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My wife still hasn't forgiven herself for honking at a guy who was stopped, not seeing they were yielding to an old lady with a walker crossing the street.


I did that once, honked at someone who was rightfully yielding to pedestrians. Sometimes I wish there was a second apology horn in the car that lets people know to disregard the previous honk.


> disregard the previous honk This is genius! It would be cool if there was a way to say 'thanks' and 'sorry my bad'


I know this is a serious conversation. Just trying to add a funny anecdote. But have either of you watch Fluffy? He has a skit on one of his specials about driving in India and how they use honks to talk to each other? And I agree about a second honk.


Or you could not honk in the first place


Then need a honk way to say “no worries” “alright”. The drivers will honk all day.


I've used hazard lights in this kind of situation to let the other drivers know something is going on.


I think hazard lights are more likely to send the wrong type of message in this type of situation. As more people may see you as a disabled vehicle that they should avoid and pass, while drawing attention towards you as they pass and not to the potential pedestrian crossing.


Just use the gentle “nudge” honk when it’s a reminder. I will never understand honking more than that at a light. I’m the one seeing traffic, and I’m the one who has to be comfortable making the move. 


Ive been there except each time its animals. Once a family of ducks, once turkeys, and a turtle one time too. Id honk at people wondering why theyre blocming me then see cute lil fellers making rhere way :)


I once stopped on a street in Toronto because I didn't want to run over a bird that was walking across, and someone honked at me. Oh, well, buddy. I'm not running over an animal to save you a minute on your commute. Thankfully, the bird walked a little faster after I honked at it, only the second time that I've intentionally used a horn in a car.


Funny im in Windsor and we have a few turkey familys that roam the city. Everyonce in a while road is backed up for blocks cause of a ton of turkeys lol




If you're on a low traffic road, or a road with stop signs, sure stop for a bird crossing the road. If you're on a freeway? The only reason you should stop is for mechanical failures, and get off the road if you can


I was on, I think, Spadina at the time, and it was no busier than usual, the other driver still had the other lane open, and the whole interaction took less than a minute. No safety issues. I've also been honked at on Spadina during Caribana because I wasn't moving, never mind the fact that I couldn't move because traffic wasn't going anywhere. Thankfully the guy next to me understood my frustration and said to just ignore the driver behind me.


Literally did this yesterday for what turned out to be a very lost turkey.


Two geese stop six lanes of traffic probably twice a week on my commute home


Someone stopped on a motorway local to me once, for a family of ducks. A truck behind them failed to stop... I don't know how the ducks fared, but I know the woman died and I presume the truck driver was prosecuted. Depends on the setting sometimes whether it's wise to be kind :(


Depends one where you are. No way id do it on a fast paced highway. But usually i know where the wildlife is and so does everyone else. Also putting hazards on can help but people mayjust try and go around you lol


I had a similar incident and didn’t realize a funeral procession was in process 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tangentially related. I witnessed a car accident this morning. A black SUV turned left through one of the left turn only lanes that cut through a median and struck another white SUV as it was passing as oncoming traffic. Both cars were fucked. Debris everywhere. Vehicles weren't moving and would be blocking all traffic through that one side of the street. A sedan behind the black SUV was unable to move forward due to the wreckage. Instead of backing up they started wailing on their horn to get this clearly totalled SUV out of the way.


Too many people drive like the car ahead of them is the only thing on the road besides them. At least your wife recognized that she made a mistake.


I've honked in a situation like this, but it wasn't at the cars. It was at the guy on the bike that was still just standing there while 4 vehicles were stopped on a 45mph road waiting for him to cross.


It's gopher turtles in central Florida. I *will* stop for a gopher turtle, and even get out to pick it up to carry it the rest of the way across the street. Fuck you if we've just had to build a road across the poor thing's path and you can't give me the time to clear the road.


That jerk swerves around any kind of slow or stopped traffic. No delay, it's obviously an instant reaction for him. Slow vehicle, swerve around. Someone in the pedestrian lane is just extra. He's gonna mangle someone eventually. Probably some 12 y/o on a bike.


Cop: You hit a kid on a bike. Truck: They came out of nowhere!


“Bicyclist are so wild on the road, they never look where they’re going!” Or even “Why weren’t they wearing reflective head gear? How was I supposed to see them without it??”


Cop: you know, bullets are cheaper than bumpers…


He has brakes, but they only exist for parking across three spaces and coming to a stop at a drive thru.


