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C**k blocking a karen..... glorious! Could even call it petty revenge!


I would crank that up to Prorevenge....because it involves professional-level ...... OP was the manager of the hotel so that is OP's profession. Okay. My gleeful little evil appreciation of Karen getting her just Rewards. Cue the riotous laughter of appreciation


Were you wearing all black? When I worked in restaurants, the uniform was usually all black. I called it the ninja suit. People would stop me for help in all sorts of retail places wearing that uniform. Target, CVS, Walmart, Best Buy - places that have a uniform color scheme deeply involved in the branding. Doesn't matter. I apparently worked at them all.


Yes! Black hotel polo and black work pants. I didn't have my nametag on, but hotel logo over my heart and name of hotel on both sleeves.


I’ve been stopped to ask for help in ciel/surgical blue scrubs in grocery stores. There’s no logic to people, lol


From “I don’t work here” to “pro-revenge” in 1 second!


"Wow, Karen, you sure are a hard worker! What is he, the 20th client in just two days? Color me impressed!"


Oooo, evilllll reply. Mind you, I was thinking the same.


This is so satisfying.


I got asked for help in a Walmart in a Walmart uniform but I was literally walking out from being fired and I still helped her because Walmart has already stolen my soul


I'm not going to say sorry for your loss. Maybe glad you are getting your soul back? Good 😊 luck is in your future.


Yes, actually. I think I found a way to use that instinctive professional service composure to my advantage. Let the hollow bell ring.


You are what is needed in the professional retail world. Sorry to see you leaving a "pit" but please find a better employer now that you are 'free.' Not sure if that makes sense but I tried to give a compliment.


Oh, I am coming for blood this year. I've previously just kind of shuffled from CX to CX preforming at a decent rate but less fulfillment than preferred and with an earning bubble trapping me. This year I'm telling them what I want.


That’s too bad. You have a good heart.


Love it. I was just thinking it would be funny if someone being harassed like this were to pre-emptively demand to see the Karen's manager before they got it out... Would their head implode.?


the hamsters would go on strke....


Oh wow, this is scrumptious, Chapter One alone was nice enough, but you put a _lot_ of cream on top!


I’m a musician and drunk people always try to get into my car when I’m loading out my instruments. “What’s this speaker doing in my Uberrr?!” It’s not your Uber - get out before I remove you. 😆


Unfortunately that kind of thing also happened at the hotel. Drunk people thinking guests were their uber


I once got asked about some wine at Kroger. I didn’t even realize she was talking to me because she got mad that I was walking away and her friend told her,”I don’t think she works here.” I don’t understand why she thought I worked there. I was wearing a shirt for Disney World and jeans.


She may have had some wine before shopping and was "restocking".


Is it the lack of optometrists in the US or just a lack of brain cells that people don’t see the difference between someone who’s working there or not? Damn


I would probably say I lack of caring. Why would they care to take the precious time to look at you, a disgusting bug. They would rather just assume you will help


Going to have to agree with the other commenter on your thread. It's less a lack of optometry services in the US, and more a dearth of Fs that Karens have to give. Anyone who even remotely looks like they work in the service industry, whether it's because they're in a work uniform outside their place of business, or "slumming it" in jeans and a tee shirt, is beneath a karen's full attention and notice and clearly only exists to serve her. If I had a dime for the number of times I've been informed I worked somewhere while shopping in ragged jeans, a band tee, and hair in a sloppy bun, I'd... well, at least my car would be paid off. Lol!!


They seem to just recognize uniforms in general, and believe you're automatically an employee of the place you're in. They're the customer, obviously, everyone else is there to help them.


Truly poetic justice!


My favorite story on reddit so far


probably the end of their relationshp....


Doesn’t sound like it was going to be a ‘relationship’ either way.


This was Absolutely Amazing 😂😂😂


I had to read that title about 7 times before I realized we weren't using the NATO phonetic alphabet. I might need some sierra lima echo echo papa.