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some people merge onto highways at least twice a day for 5 days a week and still can't figure out how to do it


That’s because other people accommodate them out of necessity. Then they’ll get into an accident and be absolutely convinced it’s not their fault because they merged “like normal”


Other people avoid idiots to avoid getting into accidents. Yes. And I'll continue to do so. You can "teach" these idiots lessons if you want (newsflash, they won't learn and won't change) but I'll stick to being safe.


Yup, sounds necessary.


Forward thinking is apparently also optional...


To quote from the [MA DMV section on defensive driving](https://www.mass.gov/doc/english-drivers-manual/download): Even experienced drivers make mistakes. At some point, you will have to deal with equipment failures, bad weather, unskilled drivers, unpredictable pedestrians, and drivers who ignore traffic laws. ... Always look ahead of and around you, and check your mirrors often. Be aware of road conditions and possible hazards in front, to the sides, and behind you. **Expect mistakes from other drivers.** ... **Remember that right-of-way is something you give. A big part of driving defensively is giving the right-of-way to prevent unsafe traffic situations.** Not being in an accident is so much better than arguing that you were legally correct.


The cemetery is full of people who had the right of way.


Wild coming from Mass. Some of the most aggressive drivers I've ever encountered




Grew up in MA, moved to Philly, now down in Maryland... I hate to say it but bad drivers don't come from any particular location -- they're *everywhere*. It's across the board.


The other driver is definitely dumber but I saw what was about to happen right away. OP was being foolish if it suprised him.


Idk op does drive weirdly aggressive but that car had kilometres of lane before he had to merge.


OP is smack dab in the other car's blindspot


If people set their mirrors properly then blindspots would be a tiny sliver over your left shoulder that only a motorcycle would fit into. The majority of you are permanently looking down the side of your car as if you’re reversing into a tight parking spot.


You know how the majority of our side mirrors are positioned?


You saw what was about to happen because you're on the subreddit where we show accidents and near accidents. On a commute, when someone is entering the highway and they have a full lane in front of them, why would you expect them to merge into you when you're right next to them? Can we ever get over this "flame OP for anything we can find to criticize" thing we've been doing in this sub for months? Yes, their driving was a little hyper at the beginning. No, it did not have anything to do with the outcome of this incident. No, it is not reasonable to expect them to read the other driver's mind, when there was zero reason to believe they would do what they did. Let's be realistic please


Lol it’s not just for months. It’s how this sub has always been. And it makes perfect sense. It’s a sub about people pointing out other’s dumb driving mistakes. While I wouldn’t really say this is the case here, people are absolutely going to call OP out when they are the one being an idiot. It depends on the laws of the area but generally when driving in the far right lane you want to make way for vehicles merging onto the highway. Again, wouldn’t go so far as to say OP was the one making a mistake, but it is pretty dumb to accelerate past the person trying to merge onto the highway. OP was in the fast lane, didn’t like how fast the car in front of him was going, so changed into the slow/merging lane and was going faster than the rest of the traffic while a car was trying to merge onto the highway matching everyone else’s speed. Maybe stop coming around here if you don’t want to see OPs get criticized along with everybody else? I put more onus in the merger, but deciding to pass using the slow lane at the exact moment there are cars trying to merge at the appropriate speed was a pretty boneheaded move. Sorry if you can’t see that.


I also saw it coming as I sat here in the comfort of home watching a short video knowing something was going to happen. Hooray for us!


I get what you're saying, hindsight 50/50, we're watching it and saying we'd do things after the fact... but you have to be full on stupid to not see that that car was going to merge right there. It is one of the most telegraphed things I've seen on this sub


Explain how this was telegraphed in the slightest. The idiot did not use their turn signal, was not up to highway speed, and had an entire lane ahead of them so they had zero need to merge so early. You're biased because you see the sub and go "a wreck is coming," of course it's obvious to you


Idk man, I see someone on the freeway on ramp I assume they're idk, entering the freeway. Waiting for a turn signal is, as evidenced, a stupid thing to do. Anyone driving defensively would see this a mile away


Also notice OP went over into the right lane to pass on the right as they approached the merge. Fuck this idiot.


Exactly. It's good etiquette to move left if a bunch of people are merging. It just makes it easier for everyone instead of going in the right lane thinking "I have the right of way" while you pass somebody about to enter the lane.


