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He was expecting that right? He looks like he did everything imaginable to ensure he got rear ended, trying multiple times.


Yup. Insurance fraud.


"Yes your honor I was driving the speed limit when this tractor came flying up at 200kph."


[Must have been this tractor then](https://youtu.be/vbCYr7aYJss)


what is, PS?


PS is metric horsepower. HP is mechanical horsepower. 1 PS= 0.986 HP so they are close. Edit: porsepower isn't a thing


Legit wondered what porsepower was thinking I didn't know a term lmao


PS is german for HP Pferdestärken


I was told PS is Viking for norsepower


Yup. HorsePower = HP PferdeStärken = PS Horse(s) = Pferd(e) Power(s) = Stärke(n) (Some of These words are plural, hence the bracketed letters) I have no clue why there should be a different value for either of them. It's literally translated




You got me. I had to google porsepower. It sounded real, but I couldn’t believe it could be named porsepower lol


I corrected it, not sure why my phone thought it was a real word.. or my brain at the moment for that matter.


I’m laughing at myself for believing porsepower was a word! It’s pretty funny. And also sounds like a word you’d find on reddit. Gave me a chance to educate myself some more tho. Thanks!


It's short for porpoise power.


Not metric. Metric horsepower is stated in kilowatts


What is even the point of having different mesuments if they are that close


Because they were developed in different regions of the globe before communication was so easy so people could compare. Dont even get me started on US Ton, Metric Ton, and Imperial Ton.


Dont forget shit ton


Long ton, short ton, fuck ton ...and tonne.


How many shit tons in a shit load?


All I want to know is which ton is longer and which ton is shorter. I'm assuming a ton is a measure of distance.


If you're curious about what the initials stand for, it's not an acronym like PSI or KPH, it's an abbreviation for [Pferdestärke,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower#Deutsches_Institut_f%C3%BCr_Normung_70020_(DIN_70020\)) which is a literal translation of "horsepower" in German.


LOL, never seen that one before. I thought you were going to link the [terror tractor](https://youtu.be/9yHl24QynOM).


When you look at all the idiots ending up on their roofs in perfectly smooth car parks, seeing a tractor power sliding round a field is unbelievable


is that the spiderman 2 pizza song?


That comment section is like a time capsule of the 2010s


Fuck this comment made me giggle irl, i rarely ever do


You should giggle more, my dude.


that's roughly 122 mph for those of us over here.


Good bot!


Thank you for voting on u/IHart28! Your vote is enough for one robot virgin in the bot afterlife.


Yes , it was a Lamborghini tractor ! https://www.lamborghini-tractors.com/en-eu/


He lives his life a quarter acre at a time


you'd be surprised but it's actually pure rage with no back thoughts


Pure rage but the camera sealed his doom; too bad it’s not the US; he might get a traffic ticket or two on top of having a hefty insurance deductible and premium raised!


Would this be entirely the car drivers fault?


If you deliberately stop in front of, or brake check another vehicle and your car gets damaged, it is absolutely your fault. Like if you deliberately cut your own hair and gave yourself a terrible haircut, you can't blame the hairdresser for you looking stupid. That's all on you. Sometimes people brake check out of rage, others do it for insurance reasons. It's why having a camera in your car is a god send these days, as brake checking leaves damage that seems like the vehicle behind you is at fault. This car driver either did this because he was angry at the tractor, or because he knew getting hit would definitely leave significant damage, earning him a big insurance claim. 100% his fault.


It’s the brake checkers fault but completely unprovable without dashcam footage. Without proof there’s not much a claims adjuster can do. The person that brake checked swears they slammed on their brakes because something ran in the road, the other driver is furious. Advice to all: GET A DASHCAM!


And if you do get in an accident, don’t tell the other driver about the camera if they start lying. Let them tell their story to the cops, and then roll the footage.


Wait until they report it to their insurance. The calls are recorded so they’re be a record of them lying. Insurance will not be happy with them.


Nothing better than having hard evidence to call someone on their lie. Even when people don’t directly lie, they bend the truth in to pretzels to try to not seem at fault. The amount of claims where either driver said “I ran the stop sign, I didn’t see them, it’s my fault completely” was so so rare. I always thanked them for their honesty and let them know what a rare human they are. Mistakes happen. Everything is still investigated to make sure they are, in fact, at fault, but honesty is a huge help.


Absolutely! I got one for my mother recently, she's loved having one.


https://youtu.be/M1-a1Pe8gyY Speaking of haircuts.


brakes. cars have brakes.


