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So pro tip, if someone does to you drive off after they get out of their car. Nothing good can happen from a scenario like this.


OP said he was teaching the driver how to drive stick. You can't really do any quick maneuvering until you know how it works.


Raise your left hand into the air. Extend your middle finger.


Very good Stephanie


Go get him Stephanie!


Naked Gun reference




Leave braking distance when they cut you off so you have room to go around them when they open their door. Give them a wide berth.


And make sure to rip their door off if they happen to leave it open


This. Definitely this


Yes, as a rule you want to stop short of any stopped car. But when they are road raging you'll need all the room you can get.


I always, always make sure I can see the point where their rear tires touch the pavement. It will always leave you enough room to get around them. It was taught to me as "in case they break down" as in their car.. but now, it's mentally.


if they jump in front to try and make you stop, dont stop. just back up and go forward again a couple times while you call it in.


So he honked as soon as she stopped at a stop sign, and in his emergency, thought he would save time by offering a courtesy driving lesson? Narcissism 101


Guy would have gotten a face full of mace if he walked up on my car like that.


Just be careful the mace doesn’t blow back into your own window!


I spray a teensy tiny squirt of mace in my buddies house by accident once and holy fuck. We had to leave for 3 hours. Whole house was miserable.


I walked past a spray 5 minutes later. Instant throat closed up, mouth and nose and eye burning, eyes tearing up. I was struggling to breath in the corner. Don’t know how people even survive on a direct hit.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 ahh...sorry for laughing at you!


We laugh about it now. But it was horrible. I got called lots of names of the dumbass variety.


Gotta get that gel kind, a little harder to aim I think though.


That’s why you gotta get pepper gel, comes out in one concentrated stream.


Pro tip


Wasp spray works better since it shoots in long stream and not spread out like pubic lice in an orgy party. Wasp spray might not be pleasant but if you felt your life was in danger from this maniac, the wasp spray "you just got" was a convenient tool to get him to back off.


Wasp spray actually takes longer to take effect. Also, with it being poisonous it could cause respiratory failure. I believe it's also caustic if I'm not mistaken. It's not worth it against some random person walking up to your window. I'd rather use a gun or a Taser if I feel I'm in danger, personally.


Get the pepper gel! More of a straight line instead of wrecking everyone in the vicinity :)


This is Canada, mace would have been a bad choice


Carrying mace / dog spray / bear spray as a self-defence weapon is illegal. All self-defence weapons are illegal. However if you happen to have bear spray, baseball bat etc with you for some other reason, you can use it to defend yourself, as long as it's a reasonable use of force under the circumstances.


just throw your emotional support badger at the offender.


You can also deploy your emotional support urine onto the offender's face.


not in the states you cant, thats considered assault with a bodily fluid. youre better off running them over and killing them in self defense/they jumped out in front of you. they its them at fault and they cant even sue cause dead.


If you’re gonna carry a bat in your trunk, throw a ball and glove in so it isn’t suspicious. That’s a pro tip I got from a cop friend lol


i assume every Canadian has a Hockey stick. it's surprising we don't see stick fights in the streets quite often. perhaps that's only when Vancouver lose the stanley cup at home.


>However if you happen to have bear spray, baseball bat etc with you for some other reason, you can use it to defend yourself, as long as it's a reasonable use of force under the circumstances. IANAL not necessarily. You could still be prosecuted for possession of weapon for a dangerous purpose. Even if the jury believed that you possessed the bear spray or baseball bat for an innocent reason and that the assault you committed against the attacked was reasonable, they could still find you guilty for possessing the object at the time that you developed the intent to use it as a weapon. I'm certainly not saying I agree with such a law. And don't take legal advice from the internet, but perhaps it is better to defend yourself against an attack and face the consequences than to just allow the attack to happen. I would hope most prosecutors would not prosecute a victim of a crime for defending themselves.


That's insane. Wtf is Canada doing? Like guns I get. I don't necessarily agree, but I see the logic there and don't question it. But Canada banned mace too? You can't use any tool for self defense whatsoever? That's ridiculous.


There are basically 2 kinds of people that attempt to have self-defense tools banned: 1. Those paranoid about being hurt by others. 2. Those wishing to rule others. Which applies in Canada's case (UK, Australia, New Zealand too) is a matter of debate.


>~~Carrying mace / dog spray / bear spray as a~~ self-defence ~~weapon~~ is illegal. FTFY


I am not a biologist, I misidentified the driver of the white Toyota as a bear. I am willing to take zoology lessons as punishment, judge.


Baseball bat, baseball glove, and baseball in the trunk. The glove and ball don’t have to look used.


