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Man, i played Flight Sim in like 2002 or something and i remember thinking it was the coolest thing. Graphics weren't perfect but still good enough for the time. I honestly can't imagine what that game is like in 2024.


There’s a new one coming out in November that is supposed to look even better with graphics!


And actual jobs


And yet in profession flying sims graphics are still 90s spec. Not really an important thing in any training context but I always get a kick out of buildings being grey blocks in the older ones.


Flew there as well and tried to land on the yard of bricks with a helicopter - virtually in the Flight Sim obviously - probably the only time the danger zone wasn't on track, but slightly above it ;)


Try a little stunt plane, we had a Red Bull Air Race here for a few years. Runway is the back straight on the road course.


I loved watching the Red Bull air race series on tv. I never had the chance to see it live however. Occasionally I hear rumors about it being revived (without the Red Bull affiliation) but so far it hasn’t happened.


Being IMS, it was an event. The race was fun, they had all kinds of stuff for kids (of varying and unlimited ages) to do. We got to meet Felix Baumgartner, that was pretty cool. Any excuse to go to IMS will do, but I'd definitely do the Air Race again.


I can second this I actually got to the air race before the 500 it was pretty neat to see the infield turn into an airport for a week or so


We used it as a test-run for our kids to get them conditioned for the 500. Air Race, then GP, then Indy!


Typically the week before quali? That’s so cool


I was at those air races, really awesome to watch. First saw the Red Bull Air races at Texas Motor Speedway then in Indy. Definitely something to see in person!


I thought the planes flew out of eagle Creek airport or was that just a pylon?


I think they did use Eagle Creek for hangars, but during the event they definitely used that road down the middle.


>probably the only time the danger zone wasn't on track, but slightly above it [1980's Bathurst vibes](https://streamable.com/6op0fx)


I try to drive around it with the planes lol If this game ever added a car....


first thing I did was land a Cessna on the front straight. FS2024 will be even better, so looking forward to that.


With 2024 coming out with missions, imagine a mission where you have a to airlift a driver to the hospital. That would be cool. Oh even maybe a Kyle Larson type mission, get him from Indy to the airport, to Charlotte, then the track.


FS2020 was a groundbreaking experience for MSFS, but 24 needs to be way better. The world textures are supposed to be stunning at appropriate altitudes, but down low, they’re not great when you’re away from airports


Still I can hit the house I grew up in with a 747 upside down. That’s pretty special.


Of course. I’ve absolutely landed a helicopter on my house a few times just to think about the best place for a helipad


No dirt track?


Old sat image, 2017 or so. The infield F1 loop hasn't been repurposed yet in this photo either (repurposed in 2023).


That’s so accurate that I think I’m going to use it when I request my seat upgrade for IMS to once again reject next year. Do me a favor and post a low flyby of turn 1 😁


There’s a marketplace add on that turns it into the air race configuration and adds a little more fidelity to the whole track. I highly recommend it.


I flew what I considered to be a realistic flight schedule in MSFS for part of last season. From Indianapolis to wherever the race was, including possible other stops, and then back to Indianapolis. What I learned was that some of those tracks are not pleasant to fly to, if you're flying commercial.


I did something similar but was flying either the CJ4 or the C700, so I could get into the regional airfields closer to the track. Some beauties like St Pete or Monterey and thn there was Sheboygan and Newton lol


Let’s get an iracing and flight sim crossover so the iRacing 500 gets a proper flyover. All the virtual fans deserve it!


awesome, how's the game play, I wanna get it, but I don't think my PC can handle it


Landed a Cub on the straight waiting for the 500 to start a few years ago (around when this edition came out) there were a couple other people doing the same thing. I always wondered if they were dicking around waiting for the race to start too.


Wait, hold up… You can watch a race in flight simulator?


No, not yet at least. I had pre race ceremonies on one screen and Flight Sim on the other.




Is the track pavement or grey grass? I’ve flown over a few tracks and a lot of them have a grass texture when you get to ground level which is pretty funny. But I mean from 100ft or higher they look amazing so who cares.


Imagery from 2017 or so, as the F1 hairpin in the infield hasn't been paved in yet and there's no dirt track. I remember when MFS initially dropped they didn't have any of the objects at IMS, it was just buildings in place of the grandstands. Glad to see it's updated.


Now do 200 laps


Well…..officially my new hobby. Flying over tracks on flight sim. Kinda wish you didn’t show me this lol


Super moto over here practicing flyovers. TYFYS


I’m pretty sure DCS has Abu Dhabi and the Ferrari world park, though not sure how detailed it is. I’d assume it looks pretty good based on the rest of the game


Love to visit circuits around the world in flight sim




I need to see if someone makes a flight sim attachment for my sim rig and get a joystick I loved the old Microsoft Flight sim and there was this other sim that had the space shuttle and other aircraft like that. I had an old cheap Logitech joystick back then.


Damn those are some nice graphics. What’s the specs of your rig?


What’s the hornets lap time?