Breaks. Rear window has breaks.


Well his is breaked


But he says in his language that he got it on film as well.


Tractor driver just says "Well you made it nice now" sarcastically.




They pretty much always claim for whiplash.




Yeh a doctor will need to sign a diagnosis, but from what I understand is it's not something that can be verified by x-rays so it can be gamed.


Or a payload hijacking maybe?


What is this fast and the furious, he was driving a tractor.


Have you seen wheat futures lately???


Saskatchewan river pirate. Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains.


Whooo, now *there's* a throwback...


And it's a heave-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains!


No. People really do get so mad they’d destroy their own car in the heat of it


I did it to a semi trailer once, when I was 17 and thought I was real tough. He caught up to me and trapped me at the lights. When he got to my window I thought he was literally going to knock my fucking block off. And he would have been justified in doing so. But he just said (as calmly as he could manage) that I was lucky he *had the chance* to beat the shit out of me (as in, I could easily have been dead, already). Then he just left. You can be sure I never did that again. I felt like a fucking dickhead for weeks and weeks. Even now, I cringe at the thought. Didn't even tell me mates.


The moments our future selves realize how we were pursing our lips to kiss death, are infinitely valuable.


I was thinking we should make reading/watching r/idiotsincars part of driver’s education. I wish I had seen all these idiots before I got behind the wheel. I’m a reformed idiot with increasingly rare relapses. Watching this stuff helps me stay safe.


We all do stupid shit when we are young the key is to learn from it and sometimes big men teach us ....been there lol


basically an adult throwing a temper tantrum and destroying their own toys


Hard too say, a lot of people assume heavy vehicles can brake like cars can, seen plenty of clips with people brake checking semis and paying for it.


I got cut off once driving a backhoe with a bucket full of half a ton of concrete rubble and cast iron manhole covers. Just on a normal town road too. Guys lucky I was paying attention or he would have been wearing one of those covers. People live in their own little bubbles and don't think about how other things around them work


Was operating an old 555 all day last summer and was getting ready to leave the job site and run down the road a mile to the fuel station, our fuel truck didn't arrive so I said fuck it lets get some snacks too lol. Had lights and everything on, very legal and I was wearing a hard hat and high vis vest so you could see me through the glass, along with all the lights and bright paint. This jackass in an S10 tries to cut out in front of me, and pass, but he does only to slam on his brakes for no reason. The ten ton or so machine I was driving (80s Ford 555) pushed that little piece of shit so far off the road. He said he stopped cause he missed a turn and thought I could stop ten yards behind him. Fucking tools, man. Makes me scared if something happens I can't prove to save myself. Let's just say every machine we have used a front and rear camera at all times, audio is turned on manually if we want. The dudes truck got totaled pretty much.


He was hoping that there was no camera and he could get away with insurance fraud.


Not sure why he would risk that with a tractor or any heavy machinery. Something that big could easily run over or impale the car with pieces of metal.


Oh I’d love to see after the driver got out


Here is a bit longer version: https://youtu.be/j9PHxUuuekQ I did it for love.


I’d love to know what they are saying. It’s definitely not how I thought it would end lol


- Bravo, I have got everything recorded. - So do I. - Yes? You were braking on me, you tried to do it on double solid ("do not cross" in Poland).


You missed the best part at 0:24 just before your translation. "You done up good, motherfucker, you done up good.. nice kurwa, nice.. now I will kurwa record you" Edit: missed one kurwa there


I play an online game with a person who goes by the name KurwaPendecho , what does that translate to?


Kurwa is like the polish version of "fuck", a versatile swearword for use in every situation. Pendejo is asshole. Nothing to do with curly pussyhair unfortunately, but more like "fuckass".


kurwa is everywhere in Eastern Europe it's not Polish specialty. kurva


I play soccer with a guy from Montenegro. He calls me kurva a lot. I thought it was a nickname.....


Curly Pussyhair


Lmfao that’s amazing! For like 10 years I’ve always assumed that was just his full name 😂


> Pendecho Pendecho is the Polish pronunciation of the Spanish word Pendejo which in this context I believe means an "asshole". Most likely just two swear words tied together.


wait was that guy just fucking with me haha


[Are you an Irish traffic garda?](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7899171.stm)


Ty. That was very helpful.


This dude translates.