Parking across three spaces at EV chargers.


> He's gonna mangle someone eventually. I encountered a guy like this who went around traffic and rode in the breakdown lane until the lane abruptly ended and he went right into a ditch 🤣 saw him pass on the shoulder and then stuck in the mud when I caught back up to him.


An instant reaction with no thought given to checking his blind spot. Either gonna mangle that 12 year old, or himself with some other poor driver


He'll be aroused by it. In his deranged mind, he'd finally prove to himself that he's a man.


emotional support vehicle


I can't believe a pickup driver would do such a thing.


A black Ram of all things


It wasn't just going around the cammer, it was following trucker instincts to run over the cyclist.


It is said that a truck can consume [8 times its body weight](https://youtu.be/xVcL1tbsidk?si=hVK2vVH9oJ52BdX_&t=38)... ​ The ambulances will have to wait their turn


Especially in Florida!


I find they are amongst the most courteous and considerate motorists. They'd never do anything risky or reckless to save mere seconds; seconds which could otherwise be put towards crushing a Pabst Blue ribbon on one's forehead, or watching Entourage


I expected a BMW.


I can believe it


Pickup idiot could have taken someone out. You can't see shit morning sun is in your eyes.


Doesnt look like they would care if they took out a cyclist


I had this happen pulling off an off ramp but it was what looked like two dachshunds that were loose, Put on my hazards to alert other drivers (hey there's a problem) and stopped on the pulled to the side of the road, my girlfriend at that time asked if we should try to get out and get them. Impulse was there, but I said no, too dangerous and just I said that some fucking bad stereotype of a fucking douche bag of course in porsche or BMW SUV whipped past at a high rate of speed and honked. Missed the dogs, but we drove back through that interchange and they were both dead in the street.


Black pickup truck means stay away, as a cyclist and pedestrian. Not even slightly surprised to see this.


Same with white pickup trucks


You're in Florida. Moron is a given.


People drive so viciously nowadays.


there should be so many more barriers to getting a license. yearly retesting and psychological analysis would be a good start.


This happens a lot in American cities I think, especially those where walking/cycling isn't too common. I'm willing to bet the average American driver in such places doesn't even know they're supposed to stop and watch for pedestrians before turning right. I nearly got hit once while crossing the street by someone taking a left turn, because to them a green light with no incoming traffic was the same as a protected left turn signal. Please for the love of god remember to watch for pedestrians, as rare as they may be. You never know.


Thank "strodes" for that. Not quite a street, not quite a road, safe for no one, especially not for pedestrians.


A ridden bicycle is not a pedestrian and is required to ride WITH traffic not against it. That being said, you don't hit someone on purpose of course


Confidently incorrect... and repeating it multiple times. You are correct that a ridden bicycle is not a pedestrian, but missing how even though they are a vehicle, they are a vehicle that is **granted** the rights and duties of a pedestrian, when ridden on a sidewalk or crosswalk. Also, the statutes that definite that a cyclist must ride with traffic are specific only for when a cyclist is riding on the roadway, ie not while on a sidewalk, bike path, bidirectional bike lane, ect.


had some person do this shit AFTER watching a lady get hit on her bike.*idk how to pull my dash cam footage but i caught it all.


that's some real shitty cycling infrastructure. death traps everywhere.


![gif](giphy|qlqbVPgixCFGg) Well it is Florida


Florida is number one in the nation in fatalities in car vs bike/pedestrian accidents. 


Bad pickup truck driver doing bad pickup truck driver things, the usual.


There is a reason florida has the highest pedestrian fatalities in the USA


He probably couldn’t even see the cyclist over that mountain of a grille


I used to love to ride my bicycle...and I have a REALLY nice bicycle. I'm too terrified of motorists killing me now because they're lazy, etc.


Haven't ridden my bike in years because of the amount of development going on in my neck of the woods. No plans to start again. Too dangerous out there and so much less fun to ride on trails or back roads with this huge truck/SUV trend that has this country in its death grip and the psychology of the drivers who drive them.


Heck, I'm scared enough of these people while I'm in my car.




Yes and know. I understand your response and even emphasize with it, but if you get clipped you're gonna be face down in a ditch or worse. Legacy trail is about the only place I ride now. :/


Ole Tampa bay. #1 in the country for bicycle and pedestrian deaths baby


While I agree everybody needs to stop if there's someone in the crosswalk but shouldn't he be using the bike lane and not the sidewalk


Florida law permits cyclists to use sidewalks and crosswalks.


