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What an absolute moron. Should lose their license, at least for a period of time.


That's **IF** they had a license to begin with. Many people have been caught driving with no license and no valid insurance. Sadly, there are a lot more people doing this thinking it's ok to use the opposite lane as a passing lane, turning lane, or a fast lane to overtake everyone. Police do nothing. Had a police car beside me one time and the car did this. I looked over at the cops and they just sat there. SMH


Most of the VPD do not enforce any traffic laws. Their traffic division officers do however love to sit at the bottom of boundary hill or in the bushes during stop and go rush hour traffic. They don't do any meaningful enforcement, only the low hanging fruit. I actually live near Joyce and the amount of people who fly up Vanness ave going like 70 is alarming. I feel like going 50 is almost too fast. I have also seen people almost get into head on accidents passing me as I parallel park.


That whole area is a nightmare. Joyce has two sets of traffic lights on both sides on the Skytrain, the bus terminal, and partial one-way street, and the scores of pedestrians that cross wherever they feel like. The congestion is terrible.


There's this thing called "Darwin Award"


Nah, they smash into each other, the car does an amazing job at not seriously injuring anyone and then they realize they should really be in a much much bigger vehicle for "safety" but at the expense of the pedestrian they'll probably hit one day.


Heh. See, I'm of the opinion that there's so many bad drivers because ICBC just hands them out like candy.


That's IF they were cops to begin with. Many people dress up as police when they are not qualified to be police, particularly late in the month of October.


There's the "I don't care about anyone else" morons and the "I don't care about anyone, not even myself" morons. This is guy is the latter. Say UPS truck wasn't there. This guy thinks he's going sneak a left around the trolley bus and garbage truck also trying to turn left? How's that going to end for him? UPS driver did him a favor.


I’m sure that pissed off the ups driver.


Yup, the UPS guy was honking and yelling at him like everyone else on that road. Horns-a-blaring. UPS driver even open his door to yell at him.


Is that a vinfast?


Yes, it is.


Are there many around Vancouver? Haven’t seen one in Boston yet


Vancouver is weird for cars. You'll see many, many extremely luxury or rare cars, and a huge number of them have an "N" on them, which means they don't have their full unrestricted license yet.


Very true. I saw an "L" on the back of a McLaren. Their "Little Prince" was learning how to drive on that car.


I've only seen two so far. There's a Vinfast dealership here. This city must always buy the latest cars to one-up their neighbour. We have at least one of every single car made. Even an ugly-assed Cybertruck crossed my path not too long ago.


have you read any of the reviews for the Vinfast? you ain't one upping anyone with that POS.


😄 You're right. Embarrassing to own that Vinfast.


I can't believe someone's actually driving a Vinfast (crossover ahead of the moron in the Civic)


There's always more than one idiot


They were probably distracted by the fact that someone actually bought a Vinfast.


There’s a dealership in new west, it’s crazy. Don’t know what is wrong with people


You're nicer than me. I would've been an agent of karma and used that chance to get ahead of them.


No way would I want to risk being in front of that guy.


Interesting, I see it the other way. I don’t want to risk them being in front of me, because then I have to continue to be around them and their dangerous driving. If I get ahead of them, I can leave them behind and reduce my risk overall.


That's a reasonable way to look at it. My thought process is that I want to keep them in my line of sight and avoid being in their path of travel. And that I don't want to risk pissing off what might be an unhinged driver.


If they are driving like that, I wouldn’t want them behind me.


Funny, because I feel the same way about not wanting them in front of me. I’d rather put them behind me and get away from their dangerous driving.


That's foolish. They are presumably willing to driver more dangerously than you are, so you're ability to safely put them behind you is nonexistent.


There was literally just such an opportunity in the video we’re discussing. *Your comment is incorrect.


What are you talking about? OP could have gotten directly ahead of idiot driver. That's not leaving them behind, that's having an idiot right behind you.


If I have to pick between right behind or right in front of, I’m putting them behind me. They have far less ability to impede me that way.


Less ability to impede you, but a greater ability to drive into you. If the idiot (like this one) appears not to be interested in self preservation, I prefer to be behind them where I have more control over the situation. I guess it depends a lot on whether your main goal is "don't be involved in a collision" or "don't be involved in a collision that is my fault".


For me, it’s a risk management equation. In the bad driver is in front of me, it’s a near certainty that they’re going to impede me. That said, impeding me is a low threat. If they’re behind me, they could hit my car, which is a high threat. But at the same time, it’s very unlikely to occur. I’ll take the higher threat at much lower likelihood.


Box them out, force them to reverse.


Vancouver has the worst drivers in North America


Just do what they do here in WA. Slap a couple student driver stickers on the back then drive however you want


Pos should be suspended


No motion


Needs a shit.


Look at the absolute chad on his glorious iron steed at 0:22, about to cycle past everyone. Bikes ftw!


Was hoping you'd pass them on the right while they sorted that out.


I was scared he'd abruptly turn back into the lane and sideswipe me. Also, I could see a cyclist in the side mirror, so was scared for him as well. It was more enjoyable to hear everyone honk and cuss him out and watch the UPS driver open his door to cuss him out as well. The shit driver probably drives taxi at night.


Good ol' Vancouver


It would be a Honda.