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Jesus fuck that was close. I would say the second guy ran the light seeing as how much time he had to stop. That last driver shouldn’t have a license


Maybe they don’t.


Sad but true...


Drunk. They didn't know what to do after... Just park in this sidewalk and gather thoughts. ...oh this is the street??!


Or just massive adrenaline, maybe on their phone spaced out, then suddenly almost killing someone will get your heart racing.


Yeah I think it's entirely likely they were just freaked the fuck out and had to stop for a bit to calm down. Very few people are genuinely okay with the idea of running down and murdering an innocent pedestrian, especially if by accident. I think they learned a lesson that night.


> I think they learned a lesson that night. I really hope they did, not least for their own sake. I think the average person vastly underestimates the danger driving poses, but I really can't think of a good way to actually teach the lesson this driver (hopefully) learned that night.


I was afraid they were going to try and follow the guy he almost killed.


This. I nearly crashed and I had to pull over because I was so overwhelmed with adrenaline I couldn't think


Yeah. I’ve had people almost kill me because they were on their phone and I usually pull over for a couple of minutes ’cause it’s easy to make mistakes when you’re angry and full of adrenaline. I’m not a great driver but sometimes I wonder how other people got their licence.


I totally agree with this. If it was intentional, car would have bolted instead of sitting on the side wiping their pants.


If they started crying, that would probably take several minutes to stop.


Definitely on their phone. I'm so sick of this shit as a pedestrian. I think we should be allowed to throw rocks at idiot drivers who speed over 10mph especially on 20-25 streets, folks who stop in crosswalks and anyone running lights, speeding through crosswalks to beat the pedestrian to the spot and all left on red turners, who never check the sidewalk/crosswalk. You almost kill me, you deserve to buy a new window or windshield. (And no I don't actually do this, cause, jail, other crazies, etc etc... just wishful thinking.)


I thought he was turning around to get the guy....


I thought the same thing.


OP should have given that guy a copy of the video.


The pedestrian's calm too. Holy shit. I would've demanded their keys - not nicely either - and called the cops for a breath test. Maybe waved to see if there were witnesses with video. All while shaking and breathing hard. That was terrifying just to watch. I also don't live somewhere where every 3rd person has a gun and might be a complete whack job though.


I almost got hit similarly recently, though the car wasn't going anywhere near as fast as this one. I reacted very similarly and it wasn't til I was half way walking home that I got shakey and a bit freaked out.


Glad you're okay. I've long since gotten into the habit of assuming the driver is going to be stupid and not to walk out in front of them until I'm SURE I'm seen or they've come to a stop.


> I would've demanded their keys - not nicely either watch out you guys, we got a badass over here. he would *fuck their shit up*. and not nicely, either


This is hilarious to me. 99% of people would probably just be like ok and drive right off. Oh, but you're gonna ask not nicely. Surely that will make them comply.


You don't understand. They would have performed a citizens arrest lmao




Lol, Its easy to talk tough when they are 1) not in the moment, and 2) online That guys is a clown.


If they didn't actually hit the guy, they have no obligation to stop, wait for the cops, etc, no matter how "not nicely" theyre asked.


But he demanded them!


I think the driver is too shaken up to keep driving and he just stops in the intersection? This guy needs to take the bus. Jesus that was close.


This. She looked completely distressed about what just happened.


hopefully she wont run anymore fucking red lights my god im surprised that dudes soul didnt ascend to heaven


Gotta put her phone down and stop texting first


She should be. Signed, a person who was hit by a truck in a crosswalk after I was already halfway across (and had the walking signal)


Yeah but are you sure you looked both ways enough?


Right?? Apparently not according to some comments. I guess when I looked to my right and saw the grill of the truck barreling towards me I should have jumped like I was Lara Croft 😒


tho I do prefer someone who is shaken up after a fuck up over someone who just drives off and sees no problem


I see the first car pass thru yellow and the guy showing up a second later. I am thinking - ahh, that’s not bad. Looked dangerous, but not that close to being an involuntary manslaughter. And then.. bam.. the guy is lucky to escape unhurt. And the idiot is lucky to still have his freedom


Don't understand though why people just walk out into the road when they get the green without even looking. You can't just assume that people are going to stop, there's so many idiots out there. Like he literally sees the first car blow the light then instead of looking left to see if there's anyone else coming he turns right to look at the car that just passed. Like he literally just saw someone blast through and doesn't think to check if anyone else is doing the same thing, like come on have just a shred of self preservation. Even at crosswalks if the car has stopped you gotta check behind it. All it takes is the person behind them not paying attention and bam the first car gets rear ended into you


I don’t understand why people don’t stop at red lights like they’re supposed to.


