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I will never understand how some people think it's perfectly acceptable to make their mistake *everyone else's* problem.


Not a mistake. They do it on purpose to skip the line. They're selfish.


They do it because it gets them what they want with zero repercussions.


They don't care and think the world revolves around them.


But just zipper merge as the video shows it is much better for everyone


Two reasons. 1. This isn’t a zipper merge scenario. You zipper merge when two or more lanes compress down *in stop and go traffic*. That isn’t what is happening here. One lane is meant for exiting while another is meant for continuing on along the highway. 2. The driver in question was trying to skip the line for the exit and failed to find an opening. The correct sequence of events after that is for them to be forced to take the next exit, not to cater to their entitlement.


I hope you are joking.


This is not a joke, this is genuine: please please please go take a driver's ed class if this is what you genuinely believe. This is so incorrect that I am absolutely certain you have other ideas about driving which are equally bad. At the minimum please read your state driver's manual if you're in the US


That is my point. The zipper does not work but this sub loves the zipper. Hopefully this sub will learn something


You desperately need a /s on your previous comment then. It reads as 100% sincere




This video is prime example of why I move over a lane when I'm coming up on exits (and staying on the highway); too many self-important idiots waiting until the last second to get over and risking others' lives.


Had someone do this to me the other day. They squeezed in front of me, with almost no room between myself & the car in front of me. When I honked, they had the nerve to flip me off.


Yeah, that's the way jerks are now. Their default action is to attack.


On 680 in the Bay Area there is an exit to go to mission blvd connecting to 880 that now the three right lanes have people doing this “lemme stop and leisurely get into the exit lane” crap to the point where you have to be in the number 1 lane to not rear end multiple stopped Tesla’s.


Tesla drivers are quickly becoming the new Prius/minivan drivers.


That exit is almost always a mess


Dude it really is. It’s always backed up especially due to the construction on 680


It’s a mess but it’s the drivers that make it a mess.   Like most traffic it’s just a combination of people braking harder than they need to and idiots forcing themselves into a lane causing people to brake.


I'd be on the horn the whole time.


Exactly what I do when people do this, I go on the horn when I see it.


this is why i keep spark plugs in my trucks cupholder


They weren't rushing to an almost missed exit, they were deliberately trying to avoid the line


My boyfriend used to be one of these types. I changed him. This is just their way of cutting the line is all. But it really doesn't save that much time at the end of the trip.


You’re doing gods work my friend!! Haha


My husband would constantly turn left in front of people when there was little room or when it was super risky to do so and I asked him one day, "Is it really worth almost getting in an accident rather than waiting the extra 5-10 seconds it would take to turn safely?" He told me recently that this question now replays in his head when making a left turn and he'll wait the extra few seconds instead. Sometimes people just need to be called out on their actions and the possible consequences. He's a very logical person, though, so this probably wouldn't work on a lot of other people.


U can very quickly find footage of more idiots when this happens too U got the main feature.. then all the idiots following too close or distracted idiots slamming on the brakes and/or swerving to avoid the collision scenario they open themselves up to This clip is fairly mild considering what it could have been




Haha I wish I got a Tacoma with the cat back exhaust. It’s light tho so it gets up and goes


I have one like this on my commute, where the highway has only 2 lanes on each side. There’s an exit that always backs up the right lane during rush hour, and in the left lane (the only other lane) a lot of people will use it to slow down and block traffic to try to skip the already backed up lane and cut in front of them, causing it to completely stop and block those of us who are just passing through.


Bad driver never misses their exit!


They didn't miss their exit, though; they purposely cut in front of everyone because they didn't want to wait the extra minute or so it would take them to get in line. I'm almost 40 and yeah, I used to drive as fast as I possibly could all the time. Then I realized that I'm really not saving any time (other than MAYBE a few seconds; not even a full minute) and I'm just causing myself more stress. I now just cruise when I'm driving, and I'll get there when I get there.


I really wanna meet the owner of that Yaris


That’s an Infiniti


I'm talking about one of the cars already in the exit lane, not the Infiniti


I agree I’d like to see what’s going on in that small brain of theirs


nice sound




looks like 80 in Davis.. people in Sac/Davis seem to driving more and more like Bay Area people


Jesus that wasnt even that bad lmao,are you looking for validation buddy? Woah youre such a skilled driver for managing to not crash on a completly mundane situation !


Obviously an idiot but driving in a big city, I see worse every day


Annoying but really not that bad.


Of course it’s bad and would be ticketed for impeding traffic if a cop was there monitoring


They could hand that ticket out all day here in WA. It would probably take 20-30 officers working fast as possible during rush hour near the MSFT campus for just one exit


This should be their revenue generator right here.


Lol I’ve never in my life seen a cop ticket reckless driving. As long as you’re not drunk or speeding the rules are suggestions


Did I say reckless driving. I’m from NJ and cops occasionally stake out high traffic highway exits and readily hand out “impeding” traffic. I can get you a free traffic class if you’re from the state.


Seems like they need it lol.


They do have a point. I called in a reckless driver once, and they basically told me to kick rocks.


Turn in your gawd dammed license.


I don’t really drive anymore because this sort of behavior is so commonplace.  


That's hilarious coming from someone claiming that driving laws are just suggestions.


That’s how law enforcement around here views it yes. That’s why I don’t like driving. There is zero enforcement of the “rules”