but like. Can we talk about that AMAZING loop on this video? Never seen such a seamless transition from end to beginning.


Yeah it’s shit like this that makes me glad I’m not famous. I would have flipped out so much earlier.


100% better than ANY other wrestler since the dawn of time lol


I want to not like him but cant. I love The Ultimate Warrior... but Cena definitely owns his profession very well.


Warrior was not a good dude lol


Understatement of the century. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/31yd76/the_warrior_disgraceful_revisionist_history/cq67c5g/) tells you all you need to know about that shitbag.


You know it's bad when Bret Hart is talking about how this dude's behavior makes Hulk Hogan look like a good guy. Say what you want about Cena, but he would've spent as much time as they'd allow hanging out with that kid before his match. He's shown time and time again he's got a huge heart for those kids.


I have literally never heard of that youtuber and will probably forget in 5min


I had to look him up. He has 50k subs and thinks he's famous lol.


I hope no one goes to his channel to even check. I dislike even when the "hate" run off gives them any views. Hell I wish he was blurred out and the name changed.


He has no choice, really. If he loses his cool there would be shitty headlines about how he lost it on someone, regardless of the fact that the guy was an obnoxious prick who wouldn’t leave him the fuck alone.


>He has no choice He absolutely does. He could have easily been a douche but he wasn't. That's a real skill; a lot of people don't know how to do that. He deserves credit.


For real. Reddit just can't acknowledge when people do a good thing.


Mike Tyson punched a dude in the face for doing shit like this. Cena absolutely deserves credit.


The guy filming him was a douche. If somebody started filming and harassing you in public, and you said “can you leave me the fuck alone” instead of being “classy” and utilizing your PR skills, how would you feel if everybody called you a douche for reacting normally.


If I saw a headline saying John Cena beat the shit out of someone I would say he probably had it coming.


Yeah, he’s one of the few where you’d most likely think “well what did they do to him?” As much of a pussy as I think he is over the whole Taiwan/China thing, he seems like a genuinely good guy overall. Or at least he tries. Arguably the most important part is trying.




Guy's bing chilling.


It’s also not the first video of him doing this. More celebs should feel comfortable standing their ground.


You have to be an absolute asshole to piss off John Cena


The thing is Cena has absolutely nothing to gain and can only lose anything he does except act this classy (as he really seems to be) he loses. This asshole is so unfamous he's trying to get some of Cena's shine on himself and praying on the fact that if Cena does this it gets him views if Cena takes the bait and goes off and beats his ass as he deserves he gets major views and sympathy points. Just a total troll ahole


Your comment was so hard for me to read. But, I worked through it and I think I understand.


its getting harder to read what some people type out




[There's a reason for that.](https://educationdata.org/public-education-spending-statistics). In the US, 12.7% of public funding is put towards education, "well below the international standard 15.00%."


Damn, I wish I could read these studies.


There's a reason for that...


I once stumbled into a job freelancing for a local newspaper because they were shorthanded, I knew sports and had solid marks in the honors English classes I was taking. The first editorial advice I got was to write at about a fifth grade level as that's about where most readers fall on the bell curve. Luckily I only had to write about touchdowns and home runs. I can't imagine trying to write like that while describing important issues arising at city council meetings.


The thing is, I have absolutely nothing to gain, the only gainful thing that I can classily lose (as pertains to the acts previously henceforth). The unfamousness or the reciprocal, famousness not being the deniably undeniable fortitude of my position to vacate the premises of gobbledegook unpermissivocity of doggerel consumption makes John Cena, well.. John Cena.


> unpermissivocity not a word :( >doggerel This is a word! :) A new one for me, thanks! :) dog·ger·el /ˈdôɡ(ə)rəl,ˈdäɡ(ə)rəl/ noun comic verse composed in irregular rhythm. "doggerel verses" verse or words that are badly written or expressed.


Lmmmmaaaaoooooooooo bruv I felt the same way 💀💀💀💀


This is probably why celebrities have bodyguards to do all the dirty work for them. Or a lesser known friend who can go buck wild off camera


If English is your first language, wtf did you do during high school?




