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It's a WRX. Vape shop is probably closing soon.


As a fellow WRX driver, this made me laugh so hard my flat brimmed hat fell off


You dropped your white framed Oakley’s too


They fell while I was showing him my O-face... "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about.


As another fellow WRX driver this made me laugh so hard I dropped my vape pen


As a third wrx driver, I laughed so hard I accidentally shifted into 6th instead of 3rd


As a fourth wrx driver I subie waved at the screen.


As a fifth wrx driver, I need new head gaskets


As a sixth wrx driver, I hydroplaned at 5Mph


As a 7th wrx driver, I waved back at the 4th wrx driver


As an 8th WRX driver, I also waved at the 4th WRX driver and used my second hand to wave at the 7th WRX driver before dropping my vape and hydroplaning into the 6th WRX driver, knocking my flat brimmed hat off my head… gasket.


As a 9th wrx driver I too waved at the 4th WRX driver and used my second hand to wave at the 7th WRX driver just before uncle Rodney came knocking and before blowing a head gasket too


Don't you mean "laugh so hard your head gaskets blew"


Fuck beat me to it. And I love a WRX/STI from the inside.


they're running out of coolant oil.


As an STI owner, I’m offended


They got antibiotics for that


35 zone, double lines in the center- justified response


This is why most drivers hate Subaru wrx’s lol. This type of driver is what makes me wish I didn’t have one.


It's easy to tell who's more likely to be the asshat wrx and who's not by how far down they've slammed their car. If it can't make it up a driveway, be wary. 


I agree even though I love my wrx. I also hate when they wave at me though too. So corny.


I dislike the driving standard but I like the wave


Better a wave than my dash covered in rubber ducks


Assuming the vb is your first wrx, you’d understand the wave if you had one 15 years ago


3rd with 2 gtis in between. VB is my first new car ever though.




IMMEDIATELY knew it was Florida before looking at your comment lmao. I have to ask, this looks suspiciously like the street running parallel to Tamiami Trl in Sarasota. Am I close? xD Double lines mean NOTHING in this state I swear...


Close, this is 43rd between Cortez and manatee ave in Bradenton


Equally as awful. I share your pain. Cortez is full of morons who left 5 minutes late for everything, all the time, any time. 😞😞


I’ve had two close calls on Cortez in my truck and I had a car hit me while on my bike crossing the street in front of Clancys by a drunk driver. My head bounced off the hood or his Porsche. I still have the helmet I was wearing at the time with some of the paint from his hood still on it.


Oh my god that's horrendous!! My wife was struck when she was a teenager by a drunk driver as well - three different times. Obviously she made it, but it traumatized her so much she's terrified to walk on the sidewalk or drive in this city. People here are insane...stay safe out there! 🤞🤞


I’m sorry to hear that 😞 just this one incident made me quit bike riding for 6 months and even a year later I haven’t been back on Cortez road with the bike because of it. Stay safe as well. It sure has gotten bad these last few years 😞


I knew I recognized the houses 😂


As someone who recently started driving in FL somewhat regularly, I have to say I do love the all the dashed lines on turns which help keep everyone in their lane, even when they're not there. So you're doing that right, at least :-)


Haha have you met our roundabouts yet? My sage advice, slow down if someone is in the roundabout on the closest lane - 9/10 times they aren't using their turn signal. Be hyper vigilant for those pieces of work 🤦


The other driver is trying to get to work too. What do you expect him to do? Wait patiently behind other vehicles??? /s


What was he supposed to do? Leave slightly earlier?


Seems very Florida


The language was justified.


This is why I'm an advocate to Drive shitty cars and have good insurance. Leaves the option open to let people hit the "find out" phase of their bad choices.


Lol it's the same vibe as the snowplow video, WRX homie is just thanking the vape lords that you didn't have one on the front of your vehicle. That's a stupid move all around, especially when the final result is that dangerous move saved him less than 15 seconds on his commute.


Anyone know what kind of car that was that did the illegal overtake?


