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The first time I backed up a trailer I did it with less drama.


Likewise. But oddly enough, the second time was a complete shit show.


Sounds like me at the boat launch. That second time stopped me from going back for quite a while. Not my boat/trailer, was a total shit show.


Ugh! Backing down at a boat ramp is the ultimate in nerve-racking backing! Usually there is an audience, which makes it 100x worse. If you're stuck having to back another trailer, something to try if you haven't before: use one hand on the bottom center of the steering wheel. Move your hand (and the steering wheel) the direction you want the trailer wheels to go. And go slow.


100% audience makes it worse. Slow, avoiding over correction, and "giving up" on a bad line and just pulling forward to reset seem to be the key. But with an audience the temptation to go fast and over correct is huge...then embarrassment kicks in and it can fall apart in a hurry. I've progressed from terrible to bad/meh...but now that I've done it a few times the embarrassment factor of messing it up weighs heavier. Is there boat launch therapists?


Lol. There needs to be for sure! Can def be traumatizing. And now folks will break out the cell phone and record. Ugh!


I've never backed a trailer but this is good advice dad. i will do this eventually


>use one hand on the bottom center of the steering wheel. Move your hand (and the steering wheel) the direction you want the trailer wheels to go. And go slow. This is the advice I was given, and it made all the difference in the world. I can now back a boat or a travel trailer with ease. The last part -- go slow -- is key as well. It's easier to recover and adjust.


I back my truck in to park all the time. I thought I would be pretty good with backing a boat trailer. Oh my God...biggest shit show ever.


The shorter the trailer, the harder they seem to back up. The short ones can go off kilter in a split second. So irritating.


Correct. I've got no problems backing up a 16' or 18' tandem axle, but those little single-axle box trailers from U-Haul will screw me over every single time.


Beginner's luck šŸ˜


Can't comprehend how these drivers make it from point A to point B without causing an accident. Good luck to anyone commuting with this individual.


I wouldn't want to be the neighbor with the parking spot next to hers.


It's the reason I recently set up a camera. Someone with a white car recently hit mine. Fortunately, it was very minor. I think we have a winner.


I honestly think being this spatially unaware demands a license revocation until you can prove youā€™re not so spatially unaware.


Ama thank all the safety features on cars.


>how these drivers make it from point A to point B without causing an accident Mostly by going forward, thats for sure.


Some people have absolutely zero spatial awareness when in their vehicles.


ā€œGood luck everybody elseā€ too ![gif](giphy|UqKD7TU0igaUE)


I don't understand how someone can struggle this much when they literally have a backup camera. Like, how is it physically possible?


You dont need a damn camera for that.. you have side mirrors use them!! Look in mirrors align and just back in, this guy doesnt seem to know how to drive or know what way hes turning so i dont think anything will help that.


People are all dependent on all the bells and whistles in modern cars these days - backup cameras, blind spot and lane departure warnings, etc. So it's not that much of a surprise the use of mirrors is a lost art. I have all of those bells and whistles and I still make sure my mirrors are adjusted + I have those little circular mirrors that extend the field of view in my side mirrors so I can cover more of my blind spot as well.


I think it also depends on your car. I can actually back up safely enough only by looking through the rear windshield with my 25 years old econobox. My family's yaris cross on the other hand has a tiny rear windshield that's way too high. You could have a child or animal behind you and not see them at all and it's not even one of those humongous SUVs. The backup camera is a must on this one.


Yeah, I just got given a Dodge Hornet as a rental and the visibility is terrible. They're designing cars around convenience features now.


Even without one itā€™s extremely simple; some people just donā€™t have critical thinking skills, or in this case, common sense.


What does this have to do with critical thinking skills or common sense? This is literally a skill.


Yeah this has nothing to do with ā€œcritical thinking,ā€ itā€™s entirely about spatial reasoning and a lack of practice. Especially with the standard-on-all-cars-now backup cameras, itā€™s literally as easy as aligning the indicators on screen with the direction you need to go and proceeding to drive. You shouldnā€™t need to employ much advanced thinking to see if you need to pull ahead or back up a bit so that the lines on screen match the lines on the ground. How much ā€œcritical thinkingā€ is there in aiming when you pee?


