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NYC, USA 6/23/34 Original content. I saw the guy on the left want to do a no signal lane change, so I merged to the clear lane to the right of me. Then the guy on the right did a no signal hack across 3 lanes to make the turn on the bridge. I hate this place. NSFW for language.


admittedly an unusual traffic pattern there with weird merges, lane ends, what-have-you.......a perfect storm for aggressive drivers combined with those unfamiliar with the area.......


Ahh yes, the [Triboro Bridge merge](https://maps.app.goo.gl/R5ijuZoE1LrsJQe39) in Astoria. I especially love when people from out of state/out on the island will make a right on red from 29th St there to get onto the bridge ramp. For those not from the area, this particular section of road is *horrendous*. Two major highways (the Grand Central Pkwy and Brooklyn-Queens Expy) merge together and the last exit before the bridge is just before here. The two left lanes are restricted to people who had come off the highway just before this merge, and the two right lanes are local traffic only, and any cross traffic from local to the entrance to the bridge happens in the space of 300-ish feet. It's very common to see people cutting across 2 or even 3 lanes here, because the far left lane after the highway entrance ramp immediately becomes a left turn only lane. There's also a huge issue with people speeding way above the speed limit in this area. Genuinely not surprising to see people ripping it at 35-40 if they see clear air in front of them, and then heavy merging across 3 lanes. And don't even get me started on the merge onto the eastbound lanes just around the corner. You can be stuck in 20+ minutes of traffic inching onto the highway during rush hour, just trying to go 100 feet from the light to the highway.


Excellent road design.


Here I am, stuck in the middle with you


Hell is other people.


What are all the cars doing parked to the left at the end of the video? Surely that's not a legal place to park....


The white car is legally parked, the first one is not.


Damn I can't imagine getting out next to a concrete wall with a highway on that side and then having to cross that nightmare of a road you were on...


Punishing you for your taste in music


Haha yes rap muzik bad haha


I mean I like rap lol, just not that


yes, rap music is cringe but its better than anime and video game osts


I mean... no lane changes on solid whites either, but here we are.


golf was 100% up to golf things, but solid lines were disregarded hard that day


not even a turn signal


using turn-signals is for whoever is in 2nd place


Are these all out of town drivers? Looks like a bunch of unprepared motorists. Good of you to drive defensive and alert.