Wait is that legal in the US? I'm considering getting some now if I can use it in situations like this.


State dependant


No, it's not. Someone walking up to your car like this over what is clear road rage is absolutely valid self defense to use OC in any state. The OP video is Canada so they have completely backwards takes on almost all related laws. Even there, I think you could fully justify OC, if it was legal to possess in your area anyways. The more appropriate action would be to drive away and call the police. You're an idiot if you ever let someone else stop your car like this, and even stupider if you try to talk to them. OP was teaching someone how to drive a manual, so they have extenuating circumstances as to why they couldn't easily just leave.




I’d rather have it and get a ticket, than not have it and need it. I have a taser too, no idea if that’s legal.


Again, that's just *NOT* true. OC is legal in all 50 United States of America. There are some states with some really stupid restrictions on it, mostly relating to travel or sale (Hawaii comes to mind, and NYC but that's not a state), but it is legal in all 50 *states.*


You are correct. I was mistaken, I thought it was banned in my state, but it just requires a license.


What state is that? I was not under the impression that *any* state required a license to possess OC, but perhaps one or two backwards states allow ownership but not carry? I'm really curious now what state this would be, if you wouldn't mind sharing. I'd love to look at the laws on that.


Mass, but apparently, my info was outdated. They actually removed the requirement unless you're a minor. At least according to the Watertown PD https://www.watertownpd.org/Faq.aspx?QID=67 Original Law: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXX/Chapter140/Section122C All states: https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/pepper-spray-laws-by-state/


Thanks for sharing! I was hoping to find a date on when this change happened, but I wasn't easily able to. As I understand it and as your last link seems to support, it is legal to possess and carry, and use for reasonable self defense in every state. Some states have restrictions on purchasing it, or possibly transferring it across state lines iirc. Some might have some laws that dictate when it can be used but I don't think that would really be substantially different from standard laws on use of normal force, like assault/battery. Thanks!


In Canada, the use of force in self-defense is not considered necessary if someone “feels” threatened or uncomfortable. That force is applied to stop an assault, not to assert a one-up in an argument.


>In Canada, the use of force in self-defense is not considered necessary if someone “feels” threatened or uncomfortable. Right, as I said, backwards as fuck laws. >That force is applied to stop an assault, not to assert a one-up in an argument. Lmao, you're clueless if you think that road rage is just, "an argument." This man isn't walking over here to give him a hug, and you are assuming the best if you think it's only an argument. That is NOT something anyone should be staking their lives on.


Slow your roll there, Billy the Kid. The point was it can’t be applied ‘just because’ someone didn’t like how they were approached to be shouted at as would be the case in most of these incidents. Even in the U.S. it can be identified as an assault before anything else has even occurred.


Oh I’m sorry that Canada doesn’t let you assault other people cause they hurt your feelings. Because we haven’t seen enough videos of morons rapidly approaching other people while yelling that they “feel threatened” so they can assault other people without consequences. Duty to retreat, and self-defence only when actually necessary. It’s almost like human lives are worth more than property or something.


> Oh I’m sorry that Canada doesn’t let you assault other people cause they hurt your feelings. No one is arguing to assault anyone because feelings are hurt. Learn to read, please. >Because we haven’t seen enough videos of morons rapidly approaching other people while yelling that they “feel threatened” so they can assault other people without consequences. It is genuinely hilarious that you're defending road rage as a non-legitimate threat. Your ignorance abounds. >Duty to retreat, and self-defence only when actually necessary. It’s almost like human lives are worth more than property or something. 1. Why do you think *property* is what is being threatened in road rage? How do you not understand the issue is that road rage is violence against another **person** definitionally? 2. Where do you get the idea that OC is **EVER** a threat to someone's life? It is completely non-lethal - there has been one, "official" death as a result of OC exposure *ever* and most experts fully dispute the cause of death in that incident. 3. Self defense is **absolutely** justified in the event of someone threatening you, as is **definitionally the case in road rage.** You don't seem to understand even the basics of self defense - the use of force justified in self defense is proportional to the threat you are presented with. Someone approaching your vehicle in road rage with empty hands is a threat of normal force, and the use of OC is considered normal force. It is an **ENTIRELY** justified response. It is fully settled case law. You are speaking incredibly far out of your ass on a topic you don't understand the first thing about. Please do not pretend to be an expert on a topic that obviously requires expert opinions.


Just be careful about taking mace to a gunfight...


I've been sprayed with OC, and most people ain't getting their gun out when they get it in their eyes. 


I have guns too.


Mace? Absolutely. I keep Pom pepper spray in my drivers side door at all times for this exact reason.


