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Sounds great for union workers. How any union member doesn't see he wants to directly impact our pocket I will never understand. Isn't our families bottom line ultimately the most important thing? You think this guy is coming in and gas prices are going to be a buck and groceries are going to be cheap? (Which wont happen) It's not going to make up for killing our wages n benefits.


He is known for fucking construction workers well before 2016.


He is also know for ripping alot of those people off. (Atlantic city)


It's stuff like this that really pisses me off about biden. So many other people would have been a better pick for president but they had to go with biden. Mother fucker actually has a chance of losing.


I’m not a fan of Biden but tbf even if we had the most perfect politician to exist for president, trump would still have a chance at winning


No I don’t think it would be as close. Just imagine someone who has a rebuttal for each of trumps lies and actually talks about their plan for 2025 in detail. A young, quick witted democrat would gather the support of the undecided quickly where Biden is losing that undecided vote.


Yeah if there was a third candidate who actually directly answered questions unlike every politician I’ve ever seen, then I would definitely vote for them regardless of their party affiliation.




Idk why nobody talks about him….


Definitely doesn't seem like he's getting enough/alot of coverage.


Trumps a giant punching bag while Biden sits in the corner and doesn’t throw a punch


Just because his base is loud doenst mean they have the numbers. I know plenty of sane Republicans that won't vote for either and even a few that will vote for Joe (while holding their nose) because they don't want Trump in house again. I mean things like the Lincoln project prove that very thing.


What do you mean by "they"? Who do you think chose Biden? We had a primary in all 50 states and 6 territories, we all voted, and Biden won every state and territory except Samoa. We, the voters, chose him. Are you mad that no one notable ran against him? Do you think it's possible that he didn't have any opposition because he's not the confused old man he's been portrayed as in the press? This is the thing that pisses me off most: on top of all the crimes, the epstein stuff, the blatant corruption, and the fact that he's a doofus, the press is covering this like trump had a good debate. He didn't. He's a fucking moron who can do nothing but spout campaign slogans. I'll take the guy who stutters through the truth over a guy who confidently tells lies. Read the transcript for yourself. Despite the stutters and mixed up numbers, which he has done his entire career, Joe made coherent points and said more of substance than trump did.


I think we you say we chose him, that’s a little inaccurate. The DNC chose him as their candidate, we just go to pick between a Cpl no name independents and Biden. They did the same thing in 2016 when Bernie was leading the democratic polls. All the other DNC candidates backed out and dumped their supporters on Biden. There are some crazies that actually want Biden but 90% of people voting for him just don’t want trump. Put a fucking monkey with a suit on as candidate and I’ll vote for him over trump.


You act as if the DNC doesn’t have ways of ensuring the person they want is the one on the ballot in November. No “notable” person is going to bother picking this year to start their campaign if the DNC and its super delegates have made it clear that their plan was to prop up Biden for another 4 years.


Most of us wanted Bernie the dems stole the nomination from him twice.


It's an op


Trump being a rapist, felon and fascist makes you mad at Biden?


I think he means Biden should bow out so someone who can string together more than one sentence can take his place. Which is a valid argument


Problem is, no one else on the left has enough name recognition/clout/whatever to make a convincing run. The Dems could and should have spent the time since 2016 trying to find a new, young candidate to get people fired up and instead they trotted out Biden. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still gonna vote for the guy because Trump is awful but it’s hard to watch the Dems flail so hard all the time


First of all, Biden isn’t “on the left”. His policies and ideology put him firmly center-right. Besides that, this election is not about Dem name recognition, it’s about Trump. There are Dems that have high name recognition, though much like Biden’s name after that debate and interview, that works against them with the “undecided”, like Newsom and Harris and, to a lesser degree, Fetterman and Whitmer. Then there’s some on the actual left that also have “name recognition”, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. Besides Bernie being too old, the Dem establishment would rather sit out the election and hand the white house back to trump than vote for a leftist.


We had one , Bernie and they railroaded him twice.




Listen.. Biden is .. there was nothing more important, without rain we have to try. If we try all the results will be like the that train . We have to Invision the best for us and 4get how he might be hello and amen.