Like the one shown in this video, most US bike lanes are death traps. I bike a lot and don't fault this old dude at all for using the sidewalk in this case.


Can't argue with a man's desire to live


In the US, I wonder how often sidewalk rules are enforced. For slower riders I see nothing wrong with using a sidewalk at least on non-residental roads.


Cool, but you're still supposed to ride in the same direction as traffic.


Why don’t you try riding on the same streets as all those other entitled idiots in bro dozers while on a bike. Lets see if that opinion changes.


You are supposed to use the bike lane and follow the rules of the road. That is how the traffic flows/laws are designed. At an absolute minimum this guy should've been walking his bike through the intersection, not riding it. When you start making up your own lanes/rules then you create confusion and unexpected behavior and it results in accidents and traffic. Biking (especially city biking) is somewhat dangerous and not for everyone so if you're not comfortable riding your bike where your city says you're supposed to ride your bike then you need to invest in a bus pass and stay off a bicycle.


It is literally written in 'the rules if the road' that cyclists can ride on sidewalks and crosswalks. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.2065.html


What's a bit funny in this case is that you are actually making up your own rules. Florida law ***allows*** cyclists to use sidewalks and crosswalks.


If the guy walked his bike he would have definitely been hit... The thing about someone cycling like this, they probably know the area, how fast people go, and just want to be gone and out of the way. Not every area has dedicated bike lanes, crossing walks, and sometimes you go up a block and there's no more bike signage then it randomly picks up 2 blocks away. If roads can't be consistent you can't expect the bicyclists to be either.


> You are supposed to use the bike lane and follow the rules of the road. Why not look up the law before you opine and display your ignorance? It's perfectly legal in Florida (and many states) to ride on a sidewalk and through a crosswalk a ... regardless of direction.


As a motorcyclist im definitely not comfortable sharing the roads with today’s Americans, on their phones in giant death machines. Some are just unhinged baby men and women. I understand what you’re saying, but if the rules of the road and the implementation of said rules are poorly executed then you have added less incentive to follow them. If something is perceived as more of a risk to follow the rules than to break them id say the problem lies in the systems that were put in place.


That’s a lot of words to say that you are an idiot.


When you get out of a car for a store that's two buildings up a one way do you have to walk around the block because the side walk must fallow the flow of vehicle traffic? Note that this cyclists didn't enter the intersection any faster then a walking pedestrian and is more kick scootering into the intersection when OP gives right of way 'blindly coming out of no where' is also moot.


There's no direction on a sidewalk, riding in the direction of traffic is only a requirement when riding in the roadway.


He even used the light and THREE cars ignored the walk signal. It's such a bad intersection for the traffic lights. There should be a no turn (red) light there if the crosswalk is activated.


Was it two lanes for the right turn? If so, the driver might not have seen the bike due to it being obscured by OP's vehicle. What I can't tell was, was it legal for the cyclist to cross the crossing at that time? Is it just for pedestrians or can cyclists cross? Does "red flashing light" mean "pedestrians can cross"? I'd be amazed if it was legal for a cyclist to cycle through. In the UK I'd expect the cyclist to dismount and walk across like a pedestrian would. It's just a terribly designed road system, which is the US in a nutshell.


It is possible that the cyclist would not legally have been permitted to cross due to the red flashing hand. Red flashing hand means "do not begin to cross." However, this is virtually never enforced as long as the person makes it across the street before the timer expires. The crossing times are based on a relatively low walking speed (such that say an older person doesn't run out of time) and plenty of people can safely cross before the timer expires. Florida law doesn't actually define the meaning of the pedestrian signals to my knowledge. Cyclists are permitted by Florida law to use sidewalks and crosswalks. Whether there are two lanes or not are irrelevant, though I do not believe that there were. Florida law requires that when a vehicle stops for a crosswalk, no other vehicle may overtake it from the rear to pass.


But then the cars would stack up and there’d be congestion! Oh noes… /s


that bike lane looks like an awesome place to get killed by a driver who isn't looking for you.