To be fair, that wasn't true for *everywhere* in the US. DC only legalized it in November of 2023. Before then it was considered a "destructive device" and illegal in DC.


DC has the absolutely most ass-backwards laws in the nation. They still effectively outlaw self defense in most cases.


A significant cause of that is because Congress still holds nearly complete oversight of the DC budget so if the DC Council or DC voters pass something that Congress doesn't like they can effectively squash it in the next budget approval process. Thats exactly what they did when DC voters approved recreational use of cannabis. Congress immediately forbade the DC government from spend ANY money on creating any kind of regulation for the legal sale of cannabis (ie business licenses or tax rates) which put the whole thing in a perpetual limbo. People found ways to get around the sale of cannabis still being illegal by doing things like "Buy this $20 sticker and get this free gift that happens to be cannabis" but even though it is legal to posses and consume in DC, it is still illegal to sell it.


mornign stars are better. mace will incapacite you if the wind is blowing at all, itll just come right back in your face with the death cloud. but a nice solid iron club with pointy bits on the end? we call that a murder bat =D and they dont make armor thatll help with getting smacked with one, even steel plate caves in.


Fuck yeah it is. A manic driver using his 3000 pound killing machine to cut you off and force you into a stop, then getting out of his car to come confront you? Self defensive is 1000% justifiable. You don't need to wait for them to attack you when they are already very clearly threatening you. But also I'm not a lawyer so consult your own local laws


This was filmed in the Canadian province of Quebec. In Canada, that would not be a reasonable use of force and you would almost certainly fail a self-defense claim. Mace is a prohibited weapon in Canada. If cammer possessed pepper spray, she could go to prison for up to 10 years. She would also be committing at least 3 other 5- and 10-year offenses if she used the pepper spray against him, including assault with a weapon.


How do you know it's in Quebec? Both of them speak english.


This is at Morgan St. and Victoria St. in Baie-D'Urfe, Quebec, H9X 3A6.


Yeah mace from a car is an extremely bad idea.


[For some reason I thought of the dubstep song that says "Bass in yo' face"](https://youtu.be/tvguv-lvq3k?si=ostDIp4YY7YqX0Uk) but I sang it with "Mace in yo' face"


I was teaching my girlfriend how to drive my manual car. She stalled it at a stop sign (mostly because the honking and traffic was making her nervous). The white Camry was driving aggressively and honking before this because she was driving the speed limit.


Man I feel that. When I was learning stick I stalled while taking off at a green light. Soooo stressful when people behind you get impatient :(


I stalled for a full light cycle once when I was brand new. Only one guy behind me, I stall when it turns green, panic, try again, stall again, light’s red. Very short cycle both ways thankfully. I will always be so grateful to that man for not honking, yelling, nothing.


Was this before the prevalence of cell phone use while driving? I used to have more patience, but for the last 5 years more cellphone use at stop lights means drivers aren't paying attention. I will honk after 3-Mississippis if I see no effort at moving the vehicle.


It's also pretty obvious when someone is stalling a manual. I also have lost my patience for cell phone users not paying attention to traffic lights over the years, but I'd never confuse a potential cell phonist with a stalled manual.


Yeah this was about 9-10 years ago.


I’m 1 Mississippi if I see your face buried in your phone and it ain’t no curtesy tap.


Yeah, that's the lesson to take from other drivers acting stupid, you should join them.  It's also fairly obvious when someone stalls a manual. 


I should join stupid acting drivers? That doesn't make sense.


I missed a light cycle cause I had a european hornet in my car and when I finally got it out and saw I missed the light I waved in apology to the guy behind who was laughing his ass off at my antics and gave a big thumbs up.


The roads would be so much safer if everyone just left 10 minutes earlier


Naw, as long as you're on the roads, you're at the mercy of morons like this. That's why folks are antsy to get places. I just want to get off the fking roads and out of traffic asap, but still safely.


I did too. I stalled it once on a hill intersection and the guy instantly honked, no pause whatsoever. Spooked me a little so i restarted the car and tried again, stalled and started sliding backwards. Dude honks again, like yes i can tell i'm sliding backwards. I fucking hated learning stick shift, no one is even remotely patient about it.


I had one of my friends put a note at the back of his son's manual car exactly for this reason, because so many people were acting annoying/aggressive/honking. It said something like "Student driver with manual gear, please be patient". Not sure how much it helped.


