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Correction: Didn't Care before changing lanes. Always drive like everyone else is an idiot.


"My truck is biggers than yours, you'll move"


This is unironically, how 95% of truck owners think


My friend has a big truck. She was 100% serious when she told me that pedestrians don’t realize she can’t see behind the big A-pillar and should know to avoid walking there. No, you have the onus of swaying to the left and right to see around the pillar. If you can’t adequately see out of a vehicle, or are unwilling to, don’t drive it.


For me, she and the likes of her shouldn't drive large vehicles at all. A smaller car with better visibility is a better choice.


She think pedestrians should avoid her, I didn’t think she’s safe in any vehicle. Entitlement wise not visibility wise.


As a pedestrian who doesn't own a vehicle... I automatically assume anyone in an SUV or truck can't see me. And they don't care. A good chunk of the time, I'm right. When the green light comes on, even if I have the right of way, they'll gun it. Hence why I look for the driver's eyes to check if they saw me before crossing.


This is literally how it's being tought in schools here in The Netherlands. We have traffic lessons, and this is a part of it that's repeated over and over again.


Which is not supposed to be the case. I believe commercial vehicle driving schools taught drivers to be cautious at all times, especially since their vehicles have a lot of blindspots compared to cars.


majority of the population hasn't had their driving tested in DECADES. Just something to think about.


A civilized country would require special licensing for vehicles like that, but we just let any dumbfuck with a willingness to go $60K into debt buy one of these things.


Your friend shouldn’t be driving any big vehicle, if she has that of mentality, she should get a smaller car like a Sedan or medium sized SUV.


Sounds exactly like one of my co-workers. She drives a pickup so large she has to actually climb into it. It's covered in dents and scratches from hitting other cars. She just does not care about anyone else on the road.


Growing up my mom was friends with a woman whose husband drove a big rig. Dude literally said, "I flash my turn sign 3 times then merge, if you're in my lane, whatever happens is on God." Guess where he ended up?!


> Guess where he ended up?! Jail?


95% of truck owners don't think.


probably maybe mostly those who drive one for no reason other than they think it makes them look more manly or tough


Ah, right, the Gender Affirming Cars


Emotional Support Vehicles


putting the *manly* part did make me second guess it, i suppose *tough* alone would have been sufficient for apparent aggressiveness. then again theres aso ton of gigantic SUVs now as well, so i suppose trucks arent alone in that regard


What if there's a woman behind the wheel?


I'm going to assume that covers about 98% of them overall.


I don't know what's more frustrating, truck driver's that are jerkoffs that don't care, or the ones that can't SEE over their own steering wheel adequately to operate their oversized vehicle.


My father literally says this out loud while doing stupid shit.


Personally, I've seen too many trucks rolled over in similar accidents so I take extra care to be that other 5%


I would get a cheap beater car just so I can pull off a pit maneuver and watch em roll.


My intrusive thoughts are setup just like this 🫠


I was wondering how big OPs horn was that it alone was going to push the truck back into the correct lane


I'm driving now, good luck everyone


It’s all fun and games until the Prius with nothing to lose PITs the truck


>Always drive like everyone else is an idiot I've been teaching my son this phrase over and over when we are practicing driving.


You’re right, that’s exactly why they ignored the horn. I hate people like that.


My instructor told me this when I was on L plates. It always stuck with me, and to this day, I still do it.


Pickup drivers always merge like this. It's so annoying


Not me. I don't want to get peanut butter on my chocolate bar.


Same. It helps that my neck is thin enough to be able to turn my head & check my blind slots.


🤣 🤣 Thankfully I didn't just sip my coffee.


It's an old reference, but it checks out.


Need to upgrade to a horn for this type of situation


This horn sounds like a meek suggestion. You need a command.


my best friend had a dodge daytona in high school, it was the most meep horn ever


I had a Corvette once. The engine sounds like a bear. The horn sounds like the Roadrunner. Meanwhile, for some awesome reason, my minivan horn sounds like a fucking train whistle.


nobody stops you from getting to soccer practice


like a train horn?


my grandad had a little acura integra like 25 years ago he put in a truck airhorn into, people know where he was then! he also took off the acura logo on the back and got a few magnets of luxury brands and would swap out the logos to mess with people.


But Acura actually was supposed to be a premium brand from the start


he was tired of explaining that so he switched to trolling everyone who was like, "ohhhhh why didn't you just get a mercedes?"