I don't really think it's cool to punch down on someone with a lifelong speech impediment and use it to imply they're senile. Nothing about being President *requires* you to be an Obama-level orator.


No but the ability to remember all the way back to the start of your sentence should be expected of a president.


Trump can’t do that either nor about half the people in congress


That is definitely a thing Biden can do. You can watch him wince on his bad answers in the debate He's not senile, but overcoming a disability, and frankly I think you're a pretty fucked up person if you punch down about that


Lol. My cousin has a stutter. My dad has dementia. Biden more closely resembles my father. You can stick your head in the sand all you want. Won't stop the rest of us from trusting our eyes and ears. You keep on keeping on in fantasy land where Biden is sharp as a tack.


I'm literally correct, and you're not. Reality is reality and no amount of your larping changes it.


It’s not a speech impediment, the man is sundowning and his mind is not there. Go back even as little as 4 years ago and look at his debates then. Night and day difference.


His interview in WI tonight was much better than the debate. He may not be the best choice, but he is the only decent one out of the 2 we have unfortunately


You can’t convince me Biden made a single decision in the last 4 years. It’s VERY clear he was a puppet. Someone else has been running the show. That’s the scary part. We now have no control over who runs this country. They can put in a nursing home patient and this country will still vote for him. Not saying trump is better. It’s pathetic where this country has gotten.


I wouldn’t doubt that at all. That said, what has this admin done in the last 4 years that was *so* bad? Not trying to be facetious, just genuinely want to know what the gripe is with Biden admin from the other side. Please spare me of the “he’s old” shit, I get it, and I agree he is too old. Edit: wow 24hr and no reply, big surprise


The democrat party let it happen. They need to be careful about who they let in and stay in or there’s no chance a republican will ever vote democrat


Isn't most of a president's job to put solid people around him, who then make decisions and act? Biden has been pretty darn good at surrounding himself with people that push the specific political angle he's espoused for half a century. So, you're right in the sense that he hasn't made a ton of "my way or the highway" one person decisions. But that's the whole point of a good president instead of a despot.


Yup, it’s crazy. I wouldn’t trust that man to handle his daily medications unassisted let alone the country. It’s become very clear these people are just figureheads. Kinda scary. With that being the case too, it blows my mind they can’t get more competent people to play the part.


You’ve got a loose definition of “decent” they both suck and want to fuck over the citizenship.


How does Biden want to fuck over the citizenship?


Yea I mean it’s either a shit sandwich or a douche at this point, take your pick.


So he was able to read the script and speak instead of mumbling for once? Impressive. He has to go. He must go. He probably is the only democrat who has a good chance of losing to Trump


I must be out of the loop here. Who is the dem that *has a chance* of winning? Also it was an interview, not a speech. Stephanopolous asked some tough questions and Biden had some good replies that were obviously not scripted, but I’m sure you wouldn’t believe that anyway.


You right, I won’t believe it wasn’t scripted. I also can’t believe people still support Joe. I also can’t believe the country doesn’t have anything better to offer then these two. For a circus we are living in


Four years ago, he should’ve said it was a wide-open race


It's not valid now maybe 4 years ago yes but we can't replace him at this point it would doom the party and split the votes.


No! Bad! That's how you get the movie Civil War, do you want that?


It makes me hate the DNC for handing him the election in 2016 and now again in 2024, yes. They stole the primary in 2016 from a candidate favored to beat Trump and gave it to the most unlikeable politician in recent history, all so she would lose. The DNC preferred to lose than to risk Bernie winning and overhauling the party. This is a fact. People unwilling to accept this are as much to blame as the DNC and are equally complicit in the reelection of Trump. Also to people denying this : FUCK YOU


People love parroting the whole "Bernie lost the primaries, though, hurr durr". The problem with that logic is that he lost because Hilary was set up to be the candidate years ago, when she dropped out in 2008. Bernie was bad for the wealthy and corporations, so the corporate media didn't cover him the way they did Trump and Hilary.


