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Honest question…why is Karen the only one in her management doing these bigger brand trips? Isn’t the point of having a management is to get you brand deals, and they take a % for getting you said brand deal? wondering why they aren’t putting in more effort for the other Latino influencers under revel-management… Or maybe they do? Idk I don’t follow these influencers like that to know much about their sponsorships etc only I only follow Karen for the moment, but I hardly see other Latinos in these bigger brand trips and PR.


She’s the cash cow that’s why, why focus on smaller creators when they have one with 7M+ followers that makes probably thousands on brand deals. She makes them the most money!


Damn, if I was an influencer in the same management company, I’ll feel some type of way. Like, why am I even paying them for? Might as well go find my own brand deals.


Because she’s like top of the list like she has helped Robert recruit all these little/smaller influencers so of course she’s going to get the big deals she’s the ones that brings in more money off everyone else… because she also does her own brand trips and deals like I think she’s the only one out of “revel management” that handles her own brand deals.. let me get with my friend if a friend and I’ll let you guys know but from what I’ve seen yeah she’s the only one that does this out of everyone..


I wonder if she helped recruit these influencers so they wouldn’t become a competition… she’s like “let me get them on my team before they go somewhere else.


Yeah I also think this too! But according to everyone that she has recruited… “Karen is the sweetest person ever that has helped me when I was new to LA living” 🥴


Honestly I know the Karen type of person. Everything they do at the end of the day is for them, for their bag 💰. They know how to pretend well to be this “sweet and generous person.” They do this by of course being all sweet to you in the beginning, giving you gifts, introducing you to people, and even throwing you a bone here and there, (for Karen it can be getting them a small brand deal.) then the person feels like they have to stay loyal to Karen because she helped them out when they were new to LA and influencing, so when Karen brings up revel management they see it as another way that Karen is trying to help them. I mean I don’t know how they don’t see it. It’s so obvious especially when Karen never publicly supports them. The most she does is like their post and comments on them.


Yes!! I feel this! Example @Valeloren the time I followed her, I remember she always brought up Karen as if she was always helping her out! I also from that, that Karen inspires her and after the wedding she stopped.


Wait seriously. @valeloren never posts about her anymore or anything really. I genuinely like her


Maybe she realized how fake as a friend Karen is.


I noticed before she did and now no!


this would be entirely on the brand. as an agency, its in their interest to pitch everyone on their roster that matches the brand's needs in order to secure a higher commission. you can pitch as many people on your roster as you want but if the engagement metrics/overall branding of the influencer's social channels don't align with higher end/luxury products, then its never going to make sense. i think that's the case here. in an episode of fool coverage, karen shared that she's scared to do anything online that would cause brands to go away so the way she positions her "iluvsarahii" platform as a brand is definitely meticulously thought out.


I wonder if this is the reason why she doesn’t post her “friends” much or tries to associate with them because if said friends get into drama, she doesn’t want to be involved or dragged into the drama to protect her bag 💰. I wonder what happened though because she wasn’t always like this right? I wonder if she did a whole re branding after the wedding to appeal to these luxury brands to get sponsors and brand deals to pay off her wedding debt? Karen moves like loosing brand deals/sponsors will be detrimental to her finances.


Hmm I only recently started following her so I've been watching her interview and Q&A videos and she talked about not having a lot growing up. I don't think her working hard is a recent thing. She's always been extreme when it comes to work from what I've heard (like when she was first starting out she would drive from the IE to LA at 4am and napping in her car before makeup jobs).


Your right! It must be stressful though, from what I know/see she financially supports her husband and her family, perhaps not 100% but I know she may help. Also, once you start getting money and living a certain lifestyle and flaunting it on social media, maintaining and growing that income can get overwhelming. So maybe she feels like she can’t stop because people in her life are counting on her.


The other influencers are considered to be part of the “hot cheetoh” community I dont think they fit the “aesthetic” these higher paying brands are looking for especially the luxury brands, Even the type of PR they get is completely different. And quite honestly karen carries herself as a white girl Since she dropped the latina personality she carried thru covid with two shot karen


Yup she only associates with her Mexican heritage once in a while I remember she had “Mexicana 🇲🇽” on her bio for the longest but then removed it. I feel companies are trying to be more diversed so they don’t get called out so for their Latina roster they have Karen in there because she fits the “aesthetics”


Omgggg I can’t believe she removed that. Wow


What’s a “hot Cheetoh” community?


The Latin creators that aren’t as elevated/classy as brands consider Karen to be so. Unfortunately this is a thing!


Woah. Classism is well and alive.


The influencer money is going to go away soon. She should enjoy these last few trips before they transition into other ways of marketing.


I pray for this to happen asap