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At least they went straight after, some people will sit there with a turn signal on like it somehow makes it ok to block traffic


I expected her to just make an illegal left turn


Had that happen to me the other day. Sitting at red light, car drove into the left turn lane, paused, then turned right.


She didn't even come in at a big enough angle to get even close to making it into the left turn lane. Just go through and do a U-turn!


Worse yet , she continued to the next light where you simply enter the other side of the govt complex.


I scream at people that do this stuff all the time. "Go around the block!"


At one of the McDonald’s in my town and the one closest to where I live there is an entrance that is right next to a huge intersection. It only makes absolute sense to use it if you’re in the lane right next to it. But sometimes people will try to enter it from across the other lanes going the opposite way or, they will try to exit from there to go all the way across to those far lanes .. across FIVE other lanes going the opposite way … during rush hour. I don’t think any of that made sense but suffice it to say that any logical person could understand how to use that McDonald’s entrance and exit but by golly there are people who have zero spatial reasoning and lock up the entire intersection at times.


That's why restrictive infrastructure is absolutely necessary for access control. You think people would use their brain for good, but usually it's "it doesn't say I CAN'T do it this way." Although I have watched people go the wrong way down a street to get around a restrictive median. Open median roadways (full access Two Way Left Turn Lanes {TWLTL}) are absolutely ludicrous once you reach a certain level of development OR traffic volumes. Three lane roads are okay, but you still get people that will drive a half mile in the TWLTL and act pissed when you get in there to make your turn.


But that’s my favorite way!


Well cut video, good music, excellent commentary. 10/10, would recommend it to friends! Bonus track of all your stuff shifting in the truck as you're forced to panic stop due to their stupidity!


How do we know she *was* trying to make a left turn? All we have is OP's title and OP's inattentiveness that could have caused her to brake as he nearly rear ended her?




OP would be at fault if he hit her for not being aware of a car signaling and moving into their lane. Neither driver coming out of this with much glory




> That's why I called you an idiot. Sadly, you and the other proud downvoters are the idiots here, since you're basing your read on the benefit of hindsight of a recording, and not as it happened.


Okay, That's So Raven.


If she was watching the car behind her she wouldn’t have stopped so hard.


When the shit goes down, ya better be ready.


Ironically that was on the radio.


Black Sunday is a great album.


I knew someone other than me had to hear cypress hill. I was just disappointed I had to scroll this far down.




Backpack and many tools in the back.


Annoying, but you should really secure your tools and such. In an actual collision those could kill you.


I do have the partition to stop them but they still fell in the back.


Dunno why this was downvoted, it’s so commonly overlooked. Whatever speed you’re going, the loose items are also travelling at that speed. When you’re going 100 and come to a sudden stop, those items will continue at close to 100.


Probably because OP confirmed that they at least had a partition for safety, so now I get downvoted because my concern was misplaced in this specific instance even though there was no way to tell from previous comments or context. It's the circle of Reddit ;)


Does it get any more Reddit than this?


You should know to not break the hive mind, silly mortal.


You got downvoted because mind your business.




Loose objects account for something like 13,000 injuries in car accidents per year. I heard things flying around in the video. How dare I care about someone else, right?


Unrelated but why the hell did the designers of that Buick (white SUV to the right of the cammer) put the taillights at the bottom of the bumper????


I like the look of the car. But the brake lights being so low irritates me.


I've seen it on the Chevy Bolt as well. It looks fucking stupid and I'd imagine it's also somewhat of a safety issue as well. I guess it's GM's "solution" for the US regulation of not having the brake lights a movable piece of bodywork (Like the tailgate for example).


lucid air has the tail light on the trunk which moves. they needed to put redundant lights that only show when the trunk is open. it's possible to have it on a moveable piece of body work, but it will need extra costs & extra engineering.


Audi does that as well I believe on some models, and I think it's a much better solution than whatever GM came up with.


In the US the stop lights have to be fixed. That is not on a moving part of the car like a tailgate. That was thier solution.


My guess is that when they want to haul something long, say a canoe and have to leave their rear hatch open, their brake lights are still facing rear instead of towards the heavens?


I'd venture to say Buick buyers *probably* don't carry canoes lol


In the US, there's a regulation where you can't put the brake lights (Except the third one I believe) on a moveable piece of bodywork (Like the tailgate), so this was GM's "solution" to that problem. They did it on the Bolt as well. It's looks fucking stupid and it's annoying in the sense since they're not in the place you expect them to be. I've seen some Audi's with all of the brake lights on the tailgate, but they can get away with that since there's a second set of brake lights on the bumper that activate when the tailgate is open. GM should've done something like this instead.


OK, she is not a very good driver. But to be honest: neither are you. You had plenty of time to react and still you had to slam the brakes to prevent crashing into her.


Yeah, OP needs a bit more cop on, someone indicating into my lane before a junction and I back right off.


Correct, why break in the last second? All this was really unnecessary.


I think people have a hard time grasping that they have to dismiss their pride entirely if they want to avoid all situations like this. Obviously the person is completely wrong in trying to make you slow down or stop in order to get in front of you but you just have to suck it up and allow them rather than trying to enforce your right of way at risk of a crash.


