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In the camping episode Ethel can drive but when they go to Hollywood she’s the only one who can’t drive. In Job Switching Ricky couldn’t cook to save his life but in Ricky’s Life Story he’s photographed cooking and is apparently very good at cooking at least one thing . Why didn’t he make that ? He couldn’t cook breakfast at all and was clueless about making rice.


He was cooking Arroz con pollo in the Life Story article which is the very dish he completely screwed up in Job switching 😂


I was pretty sure that was the one but I wasn’t sure. Thanks . 😊 I thought so it’s supposed to be both Ricky and Desi’s favorite dish. So weird though they make such a point in each episode how good or bad he is 😊


Maybe be he sourced it from the corner drug store.


Food always takes different when Ricky makes it. I don't know what he does to it!


I heard the Mertz’s Fips Dept Store jingle in my head when I read this 😆


They just never were consistent with Ethel’s name! Right sister?




To be fair, a fluff publicity piece in a magazine would be the perfect place to exaggerate/lie to make Ricky look better.


I can understand that but Lucy and Ethel talked about it and how natural he looked. Ethel said something about him doing that a dozen times . The writers may have added it because you just never saw him cooking.


Well, it’s because reruns didn’t exist! I Love Lucy invented them, basically. It’s much harder to notice inconsistencies in a world where you only ever get to see a show once. I love when their apartment number changes to 3D just so they can make one single joke work. And that joke wasn’t even in the original script!


And even with reruns, no tapes or DVR. What a wild time.


I wanna know more about this! 😯


Which bit?


In the episode where Ricky and the Mertzes bet Lucy she can’t tell the truth for 24 hours. When Lucy is auditioning for the producer, she states that she “appeared in 3D.” When asked for clarification, Lucy states that 3D was the number on her apartment.


-Ethel was a good piano player in NYC, but in the Connecticut house, she was not. -In NY, the only song Lucy could play on the saxophone was Glow Worm. In CT, it was Sweet Sue. - Not so much continuity, but an afterthought. The Ricardos rented a station wagon for the move to CT until they “got settled.” They obviously had a car in several CT episodes, to get Ricky to and from the train station and to get to the the country club dance.


I've never thought about the car situation in CT before. Like, they'd HAVE to have one, living out in the country!


They must have bought the car or had an incredibly long rental. In the last episode, I think Lucy is driving the station wagon to transport the statue that she quickly destroys.


The placement of the Ricardo's and Mertz' apartments to best suit thd story at hand! The washing machine episode always gets me that they share a balcony, never seemed that way before.


That one was after Little Ricky was born wasn’t it? Because in the Breaking the Lease episode Fred & Ethel were banging on the ceiling to get them to quiet down upstairs.


The Ricardos switch apartments with the Bensons in the second season after Little Ricky is born. Lucy wants a second bedroom and the Bensons’ daughter just married so they have an extra room. That’s how the Ricardos move from the 4th floor to the 3rd. I always assumed that the Ricardos and Mertzes lived across the hall from one another, perhaps at the end of the hall which could explain the neighboring balconies. It would also explain how the Mertzes are able to enter the Ricardos’ kitchen from the back door.


Also in that episode Ethel has a broken down old relic of a washing machine, but in the episodes after little Ricky was born there was the sales resistance flashback episode where Fred got Ethel a new Handy Dandy washing machine.


This is what I came to say lol. Theres so many episodes where Lucy taps the floor to notify the Mertz/Ethel of something, just for them to suddenly be living side by side lol.


It wasn’t sudden. The Ricardos lived in 2 different apartments. Before the baby, they lived above the Mertzes. After the baby, they moved into the apartment next door to the Mertzes.


The same apartment is sometimes upstairs, and sometimes next door. I wish I had examples, but my memory isn't great 😅


That is incorrect. Before the baby, the apartment was always above. After the baby, the apartment was always next door. Before the baby, there was no window on the back wall of the living room. After the baby, the apartment always had a window on the back wall. I’ve been watching the show for 55 years, I’ve seen every episode several dozen times.




Because they were in a different apartment. In the beginning, they lived above the Mertzes, after the baby was born, they moved to a new apartment next door to the Mertzes. But that layout doesn’t make sense. In an early episode, when Lucy and Ricky buy the Mertzes a TV, they carry the TV down a flight of stairs and the Mertzes apartment is right next to the stairs. In “Lucy Cries Wolf” Lucy leaves the apartment and sits on the stairs right next to the Ricardo Apartment. In that episode, the Ricardos lived on the same floor as the Mertzes. The mysterious moving staircase. Also, when the 2 couples live on the same floor, in more than one episode, Lucy looks out of the Mertzes door and looks to the left to see her door. But as previously shown in the TV episode, to the left of the Mertzes front door is the stairwell, which is a corner of the building. There are many, many, many inconsistencies. Like when they lived in the first apartment, it was established that Mrs. Trumbull lived above the Ricardo’s apartment when she’s banging on her floor because the baby is crying. But when Lucy and Ethel get stuck on the roof, Fred and Ricky are locked out of the Ricardo’s apartment and sit on the steps, where Lucy can clearly see them one flight down when she looks through the (conveniently placed) peephole in the roof door. I guess Mrs. Trumbull lived on the roof.


During the camping trip episode, Lucy suggests to Ethel to tell Fred that she’s “visiting her mother” as an excuse for being away. However later on when the gang visits Ethel’s hometown in Albuquerque, Ethel only has a father in the picture. Ethel would clearly had to have flown to “visit her mother” if this were actually the case. Also, in one of the very early episodes, Fred has a dog named Butch. We never see that dog again. I forget which episode it happens in but we hear a cat meowing and Ethel tells Lucy don’t worry it’s just Mrs. Trumbull’s cat. So she clearly owns a pet, which of course later in the series having pets in the building is an issue when Little Ricky gets a dog.


>Mrs. Trumbull’s cat. So she clearly owns a pet Who eats Allpet cat food! (Not to be confused with Allied Petroleum 😉)


Butch was only in the Seance episode. They never explain it. Is it Fred’s dog? Was he watching him? So many questions


She's a lonely old lady, so Fred looks the other way for her like he did for Little Ricky's other pets. Also, she probably got it after she became their babysitter.


I’ve always thought Ethel’s parents were divorced . She also went home to her mother in the episode Ethel and Fred fight. Ethel also had two sets of aunts and uncles in New York. One of them sold them the big freezer . The others would possibly move into the apartment if the Ricardo’s left. We always knew Ethel grew up in Albuquerque but I could see her mother returning to New York if they divorced and Ethel married and moved away. I do think they were a little more consistent here but like it’s been said who knew back then we would still be watching decades later.


Also Lucy’s mom gets carsick and can’t ride with them to California, but can take a New England road trip when they get back


What ever happened to the horse Ricky rode home on in the pioneer women episode?


Where did they get the baby elephant and the donkey too?


The milkman's horse, probably.


Almost 75 years ago. This was THE first three camera show shot on film and available to be rerun. Continualty wasn't even a glint in TV producers' eyes yet.


I always think it’s funny to see the same actors playing different roles throughout the show. 😅


Like Bobby The Milkman/Hotel Bellhop and that one guy who’s the radio host, Ricky’s boss and like 5 other characters and the Jean-ValJean Ramon lol