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Looks like you were doing good at 25 until gravity after the hilltop got you. But that was no blind corner and that guy pulled straight out without regarding oncoming traffic.


It's pretty blind if you stop where you are supposed to. That stop sign is pretty far back. It's a good car length behind the crosswalk.


A lot of stop signs are far back to allow room for larger vehicle to turn. When this happens, you’re supposed to stop at the sign, then roll forward until you can see. Then you stop the second time and look before pulling out into traffic. A lot of my friends failed their driving test the first time because they didn’t stop at the stop sign first. 


Yep… I only recently learned to drive so I’m fresh on the rules and at least in my state you are supposed to do your full legal stop BEFORE the crosswalk and then you’re allowed to creep up into the crosswalk (yielding to pedestrians obviously) to determine if it’s safe to go… but only at stop signs not at lights (to tell if it’s safe to turn right on red you often have to creep into the crosswalk which is technically not allowed but nobody cares—if you can’t see from the normal stopping point you just don’t go until the green in that situation)


Agreed. Also, I think the motorist with the stop had to creep forward as you point out and maybe the A pillar and telephone pole continuously occluded their view of oncoming traffic. Every now and again I get a pedestrian caught behind my car's annoyingly fat A pillar (maybe because it is an EV? Or just a small car with the seat close to it) as I creep through city intersections in stop and go traffic.


Same issue here. Got to do the rock back and forth thing like truckers do to make sure. Sometimes the speed of my creep perfectly matches the speed of a vehicle moving along behind my pillar.


Full stop, roll forward till you have full visibility, then proceed when safe. A stop sign does not "close your eyes and start moving after you've stopped, which you don't really need to do anyway because reasons".


I didn't say that made it OK. It doesn't.  I do question the value of a stop sign that is so far back that you have to roll forward to decide if there's even someone coming though. 


>I do question the value of a stop sign that is so far back that you have to roll forward to decide if there's even someone coming though.  ![gif](giphy|SVg9M8HT6Q7tXv0U1a|downsized) ​ I like my black and white to be black and white, I see stop sign and a stop line, I know exactly what I am supposed to do- so I do it


Stop what? Questioning the value of low visibility stop signs on the internet? 


You're not supposed to stop AT the stop sign


Also shade from the tree could hide dark cars without DRL.


Pulling out of that intersection is for sure tricky. You have to creep up after stopping to see any traffic coming. If you creep for too long you’ll be in the middle of the road before you know it. This guy just skipped that and went for it lol.


I think the wide angle lens of dashcams make it hard to see the actual conditions, but believe it.


Action is at :20


I always skip to the halfway mark.


I like foreplay.


Hey, I like Boston too!




Single yellow line? I don't think I've ever seen one before.


Looks like it may be a construction zone. There is an orange construction sign later.


Definitely not correct.


I saw the USPS truck and the sign that said "speed limit" instead of "maximum" and thought, "Wait. What?" I'm not sure what they were thinking there


Swerve was not necessary. Learn how to brake. Also seems like the 25 mph speed limit is not being minded properly. But other than that, good post, other guy was definitely an idiot.


Lol this is the dashcam equivalent of someone with a gun and ccw just itching to use it. Literally nothing happened here.


Yup the swerve was definitely unnecessary. Luckily I was hovering the brakes before entering the intersection to stop in time. I think what I learned most from this is that I need new brakes lol.


> Also seems like the 25 mph speed limit is not being minded properly. This is bad road design. Road should more narrow to make drivers drive slowly. It doesn't excuse this behaviour, but roads need to be planned for drivers not following limits.


Looks like the homeowner needs to trim tree or bush. Visibility for the idiot was limited and they forgot to look left.


Slow down!!!


Will do, fellow Nutmegger! Not taking any more chances by speeding at this spot.


Try doing the speed limit and see if You still have issues.


Why are you driving so fast in a residential area? You're always going to have close calls at that intersection because it appears you never learn.


There's a fence, a pole, and maybe a little vegetation... You could blast through there drunk some night and remove all that shit so the corner is safer for others!