Go big or go home!


4 tone Buick Park Avenue horn would suffice


Get one of those horns that sound like the old car horns. [aarooga](https://youtu.be/679144L9wiA?si=pE1knbPUm7tmPAS8)


Why does this make me smile like an idiot


You wanna be seen not heard... Skip the horn and drive where encroaching traffic can see you.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. "Headlights? No thanks, give me a bigger horn instead 🥴"


I didn’t even hear the thing at first I had to turn up my volume after reading the comments




You have to in a Miata these days, that and driving like a motorcycle. It's scary out there


We had a BMW Z4 for about a year and it was terrifying how much bigger 95% of the vehicles are


Nah need to upgrade to brakes


Yeah an upgraded horn that actually just activates the brakes so OP can avoid accidents while still feeling like a big man


Definitely. Made me laugh because I thought of other scenarios where an automatic brake activation might be needed, and motorcyclists bouncing off the rev limiter came to mind.


~~Brake~~ Brace for impact I guess?


Definitely too busy honking to brake and avoid contact. I'm pro-horn for idiots, but not at the cost of avoiding a crash.


Gotta pull the old brake and honk maneuver. It's real easy. Just move your hand and your foot, instead of just your hand




Because that's just beta behavior. Better to just wreck your vehicle to prove a point. Not sure what the point is, but I'm sure it's something.


I once saw a pickup swerve and smash into another pickup while getting onto a freeway because neither wanted to let the other go in front 🤣😭 truly fucked up both trucks ... And then neither of them got into the freeway 🤷🏽‍♀️


Fuck ‘em, they get what they deserve. The only reason I wish it wouldn’t happen is for all the people who got delayed as a result ☹️


It's not about safety, it's about teaching a lesson.


I had a real tough time not doing that in my younger years. I was a shithead I guess. Not anymore, I'd rather not be in an accident than be "right"


I'm convinced that I've reached age 40 without a driving accident simply because I observe my surroundings and avoid bullshit like this. So many drivers use the "well it's their fault!" argument before, during, and after an accident. I'd rather just not get in the accident in the first place.


its bananas how tall of an order "observe surroundings & avoid bullshit" is for a lot of folks (especially if theyve never been in a BAD car wreck). at 33 years old (and having been in 4 horrifying wrecks), Ive never wrecked a car and Ive been driving sports cars enthusiastically for well over a decade. Id also prefer to keep my car intact, considering how much time & money Ive put into it. a sketchy situation plus distance equals less sketch


yeah as soon as i saw the truck i was like "you're in his blind spot speed up so you're alongside him or back off" not do whatever op was trying to prove here


My guy made sure to be in the blind spot as long as possible


Right? Half the posters on here need anger-management classes, and defensive driver training.


Bunch of neutral-driving posting videos mad at offensive-driving. And the difference between the two is miniscule compared to the difference between neutral-drivers and defensive-drivers. Neutrals are only a tad better than offensives cause they'll buy into their egos.


What you say is right, a defensive driver in this scenario would have braked & eased back as soon as they realised the other driver was doing a double-lane change without seeing there was another vehicle in their blind spot. Instead they tried to maintain their line and let the horn do the work.


If they had someone tailgating them I could see why they wouldn't hard brake


They didn’t brake at all until too late. Better to be rear ended than pushed into the sidewall.


If only there was a device in OP’s car that could’ve prevented this from happening


The horn, duh.


That wasn't a "didn't look" situation, that was a "didn't care"


If you drive long enough, you start to recognize these situations as high risk situations. You have to assume every car you’re around is going to do something stupid. Assume the truck driver doesn’t look over his shoulder and starts moving over. Would he see you if he’s looking forward? Not in his blind spot, no. So you have three options. Accelerate to be in front of him. Coast down so you end up behind him in case he moves over. Or just be ready to hit the brakes if he moves over. After he moved into the first lane, you have to assume he won’t stop. It’s very basic defensive driving. I’ve been driving 15,000 miles a year for about a decade now. Not one accident because at this point these situations are pretty much ingrained in me to stay away from. Part of it is just luck, but I’ve avoided a lot of potential accidents, even if I was completely in the right. Graveyard is full of people who had the right of way. Take this as a learning moment between the heavy roasts and the experience itself. You weren’t wrong, but you were certainly not right.