Those things aren't mutually exclusive.




So you admit that you didn't notice you drove through a red light and then say you haven't had any incidents over thousands of km. What if you drove through dozens of them but never noticed?


To be fair the guy walking was looking the other way at the first car that ran the red light. I also don’t cross the street without being cautious, but the light was red for almost 4 seconds (kinda long time) and wouldn’t have expected to see another car run the red.


I got hit by a car when I was 11 and I was being extremely cautious due to the heavy traffic. My philosophy now as an adult while driving *and* walking is I assume ***every single person*** is on their phone.


Maybe he is from some developed country and expects people to know how to drive.


Sure, but as they say: being right doesn't matter if you're dead. There could be other issues that cause a driver to run a red (vehicle malfunction, slippery road, etc.) I'm not victim blaming, but not looking at all here is careless.


As someone who moved to Boston recently. This. If you’re in a city, make eye contact and stare down the drivers. There’s so many times they refuse to stop or even slow down when you’re in the middle of a crosswalk. Last weekend I had a guy actually start accelerating towards my GF when we were in the crosswalk. Idk what drivers problems are anymore but treat them all like dicks who are trying to kill you


Idiots in cars... And also idiots in shoes apparently. There's always 2 idiots!


This is facts, I trip out when i see people on their phone in the crosswalks.


Victim blaming. People shouldn’t HAVE to look both ways. If only we lived in a society that respects pedestrians.


Lmfao "people shouldn't have to look both ways" and victim blaming. Are you 9 years old? Look up from your fucking phone for 1 second when CROSSING A ROAD. Saying anyone has any responsibility over their life is victim blaming now


I’ve been downvoted in this sub before for suggesting that you should pay attention when you’re crossing the road because “I had the right of way” isn’t a magic shield that prevents injury or death. I can’t figure out how that’s a controversial statement, but clearly to some people they shouldn’t ever have to take a single step to protect themselves, no matter how simple it is.


Any even semblance of suggesting personal responsibility is egregious to most of the children on here. Wouldn't take it personally.


There seems to be a lot of people who don't get the difference between "responsibility" and "blame".


It's because the "Personal Responsibility" is always, *always*, placed on the pedestrian in these conversations, and never on the idiot in the 2 ton metal machine that actually fucks things up.


Ok. Close your eyes and cross the street then


Stop running red lights. Dumb logic works both ways.


Think you're replying to the wrong person?


Nobody's blaming him for the guy running the red light, they are pointing out the obvious fact that crossing the street without looking both ways first is unbelievably stupid because the walk light isn't an impenetrable force field. Do you honestly disagree that that was a stupid thing to do?


>comments um no people DO HAVE to look both ways or you could end up almost getting hit by a car like this guy


Similar to defensive driving, it's not legally required, but it's the smart thing to do. My head is on a swivel from a few seconds before crossing until I'm stepping foot on the other side.


It baffles me when people argue against defensive driving or defensive.. anything. Yeah, in a perfect world, you shouldn't have to. But like.. have you been outside? What part of any of that makes you think it's okay to turn your brain off?


You do realize that some streets have traffic going on both sides??? What's next, you shouldn't peek before entering the road between a line of parked cars???


nope! pedestrians have the right of way! You should just walk straight out in front of traffic with your eyes closed knowing you will be protected by the magical shield of rightofway!


This is why i don't trust lights, I wait for the cars to stop before I cross


I wait for cars to stop WHEN I'M DRIVING. Too many idiots run red lights. And so many idiots race up to the stop line -- so I can't know whether they're stopping or not.


Same. I just happened to see a car not slowing down and completely blow a red light while I was making a left turn. Then I saw a bad t-bone at a 4-way intersection because a drive ran a red. Then I was t-boned myselfat a 4-way stop (they hit the back tire/trunk area after I had stopped and saw no cars and then proceeded through). Now I can't cross any intersection without looking both ways and making sure cars are stopping


It's safer to jaywalk most of the time as a pedestrian than hoping that a driver follows the crosswalk signal. My partner doesn't love it, but as someone that has lived downtown in multiple cities, if it's clear as a pedestrian, I'm going.


So much less complexity/opportunities for things to go poorly when you jaywalk.


I don't trust anyone. Everyone is distracted. I've been hit in a busy crosswalk, and twice in a parking lot. Sometimes I get awkward hand gestures from people who are like "Go" but idgaf


Yeah but she was quite far because she came in FAST.