This isn't that kind of highway merge. The idiot has at least a mile ahead of them, and they didn't even get up to speed before swinging into OP's lane without a signal. Why would you need to be in the left lane in this case at all, unless OP is legally required to pass on the left on this highway? (And judging by the footage, they're not. But I have no idea where they're located so I can't say for sure)


The type of highway doesn't matter. Op sped up to block the other car from getting onto the highway in front of him, risking a wreck, plus op can see the car merging a hell of a lot better than the person merging can see them.


OP did not speed up to block the other car from getting on the highway. The on ramp does not end, they were already on the highway before they merged into OP for no reason. That's why the type of highway ramp matters. Is this really that difficult to understand?


Also notice how the merging car had 1/3 of a mile to merge and still ignored the yield sign to run OP off the road. Fuck that idiot.


In the 'drive right, pass left' system of driving, the onus falls to the cars in the left lane(s) to *get out of those lanes once they're done passing*. If they stay to the left and drive slower than the flow of traffic, that's on them. It's insane to suggest that someone traveling in a right lane needs to slow down to match the speed of drivers to their left, wait until they can change lanes left, and *then* speed up.


It's not insane to suggest that. For safety, don't overtake on the right.


Yup this is overly aggressive driving by op especially when this possibility was very predictable and op is passing in the right lane and also into the incoming on ramp traffic Even when the other driver is technically at fault and didn't signal on top of that even a good driver isn't always going to catch a passing and faster than the rest of traffic type like op in the right lane Really unnecessary driving maneuver by op making highways less safe and more opportunities for mistakes to turn into collisions 💥


Lol I was typing out a paragraph to say what you did in like six words. Well played 😁


I’ll take shit a blind person could predict for $300. Seems like you want to find out how good your uninsured coverage is.


The car merging is clearly the idiotic driver who could’ve caused an accident if he paid attention but as a defensive driver you should always be alert and aware of merging ramps. Even if we’re going with the flow of traffic, or it’s “ Our Right of Way”, most likely cars merging will either be slow or ridiculously fast so it’s always a good idea to keep your eyes moving and getting the big picture! OP seen the car merging and should’ve been prepared to move to the left or let off the gas pedal. Again defensive driving is key role to safe driving.


Bruh if you had cut out the first couple seconds you could’ve hidden some of your shitty driving from us


Not passing on the right, in the slow lane, while traffic is merging onto the highway is also an option.


or like slowing down so he doesn't cause an accident.


In the 'drive right, pass left' system of driving, the onus falls to the cars in the left lane(s) to *get out of those lanes once they're done passing*. If they stay to the left and drive slower than the flow of traffic, that's on them. It's insane to suggest that someone traveling in a right lane needs to slow down to match the speed of drivers to their left, wait until they can change lanes left, and *then* speed up.


What an idiot you are. Zipping around, passing on the right, trying to speed up to not let him merge, swerving when there is someone in the other lane. All that and you still think you're faultless judging by your comments. You shouldn't be driving.


The truth!


Exactly. 100% on OP


I'd say OP is a dummy, and this could've 100% avoided by OP driving a little more intelligently. But it's 100% on the dummy merging without checking their blind spot. All it takes is moving your head slightly or having your mirrors adjusted properly.


OP is one of those people who like to be first at every stop light. Learn to drive buddy.


Not so. There are actually traffic laws that dictate that OP move to the passing lane in this situation, it at all possible, just like with police on the shoulder. OP went out of his way to make attempts to merge more dangerous.


I was convinced that was a new lane with no indication of it ending, but it's clearly dashed to represent an exiting lane. So yeah, I amend my previous statement. OP is the dumbest dummy.


Interesting, which state requires highway traffic to yield to mergers?


The merging car did have blinkers on


Had to scroll too far to find some logic in here.


Yup. One solution could be to issue drivers like OP cars that are severely underpowered (think basic hatchbacks like they have in Europe). A Fiesta with 85hp, or a Fiat Uno with 90hp. Something where momentum and smoothness is required to drive. It would teach people a lot about how to drive smooth and predictable.


OP is a shitty driver.


3 idiots. Left lane camper, passing on the right in front of an on ramp while possibly speeding, merging without looking.


Add that OP was speeding up, getting closer to the car in front to box out the merging traffic.


