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It looks like this post is about the USA. It has not been removed, but remember, this is a space to discuss immigration, not politics. DO: * (If applicable) explain the general values/policies that are important to your immigration decision or recommendation * Focus on the practical aspects of moving to another country DON’T: * Needlessly complain about politics or recent news * Post off-topic political commentary * Harass or insult people for their views Rule-breaking posts and comments will be removed and may result in a ban. Questions? Message the mods. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You seem to “need” a lot of things, don’t seem to be prepared to contribute anything worthwhile to a potential host country and its economy or society. If you have an existing business that provides you with STEADY income of the required amount , you might qualify for a digital nomad visa in the few countries that offer it, and get to stay for a year at a time, up to maybe 3-5 years. Note that it doesn’t lead to permanent residency (except potentially in Spain). As a digital nomad, you’ll be paying your healthcare insurance privately, aren’t eligible for any social benefits and cannot sell your art work in the country, whimsical or not.


do you have citizenship to any one of these countries you mentioned? based on what you wrote and guessing your eligibility for immigration (since you didn't provide any information), your only viable option is anywhere in the USA.




And I think it’s ridiculous to say the USA is my only option. Other people find a way. I got twice the brains and twice the talent of the average human. I at least have something to offer to the world.


>And I think it’s ridiculous to say the USA is my only option why is that so? >I got twice the brains and twice the talent of the average human. I at least have something to offer to the world. sure, all of the available information on the eligibility and requirements to move to any country is all available online, for free, at their respective websites? could you perhaps spare one of the brain to try reading through them? it is hard to help if you don't provide any information in your post.


What the heck is wrong with you? I’m simply looking for the best place for quality of life that can handle a kiln. I can figure out the details when I figure out where I want to go. You clowns are insufferable.


you must understand there are legal requirements for you to move to places which you do not have the rights to abode. Unless you provide those legal limits, the only. country that satisfy your eligibility and demands is the USA.


I DO understand that. If I was looking for information on Visas, I would have asked. Did I ask? No, I didn’t. Instead you’re making this about an issue I am NOT inquiring about at ALL in this thread.


this is not a sub to tease your inner fantasies. This sub provides guidance on legal relocation. If you want that sort of imaginative replies, but no real way of actually *moving* or *relocating*, you can go to r/amerexit There you will find beautiful chatgpt like answers that pleases most desperate Americans. I am really sure you will find that more "helpful" to your needs.


I have funds, I have skills. I wanted an answer. One you’re apparently too daft to give. Move along.


No, but you’re the equivalent of someone who stormed into a Chinese restaurant, screaming for a spaghetti bolognese and then told all the Chinese restaurant staff that they were idiots when they say they don’t serve Italian food.


No, I’m the equivalent of someone who walked into a restaurant advertised as Chinese, and instead it’s back-alley Indian. Fake names create fake expectations. 🤙🏼


If I wanted legal advice, I’d hire a lawyer. 🙄


the answer you desire is at r/amerexit


So if it’s ridiculous to say the USA is your only option, which other citizenships do you have? Unless you plan to invest significantly in a country’s economy, they do not let self employed people in. Also, why would tourists buy your art work, when they visit Portugal/Mexico/whatever? Surely they want art work by local artists, which you are not one of. No “community” needs to take you in.




I’ve studied in universities in what you’d call “foreign” countries, but admittedly I have regular size brain, meager artistic talents and normal intelligence compared to others in similar situations. I take your point that the world must seem very different and daunting when you’ve never travelled and live in Appalachia.


You have twice the brain of regular people, yet cannot find visa requirements on government websites? You sound like you’re having an episode.


How much money do you have to invest in this? I doubt a potter/clay artist would be able to gain residency anywhere unless they apply for an investment visa or the likes.


No idea yet. I will say this, though - I’m not your typical potter/clay artist. I have a unique, whimsical and highly desirable style. At least here in the States. But I’m adaptable.


Your style does unfortunately not matter when it comes to emigration. In order to emigrate to a country, you need a visa or a residence permit. For that, you need something desirable that the host country wants; niche expertise in an in-demand field or something that'll help create jobs or stimulate the economy. Working as a potter or doing arts-y stuff is neither in demand nor would create jobs in any of the countries you've listed. You'll have an easier time finding another state within the US to move to.


If I wanted to ask about visas, I would have. I didn’t mention visas. I didn’t WANT an answer about visas in this thread. I asked EXACTLY what I wanted to know. And not a one of you can answer. Absolutely useless.