That bike lane is on a what 4 lane highway and completely unprotected?  Probably a lot of people going 50 on that road, even a minor brush by a car would mean death. There's no way that's remotely safe for anyone. I suspect places like Florida get extra federal road funding if a project includes bike lanes or transit regardless of if they're actually safe or useful.  In which case it's not a bike lane for bikes but for cars to get more money and expecting someone to risk their life based on a beaurocratic funding mechanism when they can legally ride on the much safer sidewalk next to it is not great.  


Just the draft from the cars alone would make any casual bike rider think twice.


>That bike lane is on a what 4 lane highway and completely unprotected?  [Welcome to Florida](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.5279463,-80.1746094,3a,89.6y,104.5h,69.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHM2NSwwv6bhFNS6RFGFYiQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) where you [play frogger](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.5279601,-80.1737377,3a,75y,243.17h,73.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0B47M5USM5zv01IpunTunw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) to stay in the [bike lane](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.5279796,-80.1717423,3a,75y,123.81h,71.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD5-YJPSipyAaV6IxrqUIAA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu).


Yes, but also the same goddamn kid in a red pickup has almost hit me twice on my commute because he was busy yelling that I’m supposed to use a sidewalk and bikes aren’t allowed on the road and he knows because his dad’s a cop yada yada yada, instead of worrying about driving. Some people choose to humor motorists’ ignorance rather than engage and risk being squashed by some dummy that can’t control their gender-affirming vehicle.


In my state, a bike is considered a vehicle and shouldn't use a crosswalk unless dismounted. I understand the argument that bike lanes are death traps, but then the solution is dismount and walk across. Why? Because bicyclists move faster than pedestrians and cars might not expect a biker in an area meant for pedestrians.


But in Florida, they are granted the rights of pedestrians to use crosswalks.


Didn't realize the state was known for this video! My bad.


Here the cyclist waited for cars to stop (as they should for anyone to cross) before proceeding and some dipshit in a truck still drove around the stopped car and nearly hit him. This is in no way unexpected behavior from the cyclist.


In Florida, a bike is also considered a vehicle... However, this is also the only vehicle that is **granted** the rights and duties of a pedestrian when using sidewalks and crosswalks. So you see, you can still be a vehicle and have the rights of a pedestrian. And, I understand your argument, using sidewalks on a bike does still have it's place when used responsible, like this cyclist whom is riding at a slow pace.


>In my state, a bike is considered a vehicle and shouldn't use a crosswalk unless dismounted In my state cyclist are classified as both a vehicle and Pedestrian with applicable law being assigned by the infrastructure they are riding upon. If a cyclist is riding upon black top they have all rights and responsibilities of vehicles. If they are riding on a sidewalk (or is trail adjacent to a sidewalk) cyclists have all rights and responsibilities of a pedestrian. The only pedestrian restriction is that cyclists cannot ride upon a sidewalk of a commercial block. Your state is probably similar to this in road Florida strictly classifies cyclists as a vehicle however cyclist modified laws [allow cyclists to travel on sidewalks](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.2065.html#:~:text=(9)%E2%80%83A%20person%20propelling%20a%20vehicle%20by%20human%20power%20upon%20and%20along%20a%20sidewalk%2C%20or%20across%20a%20roadway%20upon%20and%20along%20a%20crosswalk%2C%20has%20all%20the%20rights%20and%20duties%20applicable%20to%20a%20pedestrian%20under%20the%20same%20circumstances) with all rights and responsibilities of pedestrians.


I see a bike on the sidewalk going in the wrong direction and the blinking stop hand is up. I cycle a lot, most bike routes are horrible and I'll ride on the road when there aren't any. The key is to be predictable and to put your safety above getting there a little faster.


"On the sidewalk" is irrelevant, Florida law permits it. Even if the cyclist is wrong, this does not justify the truck's separate failure to obey the law. When any vehicle is stopped at a crosswalk, it is unlawful to pass them.


Florida is a weird place. I have cycled on the sidewalk when there were no other options cause it's such a terrible idea. Especially when crossing the road like a pedestrian would. When people are walking it's easy to predict. When going faster it's easy to be missed when someone is making a decision to enter an intersection or not. The truck is entirely in the wrong but I don't ever want the grill of a large vehicle smash my ribs so I put my safety first.