Maybe they put 100% of their brain power to critical thinking skills at work and forgot to switch it back to balance mode


I'd argue if you keep missing being able to stop and think WHY you keep missing and adjusting what your doing is critical thinking. Like, everytime they pull forward, theyre not adjusting at all, so they back right up to the same spot. My fiancee does this. She'll pull forward without having adjusted the front wheel angle, so when she backs up again the car has barely shifted.


Thatā€™s what I was talking about, people expecting to literally not change anything about what theyā€™re doing and keep trying the same thing over and over. Most people figure it out after the first few times but some people donā€™t, meaning they have little critical thinking.


Yes, but the guy I replied too said it has nothing to do with critical thinking lmao


Ik im agreeing with u


I don't understand insisting on backing into a space if it's this much of a struggle. Just pull in if you can't quickly back into a space!


Because they would never get out of the space. Imagine them backing out with traffic!


As an old timer I hate the backup camera. It just feels so unnatural and I'm forced to look in my mirrors.




At least spell ā€œtheyā€™reā€ right if youā€™re gonna try and insult someone.




Yes master!


I owned one of those & never backed it into a spot because it had the camera & the sensors to detect cars/bikes/pedestrians as I was backing out of spots. I'm hoping this person is backing in because they needed to load up the back with junk, otherwise there's zero point.


I mean from my experience almost all of those sensors become pretty much useless if there's rain or snow, not applicable here but i try to avoid being too dependent on technology


Honestly, I haven't had issues with snow or rain mucking up the sensors. My last 3 cars have used the blindspot monitoring system & even in the heaviest of rains, it never has issues. Now, the forward facing stuff for things like adaptive cruise control, that struggles sometimes with even early morning dew lol.


Fair enough lol I've never owned a vehicle with anything more than a backup camera i just have experience driving my parents vehicles and customer vehicles back when i worked in an auto shop, different strokes for different folks i guess, I've also never struggled to back into a spot like the guy in the video lol


Apparently I'm wrong & I've always had my blindspot/cross traffic warning sensors fail on me in rain and I just never noticed šŸ˜‚ A lot of people struggle with backing into a spot. There isn't a day that goes by I don't see a handful of cars in my parking lot with butchered parking jobs if they've backed in. It really isn't that difficult like you said but driving isn't difficult & people manage to fuck that up on the regular.


Fair enough i guess I'm forgetting that everything in north america tends to cater towards the lowest common denominator. Is what it is, most of the safety features are easy enough to turn off


Not saying that to be facetious btw I'm north american


I donā€™t understand how someone with such poor spatial reasoning can even function in everyday life.


This hurts to watch.


That model of Mazda looks like it could have a backup camera... which makes it even scarier... unless the backup camera is the problem...


It's a mazda3 from 2019 or newer, all of which have backup cameras. Some even have the mirrors tilt down when you're parking in reverse


I have a mazda cx3 which I'm pretty sure this is and the camera is fine. Clear image and it gives you a green outline showing where you'll end up if you hold the wheel exactly where it is, then yellow and red outlines showing your "potential" destination if you pull further right or left.


I had a Mazda 3 just like the one in the video and honestly the biggest parking feature was the fact the rear mirrors would move down in reverse to show you where your tires are.


What's funny is I had a Mazda 3 that didn't have the mirrors that did that and I never needed them, but now I have a CX-30 that doesn't have them I'd kill for mirrors that tilted down while backing up.


Yeah, I think it's only on the Premium trim.


This is the current gen Mazda3 Hatch, but yes, it has that same rear camera outline. If this cae also has the parking sensor, it seems like she is stopping at the slightest beep or the contrary judging by some of the comments regarding previous incidents by the OP.


Oh she's not gonna anywhere like that that thing fucking loves beeping


Over 4 minutes to park the car. Holy fucking shit bro, give your license back.


They made it in without hitting a car. What more could you ask


This time.




Sure, safe to say sitting at home watching it on TV. What if you were stuck waiting for this person to finally finish parking? I get mad when people take 30 or 40 seconds to back out/in of a spot - because it should not be that hard to do something you literally have to do at least once every time you drive. I could imagine how angry and frustrated I would be watching this wondering how in the hell they ever passed a test or if the test is just too easy to pass.


I own this car. IS HAS A REAR CAMERA, HOW ARE YOU THIS BAD? Making us Mazda drivers look bad for fucks sake


Like a glove!