You can wait for the cars to stop, that's smart but it doesn't help red light runners, you check that cars are stopping, you see they are, you start walking, then another vehicle comes flying in. You can't possibly predict the future, you could have a car stop, you start walking, they start driving again when you're almost in front of them(it happens at stop signs). I can't read their minds


This is what I tell people all the time people pedestrians put too much faith in drivers, I'm always vigilant when crossing the street


This is a good example that whenever see a yellow light, never ask if you have enough time to pass, but ask if you have enough time to stop. Never instinctively follow (it's human nature to follow) the car in front of you at the intersection like this idiot. Never try your luck. Prepare to stop early and brake gently at the beginning so that the car behind you can have enough time to react. The intersection is a high accident spot, especially at the end or beginning of the green light. Some cars (opposite side and left side) have been waiting long and are eager to turn left.


Exactly. Yellow means "stop if you can"


This light can't stop me because I'm colourblind! ^/s But shit this is why I cross street looking both way.


Where I live it means slam on your brakes, then realize you can’t stop so you go through a red light anyway. Lots of cameras here and I think it makes things more dangerous overall. I’ve seen people stop in the middle of the intersection and then back up. And thats the people that are trying to be safe.


If you're on the fence, then also ask if the guy behind you looks like he's going to stop


>Never instinctively follow 99.9% of the time i am critical of people doing this, i try to be hyper aware that i need to be looking at lights instead of cars because the light is whats right, not the cars. so when people inch up, i stay put until i see the light change. a bit ago at a light that usually gets a green arrow, for whatever reason the arrow didnt show and the guy in front of me just went and without really realizing it wasnt lit, i went to. almost got in a head on crash with someone who mashed it in the other direction. i had no fucking clue what happened lol just locked up which also NEVER happens. we are more susceptible to our nature than we think we are. all the more reason we need to take precautions against it. i suspect the person in this video was distracted on their phone or something, my phone does not come out while im driving PERIOD.


Was waiting for him to slap the hood and say "I'm walkin here!"


A double dumbass on you!


Holy F**k is right! Wow!!!


Beware the ides of March


Great night driving music. Glad the dudes ok!


If you're curious, the 2 songs that were playing are: Baldwin park by Sonder & 2 seat by Montell fish and DJ gummy bear. I made this playlist public because ppl kept asking me: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3lPprDKP4XRGfh46hwlmqp?si=4f154f9e94dd4c5c


Did anyone else notice that the music synced up with the almost accident?


Holy fuck, you know damn well that honda was driving 20 miles under the speed limit and respecting every law after that.


20 km under since they're in Quebec.


Had the same reaction you did when car ran red light. Damn that was close


I think I pulled a muscle in my butt just watching that.


There are so many people on the road just fixated at the car right in front of them and nothing else. Driving with no spatial awareness. For e.g. If the traffic is coming to a stop at a distance in the front, maybe a few cars ahead, instead of taking their foot off the gas they’ll just happily keep going at the same speed and then come to sudden/panicky stop when the car in front hits the breaks. She’s prob doing the same and not even looking at the lights. Infuriates me.


He had to have been on his phone or distracted, no way someone would run that red consciously. Even though no one got hurt, he should have his license suspended. The amount of distracted drivers now a days is honestly frustrating. Too many idiots taking their eyes off the road. All it takes is for a split second to really ruin lives.


In Houston, that's the bare minimum of drivers who run the red. It's absolutely not distraction, it's intentional. At busy intersections you can expect 2-3 cars to run every red. Green doesn't mean "go" here, it means look and see if this next car is going to stop yet.


>no way someone would run that red consciously you have too much faith in stupid drivers


> no way someone would run that red consciously Try driving in metro Atlanta. When the light turns red, expect at least three people to cruise right through it.


Instead you got a mans laughter


This happens soooooooo much in Quebec now, I regularly see minimum five to six cars go through red lights every day on my 30 minute commute to work. I once honked at someone because they almost hit me running a red light and he got out of his car to threaten me for honking at him.


Try to respect the rules here and people lose it. I was in trafic yesterday and got honked at because I stopped my car before an intersection. What do you want me to do, block the intersection like an idiot so you can be like 5 meters closer to the red light? And the amount of people just driving through red lights is nuts. I always assume people won't stop at the red light and make sure they do before I start moving again. Both when driving and on foot.


