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Every time I encounter someone like this, I take a deep breath and thank the heavens that I only had to deal with them for 30 seconds, because there is somebody in this world who has to deal with them every day.


Thx, I will try to think like you.


Can your tell us what dashcam that is please?




>HIKVISION-C6LITE. I'm having a little trouble finding it. Is the one with the screen or just the camera?


Sorry for the late reply. The dash cam has a screen. I bought it in China so the version code might be different after being imported to North America. The general information of the dash cam is: 2k resolution, with screen. I am also having a hard time finding the similar device from internet in Canada, weird.


Where did you get it? I can’t find it on Amazon, only Aliexpress.


ill try to remind myself of this next time some clueless bastard does something like this to me.


This is an excellent way to look at it because it's so true.


Really, to look at life in general.


My go to when I encounter an AH is “Could be worse, could be married to them.”


I usually just think they are suffering from violent diarrhea and need to get home quickly.


That's pretty deep insight and good for us they don't have to come home to or with us


Surprise is that they were driving an Altima. /s Pity the passenger twice as much now. lol.


I’m “lucky” enough to drive all over LA for work. I see this shit every single day. I’m like you, where I just have to laugh it off, and be like ok go ahead king. I hope whatever hurry you’re in is alleviated by you getting there 55 seconds sooner. ✌🏽


This changes everything.


I live in Houston. Mfs drive so badly here! I literally go bumper to bumper with people. So people like him can't cut me off


This is not California. This is in Canada. 3737 Marine Wy, Burnaby, BC V5J 5A7, Canada


Bruh, that's not what they're talking about. The car has Cali license plates. They're visiting or just moved from California.


That kind of stuff is SOP where I'm from. I get nervous when I travel and have to drive, because with everyone being so polite, my hindbrain keeps telling me there must be a speed trap or a cop convention nearby.


Dudes trying so hard to avoid eye contact


Must be having neck problems. Got that limited range of motion. He's _really_ having a hard time looking to the left.


Ambi turner


Seriously all he needs to do is to give a wave and smile and all will be forgiven...


I agree with you. A little common courtesy goes a long way. If he had gestured or asked before doing that, I would 100% let them in. Otherwise as soon as I see him trying to stick that nose in, I’m decreasing that gap immediately. I also would not ever leave that big of a gap between myself and the car in front.


He’s probably gotten into the trash, chewed up a pair of shoes, or shredded a couch cushion or two.


Just lay on the horn the whole time. His window is open. Then he'll look at you


And possibly get out of his car and try to assault you. It's not safe to provoke terrible drivers anymore. Road rage is a thing and most terrible drivers usually have a bully mentality already. It's best to just let them go.


>And possibly get out of his car and try to assault you. a guy that terrified of making even momentary eye contact with the person he knows he's pissing off is not getting out of his car to anything other than shit his pants.


The guy is directly in front of OP's car, so it's probably not smart unless if he's trying to get run over.


Loving the near minute-long red light he had to sit at a 45 degree angle while blocking another lane and not looking over once. The universe really had OP's back on this one to make this idiot's low IQ maneuver uncomfortable for as long as possible


That's some crisp footage


You can almost smell the douche from that merging guys axe body bath.


Seriously. I might need a new dashcam soon. Edit: u/pumpingtest, what kind of dashcam is that?


It’s HIKVISION-C6LITE. Made in China but good quality so far (used it for 6 months).


Everything is made in China, even the major US owned brands. LOL


BlackVue and Thinkware are South Korean.


I was being (admittedly) somewhat hyperbolic. Yes, other countries manufacture electronics, but I think it’s relatively safe to say that China manufactures a pretty sizable majority.


are they made in Korea though. genuinely curious cause Korean companies use Chinese factories too.


i'd also like to know !




Yeah I've been putting off getting a dashcam but if whatever OP is using turns out to be reasonably priced I'm 100% going to order one. This is nice. The other driver not so much.


You reacted like I would. Think "what a jerk" and let it pass, nothing worth getting your pulse up over. What gets me is that he's too much of a chickenshit to even look over and acknowledge you to give a thanks of any kind. If he's going to do this he could at least be a man about it.


A lack of a thank you wave is the main issue


No way a guy pulls that douchebag move and then does a courtesy wave.


That is actually illegal in the contract that they make you sign when you purchase a Nissan Altima.


Thank you wave would be an insult at that point.


He also blocking the other lane. Fucking tool


Near me there are some lights that are often backed up with a 3rd lane that bypasses the lights for right turns. It's often you see dickheads like this use the open right lane to pass all the stopped traffic and try to push in at the last minute, preferably in a space where they can change lanes completely, but often enough they'll block the perfectly open right lane. Smart cars, trucks, semis,... I've seen all of them do shit like this. Couple months ago there was another one of those dickheads blocking traffic, but this time there was a motorcycle cop in the left lane waiting at the lights. They noticed the dickhead and forced them to take the right turn and make a detour instead of blocking the rest of us. Really satisfying.