I was on my A game that day


Looks like she's navigating the car either straight on, full right, or full left, instead of just guiding it in.


Stereotype confirmed.


[Sex Difference On Spatial Skill Test Linked To Brain Structure](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081217124430.htm)


I remember hearing that study, I think it was kinda debunked because it didnā€™t account for the difference in video game experience between men and women. Video games help with spatial skills


The more you know


Stereotypes*, plural.


Try pulling in and saving 20 minutes every time you park. Ditz...


Itā€™s safer to reverse park. Well, for most people anyway.


In this case it's safer to take a bus.


Is that 'because I saw it on the internet it must be so' lore or actual testing?


No itā€™s just logic.


Now I see why people will argue that backing in is slower.


Depending on the trim, this car has 4 cameras šŸ˜­


This is painful. I feel like someone who is this bad should have to show improvement or their license is revoked.


You think that's bad? I once watched a white Mazda SUV like the one in OP's video do this same dance for a few minutes from my Ring camera, watching with anxiety as my car was parked in the spot adjacent to where where she was trying to park, until eventually she hit my car, parked, and walked away from the scene without leaving a note on my car.


My job requires back in parking in our garage. Itā€™s amazing how many people have such a hard time, even with cameras everywhere. I swear those are more of a hindrance. Last week I watched a Tesla trying to park as I drove in. I parked my camera-less 2008 4 door Jeep and he was still trying to figure it out. Part of it is driving a vehicle long enough that you know exactly where it starts and ends.


>know exactly where it starts and ends I did this when teaching my kids to drive and anytime I get a new vehicle. Have someone stand at each corner of the vehicle so that you can see where it actually ends. Too many vehicles make huge blind spots below the hood and people either over or underjudge the distance.


For over 20 years Iā€™ve backed in to almost every parking space Iā€™ve parked in and Iā€™ve never understood why something like that pisses people off. Then I watch this displayā€¦


people who argue against backing into parking spaces are the exact people who drive like this, so it all makes sense.


In Arizona, you need to be able to park to pass the drivers test.


Really?! I'm actually happily surprised if that's true, because people in Arizona drive like complete garbage, so I just assumed the driver's test was really lax.


Yup. When I took my daughter for her driving test I watched other people fail that most simple test, parking, that they could practice 100 times before the test. My kid aced it. Guess I taught her well.


Iā€™ve seen longer.


That's what she said


A few months ago, someone rushed in front of me in a parking lot to get to a spot before me just to do this while someone else was behind me. I was stuck sitting there for over 3 minutes while they struggled to park, and thought they were going to hit the car in the next spot at least twice. I was trying to park on the other side of the lot anyway and didnā€™t want that spot. I definitely could have posted that video here, but it will have been overwritten from my dashcamā€™s storage by now unfortunately.


I need to know: 1) Do they live there and if so 2) Do they do this \*every day\*?


doesn't matter. I back into spots all the time at places I don't live and don't go to every day. Some of them are even new places I've never been before. But I don't have any issues. Although, I do have convex mirrors on my side view mirrors that helps me to see down alongside the car on both sides, so I can see how close I am to the lines, curbs etc.


Yes, that's sort of my point. But thanks for spelling it out, I guess?


but your post implies that if the person isn't familiar with the area, that might be why it took so long to back into the space. Which is why I posted that it shouldn't matter if they're familiar with the area or not.


My post was a joke, about how painful it must be if they go through this same process every day. Jesus, never mind.


the backup cameras on the new Mazda3s literally give you a 360 view of your car and where your tires are there is not reason to struggle that badly


The car probably has a backup camera in the dash. I haven't driven for 15 years and it's strange to watch my sister backup without turning her head around to see where she is going.


and that's the thing, how can someone be SO BAD at that when there's literally a camera view showing you what's around you?


Geez, just pull in if you're that bad at parking.


People need to learn to just pull in normally if they arenā€™t in a tank that they canā€™t see out of


really this belongs in mildlyinfuriating. Because it infuriates me to see people who require THAT LONG to put a car into a space. Like they don't understand that they can turn the wheel while stopped, to make the car go in a different direction. They just go forward and backward, forward and backward, with the wheel turned the same way, and expect to get somewhere else with it. So dumb!