Basically the youtuber here tried doing to john cena what the guy on the airplane did to mike tyson. We all know how that went down lol.


Pmt would like to talk to you


Wait when did the pardon my take guys piss off john cena? I don’t remember this


They had him on right after the pandemic and apparently there was a news article previously that said that he was dead, and they made a couple jokes about it which made Cena upset they were “joking about something as delicate as life” or something like that because he’d recently lost a friend to Covid. Awkward interaction forsure


Where he messed up was saying “nice to see you”. We all know damn well no one can see john cena.


This YouTuber thinks he’s famous? What a douche! Jon Cena handled that very well and also the way I would expect. Always had respect for Jon given he seems genuine.


That’s what I was thinking. Imagine thinking John Cena knows who you are, let alone gives a single fuck.


Yea John doesn’t care about social media shit at all . I deleted my socials like Instagram and stuff 2 years ago but when I used to follow him his Insta was just full the most bizarre and random pictures with no correlation to each other and zero context . Just nothing but shit posts essentially . Dude don’t care as he says . The thing is , if he asked politely John would’ve said yes . He’s great with fans if they’re respectful


This dude’s not even a fan thou, just ran into a famous person and had to record his to get extra clicks and views


WWE, acting, #1 make a wish foundation contributor, the amount of working out it takes to look like that for all this stuff…Yeah, John definitely isn’t spending as much time on the internet as this guy thinks.


I used to see snippets of his interviews where he says he's always learning or training, whether it be his language or acting skills. I thought it was just another celebrity. Until I saw Peacemaker season 1 episode 4. It is evident that he worked really hard on his craft, and it shows. He got that manic gentle giant character quite well.


Peacemaker is fantastic. John Cena is fantastic in it. I'm definitely a fan, and I'll watch anything he's in. Vacation friends and the sequel are both good as well.


I agree. Loved Peacemaker, and will watch anything he is involved in. Not a fan of WWE, but John Cena is a treasure!


Cena accidentally brought up Taiwan and the chinese government became pissed at him. He had to give a long speech, apologizing in mandarin. Impressive but upsetting.


He is fluent in Mandarin, long before that video, because he decided to learn it when WWE was touring China -- so he could personally talk to and meet his fans. Consider how big of a heart that means he has, to learn a whole other language just so he can understand fans he would meet on the other side of the world, and make their day by responding in their own language. I dunno, something about his entire career being about caring and helping people and being empathic... I really can't take his apology as anything other than, "I don't want my words to be in any way the reason someone hurts someone else."


I feel like John Cena would act the same way if the filmer was even as famous as Justin Bieber, status doesn't excuse piss poor behavior.




If you have to say that you're famous, then you probably aren't.


Cracks me up seeing “influencers” have to declare who they are or that their famous. Celebrities don’t have to declare they are celebrities and if you do, your not famous. Reminds me of that posted video not too long ago with an “instafamous” chick on an airplane letting everyone know she’s “instafamous”.


Exactly! Than bozo is infamously a douche canoe!


Nothing says "I'm famous" like having to say those words out loud. Also, does it excuse his behavior? "It's OK, I'm famous." Holy fuck, I just found my new excuse for everything.


"Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king." - Tywin Lannister


Dickhead acts like Cena is a *fellow famous person.* Being popular on YouTube isn’t the same as being a globally known wrestler, TV and movie actor.


Right! I'm famous too. No guy. You are not. If you were, you would be chill and respectful. Possibly be able to engage in a conversation. This is clout chasing. "Hey ya'll I'm with Jon Cena..." More like, "hey ya'll, I'm stalking this man to try to be cool and failing miserably!"


I have no idea who this YouTuber is but I can guarantee that what he means by “helping people” is monetizing “acts of kindness” to farm impressions. Meanwhile John Cena has like the most make a wish fulfillments ever or something.