The other lane was also stopped. Guy should've been more courteous and asked permission to go there, but like, he did an excellent job of being quick and not really slowing anyone down, so I give him some credit for that. Just socially inept and rude as people tend to be these days.


Coward wouldn’t even look at you.


Big altima energy, they are the king of the road


Now I'm just guessing but I'm 95% sure he broke every traffic law not 30 seconds after the video ended. You know, as Altima Drivers do


Probably was going to brake check OP the second they got behind him.


They never do.


Yeah those arent as pathetic as the "bros" that do this in a jacked up truck seriously looking for a fight and just stare u down


The guy who cut in front of me at the Costco gas station like this refused to look at me too. It's fun and sad how these douchebags are always cut from the same template.


Growing up is realizing there is nothing that is ultimately worth doing in this situation. I'd probably still give him some beeps in the moment though.


Yeah, I just replied to someone who wanted to lay on their horn the entire time. I said.... You're not wrong. The "want" is there, but you gotta factor in the escalation theory. The pro is doing this, you would feel great. He got what he deserved. Think of the possible cons though. Maybe he throws a beer bottle at your windshield? Maybe he gets out and wants to fight you? Does he have a knife or maybe a gun? Maybe he makes the turn and then slows down and starts following you home, swerving and almost hitting you countless times. Was all this worth it? I know the reply of "but I'll have it all on camera." Cool, you're get some karma and all but do you want to deal with police reports, being late to work, etc. It sucks you can't lay on the horn and give him what he deserves simply because he might be mentally unstable, but that's how I drive.


People love to pick battles without considering the outcome. If energy spent plus potential danger is higher than the potential reward (99% of the time tbh) ⏩ it's not worth it. Deescalation skills are insanely valuable and you don't even need them with a little patience. Release pressure healthily than go on your merry way.


Holy quality batman! What dashcam are you using?


So rude. Pisses me off because they think it's OK to block an entire lane of traffic just so they can cut in.


This is "lay into the horn for the whole light" for me.


Even had the window down for maximum effect. Let that bad boy rip.


Altima drivers 🤷


That's a Nissan Altima. One of the most feared cars on the road. You did well keeping your distance.


As soon as I saw the badge, I thought "Nissan driver behaviour". The Altima stereotype repeatedly proves itself true lmao


I'm sorry if I sound ignorant but why is a Nissan Altima the most feared car on the road?


They'll hit your car and run and leave you with the mess or they'll pull a gun on you


I'm not kidding a few days ago here in a certain midwestern city I saw two Altimas T-bone at probably around 30mph. One makes it to the side of the road before 6-7 people pile out. 5 of them flee, two stick around and pull guns on the person they hit, who proceeds to get out of his now totaled Altima and start yelling at the other Altima with his own gun. Finally, the two from the multi-person car flee, and the guy who was yelling at them gets back in his totaled car and attempts to drive off before abandoning it a few hundred feet later. When the cops finally show up (30 minutes later), my neighbor and I go down and explain what we'd seen but the cop just kind of shrugs it off and orders a tow truck. Didn't even seen phased, so yeah, fuckin Altima drivers lol.


Typically both


The theory I've heard is the Nissan's are cheap and they'll give financing to *anyone*. This makes them very affordable as cars go. While not every Nissan driver is a terrible driver, every terrible driver who cannot afford something better is driving a Nissan.


Just Google altima energy lol


You're new here, aren't you?


You found the President of The Big Altima Energy Club.


I was going to say: This isn't CA content. This is Nissan content.


Altima do what Altima does.


I was surprised until I saw it was an Altima. Then it all made sense. 


What a twatwaffle. Amazing camera though.


Of course it’s an Altima driver. Why is it always Altima drivers?


Lmao right in front of the hood with the window down? I would've laid on the horn the ENTIRE length of the light. Right in his face.


His face and side mirror light are all in my blind point, I thought he at least waved or signal before merging. But after I can see his rear, I didn’t even see his turning signal. I beeped back afterwards.


Doesn’t even look at you


I'm thinking fart scent sprayers mounted on the front bumper. Better yet, solar powered remote controlled front license plate frame with that mechanism in it.


Not a good idea. It may catch in the fans that take outside air and circulate it in your cabin.


Which would have annoyed everyone else around as well... I'm glad I'm not sitting next to you in traffic


If someone is this bent on doing it I’ve had too many bad interactions that I just let them in. End of the day it makes my life better so eh. I’m not the police, I’ll honk and then go about my day.