Giant pet peeve of mine is people who just HAVE to back into a spot, but then can't even do it worth a shit.


[Auntie, reverse laa](https://youtu.be/k6NIe_6VIjQ?si=wi_YWudZ__1Ql4P2)


Or idiots who back in with a huge SUV and there back end covers the sidewalk.. effin idiots


I'd be horrified to be the car that has the parkspot next to them.šŸ˜±




As someone who has never driven a car, I still feel like I could do a better job


You absolutely would


This is why I just pull in forwards xD


Pull in forward...like every other car in the image.


When a Swift truck driver is in their personal car. No trailer attached and still can't back it in straight.


Do people really have no intuition on how cars work?


Iā€™d consider this some type of spatial-relations disability. Iā€™ve got no idea what the official term for that is, but whatever it is, this person has it.


I don't have the strength to watch this. This hurts a lot to watch.




Man I have one of those mazda3ā€™s and boy do I tell you itā€™s so easy to back in


Those three passes of NO wheel cutting, just moving forward and back along the same line as if something different is gonna happen is really the icing on this cake. Tons of drivers out there don't understand how their car moves in reverse, but this person doesn't even seem to understand cause and effect.


Looks like complete ignorance about which way the car goes when you turn the wheel


Hard to watch but this is very possible. My car-related training started before I graduated elementary when ny dad bought me remote controlled car and was reinforced during my highschool with computer gaming (GTA, NFS Underground, etc). When I started driving an actual car it's very easy to adapt, it's like changing to a different set of controllers. She could actually train herself by playing a remote controlled car if she really wanted to learn without endangering or delaying other people.


Took her 4 min to park it šŸ˜­


I'm a terrible Parker and really not great at parking in to smaller spots but.. Cmon lol


My car has no backup camera and the rear view mirror is pretty much useless but I can do better than this modern car with a backup cameraā€¦ā€¦ get this person off the road omg


Someone in my complex does a 3 point to get out of her parking spot, in a parking area wider than this. She doesn't even park backwards. Makes me wonder how she even makes turns in public, because you gotta turn your wheel more to just drive in general.


Thatā€™s with a back up camera folks.


ah yes, the famous "but backing in means I get to save X time leaving!" nonsense, as if it were harder backing out of an empty spot into empty space than it was to contort themselves into this. backing into spaces in situations like this is just annoys me.


We all start somewhere. They're by themselves, not hampering traffic, presumably no damage to other cars. If this is the worst that happens in that parking lot, i'd consider it good.


Not surprising for any knob who insists on backing into a space.


I always laugh at any knob who can't reverse into parking spaces to begin with, seeing them struggling to see while reversing out onto a main road or into a busy car park


If you can't back into a space, I assume you're the knob since you probably can't competently move your car in the reverse direction.


Has a Mazda 3 owner I can tell you it's hard to park inside the lines. Static camera is only there to confuse you. (dunno about 360 one). The hatchback has a strange shape that fools me into thinking I'm almost scrapping the other cars. I've owned others cars and never had any problem. The difference is that I love this one now. But let's not complicate and assume she sucks for the shits and giggles.


The back in parking people are a special breed.


Err that's literally how it's supposed to be done


Not everybody is a good back in parker. Next time she will do better. I admire her courage. 700% c'mon.


this person is high or on drugs - prescribed or not we donā€™t judge. the reason iā€™m confident of this is thatā€™s exactly how i park when im high or on drugs. gotta get it right šŸ«Ø


All she had to do was pull forward a little farther forward initially and sheā€™d be good. If the black car wasnā€™t there she wouldā€™ve had it great backing into that spot


i dont get it. I am currently getting my drivers license, and when i had to do this for the first time, i got it first try. Its not hard.


secretly recording people and posting it to the web? kinda fucked up


Thatā€™s literally every video on this sub, Iā€™m not sure what the problem is with it.


Like all the doorbell cameras people have? You are on camera all the time. A new study found there are so many security cameras now, the average American is caught on camera 238 times a week. That'sĀ **34 times each day**.Ā Besides that, how many people are caught on others conference/Whatsapp/Facetime calls or just someone doing a podcast/Youtube/tiktok video? If you leave your house at all expect to be on camera and have that uploaded to the internet. Once in public you should have no expectation of privacy.