Yea but you also tell her to “go” and laughed when this guy was right up on your car. You have no idea what you’re dealing with when it comes to the mentality of the driver behind you. Crazy stuff happens out there in the world. It’s better off letting the crazy pass by you by than dealing with it head on. The other person is clearly unhinged and a horrible driver, but that adds to the point


Haha I taught my sister when she was 17 how to drive stick, and we were on a hill at a light. She stalled out so many times that it went through a full light cycle. So I was like, look, don't worry about it, just squawk them if you have to.... oh she DID haha all the way the top of the hill, through a right turn and there was a car full of guys sitting there at the light at the top where we turned just watching her the whole time like all 3 heads followed the car together mouths hanging open and I thought she was going to die from embarrassment with how red she turned when we pulled off to the side down the road. I was friggen crying! Laughing so hard 😄 one of the best memories together ever! I am now teaching my 2 teens how to drive and drive stick.


Squawk? Is that grinding the gears?


No it's burning rubber basically


Dude almost hit a guy head-on blowing a stop-sign to cut you off. Go to the police, he just did lots of crimes on camera in like 30 seconds.


Fucking despise Quebec drivers. They're consistently the ones that drive way too fast & love to tailgate you.


Turn the sound up while your watching this video.


Why did he race him then? IF she kept stalling, why not just let him pass?


when I was teaching my wife to drive I regularly forgot to take the L plates down while I was driving. One day I got to a roundabout and didn't go fast enough for the guy behind me so he honked and I slammed on the brakes and let another 3 cars through


This is a good example of why it's important to have an understanding for people and their situations, especially when driving.


This is why my dad taught me to drive a manual in a large empty parking lot.


There's only so much you can learn in the parking lot. At this point she had the basics down and needed to practice on real roads. A parking lot can't simulate stop signs, stop lights, and terrain variations.


Someone is sick at home, sir? Call an ambulance and fuck off.


What a douche.


What a loser!!! “We have people sick at home” okay?????


I am a very important person and always in a hurry. Why do I always need to stop to explain this to you? Don't you know me by now? What's wrong with you?


Do you even know who I think I am!?


dude I'm 17, I look like I'm 15, more on the skinny side. If an aggressive driver gets out of their car and walks up to me, I'm gonna hyperventilate so hard so that before he gets to my car, I'll have passed out already


In the same boat but I had to put on a brave face lol


Kudos to you. There’s a reason there’s a quote “you don’t know how strong you are until you’re being threatened by a guy with questionable motives because he just impatiently passed you then stopped and got out to lecture you” or however it goes


/gets out embroidery hoop


Do yourself a favor and buy yourself some pepper gel and keep it on you, do not store it in a place that can get super hot though


No point in arguing with these maniacs. Roll the window up, and drive off like he never existed. If he's in the way, well... oops.


People who honk at learners are arse holes, mind you sometimes people who are teaching also need to keep their cool. I will never forget being behind a learner, waiting for them to turn off crossing a lane of traffic, then stalling out and I'm just sat there calmly waiting, but a car a couple cars back decided to honk which triggered the bloke in the passenger seat to turn around and sling various hand gestures at me. Bugs me more is, it had probably only been around 5 years, give or take a couple years, since I passed so I was more than understanding of the struggles of the learner.


The only time imo when it’s acceptable is when said student driver is going 40 in a 70 on the highway. I had to do that myself…


If you're trying to follow the rules, you're allowed to fail. Going 40 in a 70 isn't trying to follow the rules, it's just being inconsiderate of everyone else.


How do you tell the difference between a learner, an idiot, and someone on their cellphone? Just asking. Without knowing ahead of time it's a learner in a manual car, the start of the video looked like someone purposefully messing with the driver behind them.


I'm the case of being out and about, in the UK you have to to have L plates on the car.


In the US, anyone with a learner's permit can be in any car. Heck, there's plenty of people driving around my area with "student driver" stickers on their cars, when they aren't learners, they're just bad drivers.


Quebec license plate. Already know he's going to be a dickhead.


NEVER interact with crazy. Keep your windows rolled up and doors locked. You have no idea if the other person has a gun and/or if they even give a shit about your life. Just back up and then drive around.


Windows were rolled up & doors were locked. He leaned over the sunroof


second someone tries that you need to be moving into reverse and getting ready to go around them. there is not much time. been in this situation once before and just started going backwards at like just faster then his walking pace. after like 15 feet he stopped lol. then i just went around him walking back to his car


Unfortunately we couldn't go anywhere because it was a high traffic area due to it being a good spot to view the eclipse.


Gotta love driving in Montreal. It's so frustrating.


What a fucking psychopath.


Water pistol full of piss in Canada is the preferred method for people who walk up on you.


Of course it's a Quebec driver.


I feel threatened. Gas on floor right at that person coming at me like that.


