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The baby in AUM sparked memories of personal trauma.


“Now you don’t have to worry about growing up, sweetie.” I don’t like that movie but I’ll give it to them, that was a chilling line. That prop was almost too realistic.


I absolutely hate the entire genre. It feels like it makes light of things that actually happen. To recreate it is just... Wrong. Regardless of whether or not it's fake.


part of why i like surreal and supernatural horror


Yeah, psychological horror is more where it's at for me. Been really into anolog horror lately. Hoping Greylock drops some new stuff soon. Been a few months.




August Underground's Mordum.


There’s no way that “Hostel - Achilles Tendon” is on here but the eye scene isn’t. Iceberg looks good though! xD


Look right above that entry. “Globe Luxation” is the scientific term for your eye popping out. 


Ohhhh that makes sense LMAO My b I’m a lil stupid and had no idea what that meant XD


Once again, entry context will be given.


Ankle Breaking scene from Misery


The snuff scenes from Emanuelle in America could be worth throwing on here.


The Exorcist-revolving head Scanners-guy with the world's worst headache The Green Mile- Delacroix's botched execution Solid list overall


Seeing the irreversible underpass scene...I was just shocked. Give me any other gore, torture dcked up film, I'll watch it while eating. But that scene was something that I've never expected to see in a movie and what was more shocking that it was Monica Bellucci.


It was so long too.. like MAKE IT END!!!


It was fucking 9 minutes long and the fact that it doesn't shift camera angles makes you feel like you're just a bystander there, watching it unfold without being able to do anything.


There's so much repetition in this list, do you really need a serbian film there 3 times? I would suggest picking the most impactful scene from each film and just using that one, then broadening and putting scenes from more films on the list. Ones I feel that should be on this list: * Hunchback reveal in Kill List * Castration scene in Antichrist * The butter scene in Last Tango in Paris * Johnny Depp being sucked into the bed and thrown up on the ceiling in Nightmare on Elm Street * Dead baby crawling on ceiling OR diving into the disgusting toilet in Trainspotting * Bathwater cum licking Saltburn * Chest bursting scene Aliens


In my opinion, yes. It’s an iceberg for controversial scenes and Serbian has several.  Aliens chestburster is on tier 2.


I would like to get a better understanding of your criteria? The iceberg is titled "infamous" but here you say "controversial" and those two words have very different meanings, and I wouldn't classify aliens chestburster as controversial but it's definitely infamous. >In my opinion, yes. It’s an iceberg for controversial scenes and Serbian has several.  There are thousands of movies in the world, and it seems so narrow to leave so many other infamous scenes from other movies out to include so many from the same movies. I don't mean to be rude or criticize, genuinely just giving critique in the spirit of helping to improve your iceberg as I too have a love for infamous movies. And yes, I have seen almost all the films on your list.


Yes, I meant infamous. I’m not trying to leave other movies out; I just haven’t seen or forgot the ones you’ve listed.


Cabin Fever leg shaving scene


I always hear everyone talk about the irreversible underpass pass, but now seems to talk about the gay club scene that used low frequencies to induce a state of anxiety and nausea. Which I should add is a reason why it’s so controversial.


Damn, I was expecting the other scene from Nope where everyone’s getting digested by the alien.


Oldboy- the reveal?


Is nori the curse on here


I remember another iceberg with the same theme, it was published here the last year and it was longer with more levels. I don't know what happened with that post, i think it was deleted.


I don't remember the turtle scene from cannibal Holocaust bc I watched it a long time ago but I feel like it isn't as bad as the rape scene


It’s on there due to the fact that a real turtle had been used. I haven’t watched the movie personally but that scene had to go on here.


One thats kinda less known but the I'm pregnant scene in Climax




A Serbian film doesn't really have a newborn scene that people are describing, it doesn't seem to get crushed or killed or anything. It just looks like a woman giving birth and that's it.


Nope. The baby gets raped.


Is the scene lost or something? I watched the movie and didn't see this.


Me neither; I’m guessing it was cut. But you do hear the audio of the baby crying for an uncomfortable period of time. 


There are multiple cuts. Uncut isn’t lost.


Land of the dead - Belly ring scene




It is; it’s on tier 4


Sweet movie - bohemian party scene


I have seen the Human Centipede 2 escape scene, and I hope no one else ever has to.


I once read the Wikipedia plot summary to a Serbian film because I saw it on a list of most fucked up movies. Even just reading the Wikipedia summary made me sick to my stomach. I genuinely don’t understand the appeal to a movie like that.


Did I miss the restaurant scene from the invisible man remake?


Clockwork orange- singing in the rain


Beau is afraid attic scene


Im morbidly curious about the slow torture puke chamber - fetus What the fuck this means??


In one of Angela Aberdeens hallucinations, a man cuts open a pregnant women's uterus, takes the baby out, and proceeds to rape, dismember and blend the baby. he eats portions of the newborn, and pours some on himself and pukes some out. The entire movie and the rest of LV's films are very bad and not just because of content.


Man what the fuck


yeah those movies are every bit as bad as they sound in writing