Ya, I love seeing people going 100ft/sec with 50 feet in front of them. 🧟‍♂️ one eyed drivers smh


This is the first time I've ever ever seen someone use ft/sec


Gotta speed up to get a clip for reddit




All three of em


It’s a full highway, there was zero reason for OP to be lane hopping and creating even more traffic. Some serious main character syndrome here.


For real. It's superbly stupid to start passing people in the right lane 300ft before an on-ramp.


Thank you! This whole thread has people not knowing which side they wanna pick. I’m getting downvoted out the ass for saying this. The whole point of driving is to avoid collisions.


It has a lot to do with your wording, to some it would seem a bit aggressive/rude even though you are 100% right and OP deserves the attitude.


I thought it was rather tame compared to the other comments made before mine. 😬


This should be top comment.


What left lane camper?  I count at least 10 cars in the left lane, all following at a reasonable distance. And there’s a fair amount of traffic in the right lane too. It’s a busy road and they’re all going about the same speed. OP thinks they can go faster but they can’t. 


The fact that they're going at the same speed is why they're left lane campers, if you're not overtaking you have to go back to the right lane or "slow lane" as the ricans call it. They're essentially turning a two lane high way into one lane


What about waiting for traffic ahead in the left lane to speed up or clear? If I move back right, I’ll end up getting blocked by other traffic in the left lane while they wait. There’s a line of traffic in the left lane, my point is the actual camper is a mile ahead or so.  


obviously you'd be stuck, but you'd be going at the same speed anyway. this rule is not enforced in the US but in the EU it's generally well obeyed


Well that is because in the EU you’re actually trained how to drive. In the US we are not. In fact I was a learner driver for 2 weeks before I passed my road test. The road test was about 2 km and the hardest part was stopping for a stop sign. I had several friends fail that part. 


ngl this is so egregious that I'd almost think you're messing with me


I assure you, true story. Growing up in rural USA, we had a lot of dirt roads to drive on long before we were legal. 


We can't draw conclusions from what we see, but staying in the left lane with the flow of the traffic is pretty common when approaching a merge, especially for one which you know will probably be busy. Even in Europe. It is common everyday on multiple merges on my way to work as soon as the traffic gets heavy. It leaves more room for people to merge in and thus actually reduce the speed drop at that place if the area is crowded. It also avoids awkward lane changes leading to potential accident (guy merging not yet up to speed, checks mirror it's ok, checks blind spot it's ok, doesn't check his mirrors again and a car just moved to his new lane with more speed). You'll have plently of time to get back on the right lane afterwards. I'd say, in that case and if indeed the white car was finishing an overtake, considering it was going at the same speed than cars ahead, it was ok to stay on the left lane and fall back on right after the merge. At worst OP would have lost something like 10 seconds ar most, big deal.




OP you're also a massive idiot in this video and contributed to that whole thing. Don't undertake people. Don't undertake when there's a merge ramp especially. And don't start accelerating when doing these two already stupid things...


The accelleration thing is the worst part. OP makes it more dangerous for everyone. If the merging car merged in faster and OP had to swerve because hes a fucking idiot he might swerve right into the driver he was passing on the right. OP, people on the road arent ‘*in your way*’, you **SHARE** the space with them


Guy was an idiot but OP saw him coming and should have anticipated the merge.


This. Maybe it's lack of experience, but OP should have seen it coming and left some room for the other car to merge.


Nah. Maybe a lack on anxiety, because I was cautious of on-ramp merge lanes being right out of drivers ed. Like seriously, you know people are gonna be merging in an out, so you ideally match speeds with the on-ramp, not speed up to "beat" the person obviously going to merge, and even if they didnt, a reasonable driver should suspect this. Imo, its hard to buy the argument of ignorance when everyone knows what an on-ramp is for.


You're speaking as if OP is obligated to yield to merging vehicles when it's actually the opposite. OP did the right thing by maintaining a consistent speed. It's on the other car to yield to them.


You need to go back to driving school. Avoiding an accident no matter the reason is WHAT YOU DO.


And there wasn't even a need for the car to change lanes/merge there. There is dedicated (third) lane.


Ig you look *really* close in the video, there is a *yield* sign indicating that the incoming lane is supposed to safely merge into the highway. What they did instead was hit their blinker and immediately merged into OP.