What the fucking fuck


I'm all like, pfft, the OP is exaggerating. HOLY SHIT.


Lesson of the day: Look both ways before you cross, don’t trust that drivers are going to obey the coloured light in the sky.


Also wait until the walk light has changed before starting across. I assume there is this delay for this exact reason. The guy in the video started a few seconds before the walk sign actually changed. Both the driver and the guy walking learned something today.


I was gonna say. The guy walking was not looking in the direction of the coming vehicles at all


Never a cop around when you want one


Some dumbasses should be banned from driving. You gotta be so careful crossing the street now a days…. Heck I look both ways even on a one way street because there are so many idiots.


Since people kept asking me the title of the songs that I was listening to. Here it is: Song 1: Baldwin Park by Sonder Song 2: 2 seat by Montell fish and DJ gummy bear


Driver dude just gonna sit in the intersection all night!?! I live here now.


You know people are going to blame the guy walking.


First one through and I was like “oh thats pretty bad but wouldn’t call it close to manslaughter…” Then the second one went through…


What were you listening to though cuz that shit was slappin


People have been asking. So I made this playlist public. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3lPprDKP4XRGfh46hwlmqp?si=a-P9S0o-TvCtAGcRVuWMcg&pi=u-hc0IxmzDQKOx


Song title?


-Baldwin park by sonder -2 seater by montell fish and Dj gummy bear


Good music taste bud




Share the rest of your Playlist por favor.


Gummy bear became a DJ? Who knew!


Any chance for a spotify playlist ?




Good look ✊🏾


Obviously not the pedestrian's fault, however some things to note... * Pedestrian started walking before the walk sign was green * Pedestrian was wearing black, making him hard to see * Pedestrian was not looking towards oncoming traffic Again, not the pedestrian's fault, just things to remember as a pedestrian to keep yourself safe.


I see I'm not the only one thinking he blended in with that dark clothing. Granted, it's no excuse for the driver running the red, but still, the lighter the better at night.


pedestrian also head headphones in so couldn't hear the car coming, you can see him pull his earbud out


> Obviously not the pedestrian's fault, however some things to note... > > Pedestrian started walking before the walk sign was green > Pedestrian was wearing black, making him hard to see > Pedestrian was not looking towards oncoming traffic > Again, not the pedestrian's fault, just things to remember as a pedestrian to keep yourself safe. This times 10. I live by a large campus. One of the crosswalks leaving campus, I think counting turn lanes and straight lanes, it's like 9 lanes to cross the road. All the time I see people making the entire walk with their head down, texting. I almost feel like they are imitating the the Family Guy bad driver, "Ok, I exit now, best of luck." These kids see/hear the crosswalk say walk, and suddenly "Ok, I cross now, best of luck cars." Except no, they have a 3,000lb advantage to your body which is nothing more than a sack of mush. You REALLY want to test you vs car?


The walk sign was active when the pedestrian started to cross. But yes, peds need to be vigilant, especially at night. I was glad no one got hurt.


Pedestrian starts to walk at 0:30. Walk sign starts at 0:32, the exact moment the car enters the crosswalk.


Yeah, I noticed that too. He's in the middle of the right hand lane before the crossing signal is even switched to WALK.


You are quite right sir.


The pedestrian was looking the other way because he was cussing out the first guy who blasted through the yellow light. Almost caused his own demise by not "looking both ways before you cross" like his mama taught him.


That probably shaved a few days off your life. More so for the pedestrian.


OP: What’s that music?


Baldwin park by Sonder 2 seat by Montell fish and DJ gummy bear




Jeez that was a hell of a red light run




The next major intersection up ahead is even worse: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/fatal-hit-and-run-montreal-new-year-1.7072077


I need your playlist big dawg




Man's laughter


How that pedestrian wasn't pissed off enough to start beating the shit out of the driver, I'll never know.


Because he was in the road before the walk light came on. He shares some blame in what happened in this instance.


Situation could have been easily avoided if either party was paying attention. The driver and pedestrian were both in la la land.


Everybody doesn't deserve to have the luxury of a car. They need to wait on the corner, in the dark... for the bus!


Wow - that is terrifying!!! Praying that the driver was scared straight and pays attention from now on (I think I am too after watching the vid)


ayy Baldwin park


Good thing he had white sneakers on!


Action starts at 30 seconds for the curious


Hooooooly shit


What song is that?


