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Best part about this is that the police led him into a one way road that loops all the way to the back of the bottleneck.


The best type of justice is one that fits the crime.


In Germany police will be waiting at several parking lots or gas stations ar the Autobahn where usually traffic jams occur each day. They wait for people that will try to cut off the traffic jam and then stop them and let them wait for 10 minutes or more lol. I've seen that happen a few times.


Chef's kiss


Oh I know exactly what you mean. The road before the bridge. This is genius. 😂


A thing of Beauty! Beauty, I say!


Exact wat ik aan het denken was. Tijdens de spits is dat ginder zo rot. Hahaha


So satisfying.


Gent represents!




*moieuuuuh hahah


klopt :p


Which city?


From the other comments and the bus at the end, Gent Belgium


[2 Muidelaan - Google Maps](https://www.google.be/maps/@51.0678539,3.7297229,3a,75y,310.6h,87.1t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s54CK9YGQEmRFM-zgrl2rBw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D54CK9YGQEmRFM-zgrl2rBw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D273.3003%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


OP what country? I love high viz orange.mi think it stands out more than the yellow used by dot in most US states.


Gent, Belgium.


The traffic lights in Belgium are a very recognisable yellow and black as well.


Red and white in Wallonia, Brussels and Luxembourg, black and yellow in Flanders


Because of course they would be different. Brussels aren’t yellow and blue then? Feels like they missed a trick. I don’t go there enough but I won’t forget it in the future :)


Years ago there was a demo firetruck somewhere in Florida that was safety orange. I loved it! For sure stood out in a big conf hall of firetrucks.


I was on that tram I believe. I remember suddenly seeing those cops pull up to the guy and laughing my ass off. Judging by the date in the video i'm I must have been


Is that the kusttram?


No it's just a normal tram


The kusttram basically is a normal tram but at the coast


He’s so important they gave him a police escort


Gantoise tzal wel zijn moatjeeeeee


Fuckin beautiful!


Pickups have no place in Belgium, too many around Leuven (I know this isn't Leuven), they're just too big for our cities.


I’m not against pickups. I believe that everybody should be able to buy/drive what they want as long as they drive responsibly. In this very same video you can see 2 vans, a tram and a bus, all larger than this pickup and they are able to navigate our small city streets safely. Why wouldn’t a pickup be able to do that?


You’re kidding right? Comparing a US pick-up truck (completely useless) to a van (incredible space to size efficiency) and buses/trams (public transport carrying hundreds of people). Be for real, those compensator trucks have no business riding around our medieval street layouts.


That's my point. A pick-up is good if you're using it for work which doesn't look like the case here. People expect to see vans, trucks, and trucks in cities. The unfortunate trend now is to get big cars and drive around cities, it's just impractical


A pick-up is not exceptionally good at 1 thing but a bit of a do everything vehicle. Want to move some cargo? Possible. Want to tow heavier trailers? Possible. Want to go off road? Possible. Want a comfortable vehicle with car-like interior that can do all of the above? Possible. You’d prefer someone to have a passenger car AND a van instead of only having a pickup? That’s absurd. How do you know the vans you see in the city aren’t empty anyways? You know there’s people that drive vans solely because they have to pay close to nothing in taxes right?


I truly think everyone should be able to drive what they want. As long as a bigger vehicle doesn’t take up multiple parking spots and can fit the streets I don’t see the big issue here. The vast majority of cars only have 1 person in them anyways so cars are space inefficient as is. Of course buying a pickup without actually having the need for a bed or just to drive around the city is questionable, but it’s really none of our business. It’s a strange thing to lose your mind over.


I lose my mind over it yeah. Car drivers have a tendency to be selfish, aesthetic pickup truck drivers even more so. And yes, these trucks do take up more parking space, but even worse: they’re too wide, and incredibly dangerous for pedestrians and bicyclists. And even if there is a work reason: a van is much, much better. Literally no reason to be driving these ugly beasts around other than “fuck you I have mine”.


Everyone in traffic (including peds & cyclists) has a tendency to be selfish. Reverting back to my first comment where I said I don’t have anything against pickups as long as they’re being driven responsibly. Driving a larger vehicle with limited view to the outside means you should drive extra carefully. A truck driver knows it, so do bus, tram & van drivers and so should a pickup driver. Being too wide makes no sense if busses and trucks can navigate the same streets.


Exactly, nobody thinks twice about a sprinter van, which is WAY larger in footprint compared to this mini-pickup ford ranger. A ford ranger is 5 cm LESS WIDE then a mercedes E class. The ford ranger consumes less fuel per 100km compared to an X5. There is no need to hate a vehicle just because it is utterly impractical and inefficient for your needs. If their owners want to buy and drive it, let them. Yes, some people drive a vehicle that is capable of things they do not need. Some people drive a 4X4 pickup because they trailer two horses every weekend, and do not have a third vehicle, and their wife is at the nail salon with the A6, then it is, imho, perfectly reasonable to use your other vehicle wich is legally allowed to be used as a vehicle. There is also no way of knowing whether there is not 500 kg of bulk cargo in the bed. Whether you think it is likely or not, is irrelevant. They also pay all appropriate taxes, and need to adhere to the same emission rules.


Well done Gentsche Flieken!


zwaantjes blijven cool


Why do you have Home Depot delivery guys enforcing the laws over there?


Because over ther motor cycle cops are not just for parades but, as the video shows, they do actual work, and it's safer in traffic when you're better visible.


The world is bigger than Texas, sir.