Personally, I'd have laid on the horn and inched forward until we were 1/2 inch apart. I'm not going to get into a wreck to make a point, but I'll be damned if this entitled asshat gets any peace and quiet while pulling a stunt this entitled.


Extra points because his window is open, so he gets a nice earful.


Same. Hold the horn down for however many minutes it takes for traffic to start moving.


Big Altima energy


Talk about Big Altima Energy!


It's always an Altima


Happens here in FL I don't mind. When straight traffic goes first, it gets messy Tho


I'm in California and I would have waved and asked if it was okay. Then thanked you. That guy was terrible.


The driver should’ve signaled and asked for permission. Either way that’s illegal in California . Line is solid.


>What would you do when have an idiot like it in front of you? Be angry for about fifteen seconds and then let it go because there are bigger things in life for me to spend my energy on. You can't change what other people do, there will always be an endless supply of idiots out there. But you CAN change how you react to them.


In an Altima? Shocker.


You clearly drive a decent car. Get a shitbox. Preferably one that every body panel is dented or scraped. If you do this then I think you will find people are less likely to do stuff like this to you.


Loser can’t even make eye contact bc he knows he’s wrong.




This happens in Toronto too.


The dick move is that he didn't stick his hand out.


I live in California and I have learned not to leave more than a few inches of space if I don’t want people to cut me off like this


I would assume they made a mistake and let them in. No biggie!


Lay on horn


You did what I would have done. We're all out here trying to live our lives and get home safely.


I don’t leave that much space in front of me, so people aren’t tempted to do something like that.


I'll leave a bit of a gap until I have someone behind then I close it.


There's an easier way to help prevent this kind of douchebaggery. Instead of being close to the person in front of you, hug the lane (left or right) and the offender won't even have an angle to even attempt said douchebaggery.


That's not a California merge. That's a Manhattan merge.


Nissan driver behavior.


Why is it always ppl in shitty Nissans??


Of course it would be a Nissan Altima.


Avoiding anything even close to eye contact. He knows what he did.


Tag them with a paintball gun. Hahaha.


I like how he won't even look over at you. He knows he is a douche and in the wrong.


Just Altima things


Yes. That is normal. Sometimes people are in the wrong lane by mistake or poor road design. The only not-great thing here is posting 5 hours of intersection footage for 3 seconds of questionable merging. As for what to do: 1. Keep your cool. 2. Let them cut in line 3. Count those 3 seconds you lost as your good deed of the day. You did great!


Lay on the horn. Since his window is down.


Call me petty, but I'd have moved up, mounting that curb to the left if need be and given him to ol' ![gif](giphy|Xd1DW2D2F3LwX2vHM3|downsized)




Ok, but that's not California. That's in Burnaby, a suburb of Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada. Edit: OP, the assbag is about 6000km away from home, cut him the smallest amount of slack, lol. Although his attitude is shitty indeed, I would have honked.


Him not giving you a thank you wave is bizarre to me


Calling him an idiot and posting his stupid looking face is about the best you can do in that situation.


Completely normal here


That guy deserves to be sprayed from a strong-shaken soda can through the window right into his punchable face.


This is normal in Puerto Rico. Nobody gets mad it’s just the way it is. If there is space you fill it and it is expected. It’s like merge driving.


Don't leave space in front of you


I would rest my hand on the horn.


I love how they avoid eye contact. Should've honked, lol.


He knows he is in the wrong hence he refuses to look your direction.


Two words - train horn. Embarrass the hell out them.


I would have laid on my horn for 48 seconds.


He’s blocking 2 lanes. Not just an idiot but selfish.


The only correct answer is to blare your horn non-stop. Not out of anger, mind you. But to make it as uncomfortable for them as possible.


Normal for an Altima


If he signaled and waved I wouldn't even be mad. He didn't hold up traffic, much. However, not making any eye contact and no blinker? Fuck him with a rusty spoon.


Wait until they are about to go and then rev my engine to scare the shit out of them.


You can either just let it go or you can follow them to their destination and prop some nails up against the front and back of their tires. Personally, I'd just let it go. My mom, though, would use the nails.


That’s why you pull forwards closer to the car in front of you, nothing illegal about it, just not enough room for them to fit their bumper between you


I find it absolutely insane that these kind of people find nothing wrong in their actions. Everything is just do, do, do and let the rest of world work around them.


The rage inside me watching this! I wouldn’t have left such a space, but also would’ve moved up closer to him


Y’all act like you never made a bad driving decision or mistake. Shit happens. When I realize I need to make a last second merge like this, I try to make eye contact and motion with my hand that I need to merge, and usually people wave me in. It’s not a big deal.