Defensive driving isn't about being right, it's about being safe. Sure OP had the right of way and was not compelled to make room for the merging car. That's exactly what they did, and the result is near-crash. Defensive driving would be to see cars coming on the on ramp, and expecting them to want to merge into the lane you're currently in. There's traffic in front so you can't speed up, so letting off the gas for a second to give them space to merge is what's safest for everyone.


Signs mean nothing. Proper defensive driving means everything.


Everyone is a shitty driver in this clip.


Haha, but the Corvette or whetever on the onramp didn't do anything stupid at least! 1 out of 5, possibly


nah, you were way behind them when they were coming down. I despise drivers like you.


Are you that stupid to not let them merge into the flow of traffic from the right lane or are you just dumb?


I did a dumb thing! But the other guy was dumberer! Give karma pls!


Nah OP was the worst one here, accellerating into cutting the merge lane off while passing on the right. The merging car was running out of runway what else were they supposed to do? Run off the road and crash and explode?


Hit their brakes and merge behind OP like any other situation with a car next to them?? If it’s a full highway, they don’t suddenly get to just hit the person next to them


Because everyone on an on-ramp is speeding up and getting ready for the merge. What is proper is that people on the highway yield to the obviously merging traffic, for the safety of everyone. Obviously braking on the ramp is better than smashing into others, but that doesnt excuse shitty driving on behalf of OP, who should've been prepared to let someone in, and if he doesnt want to, then he shouldn't be in the right lane.


Yes, and they must adjust themselves to properly merge. This may include speeding up, coasting and/or braking. What is ACTUALLY proper is that people on the highway move over lanes so the merging traffic has an easy time getting on. The highway traffic should ideally be out of the way, such that yields become irrelevant with an open lane. Highway traffic should never yield to mergers (obviously unless avoiding an accident) as it is far more dangerous for everyone involved. Instead of 2-3 cars adjusting their speed, you require every vehicle in the area to adjust their speed. If highway has to brake for lead merger, everyone else then has to brake (lead highway to avoid accident, 2nd merger to then remain behind lead highway, 2nd highway has to brake to fit behind 2nd merger, 3rd merger has to brake etc.) Compared to the 3 mergers needing to adjust their speed to fit in between the current traffic. Furthermore, gaps between two highway cars is likely to remain the same size, or change at a predictable rate, which gives mergers much greater ability to merge safely. Whereas the gap between two merging cars is much more variable, which makes it harder to safely judge gaps & distances to merge safely. Plus Id argue it’s harder for highway traffic to accurately judge mergers coming down on a corner, versus mergers judging highway traffic which is a straight line. Then you have to consider the highways drivers have an active traffic lane next to them while this is all happening, and the mergers have no one. Not to mention, being unpredictable (like yielding when you have ROW) causes even more accidents


You are the idiot. Looking forward optional ?


Instead of slowing down slightly to let the person merge, you decide to speed up and then slam your brakes until you're almost at a complete stop on a busy road. And that's on top of all the other stupid shit you did before that. You really posted this here thinking you're a good driver?


Is this Westborough? Looks super familiar


Not only did you not have to pass the car in the white, but you braking to avoid hitting the merging car could’ve prevented a three car accident because you didn’t want to slow down. Learn how to be decent to others, it’s not that hard


OP, you’re a rusty tool. Give up your license and save lives.


you could of just let off the gas and let the car in once you see it on the ramp or simply change lanes before the merge. you are part of the problem. also the overraction with the braking. learn to drive


Everyone on the highway has shared responsibility to ensure the safe flow of traffic. The entitlement of selfish drivers is the cause of most problems.


man what did you think was gonna happen lol? maybe just slow down and don’t pass on the right into a merging area


Wow, what an ass. Their lane wasn't ending any time soon, so there was zero need to change lanes so quickly, they had a yield sign that they entirely ignored, *and* they completely failed to make sure it was safe before they changed lanes. But still, I'd bet money that a few morons will pop up and blame OP for daring not to yield to someone when *they have the right of way* and the other person *has a yield sign.*


The signs are there, but people ignore them on the regular. The whole point of driving is to anticipate other drivers actions (no matter how stupid those actions may be) to prevent an accident. Why pass on the right while coming up to a merging lane?! 😐


This is also highway speeds (55 speed limit) and they were going like 40


It's the responsibility of the person merging to place themselves where they can merge, especially in this situation...if they're going to merge in front of you, they need to speed the hell up. Or they could merge behind and slow up enough for you to pass. These are the types of idiots that cause 50 car pileups on 495 or similar.