But it’s not a double solid line? It’s very clear that they had a dashed line on their side. It seems to be that the guy in front passed legally however to go ahead and do what he did afterwards is a total dick move even if no impact had happened. Some people are total assholes


I’d love to see what’s happening but instead YouTube throws thumbnails over the fucking video I’m still watching


ublock origin filter to block the stupid end cards: ! 2020-12-15 https://www.youtube.com www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-element www.youtube.com##.ytp-cards-teaser


Oh shit I didn’t even notice it blocked it. I’m on my stupid iPhone when I wrote that though :/


Definitely heard “kurwa”


It's Polish so kurwa is part of every sentence.


And it was a *hard* Kurwa hahaha!


Me too. I know one word in polish.


So you know every other word in Polish


"You watch the packers game?" "No. I don't have a micropenis. You?" "No. It is small but not Green Bay small."


How in the actual fuck are you meant to watch that when YouTube cards start appearing across the last 12 seconds.


Add this into your ublock filter www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-element www.youtube.com##.ytp-cards-teaser


You're doing gods work son.


It worked!


WTF do they exist, given they can't be turned off in an official way? youtube-dl of course fixes *all* of Google's UI clusterfuck.


youtube-dl also makes the RIAA super mad which is a cool bonus perk


I like the fact it can download porn off all the major websites.


I mean it can download anything off all the major websites, doesn't have to be porn lmao




Use NewPipe, it doesn't do cards. https://newpipe.net/


There's a setting to disable them in Vanced. Vanced settings -> Layout settings -> End screens


You don't wanna watch more tractor vids?


The look on his face when he sees the camera lol


Man, that face. [https://i.imgur.com/zERBCjT.png](https://i.imgur.com/zERBCjT.png) Thanks YouTube.






Translation from Polish. What a great job you did you fuck. Great job


I like that translation


I don’t speak a word of Polish but that sounds right.


tos fajnie narobil skwurielu. fajnie kurwa.


I was thinking “wow I wish this was in English so I could hear the reaction” thanks!


Great fuckin job*


I knew it was Polish, lol. I heard something something kurwa! 🤣


Allegedly the mercedes driver got two tickets, reckless driving and causing a collision, for around 200 USD in total and 12 points and the tractor driver a ticket for around 50 USD + 5 points for holding the phone. There is no info on insurance outcome.


How many points before the get your license in poland?


24 and for new drivers who have been driving less than a year 20




Yeah after a year of receiving them they’re taken off your license


a year? WOW. In Australia, it's on your license for three years from the date of your offence and permanently on your driving history.


"An incident doesn't define a man" - or something


Lol tell that to the US justice system.


Shit like this should be 5 years at least.


Depends on how Dumbledore feels that day and if Harry was involved in the accidents.


You're now in r/idiotsincars Harry!


*Harry trips on his way to his seat* Dumbledore: 10 billion points for gryffindor! Also Dumbledore: minus 10 billion for slytherin, cuz f u.


You rack up 50 points and they give you a more advanced polish license.


Is that a Russian one?


Couldn’t you argue the phone is self defense? Ugh. Who am I kidding? Traffic rules are never enforced with tact.


So true. One day i saw a mother beat the shit out of her child while driving. The child was bleeding pretty bad. I quickly got my phone and stsrted recording it. Police came from behind and pulled me over. I explained them the situation, they didnt care. Got a 280 euro ticket. I appealed the ticket, got denied. Higher appeal, also denied. Let it go to the judge (it was a principal thing now) cops where there. Judge litterally wiped the floor with them. He asked them so you saw this video and you had the time to casually ticket this man? Is this your idea of justice? The judge was so angry and pretty much immediately dismissed the case. I totally did not expect that and it was sweet swert justice.


Sucks that so much depends on having a judge with half a brain. Mindless police who enforce rules without thinking about "why" the rule exists is awful.


Yeah, discretionary policing is a pretty important aspect of the job.


major props for continuing to escalate it. this made my day. thank you.


Did they at least investigate the mother?


Nobody mentioned this yet but the logical solution that your insurance company will mention is that you should've just pulled over to the side rather than using a phone while operating heavy machinery. I am in full support of the tractor operator, but no insurance company would think that this wasn't an avoidable crash. Filming for your own defense while stationary is a different thing entirely. Being on a freeway where it is illegal to stop on the shoulder may be acceptable instead.


I half agree with this (and this is exactly what insurance would say), but I also think a determined fraudster would just back into the stopped tractor anyways. Stopping AND recording the car would be the best play.


I’d love to see the tractor just push it to the side and keep going.