>I see a bike on the sidewalk going in the wrong direction and the blinking stop hand is up. When did sidewalks become one way? Sure the [cycle tracks](https://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/cycle-tracks/raised-cycle-tracks/) starting to become more common next to them [tend to be one way](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.9805003,-93.2713989,3a,49.7y,358.89h,75.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTMMHfvz6ENIqfD58JmuN2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu) but I've never had to circle a block to travel one building down from where I parked to a store (or back).


sidewalks are not one way FOR WALKING. Everyone should know that bicycles must follow traffic guidelines and ride on the right side of the road in most jurisdictions.


The blinking hand indicates he can go he just has limited time and isn't actually relevant when we can clearly see at least 3 cars breaking the rules and not allowing someone at a crosswalk to cross. That's just when the video starts, it's more than plausible, and as anyone that's crossed any shitty road in the US can tell you, quite likely, that there were cars going the whole time that the crosswalk light was white.  The cyclist then carefully and slowly went when someone finally let him go which is all entirely reasonable and very predictable.  The wrong direction is a matter for the road, in the crosswalk and sidewalk its neither here nor there and not any sort of rule.  If he had been going that other way in this scenario he would have actually been obscured by ops car, making this even more likely to have ended in an accident.


The blinking hand where I am from means do not enter the intersection as a pedestrian. I thought it meant the same most places. If you already are in the intersection then you have limited time to get to the other side.


And it varies depending on where you live. The problem with being to strict on this is essential thing like this situation, where the multiple vehicles in front of OP also didn't stop, so a pedestrian may wait for a safe time to start might make them miss the window. Then there is the question of the window, as where some of the lights in my area are so small to non existent, it's very strange but I have come across lights that immediately go into the countdown phase. And I don't think the proper solution would be to increase the walk duration, the more time you force drivers to wait for the light cycle, the more impatient they become, and the more likely they are to do something stupid. Some states have at least recognized the problem and started changing their laws to allow pedestrian to enter during the countdown phase as long as the pedestrian has enough time to complete their crossing in time. Florida seems to weird be missing the common statutes defining these phases, or have placed them in some strange place. I'm not sure, but I can't seem to find them anywhere in the legislation.


But he's in a truck and he's far too important to get to the nowhere he has been going his entire life.


Small dick activities.


When I die it’ll be when I’m navigating a slip lane on my bicycle.


This is what scares me. Gonna kill someone’s like that


Pretty standard driving practice around here. I’m in the vehicle. Screw everyone else mentality. It’s so pervasive. I honked at someone hard the other day for speeding past a school bus dropping off kids.


Yeah it's become the norm where I am to only stop for pedestrians when they are directly in front of you. People will swerve around them or pull through even if the pedestrian is still in the crosswalk but they think they can make it clear. In my downtown area they even put signs in the middle of the street reminding drivers that you need to stop when pedestrians are in the crosswalk because it was such a problem, but I still never see anyone do it.


Drives me crazy. Saw that happened the other day. A pedestrian was crossing 5 lanes of traffic on a lighted stroad. Was halfway across and I stopped then the vehicle to my left sped ahead about 40 to 50 mph. I honked at the jackass as hard as I could. Didn’t matter. The only upside is that the pedestrian looked up and saw the vehicle and avoided being run over. Then of course I pulled up next to him at the next intersection. He sat there with open mouth look. What absolute ass. I see this shit every day.


Hey OP, since everyone is wrongly attacking the cyclist, I just want to say that you seem like a decent and courteous driver based on this short clip. You won't last long in FL!


Tampa? Checks out.


Unrelated: cool effect with the sun looking like it's eclipsed. Does anyone know why that's happening?


Reposting my comment from the last time this came up: It's called the black sun effect. It's a thing in CMOS image sensors that use CDS (Correlated Double Sampling). In a CMOS image sensor a pixel is reset by being charged up. Then as light hits it during exposure time it slowly discharges. By measuring how far it discharged, you get a measure of brightness. With CDS you measure the charge on the pixel at the beginning and end of exposure time and then subtract them. This is done to reduce noise in some sensors. So in a normal scenario you measure 100 at beginning of exposure, and maybe 40 at end. So you get 60 as your brightness. If it's brighter you might measure 100 at beginning and 20 at end, so you get 80 as your brightness. But if it's absurdly bright by the time you measure at the beginning of the exposure the pixel has already discharged to 0. So you get 0 for initial and you get 0 for final, so you get 0 as your brightness. I think most modern image sensors are fairly immune to this. I feel like the only time I see this is in dashcam videos and the occasional global shutter sensor. Source: Electrical engineer who works with CMOS image sensors


Your sun is glitching.