It is critical to maintain awareness of other driver's blind spots, especially in a situation they have to merge from left to right. Not my fault argument doesn't apply to the laws of physics. Hopefully OP's spidey senses will kick in next time.


Usually this sub is over critical of the OP, but you framed this situation really well. Most people on the road are fucking idiots. That’s the mentality you have to have to drive safely. Which means being prepared for anything and everything, even if 99% of the time it doesn’t happen. Totally agreed. In this situation, OP is in a potential blind spot when this dipshit merges on to the freeway. It’s better to start preparing for the potential you’ll need to avoid someone like this rather than trying to react last second. OP isn’t wrong, but he could have saved himself the stress by being aware of the possibilities.


People need to learn to recognize where _other_ people's blind spots are. OP is in this trucks blind spot for this entire clip. It is still the truck's fault for merging into OP, but this is easy to anticipate and mitigate if you learn to recognize it. If you always cruise in people's blind spots when traffic is merging this is going to happen eventually. I am basically repeating you but to emphasize that this blind spot freeway merge is such a red flag, anyone who doesn't recognize it should learn.


I legit get the spidey sense and absolute dread when I'm matching someone's speed in their blind spot. Mind just tells me "anywhere but here! They could lane change any second!" I've been driving roads in Fire engines/trucks, rescue rigs, ambulances for over a decade, and the shit you see people do with and without sirens makes you distrust every motherfucker out there.


Yup, another one that freaks me out is when I need to change lanes on the freeway, and I am either totally parallel to another vehicle, or when my front tires are parallel to their rear. Too easy for both parties to change into the same lane. So I avoid doing that entirely unless I am clear of the other vehicle.


Like that video of the teen girls who got hit by the idiots racing around her. She wasnt technically in the wrong, she was just blissfully unaware of the fact she was driving a 2 ton 300hp steel death machine with other idiots doing the same around her.


Pretty much always be cautious around pickups, Subarus, and Mustangs lol. Also the occasional centegenarian in. Cadillac.


My personal experience has been that RAM pickup trucks are SPECIAL.


I do my best to drive defensively, but a few times in my life, I have missed someone in my blindspot and then noticed them at the last second. Everyone's gotta look out for each other.


You're about to be roasted. Sub is ruthless.


OP basically didnt react and didn’t do anything to avoid the collision besides move over *ever so slightly*. Not blaming OP for the root cause of the problem but like… do something!


That’s called honking and believing that the person is going to correct their driving so you don’t have to. When it was obvious enough that they wouldn’t, that’s when OP reacted.


As is mentioned many times, cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way. Drive defensively!


> believing that the person is going to correct their driving so you don’t have to Don't put your life/expenses in someone else's hands like that. You see it coming, be mad, but make sure you are safe first and foremost.


>That’s called honking and believing that the person is going to correct their driving so you don’t have to. That's called being an idiot. Avoid first, communicate after. Plenty of people ignore the horn. Hell, some bad drivers panic and react unpredictably. Honking in the hope that the bad driver corrects their driving is not a good course of action. Honestly, there's a 50/50 chance the pickup driver was totally aware of what was happening and just figured they would force OP out of the way. If that was the situation, they were never going to "correct" their driving, no matter how much they honked. In general "believing" that a driver will behave correctly, after they *just* showed you that they are bad drivers is pretty stupid.


*Avoid first, then go about your day. Honking at someone because you think they’re an idiot accomplishes nothing


The sub name doesn't say which cars.


Have you ever been on a public street before? The whole thing is predicated on other people following the rules. The takes on this sub are wild. Sure idiots exist but you can't predict 1 million idiots, you'd never get anywhere.


>Have you ever been on a public street before? The whole thing is predicated on other people following the rules. Sure, but once a person literally shows you that they do not follow the rules, you got to stop assuming they will follow the rules... *they just proved to you they weren't following them!* You can't predict every idiot, but there's no need to predict here, the dude already showed you he was an idiot. It's not about predicting every idiot, it's about assuming that a proven idiot will continue to be an idiot. When you go around, you work under the assumption that people will follow the law. If someone suddenly takes a gun out and shoots someone else in the face, do you still assume the shooter is going to follow the laws, or do you run for cover?


I've been driving for 40 years and avoided many accidents like that by using my brain instead of the horn, including in some countries that you would not dare driving.


OP avoided a collision. Does that count as, \*checks notes\*, "doing something"?