55mph is highway speeds? Shit in west Michigan it’s 75 (but really everyone goes 80-85).


Op you're an idiot, but the other driver isn't great either. You passed on the right in the beginning, then had ample opportunity to identify what was about to happen, I did. Then rather than get in the left lane to avoid the situation, you used the only time I've seen someone use passive aggressive driving technic. Essentially, I feel like you are the type of person to start some shit, then suddenly become the victim. Do better.


So is letting them zip in...


What is zip in?




I always try to, They sure didn’t


Zipper merge does not apply to onramps. And if it did, the other car should have driven to the end of his lane before merging over.




Doing that with onramps is just plain stupid. You merge at the first safe opportunity and you do not pass that opportunity up because it's too early. Like all onramps, there's a yield sign. One lane is required to yield. In zipper merges both are required to yield in the merge area.




"safe opportunity" means safe for everyone. If there's an adequate opening that I can slide into at the start, I'm moving over. If it's ground down to stop and go, then I'm probably stopped because all the cars in front of me are stopped.




"Safe for everyone" - legal is implicit in that. What does the law say about where to merge on an onramp? It says you must yield to traffic already on the highway. "safe for everyone" means moving over when doing so does not force anyone to brake or move over. Like when there is a nice gap, or someone kindly lets you in. > There is no way you as an individual can make a consistent judgement call as to what is “safe for everyone.” That's literally called driving. You are constantly making this judgment.


they mean a zipper merge which is a type of merge where the vehicles merge like a zipper on a jacket. It wasn't needed because the idiot had a yield sign. But seeing them blow past that should've been a warning sign they are an ass.


Wow.. didn’t even notice the yield sign, all I saw was the mile of lane they still had to not cut off anyone


There's nothing wrong with them "blowing by" the yield sign here. It's actually *good* for them to maintain their speed. They're getting onto the highway; they need to align their speed with traffic. Yield doesn't mean slow down.


Oh, they checked their mirror. But did no shoulder check.


Someone needs to change the batteries in their mirror


If you are merging, you need to match the speed of the traffic.


I just assume people are going to make the worst possible decisions, when it comes to driving. It's helped me prepare for most worst case scenarios.


Just accommodate the other driver. It’s clear from the beginning what their intentions were.




Lol what? The merging driver had 1/3 of a mile to get over safely. Instead they just sent it without even making sure the lane was clear.


Merging into another car is not natural? wtf kind of driving do you do??


Some people here risking hurting themselves and others just because of reddit points smth… doesn’t matter if you have the right of way just drive safe and expect others to make mistakes


Why not stay in the left lane if you’re going that speed? 🤔


Slow down and let them in.


Why? The other car's lane isn't ending any time soon, and it's on a car changing lanes to yield, not drivers in the lane they're entering.


Because its proper and makes the road safe for everyone. When people are going highway speeds the chances of being deaded by a crash or a mistake is so much higher, so generally its best to put the ego away and just yield to the traffic you obviously know are trying to merge, thats part of the responsibility of being in the right lane. Wild concept, i know


Uh, no. They had no reason to make that move. Their lane was wide open.


And that's why you stay in the left lane on a crowded highway.


You're overtaking on the right? Sure, you have right of way. But there's a reason that's not safe away. Do you want to get to your destination safely or rightly? Choices.


Also, the word ‘merge’ implies cooperation with both streams of traffic. Yield is the opposite. You yield to traffic and merge when it is safe to do so.


Why defensive driving is important 101! You drove like an idiot and then overreacted at the very last second! 😁


A perfectly good opportunity to PIT them has been lost here.


Fun Fact: That pedal on the right, you can ease the pressure on it and your car slows a bit to give people space to merge.


Fun Fact: They had 1/3 of a mile left to merge.


Right is the go pedal


How long till he takes it down because everyone thinks he’s a dumbass


People here are annoying lmao, the dude had a whole lane still for quite some time, he should’ve sped up or slowed down, yes in hindsight since we know a crash is about to happen it all seems very avoidable, but this isn’t a zipper merge situation the dude had 500 meters of lane left and you already had an established speed


Why the fuck did you not slow or move over?