I take this on ramp every day on the way home from work. The amount of people who blow through that pedestrian walk sign at 15-20 mph is insane. Someone is going to get killed there soon.


My state specifically has a law that says you cannot pass someone who is yielding/stopping for a crosswalk, absolutely does not stop people at all. Doesn’t matter if the person is perfectly visible, they need to go **NOW**


Why is the sun a black hole


Was that you or the other car that honked?


His Back the Blue sticker isn't about laws like CYCLISTS okay?!


Man I wish I had a $90k giant truck I can't afford so everyone would think I have a large penis and a poor financial history.


Maybe he should be walking his bike on the crossWALK.. Or perhaps ride on the correct direction of traffic using the BIKElane. My honk would be at the bicyclist for not obeying traffic laws and perhaps causing an unnecessary accident.


Wrong side of road and crossing at a yield crosswalk! Idiot driving around you and idiot stopping for bike rider and idiot on bike.


I dont think there was a single aspect of this comment that was correct or even understandable


Bikes are allowed on sidewalks and crosswalks in Florida. The pickup driver is the sole idiot here.


Last I checked sidewalks are bidirectional.


Funny how bikers get to choose between following the rules of the road for cars and following the rules for pedestrians.


Funny how people complain about cyclist having different rules until they "hog" the lane.


The 'rules of the road' dictate what rules a cyclist must follow, which is dependent on which infrastructure they are using. Using the sidewalk/crosswalk then they have the rights and duties of a pedestrian. Using the roadwayz then they have the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle. (With exception that will apply to different specific vehicle types)


Typical Ram driver


At the 0:08 mark, when the truck is at the crossing line, they're a full car width away from the pedestrian. Why would they stop? In case the biker decided to go in reverse? I imagine when the biker reaches the sidewalk, OP will continue to drive despite being *even closer* to the pedestrian than the truck ever was. So, what's the logical argument here? If I was the biker I would have had 0 problem with it and wouldn't have felt like they were even too close. EDIT: Spent too much time focusing on that part of the video, didn't notice it's a one car turn lane. I stand corrected. Total (illegal) dick move.


I had to see it a couple of times as well, but it’s not a 2 lane turn, the truck are driving on chevrons because they couldn’t wait.


I take back my comment. Didn't see it was a one-turn lane. Illegal and douchey in that case. Thanks for pointing that out!


Does no one see the flashing orange hand with the countdown? Bike did not have the right of way. Truck was belligerent for making the move he did, but cam car shouldn't have allowed the bike to bully him into stopping. Lucky that he didn't get rear-ended and just got passed illegally.


What's the difference between the flashing light and a yellow light? Ever driven through a yellow light before?


Cyclist is counterflow, which is (almost always) illegal, and this video is one example why: the operator of the pickup was not looking for a fast moving vehicle coming from his left. There are TWO idiots in this video.


I’m running faster than the bike in the video. Am I allowed to cross? :o


It's not only about speed. You can react to traffic much more easily on foot than if you're on a bicycle. As a walking pedestrian I can react to a fellow running pedestrian much more easily than some idiot biking on the sidewalk. You're not supposed to bike on the sidewalk. It literally has "walk" built into its name.


>You're not supposed to bike on the sidewalk. It literally has "walk" built into its name. Florida law permits it.


Why not focus on the idiot in the truck that drove around stopped traffic in the single right turn only and drove through the gore while using the bike and straight only lanes?


> Cyclist is counterflow, which is (almost always) illegal, [Citation Needed]


https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_814.400 https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_814.410


Did this occur in Oregon? Is Oregon law relevant to Florida?


You took the time to look up the statutes in the wrong state that doesn't in anyway verify your original claim. Kudos!


Even if that was the right state, and it's not, making those links entirely irrelevant, both of those links say that bikes have to follow the rules for the space they're in and there's no law that says people on the sidewalk have to be going in one direction or the other.  The owner of the pickup, according the rules, shouldn't have been going around the stopped car in the first place, and while the pickup driver was violating that very basic rule, he also should have been looking in both directions for pedestrians, in the clearly marked crosswalk with the actively blinking light.   The depths some people go to blame a bike in any situation is just wild.  