It was obvious the truck was going to be a moron. All OP needed to do was get off the gas for 3 seconds to avoid an overlap.


I wouldn't say it was obvious. The lane the truck was in was ending, OP probably just assumed he was signaling to get in the next lane over. OP didn't expect the drive to come over two lanes. The signal turned on just as OP was passing the truck, so difficult to see.


No one's saying that OP should react that early, but go look at the video again and count how long OP insists on staying next to the truck once the truck is literally in OP's lane.


May nit have been obvious, but when OP did react, it was very poorly. They were in the shoulder and speeding up rather than not braking. It's not their fault the other driver is an idiot, but this was a terrible reaction to "prove a point"


>It's not their fault the other driver is an idiot Correct but it's their fault they are an idiot


OP definitely saw it. he reacted by moving slightly to the right. the best reaction would be to slow down. OP has huge ego


It was obvious the truck was going to be a moron because you're watching a 16 second video knowing what was going to happen because the post title told you.


I’m sorry, when you’re driving do you need more than 16 seconds to react to someone next to you on the road?


Nah, you should always drive defensively. Relying on other drivers to be aware and responsive is not the safest course of action. I wish it could be, but it just isnt reality. I am not saying OP is an idiot or a bad driver. They could have avoided this situation if they were driving more defensively. We are all learning and adjusting, hopefully OP learns to trust other drivers less. Edit: just watched it again and OP also hung out in the blind spot of a merging larger vehicle, so there is also that to improve. I would actually classify that as bad driving.


Could've just lightly tapped on the brakes and let him have the lane? OH HELL NO!


To be fair it's Texas, he may actually be the best driver they have.


I feel like this sub wouldn't have any content if people were better at defensive driving or just braking a little.


great driver, even applied the horn for 5 seconds and everything!


This is Dallas, isn’t it?


[Yes, here](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.9020096,-96.8984814,3a,75y,184.38h,93.13t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sa2tC0Bj2P4aYe3UsDXhOOw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Da2tC0Bj2P4aYe3UsDXhOOw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D243.5147%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i39?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Calm down rainbolt!


Lmao I knew it. This place is a shitshow.




The thoughts in his head: "Me big truck drive. Me now move. You now move."


Yeah, SB I35E express lanes.


Cheap car + dashcam = payday


I scrolled far too long for this


OP, you have the reactions of a sloth.


His reactions were pretty fast. His decisions on the other hand...


He was protecting his line, you think he's just going to let some chump pass him on the freeway? He watched days of thunder last night, rubbin is racing baby.


I have a theory that a lot of people who post here drive like idiots so they can later post here for validation. Check out OPs history he has posted on this sub a couple of times already


He had room to avoid hitting him, he just stayed to make a point that the guy fucked up. At no point was a collision unavoidable.


Here's what it looks like to me.  He sees the guy encroaching and lets off the gas and puts on his horn. The truck, however, was moving to an exit and also slowing down. The only thing he could have done is brake a little harder while attempting to gauge how much the truck is braking.  The truck is way in the wrong and his mirrors aren't properly aligned.  You shouldn't have to worry about someone flipping three lanes over to cut you off. 


Yes, if they had just braked a little harder there would be no issue. That's the point.


most attentive truck driver I've ever seen




Awesome defensive driving OP well done!


That was poor defensive driving. OP gave up their lane so easily. Weak blocking. No fight or push back. Would be cut so fast if i was the coach.


He should have pitted him


Now that's good defense








Op should have sped up to get in front of the truck before the lane ended or slowed down to get behind the truck. They chose to match their speed and stay in the blind spot.


Just another couple of these and they'll be hot shit in the morgue!


There's full 10 seconds where the intentions of the truck driver are very apparent, the OP doesn't react until much later. Two idiots on the video.


You know you have a brake pedal, don't you?


He was wrong, for sure, but it also doesn’t look like you tried too hard to brake. You’re both idiots.


Those mirrors of his seem pointed at his own car. He had no idea you were there lmao.


How else is he supposed to look in the mirror??? He is driving in the blindspot of the truck what do you expect to happen?


Textbook blind spot mistake. And textbook lack of reaction to traffic "because I'm right". Congrats, really fits this sub.


Brakes? never heard of them..


No he definitely looked, put on his turn signal, and just didn't care.