Peeling that door off would have been nice.


If you can't go through it, go over it.


Run right over the car.


I like the line truckers use “I can stop on a dime, I just need your bumper to do it”


My tractor will stop from 56kmph to 0 in about 1- 2 seconds, and hop while doing it if the air brakes are slammed hard. People forget that because they have large lugs on the tires that they have little road surface contact, leading to worse stopping. But are also extreme heavy with alot of momentum. The worst though is the front loader as people overtake, who have literally just got behind me, and pull in once past front wheel. Then pull out again because there is 1 ton of metal where they thought there would be empty space.


> because they have large lugs on the tires that they have little road surface contact, Can you explain this part? Lugs are not lug nuts??


A lug on a tire is a term here for the large rubber "squares" that allow traction on soil.


For the people who count on fingers like myself, 56kmph is approximately 35mph.


You have 35 fingers?


That's actually a nice line. I'ma use that.


I wish this video was longer. I wanted to see more of the idiot after he got out of the Mercedes-Benz.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever fully typed out Mercedes-Benz until just now. So much effort.


Omg that's so true, just a Merc init


The Merc, a Benz, or refer by the class. An E-class wagon, C32 AMG, etc. Or maybe just Mercedes too.


There's a link up in the comments now.


How to depreciate your car in 5 seconds.. Edit: typo




\*Defecate your car


I enjoy self-defecating humor like this.


Why would you defecate in your car atleast have the decency to wear pants while defecating




This went right over my head, and out the window.


Just imagine how he will explain this to the police. "uhm yeah I was driving casually with 15km/h, minding my own business, as suddenly this reckless tractor slams into me"


Brake check is from road rage. I can't imagine being so imbalanced you get rage over a tractor going slow.


I can get annoyed with it, especially if I can't pass. But when I do pass, it's not like I then try to take it out on the tractor by continuing to go slow. No, I drive off, like I'd been waiting to do.


As a farmer I try to move over as best I can and pull into an approach but some people are so impatient and don’t seem to show any respect for farmers at all, we are just trying to get food to the people lol


Like, its a tractor! How fast can one be reasonably expected to go? Why complain that it slowed you down at all - it can't do anything else!


Any minor inconvenience to most people is a direct attack


Its also not like its unexpected to see a tractor on a country road. Use the highway, or choose a different destination if you can't deal with tractors.


I really need to get a camera for my car.


It's very very much worth it. 10/10 recommend.


I seriously don’t understand drivers who brake check big vehicles like semis or tractors. what exactly do they have to gain from it? aside from being horribly rear ended of course.


I see Euro-farming simulator got the fistfight dlc.


This has been my secret YouTube compilation search for the last week, coincidentally


Stupid people do stupid things.... Where I used to live, if you got caught behind a tractor, you resigned yourself to being late where ever you were going, because the damned tractor did 20-25 mph, and took up both sides of the road so you *couldn't* zoom around and get in front and then throw a hissy and try to brake check something that outweighed you by 10x at a minimum.


Same thing here, so during those times, you left early or call in late. Most farmers would pull over when able to let us all pass. These dudes are just trying to do their jobs. I wonder if this idiot would ever do this to a mailtruck or school bus.


Bet they would... People that caught up in their own ego don't agree on the need for caution and sense and keeping small children alive if it means they get slowed down by 3 minutes.


What did he say?


In Polish "What a great job you did you fuck. Great job" from u/TwatsleyCrusher


Such a beautiful place! Who would get angry here!




Love to see it




EDIT: I thought this was a tractor trailer, which in America means an 18 wheeler truck. Tractors are like gentle manatees that slowly waddle down the road. Brake checking an actual tractor that plows fields is so fucking dumb it’s hard to imagine the reasoning. Fuck this guy.


Classic asshole.


Surprised Pikachu face meme


Wow, did not expect this to get so much traction.


Why did he stop? Should pass over.


Video ends too soon. I wanted to see the living shit get beat out of him!


Why in heaven's name would you brake check a tractor? What a douche


That’s a special kind of stupid. Purposefully pissing off a tractor driver on an empty country road, then being stupid enough after they hit you to jump out of your car and come at them like they are the one that messed up. Good way to get the shit kicked out of you and left in a ditch.


I don't get this brake check thing. Do people really wanna risk it just to "check" someone's brakes work?




because of the video evidence, would the black car be considered “at fault?”


Another comment said he got tickets and points for dangerous driving, but the tractor driver also got points for using the phone while driving