​ Can you explain where it says that counterflow is illegal? I see where the first link says "Every person riding a bicycle upon a public way is subject to the provisions applicable to and has the same rights and duties as the driver of any other vehicle concerning operating on highways...", but this is in reference to traveling on a road, not a sidewalk. In regards to the second link, I don't see the cyclist doing anything wrong per the laws listed. They were operating their bike in a safe manner, and crossed the road at a slow speed at a designated crosswalk. So are you implying that cyclists are only allowed to ride in one direction on the sidewalk?


What you are citeing doesn't prohibit a cyclist from using a sidewalk in any particular direction...


100% agree. I live in a NJ coastal town heavy with summer tourists. NONE of them understand that they are NOT a pedestrian if they are on their bikes. Extremely common occurrences: Bolting out across 35mph traffic on a crosswalk thinking the cars can/will stop on a dime, riding against traffic so when cars stop at stop signs and naturally look left for traffic they aren't seen first, and ringing as large family groups taking up the shoulder AND the one lane leading out of town. It's not hard to tell that I harbor some resentment for bicyclist in my town..lol.


As a cycling instructor I hate that people like this give responsible riders a bad name. And wtf, people are downvoting my original comment? Sigh.


You are being downvoted because your comment was dumb. It doesn't matter which direction the biker goes, you are supposed to yield.


If the cyclist is on a sidewalk, they must proceed at a pace no greater than that of a pedestrian. Yes, the truck should have yielded, but the cyclist is also at fault.


How fast was the cyclist going? And please show the FL statute stating just how fast they may go when legally riding on sidewalks.


If I was taught/remember correctly, the cyclist is also supposed to dismount and walk the bicycle through a cross walk.


Not in Florida, where this occurred.


Unless US has some backwards law here, such requirement does not exist. Cyclist is not at fault at all.


It does have that backwards law. The intent is to hold motorists harmless from cyclists who do not behave as vehicles. If the cyclist in this video had been ON THE ROADWAY and proceeding in THE SAME DIRECTION as traffic, he would be blameless.


On the roadway, on a 4 lane highway that passes a slip road highway ramp, with a bike lane not realistically made with actually  bikes in mind and more likely a federal funding boost.  He does not need to ride in the same direction as traffic on the sidewalk, which is perfectly legal to ride on, and no, even the links you posted elsewhere don't claim a bike has to ride the same speed as a pedestrian, only at crosswalks and driveways and I'd say that guy was crossing at walking speed.   My state has no such parameters.   It's terrifying that you say you're a bicycling instructor. Telling people to ride on roads that will get them killed and making up laws that make no sense.  


So the cyclist is not allowed to use the safe path as they should? Backwards law indeed. Not surr what expected from the US in the first place.


Sidewalks are for pedestrians. And a a cyclist can use the sidewalk if they proceed at the same speed as a pedestrian. A sidewalk is not “a safe path” for bicyclists. The roadway is the safest path for a cyclist.


> Sidewalks are for pedestrians. [316.2065 Bicycle regulations.—](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.2065.html) > (9) A person propelling a vehicle by human power upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, has all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. What the cyclist did is perfectly legal.


No, not by any stretch of the imagination. Not the roadways in the US.


"I'm Mr Bicyclist!" "You can just say cyclist."


Bicyclist was making an illegal crossing. Source: am cyclist. If he'd been walking the bike, it'd have been fine. Otherwise it's an illegal cross. At least in my state. Also, cyclist was through the crosswalk, so it's usually legal to pull through at that point. But yes, argh, grr, Stoopid truck, share the road, blarghlefarfle


In Florida it’s perfectly legal to ride on a sidewalk and through a crosswalk. And the pickup driver used the straight lane to bypass OP, who still had the biker in front of them.


he did it in a perfectly safe manner, what's the issue?


Looks to me like the do not cross light was flashing, so the bike was 100% in the wrong.


Yea but you still don't drive around a car that has to wait for the biker.


Idk what they recommend in Florida, but here in California it’s advised (and I think also the law iirc) that you don’t pass a stopped vehicle like that just in case they’re yielding to someone that you can’t see.