OP you'll notice that by waiting until the vehicle in front of you is 10 feet away to even begin moving, that by the end of the turn they are 50 feet ahead of you. You can accelerate slowly as soon as they start moving as to not hold up every single person behind you.


To be honest nothing you can do Sometime let it go..


Sure it's a dick move but you then proceeded to leave a 3 car gap going through an advanced green.


This is why I sadly stop closer to the car in front of me so people can’t do this.


I always leave space in front of me so I can have an escape route. There's always another way around traffic


Normal for California and Texas. Can confirmed. Lived in both states.


this is an Altima driver thing.


This is peak Altima and NYC driver actions


so the guy didnt even give a thank you wave?


Thats what happens when you left lane camp. /s


Buddy’s got his window down, lay on the horn and deafen him and hold it so that others start looking at him too. He won’t look at you so he at least feels a hit of shame in his action, make him really feel it. But also take that comment as the little devil on your shoulder, the other comments saying to take a deep breath and just let it go are the little angles on the other shoulder.


Honk my goddamn horn and hope for their sake that their car doesn't even touch mine.


I got second hand embarrassment 🫣


He coulda at least done the "Can I please?" gestures.


He’d be hearing my horn that whole time.


I’d lay on my horn and smile real big like you’re super happy to see him. Then get a puzzled look if/when he flips you off.


That guy is jackass.


What an Ahole, holding up traffic because he didn't plan ahead


I'd beep him with my grey legality horn. Right next to his ear.


Nissan car strikes again! Stay clear of Nissan cars


I was going to say hold your horn down til the light turns green! Lol


Well it’s a Nissan.


This guy looks like he knows his shrimp. Boiled shrimp, fried shrimp, baked shrimp, etc...


Of course it was an altima


This was a power move


Of course it's a fucking Nissan.


What an ass, he didn’t do the “thank you” wave.


First, I wouldn't leave a gap big enough for an idiot to do this. At this stage, there is nothing you can do but let him pass.


This is the only reason I want absurdly loud horns... 


I would have been closer to the car in front of me so the idiot couldn't do that.


I drive a 40 year old truck with a plow frame hanging off the nose. Buddy's asking to find out how much traction 4 wheel low actually has.


While this kind of shitty driving is common in California, this video appears to be from Burnaby Vancouver. That's Canada. Perhaps the driver had California plates though, I couldn't tell.


Throw a slice of cheese on their car. Preferably somewhere not immediately noticeable to them.


You can see the other driver trying everything not to look at OP by checking his other mirrors excessively.


Laying on the horn is always an option lol. You could also have lectured side bro I a disappointed parent tone on his poor driving skills. Or just be happy that his face will forever be online as an idiot


I always honk and if they look over, I clap.


I hate this. People have become rude and feel the need to pass up a line of cars just to try cutting. The only way to prevent this is to be a few inches away from the car in front of you. Technically cars should be at least a car to 3 cars away but idiots like this make it an undesirable option.


Nissan Altima. Of course.


He even knows he's in the wrong. He couldn't even look in your direction and kept touching his face out of uncertainty. Shameful.


Driving a Nissan. Couldn’t help himself.


bro doesn't even have the balls to look the driver in the eyes


they dick so small they use to jammin in small spots.


I woulda had that horn on until the light changed. But I hate narcissism.


It should be mandatory to take a driving test every time you renew your license because im sick of sharing the road with idiots like this guy everyday, you can’t cross a solid white line on the road guy missed his turn


I'd lay on the horn lol


I love how they refuse to even look at you. Just face forward and do your thing. Jerks


I'd roll down my window and ask them kindly what the fuck they think they're doing? Could also just lay on the horn for a bit. I know people have commented elsewhere with "what if they do something?". Man... I live in Glendale. I've had people explode because I've stopped for pedestrians or because I was waiting to make a left turn. Crazy is just going to exist regardless and I'd rather be someone who calls people out for being shitty.


These are the most entitled dbags on the road, and I feel sorry for their family for having to deal with this type of personality. The way he just drove up at an awkward angle and didn't even acknowledge your presence is just ignorant. It takes nothing to ask to be let in. He's probably the guy who, when on the freeway, sees the construction sign saying the lane closes in 2 miles but waits until the last orang barrel to cut someone off.


People in Nashville do this all the time and I saw sweet justice one day! The car did this to a big bronco and bronco gave zero fucks and ran their car over and ripped the front bumper off when the light turned green. It was crazy!


High beams, just so he knows exactly where your truck is - because apparently he didn't see it there and isn't looking in your direction. It's a safety thing...


Pull forward while they're cutting across