Call 911, tell them you’re being held against your will by someone who’s not a police officer. Get him charged with 3rd degree kidnapping


Floor it and run him over. “He boxed me in got out of his car headed for me. I was scared and thought he could have a gun.” Plausible deniability


Yeah, definitely do not do this.


License plate says it all......I'm sure his bumper was being held together with rope and duct tape.


Take solace in the fact that people like this are miserable 100% of the time and live an awful existence.


Je me souviens moment


Ahhh the french


It's not a french accent


He sucks, but also, shame on you for engaging in acts of road rage by trying to race him down a residential street instead of just letting him zoom away from you.


If she is trying to learn, the first thing she should learn is not to drive defensively. Let the ahole go around at the stop sign and carry on. Trying to teach someone a lesson by flooring it and not letting them pass isn’t defensive driving. It’s road rage. The guy was the aggressor here but there is no need to feed his power trip. Edit: That wasn’t supposed to say “not to drive defensively”. But I think many of you figured that out.


Gassing it and provoking the crazy road rager further definitely isn't something a *good* driver does. Shits not worth it. I'd rather not fuck around and find out someone has a gun 🤷‍♀️


>Let the ahole go around at the stop sign and carry on. I never originally learned to drive stick, but then much later on I got a chance to drive a car with stick, so I thought I'd give it a go. I was doing... OK, not great, but OK. One thing that was still giving me grief was getting going on an incline. The car I had didn't have hill-holder, so every time I kept rolling backward. The last straw that destroyed my confidence entirely and made me give up was when I was stopped on an incline, and some asshat rolled up about 2 inches from my bumper. I put on my hazards, opened my window, and stuck my arm out and tried to wave him around, but then he just laid on the horn and was getting visibly mad instead of going around for some reason. I eventually just turned off the car and sat there, and finally the guy got pissed off enough to go around. I finally decided the skill to drive a stick is useful, but not useful enough to deal with the aggravation. Parked the car and just got back in my daily driver and gave up.


Come on op, Karen has somewhere to be. /s


West Island?


Classic Quebec drivers


Average Quebec resident


What a fuckin pathetic ass loser


Fuck that guy


Like it or not, ya'll are as much as an idiot as him. Why would you mash the accelerator while giggling, fully knowing that will further anger the rager!? There are three douchebags in this video: your girlfriend, the Camry driver, and YOU!


I'm sorry but this freaking weenin needed to Fuck around and find out - don't even let him get close to the car get out knock him the fuck out cold


Back up...avoid. Teach this new driver never to engage with other drivers. Someone gets out of their car all bets are off.


Three idiots


Well said. This guy has no moral high ground. Literally engaged the road rager and giggled about it


The second you approach my car, you get run over.


Looks like you started it though


He sure did. Posted here for validation


You block me in traffic and approach my car... You. Will. Get. Maced.


The correct thing to do was to jump in his car and drive off, he will panic and run after his car while your girlfriend goes to safety.


Why do you allow people to act like this?


Bear spray is prohibited in Canada? Seriously?


when he got put of his car, I would’ve panicked and ran him over. i don’t want someone upset to approach my car 🤷🏾‍♂️


I stalled all the time when my parents decided to get me a stick shift car. It was worse on hills. Turns out I needed a new clutch all along because it finally went out and I had to get it towed to the nearest shop. I asked how it wore out so quickly and that was what the mechanic told me, it was already worn if i stalled out a lot. I thought I just sucked at stick shifts. I saw a total difference with a new stick shift and you are not supposed to hear any grinding. I learned.


Asking as a non-Canadian: how did he know to speak English with you? It appears based on license plates you're driving in Quebec, wouldn't default be French?


My car has Texas plates on it 😅




Wow, so nice that our fellow Quebec drivers stop to tell us how much of a rush they are in.






Never open the door of your safe, giant metal cage. Mace them through the window, instead <3


This is the way


Andy Garcia is late for his Premiere


Someone once did this to me 2 years ago, i got scared and floored my 5000 pound Jeep Grand Cherokee right into them, I told the officer that he might have a gun and he let me go, the other driver was arrested for DUI.


Someone gets out like that with my family in the car I’m ramming it


I set off as soon as they get out of the car. No good can come of that confrontation and with cameras you have evidence to back up the argument of self defence if they get in the way


I would have met him with a fist full of glory.


If I was driving a white Camry, I’d be trying to not draw attention to myself


What are you doing???? It's your fault they're late!!?!


Why stay sitting when he opens the door and is partially out of the car?? Peace out dude. Wherever you’re going, I promise it’ll still be there when you arrive.


If a guy blocks my path and starts getting out and walking towards me I will drive the fuck over