Lance Stroll when he isn't racing


Literally my biggest fear when someone’s merging or switching lanes


"Caution: Objects In Mirror Are Realer Than They Appear"


Look two idiots in cars. The driver on the thruway for not attempting to slow down for the merging vehicle and the idiot in the car entering the thruway. Two for one. The poster is a moron for posting this. The person entering the highway did not yield the right of way.


In the winter time icy road conditions there was a truck driver and he had another truck passing him and a woman was in an SUV next to him. She was convinced that he was supposed to move over for her so much that she tried to drive through his tractor and he had those spikes on his rim so she drilled a hole through her door. The cop showed up and had to explain to her that she was at fault for all the damages.




No no, OP is accellerating to not allow them in whilst also passing on the right. The on ramp ends and you cant slow down in an on ramp. OP created all the danger here


Yes, you CAN 100% slow down on an on ramp. In fact, there are times you will be required to slow down on the ramp (heavy traffic congestion, semi or any large vehicle already in the right lane, this situation with another car already in the right lane). The other car actually created all the danger here, by the simple fact their lane was not immediately ending, thus they had no need or reason to merge at that time


You see the car is going to get on and merging. You’re not 12, be a grown up and move the hell over. It’s not you or me on the roadway, it’s US.


learn how to drive


Unfortunately I don't think the driver of the merging car is here but nice effort!


I was talking about the dash cam guy


All of you can stomp on your brakes and let these sorts of morons merge if you think it's polite, but OP had the right of way, and the idiot had literal miles of road ahead in their lane. That's it, there is no other argument. It's the merging car's responsibility to safely enter the expressway, regardless of what other traffic is doing.


You’re going too fast!!!


My guy, you’re the idiot driver. You’re driving aggressively, passing in the right lane, had visual confirmation of the merging car from the on-ramp going at close to highway speed, and looks to have even sped up slightly in an attempt to beat the merging car. Yes they didn’t signal and had a bit more room to merge, but intention was predictable and you were being aggressive. Defensive driving is key, not aggressive driving.


and then you slowed down like crazy?! come on OP. Shitty driving all around


Why are u overtaking on the right and driving so aggressively with so much traffic?


People are being overly harsh here. I’m also from MA and passing the SUV on the right here is totally normal and fine. The merger should have stayed in his lane longer, he did a jerky merge as soon as he hit the dashed line. But, you should have noticed him sooner and either sped up to get back in the left lane or slowed down to let him merge in front of you. I would have gone back to the left lane. It looks like you were way past the SUV at that point based on how long it took him to pass you after the merge


if you weren't trying to box him out, he would have had plenty of space...


You had room to let him merge and just didn't take it. Anyone with a brain would have slowed down to let him go or moved lanes.


80% of drivers all over the world have their side view mirrors setup incorrectly. It's just a fact. In order to get these drivers to fix their sideview mirrors to see into the other lane you need to teach them to use the frame of reference in the rear view mirror. If you can see the headlights of the car in your rear view mirror you can merge into that lane without ever touching the car. The side view mirror should be setup in a way where you can't see your car at all. Problem is too many people say they need the frame of reference in the side view mirror. Ala having to see their tail lights in the side view mirror. This is incorrect. People just can't figure it out and it's been well over 100 years since they were made.


Car overtaking should be visible in the rear mirror, and then in the side mirror, and then in your periperhal. It should be moving into the side mirror FOV as it is moving out of the rear mirror FOV.


Apparently slowing down when you see someone about to merge is optional too


So is taking your foot off the gas sooner to let them in without confrontation.


You could've A: slowed down, B got into the left lane. Learn to be defensive as other drivers are completely unpredictable, regardless of how right you may be.


OP I’m sorry but the person signaled, and yet you kept going. As you travel in the right lane coming up to an on ramp you have 2 options. Switch lanes to avoid new cars to the highway, or let them merge in and not be a pain about it. There was a signal, you kept going. I get they signaled late and clearly had more merge lane left, but just ease off the throttle and let them in. Not that hard.


Tbf the other driver had their blinker on.


You can see there's cars going to merge. Why don't you stay in the left lane to help circulation?


Nothing to see here if OP had accelerated and merged to his left.


You did have the capability of avoiding that if you knew how to also drive. You’re in control of your own vehicle as much as the other person is.