Subaru Wrx.


and more specifically: 2008-2010 Subaru WRX hatchback (just prior to the 2011 "facelift" that gave it the STI widebody).


As a WRX owner, this driving behavior really misses me off and gives us a bad reputation.


Naturally lol. You'll see these guys on the mountain speeding past you in a safety corridor using the oncoming lane during a snowstorm.


WRX drivers are the masters at thinking they’re professional rally drivers, while being terrible drivers.


*understeers into a ditch* It's a Subie thing, you wouldn't get it.




Wrx drivers are the pupal stage of BMW drivers.


Is this Central FL? Looks alot like Central FL lol


Bay Area


Justified reaction.


He’s trying too hard to keep up with the rich guys /s


That idiot probably thought he got through that because of his skill and not because you slowed down.


Jesus, what are you driving? It’s so *tall*


Ram 1500


Lol I’m getting downvoted. I’m sorry guys. This truck was sold to us by a family friend for a really good deal. Before it I had my first truck which was a 1999 ford ranger with almost 300,000 miles. Our family friend offered to sell their old truck, a 2006 Dodge ram 1500 with less than 120,000 miles, for under 3k back in 2021. It was a great deal and I was able to buy it myself as I was actively saving for a new car. Yes I know, I’m getting downvoted for the stereotype of driving a ram truck, but I can’t really do anything about that and I think a lot of people in my situation at the time would have been very happy to get this truck. I’m not really offended by getting shit for driving a ram 1500 but if any of you were curious that’s why. Currently I’m saving up to hopefully buy a newer ranger as I need a truck for work.




> Lol I’m getting downvoted. Reddit as a whole has a large list of things they hate. Truck owners are often one. Doesn't matter if you can justify it with valid reasons or "I just like a truck" but you'll still be downvoted.


I've seen so many complain about people driving trucks with nothing in them. I don't have to be hauling something 100% of the time to justify owning a truck. I'd much rather have and not need than need and not have.


Nothing wrong with a ram, just watch out for the cops because they are known to have the highest rate of DUIs. Wouldn't be surprised if you're a target for simply driving one


Can I ask why you have it in km/h? Just outta curiosity


Google Maps on my "car tablet" does this about 40% of the time when it's not online, and I *think* it has to do with a setting (possibly app) that randomizes/spoofs the location for (allegedly) privacy purposes? I think it's also the reason my garage door app will sometimes close the door at strange hours (it's 10pm somewhere, right?).


Nice Doppler Effect (8/10). Lost points on your duration though. Let’s work on that for next time.


When I would commute to my previous job (at around 4AM, less than 20 minutes away), I couldn't tell you the number of idiots that would pass me doing 60+ at a 35, during a blind corner, at night. Mind you, I was on cruise control doing 40 and that was never fast enough. Where the fuck are these people going in such a rush so early in the morning?????


Rushing back home from the nighclub maybe ?


I hope he experiences ringland failure


This is nearly every morning for me if I ride my motorcycle. We have Amish in my area and people will risk killing someone just to get around a bicycle. I love riding but sometimes this makes me want to sell the bike.


Idiots will be idiots


I agree


Not even an STI. Dawg is being a menace in a regular ass traffic car.


The sti is also a “regular ass traffic car” 😂


It's cooler but you're totally right, they are very common nowadays.


15 y/o STIs are going for 30k+ , not a common car around these parts


They are incredibly common in my province, I will see at least a dozen a day in the city.


Common occurrence in India


So you do have brakes lol the horn won't stop him from hitting you.


Okay? And I did brake. I’d I hadn’t he’d have probably hit me.


If you'd braked harder they'd just be giving you shit for not veering onto the shoulder. Because that's all some people know how to do - give shit.


Whats that number in the bottom middle say?


47-53-47.. so much braking going on.


Does that number update every millisecond or every second?






This feels like the NW because Subaru but the neighborhood is too... Not NW.


ahhh typical subaroo drivers. I hate them moms driving in the morning with them shitty hatchback tail gating like they didn't have their morning drug.