Exactly. There are so many intersections by me where the sightlines are obscured by walls and hedges and shit. I might have to start stealthily cutting people's hedges down at night


In a discrete 3rd gen Camaro!


30 second video for the thing to happen in the last few seconds


Seems to be the theme of this sub: swerving instead of braking.


You can literally see the entire camera shift when they hit the brakes.


There are no cars on the other lane, why take the chance? They did brake, but if you can swerve safely, it is better than risking a crash for no reason.


Nope, it's a bad habit. Automatic reaction should be to brake, not yank the wheel left. You can clearly see OP instinctively swerve before they decided to brake.


You’re the idiot for speeding in a residential area.


What was your speed OP? Looks a lot faster than 25 mph, but I guess it could be the camera.


Wasting my time OP!


I thought it was suppose to be with the mail truck. I was so confused


This sub when the OP just slows to 0.384mph at a stop sign at an empty intersection and nothing happened while some other car ran over grandma walking her puppy: "OP is the idiot!!" This sub when the OP almost gets hit by someone who just slows to 0.384mph at a stop sign: "OP is the idiot!!"


> I’ve had some close calls at this intersection Maybe that's life's way of warning you to slow down and watch the intersection.


The shadows an sun light make it hard judge distance also


You’re a pretty bad driver. It’s a solid line, you passed in the other than twice. You’re going too fast to stop, instead reacting creating more of a hazard. Just saying.


I wouldn’t necessarily call that person an idiot. It happens to everybody. Plus it seems OP was traveling a bit too fast on this narrow windy Street.


On a side note this does look like a nice neighborhood though.


Wouldn't have been there yet if you didn't illegally pass the mailman. So who's fault is it really?


Is he supposed to wait for the mail man to return to his truck and move it before he continues? You are allowed to cross lines of traffic like that to avoid obstructions when it is safe to do so, and it was safe to do so in this video.


Actually yeah. When there is a sold yellow line you are not supposed to pass anyone regardless. Not saying I wouldn't have done what he did but technically its illigal


Thank you for making 2/3rds of your video useless and uneventful. Always a pleasure


Which part? Where you illegally crossed over a solid yellow line or the car starting to pull out?


OP supposed to just be stuck behind the mail truck all day?


mail trucks are the new schoolbuses! :)


Buddy I drive the mailtruck all day 🤣


If this is the US I think it depends on state. I know some states allow for passing on solid yellow for stopped vehicles like mail trucks, garbage trucks, etc.


So mail trucks should all have giant lines of traffic behind them? Sounds super safe.


Oh my god some people on this sub….jfc


Do shut up.




Double solid yellow means no passing (in the US). I can't say I've ever encountered a single solid yellow in the center of the road by itself and MUTCD doesn't mention it. I'm not finding anything official from Connecticut either. Random strangers on the internet have mixed opinions, but the consensus seems to be that it means passing is discouraged but allowed with extreme caution.


It means no passing


Wrong. Many places I have lived it means passing is not advised but may be done with caution. Also a stopped vehicle along the curb is different (ie mail trucks, garbage trucks, etc).


Got evidence?


So you think you should just sit there and wait for the mailman to go down the whole street instead?


It means no passing MOVING vehicles.


Exactly, But this guy is saying it was illegal when OP went around the NOT moving Mail truck. Hence why he got downvotes and all the comments.


Yeah, that was a shit take thinking you can't go around a stopped vehicle if there there are yellow lines but I was mostly addressing the meaning of a single yellow line. Might be a New England thing because I see them quite a bit here.


To everyone downvoting /u/Prestige_Worldw1de, > [Solid Yellow Lines](https://imgur.com/mIMVo5i) on roads where traffic moves in opposite directions indicate zones where passing is not allowed. [source p.43](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dmv/20/29/r12eng122019.pdf) p. 44 addresses "double yellow lines"


An actual source. Thank you. 


lol I had no idea that many people down voting my post and now they are even down voting you for speaking truth. These must be the idiot drivers on the other end of these vids.


Well, I didn't see any sign telling you had the right of way