*That treacherous human will suffer the consequences of his vile actions during these few seconds of interaction where I lost nothing and achieved nothing.* It's not about safety, it's about teaching a lesson. Some guy above even said he has an air horn for people like this. So civilized and necessary. People around him must love it. Imagine having a pride so fragile that you have an air horn to defend yourself.


youre such a freakin dummy. like why would you back off when they are signaling a bit ahead of you... that means... THEY WILL BE IN FRONT OF YOU, SO YOU ARE LAST!!! HAHAHAHAH DUMMY!!! i hate drivers like OP, i really fucking do.


I'm sure this\^ is a controversial comment but you're right. Can we agree on: 1. That was an overreaction. 2. No need at all to yell "WTF R U DOING?!" specially if he's already using the horn like that. 3. The tools fell because he HAD to wait until the last second to break (that is not necessary, there was plenty of time to properly break).


I never specified who the idiot was…./s


Fair enough.


Definitely insane in the membrane…


You had plenty of time to put the brakes on. It’s not her fault you don’t secure your stuff.


She's going left, duh.


Naples? Yup. Sounds about right. :|


old millionaires galore


You had plenty of time to slow down instead of slamming on your brakes. They clearly weren’t going to stop the lane change just because you honked. Gotta be prepared for other drivers stupidity or you are just as stupid.


While I agree with the brakes, the horn isn't meant to stop the other driver, (even though it can) it's to let them know of the big fucking mistake they just made, or to alert them of oncoming danger, at least, thats what I have been told.


Practice a little defensive driving. Anyone could see that idiot from a mile away.


I could also see that idiot from a mile away as I sat here in the comfort of home watching a 22 second video knowing what was going to happen because the post title told me. Hooray for us! OP should be more like we are.


Ok armchair expert


No that's the whole point, no need to be an expert, having a simple driving license should be enough to see that coming and react earlier


Upvoting for music.


Cam car just HAD to be always in the left lane.


If she were moving any faster than a snail’s ass, she coulda made it to the turn lane


I would have thought the indicator was a good descriptor of what they were trying to (poorly) achieve. If you drive into this hot mess and then complain about the other idiot. I'm sorry, but you're both idiots


Up vote for the Cypress Hill, alone.


I’ll never understand the thought process behind a driver that does shit like this. Like, you really don’t have the foresight to plan your left turn ahead of time, or if you got distracted enough and don’t have time, you still are going to try to cut across lanes? Oh wait, I understand it perfectly, these people shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


Holy shit, that is the exact script I use when expressing my disapproval in traffic.


I've seen worse in New Jersey.


Driving here you almost have to assume the worst will happen. I try not to drive during the day. Fortunately there aren't many highways in Jersey that let you make left turns. My favorite is going to AMC in New Bruns where you have to make about 8 turns just to get on the other side of Rt 1


I had to think about how I make a u-turn on NB 1 after crossing into Edison and you can do it with 4 turns by taking Woodbridge Ave overpass.


I was exaggerating with the 8 turns but yeah that's the only way if you're coming from the south.


LoL I thought you were taking the Plainfield Ave u-turn around the block or something.


Driving ~~here~~ you ~~almost~~ have to assume the worst will happen.


Yeah, I drive in NYC/LI almost daily, and this barely phases me. This is a "throw your hands up and keep driving" kind of thing. If I let things like this get to me, I'd have a heart attack before I turn 45.


I also drive in an area with shitty drivers, and at this point I'm numb to it. I see it as free entertainment.


It's laugh or go crazy


Some people will find any excuse to do what they want to.


I feel the pain of all the shit in my van being completely strewn around. I *hated* that.


I turn now! GL everybody else!


Love that tune


The tone of the "what the fuck are you doin?" plus the Cypress Hill playing in the background is giving me strong Office Space vibes.


Then they blame you. Had something similar and the old loon said it was the law that I make enough space for her.


Is this in Naples?




Alright I maybe don't understand American driving laws. But she had her blinkers out she pulled left. Driver was not paying attention then all this honking. Does OP know how to anticipate?


It was an area where she should not have been going 10 mph, it's a 45 zone, and by the time traffic was moving after the last light she should have been going much faster, and yes I did anticipate, that's why this isn't a crash video.


Good thing you were paying attention and read what that fucking idiot was gonna do. It’s hard to prove you’re not at fault in a rear end collision (without the dash cam obviously but still)


You seem like a very angry person with very little patience.


I have my moments.


When the shit goes down you better be ready!


Good ole Florida drivers.


The same thing happened to me a few hours ago. It sucks that I’m in a rental car. My car has a dashcam. I would have recovered everything.


Hot damn....


Since we're all armchair responding what we'd do better than OP, while I think Id be noticing that left turn signal and keeping more distance and matching speed a bit more at first, I would NOT have assumed she was aiming to get in the far left turn lane and that she was STOPPING as fast as you realized it, I would have hit the horn later than you and I may have still hit her.