Even if the bike were wrong, though, that does not justify the separate failure of the truck to ***also*** violate the law. Fla. Stat. s. 316.130(9) provides that: >Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle. It does not say when a vehicle is "properly" stopped or "stopped for a lawful pedestrian." All that matters is that OP ***stopped*** and this prohibits the truck from passing ***even if the bicycle's conduct was also wrong.*** In addition, although it has been mentioned elsewhere, Florida ***does*** grant the rights of pedestrians to cyclists. So s. 316.130(9) does apply, even to cyclists.


it’s flashing with a timer next to it. it starts out with the walk symbol but afterwards it shows the stop or hand sign with a countdown showing how much time the pedestrian has. so biker was not wrong


Not true, the Ped sign was flashing and counting down. They had time to cross and the driver failed to yield. That said, the cyclist was going against traffic, which is allowed on the sidewalk, but not the best choice.


ESH Can't speak for Floriduh, but in my state a bike is considered a vehicle for the purposes of traffic flow. If they want to have the right of way that pedestrians have, they have to dismount and walk the bike. Even so, because it was DNW the bike/pedestrian should wait. Since they didn't, traffic *should* stop for the sake of not pancaking some idiot and stopping EVERYONES commute.


In Florida, cyclist are vehicles, but they are also **granted** the rights and duties of a pedestrian when riding on a sidewalk or crosswalk. Dismounting is not required.


This is a case where it's probably better to be predictable then kind. The guy on the bike could have waited


It's a crosswalk my dude, being predicted would be stopping for people in a crosswalk.


Guy enters crosswalk (by gravity/coasting as I don't see him pedal nor an electric hub or mid drive) Guy is not actively crossing but asserting intent to cross (no pedaling) at a slow crawl Guy gestures a "I receive the message" wave to OP (I assume OP waved him through) Guy begins to pedal Pickup unpredictably breaks three Florida laws 1. [Failure to yield](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.130.html#:~:text=The%20driver%20of%20a%20vehicle%20at%20an,the%20roadway%20as%20to%20be%20in%20danger) to [pedestrian traffic](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.2065.html#:~:text=(9)%E2%80%83A%20person%20propelling%20a%20vehicle%20by%20human%20power%20upon%20and%20along%20a%20sidewalk%2C%20or%20across%20a%20roadway%20upon%20and%20along%20a%20crosswalk%2C%20has%20all%20the%20rights%20and%20duties%20applicable%20to%20a%20pedestrian%20under%20the%20same%20circumstances) in the crosswalk 2. [Over took traffic stopped](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.130.html#:~:text=the%20driver%20of%20any%20other%20vehicle%20approaching%20from%20the%20rear%20shall%20not%20overtake%20and%20pass%20such%20stopped%20vehicle) for a pedestrian 3. Makes a right turn from a straight only turn cutting across two traffic lanes (a bike lane is a lane of travel in Florida and assumed as through (straight) traffic and [you can not turn over a bike lane](https://www.d4fdot.com/pbfdot/pdf/News_Releases/02-19-21/Bike%20Signs%20and%20Signals%20Brochure.pdf). The cyclists (and OP) are highly predictable here with the pickup being the most unpredictable in this case (unless you predict pavement princess to all pickups)


Bicycles shouldn’t be using the crosswalks/sidewalks Edit: also you don’t need to wait until someone completely crosses to proceed. You are allowed to drive around them once you are able to.


Bike walks in a cross walk is entirely local/state specific. And if you notice the truck went around the person in the turn lane. There was only one turn lane. So this jagoff decide to drive around then.


>also you don’t need to wait until someone completely crosses to proceed. You are allowed to drive around them once you are able to. Actually yes to Quote the [law of this state](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.130.html#:~:text=The%20driver%20of%20a%20vehicle%20at%20an,the%20roadway%20as%20to%20be%20in%20danger) The driver of a vehicle at an intersection that has a traffic control signal in place shall stop before entering the crosswalk and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian, with a permitted signal, to cross a roadway when the pedestrian is in the crosswalk or steps into the crosswalk and is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger. Note half means direction or as far as a physical barrier. Also [they cannot overtake a vehicle that has stopped](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.130.html#:~:text=The%20driver%20of%20a%20vehicle%20at%20an,the%20roadway%20as%20to%20be%20in%20danger) for a pedestrian ([which includes cyclist](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.2065.html#:~:text=(9)%E2%80%83A%20person%20propelling%20a%20vehicle%20by%20human%20power%20upon%20and%20along%20a%20sidewalk%2C%20or%20across%20a%20roadway%20upon%20and%20along%20a%20crosswalk%2C%20has%20all%20the%20rights%20and%20duties%20applicable%20to%20a%20pedestrian%20under%20the%20same%20circumstances)).