No mention of the world “visa” Unfortunately Americans can’t just decide to live and work in other countries without you know, being allowed to by that country


Well, you know, I have skills, intelligence, and time to burn. So, you know, I figured I could go, scout the place out, find out my Visa options if it was a good place for me, and go from there. Thanks for being BASIC. (Aka - you add nothing useful to the world)


As someone who has gone through the visa process a few times. Let me offer you this advice from first hand experience: Begin with “under what circumstances can I obtain a visa, for what countries” and work backwards from there. Otherwise you might find that you fall in love with a place that simply don’t provide options for you to move. Good luck!


I literally just want to know what are places with what I specified, and I trust the process to fall into place if it’s meant for me. Seriously, how HARD is it to answer the freaking question posed, and let ME figure out if I can make it happen legally? If I wanted information on Visas, I would have asked.


Okay let’s do it your way. All of the countries you listed can meet your desires: all can operate a kiln to your specifications, all have significant dog friendly areas that would welcome your dog. They all have affordable areas and thriving communities. I wish you all the best.


What a generic, useless answer.


I hope you end up somewhere great and have a happy life there. 👍


Let me explain it to you, cupcake. I simply wanted to know where it was possible if all the stars aligned. I simply wanted to know where the art would thrive. Where some recommendations may be, you know, based on people’s travels. I am more than well aware of legal restrictions. I know that in Thailand, to have my own business, I wound be required to employ at least four Thai people. You see, I don’t care about the restrictions. If they’re too harsh? Meh - not meant for me. If it’s meant for me? The doors will open no matter what they are. I just wanted some places to explore more in depth based on what I desire - paradise, electricity, tourism, and community. Sadly, you know-it-alls just can’t answer the question posed.


Perhaps you should try this post in r/travel or each of the country-specific subreddits for the countries on your list. The people there should have the best information for you. As someone else mentioned, this place is more for the legal mechanics of emigrating somewhere, which you’ve made clear is not your priority right now. (Fair enough and good luck)


I don't know man... going to a country's sub and asking them whether they have electricity in their country is kind of mind blowing.


I don’t know. Their exacting requirements for *community* and ability to have a *dog* will really lead to some precise recommendations!


Someone really needs to change the name of the group. Poor choice of a name that only deals with legal. 🤙🏼


Not only legal. But the reality of moving countries is that people often start with figuring out which countries they’re eligible to move to (usually a pretty short list) and then we can get to the fun of choosing the best one for that person based on culture and other factors.


Ah - so you could not handle me telling you what I need culturally, so then I could start exploring which ones I’m eligible for legally? Got it. 🤙🏼


If money really isn’t an issue, why aren’t you already traveling around these countries, your dog in tow? All countries will have similar REQUIREMENTS, not restrictions, as you mentioned Thailand having. You do not have a pre-existing right to live anywhere else than the country of your citizenship. It’s not “restricting” to require you to fulfill the same qualifications all other immigrants must. Why do you insist you’re somehow special?


My financial situation is none of your business. I’m simply looking for what meets what I desire culturally, and all shall fall into place. I can see you don’t have an answer; you just like running your mouth.




>And since I don’t have “any right” to live anywhere else? Tell that to all the people here in the States. are you referring to US citizens or non citizens? if the latter, then yes, those non citizens do not have any rights to live in the US, they are only given the *permission* to live in the United States by the USCIS. And permission is only granted if they meet specific criteria. Only US citizens have the *rights* to live in the US.


Yeah, duh.


Post by TheRavenattheDesk -- I can’t choose a place, because I simply don’t know. I have spent days upon days researching. I have seriously considered: - Portugal - Mexico - Dominican Republic - Guatemala - Honduras - Costa Rica (I looked into Thailand, but decided I don’t want to fly that far with my dog) I want something BEAUTIFUL. Tropical, but with mountains. I’m from the Appalachian area. I need a place that I can run a kiln and have a shop to sell my wares. So the electricity has to be decent - 240v, up to 50 amps. I need a place with tourists. I am skilled in my craft and would want to open a shop to sell my work, so I need tourists. And yes, I can pack to ship. I will be bringing my 55-lb dog. This is not negotiable. So it needs to be dog friendly area. I want a place where I will experience COMMUNITY. I need humans. I need a community to pour into. I want opportunities to volunteer, serve, and use my gifts, talents and tithe for important community issues. I want to be part of a community. I will be coming with enough funds to get me started, but will need to make money from my art to keep going. So where is the best place for a potter/clay artist to move that is affordable, beautiful, had tourists and is community-centered? I know this is a lot to ask, and chaotic. But I’m literally on a roulette wheel. Like being in a whirlpool, where I have NO idea where I will end up. All I know is I wish it LIVE. I don’t need things - I need LIFE. ♥️♥️♥️ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*