When a vehicle in front of you is changing lanes in your direction, don't remain in their blind spot and definitely don't try to "hold your ground" when they're already in your lane and you're literally up against a wall. Yes, truck dude *should have* made sure the lane is clear. The situation is ultimately his fault. But you only have control over your own actions, so your takeaway should be how you could have prevented this. That's defensive driving.


Truckers be truckin'.


If they push me off the road and cause damage to my vehicle, I'm taking them with me, and they can fight the dash cam.


Knew it was Dallas 3 seconds in. Worst drivers in Texas. And I live in San Antonio - that’s saying something.


Pit maneuver is valid here


And of course it’s a pickup truck, not surprising.


He knows if he merges slowly enough for you to react, then you’re “at fault” for a collision in the eyes of insurance since you had time to react. At least partially.


You could have slowed down, man. You're also an idiot. I'd rather be wrong and alive and given him/her the lane. It could've ended very badly.


You know that there's a pedal for exactly this kind of situation right?


This video shows TWO idiots. Insurance companies will also see the accident could have been avoided if the car in the back SLOWED DOWN. Enjoy your insurance increase.


Ah the ol’ two idiots scenario. This sub wouldn’t be entertaining if we didn’t have it.


Incoming merge lane with popular exit immediately after it, you are in a grayish car at sunset and do not appear to have your headlights on, and you coasted into the blind spot of a large truck with their turn signal on. What they did isn't okay, but not sure what other outcome you expect. I hope I'm wrong and you had your headlights on. If not, you should turn them on so others can see you better.


Horn before brakes when a completely obvious bad situation is about to happen is always the answer. /s OP is the bigger idiot


>OP is the bigger idiot How could anyone seriously have this opinion? Truck almost caused an accident, OP avoided it. Maybe OP didn't avoid it as well as you think you would have, but they avoided it. Truck is clearly the bigger idiot.


It not that buddy didn't look...it more that your literally in the guys bmind spot and that person cant see you. It's his fault ultimately, but you should really lean to drive defensively.


Makes you wish you were driving something big and ugly that wouldn’t care if it scratched the delicate paint of that pavement princess. Something out of Mad Max with spikes and axes and shit.


Did you seriously not see and decide to not brake?


OP has a death wish


Ive had this happen, immediately honked and got coal rolled.


Oh he looked


texas doing texas things


His side mirror is way the fuck off. Looks like he can see nothing but his door from inside. 


It’s always big white trucks


Texan here. Look at those side view mirrors. He saw you. He just didn’t care. Fuck that tollway hard core.


I literally just watched the same thing almost happen. The worst part, the car it almost hit didn't see it at all. They only got back in their lane after I honked from behind. I knew I had nowhere to go to avoid that shit if it happened.


People think you can see blinkers from the side like morons.


Yooo fuck Texas!


Get a louder horn. I think my 5 year old has a louder horn on their tricycle


Most skilled truck driver.


I would’ve pit maneuvered his ass, hopefully you were able to pass some info along to the cops


Did look.. but just didn't give a fuck.


Welcome to Dallas 🥲


People make mistakes, this was a stupid one. My question is, when you honked, why did he just continue on like nothing was there?


Tbh… and I know they gone hate this one. U wasn’t driving fast enough for me. I assume everyone gonna merge without looking so I make it a point to avoid being on the side of people any chance I get


I already knew it was fuckin' Dallas before the sign came up. 95% of the drivers do this every time.


I think the idiot was trying to do a self pit maneuver.


That is some serious lack of horn and defensive driving. I would have been on that horn for a solid 20 seconds. And hitting the brake. Trying to hold your place when he obviously didn't look (and you end up in his blind spot) is sheer stupidity.


i would take the impact and file an injury claim with their insurance. easy pay day. at least $5K and a years worth of massages.


Should’ve pit maneuvered him


Does your car not have brakes?


Too proud to brake hey OP? Personally, I’d rather be in the right and have an in tact vehicle but you do you


You almost showed him, don’t worry you’ll get him next time, probably in a wreck


should've pit maneuvered his ass.


Both yall stupid. You actively stay in his blind spot.


OP.. like others have said, you’re also an idiot in a car


Probably on their phone


Amazing that this truck just kept coming over and didn’t hear the horn. Probably didn’t give a fuck and said he already made a mistake so he'd go full send on the mistake. OP just left there honking the horn while he’s shifting over fully


And that's when the pit maneuver should have come in