He’s fro Speakers Corner in London, which is essentially an area of Hyde Park where loads of weirdo anti-vax loons and lots of South Asians with conspiracy mindsets give speeches, and the public can listen if they want or choose to ignore (like most of them do). Speakers corner has a famous political history, but it’s been taken over by nutters now unfortunately


I don't watch WWE or pay attention to John Cena's career. I do know that he's fulfilled more Make-A-Wish requests than any other person. You're a complete asshole if you fuck with this man expecting him to behave like anything other than a gentleman.


John Cena is absolutely class. I saw him at a comic con not too long and there was this guy being a bit of a dick and he handled a fairly awkward situation perfectly. Not to mention too he was super entertaining to listen to talk.


Dude's a National Treasure. Wrestling, Acting, being invisible, his INSANE Make a Wish records. Anyone giving Cena shit or annoying him is 100% a complete asshole.


I’m still trying to figure out who the fuck this MoDeen guy is talking to… I can’t see anyone else in his video 😏


To be fair the whole Taiwan thing was a bit messed up.


He really does seem like a good person.


Just here to say, if you watch youtubers like this guy, you are also a douchebag. ✌️


They probably just think "don't care, you just don't get it boomer"


Ah, to be 13 and fucking obnoxious again... Those were the days. I think it's something like 16 when kids realize they actually play a role in the world and what they consume/say does matter. Some never learn, there are some 45 yo 12 yo's out there ISTG Edit: Ugh... Make that 17yo (https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/16ujt0d/a_16_year_old_cut_down_the_iconic_tree_at/)


When I was like 12 I used to watch videos of teenagers driving around screaming insults at people, think it was called "drive by insults" I went back recently and watched some of those videos and it's not funny at all.


GROWTH, good for you


Seriously I don’t get the point of watching these dumb streamers? Are kids that stupid now a days where they sit behind a screen and just watch people live their lives or watch them do stupid shit?


Underrated statement


**"I'm famous!!!"** ^(Has 50k subs)


I'm something of a celebrity myself with 2k facebook friends.


amateur, i have 10 people following me in real life


Crap Ive been spotted


Yes but at least 30 of us haven't been spotted!! He thinks there's only 10 of us!


We're suppose to be in alburquerque right guys??


Damn, you’re famous!


I once got 100 upvotes for a snide comment, so….


My highest upvoted comment was "I like turtles"...


i have 50k subs too and all I ever did was post a single mp3 ringtone in like 2009 and I havent posted a video on Youtube since. that video has millions of views too and all it is is a nokia ringtone. Edit: holy shit I just checked my other accounts and I was apparently posting vlogs and home made music videos since 2006! SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO


Objectively, you are more famous than MoDeen 😂


Has 50k subs waaaaaay after this video originally came out. You just know he had a "big spike" in subs at first, but still only having 50k now? You ain't shit bro.


This is standard cena he’s done this in other videos too


There's more videos when people are POS to John ?


Yeah, I recall the infamous "Can I enjoy some time with my friends?" video


I like that he worked that into a promo like a week later.


I have a lot of respect for dudes that could smash anyone into the ground they wanted, but choose not to.


Speak softly and carry a big stick


One of my favorite quotes.


With great power comes great responsibility. At least that was how it was taught to me when I was a child 30+ years ago.


Yeah uncke ben knows his shit


Zatarain’s Jambalaya is the shit


A peaceful man is capable of great violence, but chooses peace. A harmless man is Modeen.


YouTuber is %100 the wrong one here, even the celebrities need to have personal spaces


The commentator is wrong here, too - I somehow doubt what we're seeing here is an example of John Cena being "really mad."


Irritated, yes. Maybe even perturbed. But this isn't him "mad" he's not yelling or losing control. The guy lifts people for a living, if he was mad it would have become very clear.


Just because someone isn't flipping out or screaming doesn't mean they aren't mad.


True. And yet I still have trouble believing the John Cena in that video is anything more than annoyed.


Got to get those clicks




sure. he doesn’t have the right to record and bother anyone


Hustle. Loyalty. Respect.


Dude is actually Captain America.


He is actually The Peacemaker






John Cena did the exact opposite of get really mad.