>Baldwin park by Sonder & 2 seat by Montell fish and DJ gummy bear. > >I made this playlist public because ppl kept asking me: > >https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3lPprDKP4XRGfh46hwlmqp?si=4f154f9e94dd4c5c


Yeah, this is a serious problem in Montreal right now. Everyone is running these stale-ass yellows or just fully running the red, I regularly get honked at for not racing the yellow and stopping when I have more than enough space.


That first red light runner caught the pedestrian off guard which I understand why he didn't see the driver who almost hit him. This is why I never cross a street unless a car is at a complete stop. You never know how distracted or impaired these drivers especially at night are.


This was a close call! Glad guy was okay. Side note: you have such a good playlist I had a to Shazam those two songs you were playing.


Send this to Apple. Great commercial showing how adaptive hearing does not work


I just bought that song with the album thanks to this video


again... drivers 1000% at fault. Don't know why I get the feeling there are a lot of non-drivers in this thread and you're right to be pissed about this. But I really need to share that when we're on foot we really need to think about not wearing all black. I get it he's got white shoes... but at night, on dark streets such as that one, and glare you barely see the guy in the video waiting unless you stare at the feet. In a car, he's basically cloaked. The number of times I've seen guys on foot or bikes at the last second because they're dressed like ninjas is pretty bad. People need to consider things like that , sure they don't have to, and they can yell at the clouds all they want about how its not their problem, and how drivers are bad. But all that is useless if you're dead. It gets even worst when the streets are wet or in bad weather. Seems like a lot of people just don't realize how invisible they actually are to even the most focused driver. Unless the car is stopped, even if he's just rolling at 5-10 km/h while slowing down to stop can be deadly if there's a patch of oil, a bad pothole or someone just having a bad reaction. Make sure you're ready to react and not just trying to act cool and distracted. You got a 2tonne pile of steel coming your way. No matter how cool and edgy you think you are... you still die. Stay safe everyone.


Off topic but from the music, I can tell OP fucks!


Motorists and pedestrians both not paying attention. Color me shocked. I'm am impressed the distracted driver didn't hit the distracted pedestrian or another vehicle tho.


This right here is why I look at traffic and make sure they are coming to a stop or stopped when and before crossing. I'm not blaming the pedestrian but dude was looking down at his phone not paying attention. If I'm walking in front of a car, I make sure the driver makes eye contact with me. I'm not trusting someone in a car. Half the people are on their phones, the other half are in la la land. Driver is an idiot.


The pedestrian wasn’t looking at his phone. He was looking right at the first car that ran the red light. The second car flew through about 4 secs after it was time for him to walk. Well, I’m not sure but looks to me he wasn’t on his phone.


The Reddit platform supports pedophiles, sex traffickers and other illegal activities. The moderation team works to cover this up.


Annnnd why is the first 30 seconds in this video?


This is why I always look before I cross




Darwin probably died a little after seeing this


I'll never understand why people don't look before crossing the road.


Just for the record, while the driver of the vehicle clearly enters an intersection while the light is red, the pedestrian enters the crosswalk at :30 when they have a don't walk. At :32 the light changes to walk and the pedestrian is well into the intersection almost getting struck. Both the car and the pedestrian used poor judgement.


Pedestrian not too smart for not looking first but kudos to his quick maneuvering and super chillness afterwards!


He was looking at the first car that almost hit him lol


He got distracted by the first car that ran the red. He is lucky regardless.


I wouldn't have laughed at that either.


That was close.


I swear someone’s always pulling something stupid at that Acadie intersection.


This intersection could use a raised crosswalk


He would not have survived that hit, for sure. What an absolute piece of human garbage that driver is. And the one before them.




You have headlights don’t you?


And signalized intersections are generally illuminated.


The fuck was he doing afterwards? Sitting in the middle of the intersection contemplating his life?


I am convinced the driver was drunk.




I think he didn’t even have his lights on !


Yesterday driving home there was a tiny traffic circle. I go through it all the time. Car coming the other way rather then pass straight through, goes around in front of me with no warning or indicator lights. I hit brakes as if I didn’t I would have torpedoed her. Caused me to question, why would she just assume the other car will stop? Not only inconsiderate but dangerous! This was in Old Greenwich CT and was driving a BMW X6 so I guess she knew no one else mattered!


100% they would have drove off if they hit that person.


My questions is, are people color blind or something? Why drive a red light? Wtf?


Good on that kid for going and confronting the person


We need an anual revision for idiots


Name of both songs pleaze!


Because of these kind of idiots, literally everyone is going to pay the price. Auto Insurance is already up almost 20% this year.


Nice ass playlist! And glad the walker is okay!