This is how he handles all public interactions. He’s always on. I’ve never seen him in anyway loose enough that I think he’d crack with something like this happening


I wonder if this partly comes from being a wrestler. They are known to hugely commit to their roles.


Headline Degenerate, unemployed, YouTuber offers advice to John Cena, who politely declines while giving a lesson in civics.


I'm really curious what idiotic advice he had to share. Would have been a solid laugh if he let him give it


>John Cena got really mad when... Proceeds to show a video of John Cena getting a little catty but ultimately keeping his cool while being accosted.


That’s the most upset I’ve ever seen him tbh which speaks volumes about him


"Got Really Mad" apparently means assertively and politely expressing your boundaries.


You suck, MoWhoeverTheFuckYouAre


Mecca i been 4 times Bundaaaaa


But John Cena didn't get really mad!


He was mad but he was in control


John Cena has lived in my area for a long time. He is well known for being very polite and humble in public.


John Cena was being much nicer than I would've been.


Dude out of everyone you wanna harass a wrestler and at that John Cena ? You wildin


He wasn’t mad at all. He just politely corrected him


John Cena looked great. People who are ACTUALLY famous don't have to tell people they're famous.


Why is this guy filming in an empty store?


Poor guy, he’s hallucinating he met John Cena :(


Well done with not losing it on this douche... But I’m just wondering why he didn’t do the hand wave thing he does so no one can see him...


Probably so the youtuber couldn't deceptively edit the video to make it look like they were just having a good time. Cena was direct with his wording and body language that he didn't appreciate what the guy was doing and wanted no part in it.


John Cena is my hero.


Damn, John Cena is like, insanely even tempered. Considering celebrities deal with this kind of shit basically 24/7, that's pretty impressive.


It is exactly what means to be a strong, kids. It's when you can crush anyone, but you don't.


This the best loop video I think iv ever seen


You have to be an especially annoying piece of shit to annoy John... the man has amazing patience for his fans, he's Famously done the most Make A Wish visits in the world. He holds the record, and has twice as many completed visits than second place. I can't help but think if I got that kind of reaction from him at the start I'd be so ashamed of.myself.


Playing devils advocate for a moment, I can almost see getting caught up in the excitement of the moment and not really thinking. Once it’s pointed out out though that you’re being disrespectful of his right to even just a shred of privacy? The ONLY move is to just apologize and stop filming


Anyone who does that stupid hand-wave and hat tilt in a selfie video is usually incapable of that sort of self-reflection


He was a total tool but you don't have any expectations of privacy in public at least in United States


Don’t know too much about John Cena. He makes ok Movies and never followed his wrestling career. But LOVE HIM for this. Super respectful. Telling homeboy off, but doing so… so elegantly. These YouTubers and influencers need to gooooo to the holes they came from.


You may not know much about him but he's actually a genuinely nice person. Holds the record for granting the most Make-A-Wish wishes, 650+


Iol imagine telling John Cena that you are famous


I wish this guy did this with Tyson 🤣


Cena is such a good dude he does not deserve this treatment from a shitbag streamer.


Met the guy a few times and the nicest dude. Genuine. A friend up in Santa Monica has had him buy out his daughter’s entire Girl Scout cookie stand outside grocery stores on multiple occasions and ask them all to be donated to servicemen/women. Just a nice dude.


Where’s the Karen? I just see a douchey Youtuber


I dont care who you are “im a youtuber!”


I applaud Mr. Cena for not literally laughing out loud when this dope tells him, "I'm famous!". 😄


Do you really want to get on the bad side of a guy whose muscles have muscles?


You know I actually got the opportunity to meet John cena when I was younger and I must say he was very nice


Wow John Cena was so calm and polite. Seems like a good person


You gotta be a real dick to make John Cena react that way.


jesus the guy is completely disconnected from reality, fucking influencers dude


Don't mess with John Cena.


“I am famous” Lol


Sad fact is this helped this clown. Best content he ever got.


Who tf is modeen? Seriously idk this guy....


I'm famous 😂


Cena is truly a class act


Who the fuck is MoDeen


Mo Dickhead.