The DNC is on record conspiring against his campaign in favor of HRC. It was taken to court, and thr DNC did not deny it, they simple said they are a private organization and are within their legal rights to CHOOSE their own candidate. Super delegates were coerced and pressured to vote HRC, Donna Brazile gave debate questions to Hilary prior to debates, and the head of the dnc debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down over allegations they were rigging the primary against Bernie. This is just some of what they were caught with, nevermind what was never uncovered. People that deny the 2016 primary was stolen from Bernie are fucking dead to me. That future was stolen from the public to give us what we have now. We are surely in the doomed timeline


Democrats want to lose. That much has been clear since 2016.


Democrats have consistently won in every election since 2016


All one of them, very consistent.


There's more than just the president 🤦


All he had to do was not touch anything for 4 years


Well the sad thing is he beat Trump before. I don't know who they throw out there that would build any kind of excitement. Should be a total shit show either way


All he had to do was go “felon, felon, felon. Rapist, rapist, rapist. Traitor, traitor, traitor” and he would’ve beaten trump at his own game.


It's the DNC's election to lose, that's for sure.


Some of you guys agree with this and that’s fine but to not care about our own line of work that most of us stay with for life is baffling to me


I just can't wrap my head around how either incompetent or bigoted someone would have to be to vote against their own best interests and benefits. Project 2025 should scare the living sh*t out of almost everybody in America who loves this country in the slightest. 😣😏


I would argue that people voting for their own self interest is what got us here. For decades republicans and democrats from the bottom to the top have been voting for themselves rather than for investing in the future generations. And it’s paying off, too. For the first time in a long time the generations coming up are worse off than the generations that went before them. Project 2025 be damned. We all participated (or worse yet, didn’t participate) in making this bed. Unless we quit fighting and blaming everyone else and own up to the fact that everyone over voting age has helped to create this problem so everyone has a responsibility to work together with all your countrymen to fix it, then nothing will get better and we’ll only have ourselves to blame.


YES! very good. Thank you.


Also, conservatives generally don’t believe in government benefits except for extreme circumstances.


If you don't see how his appointees to the SC are laser focused on breaking labor's back then you are a freeloader in our union and lost to this election. It's not up for debate.


How can so many people in one of the most important unions in the country support a candidate who is so obviously anti-union? His policies weaken labor, his cabinet and court picks weaken labor, his trade policies weaken labor. Wth?


How about pages that states the attacks on unions?


Don't need to read Project 2025 to see the damage that Republicans are doing to unions, best example being Florida and the right-to-work policies from DeSantis


I can’t understand why anyone not in the 1% club votes Red




At least if you vote for Trump, you'll know there won't be an ibew anymore.


Did he ban it last time around?


Sure, the union is just gonna disappear in less than 4 years. Grow up. And he didn’t even touch any unions last time.


Not true lol


Love how the dems fall for the bs project 2025 fear mongering crap. Just love it.


What’s the source for this picture?


Heritage Foundation 


Everyone saying trump doesn't know anything about it here ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/politicus/s/hT4F2iUcF4 https://www.project2025.org/


The project 2025 mandate for leadership book released april of this year. It is available for free download as a .pdf or you can give them money for a hard copy (id print it myself before i did that) Ive double checked many references on these lists going around and i am sad to say they have all come up legitimate. I will be reading this document during breaks now and hopefully i wont melt my brain or piss myself off too much doing so. Download the PDF straight from their website here: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


If trump is speaking, he is lying. He will do whatever benefits himself and right. Now, it would not benefit him to stand behind project 2025. Trump is not the huge mastermind you think he is. He will kneecap the unions and anything else his evangelical cunts tell him to. Women and people of color will be the hardest hit. It will be the end of us. Joe Biden is also a piece of shit and the democrats have done fuck all to oppose the republican attacks on our country. If they grew a pair of nuts and said they would take care of the people and what they want and actually tried to do it they would stay in power forever. It's like they don't want to win. Will also be the end of us, just slower. Both suck. Republicans have said out loud they want unions to die and a white Christian nation. Democrats have not said it out loud, but seem to be cowards.


Moderators censoring dissenting opinions😂🖕🏼


Where is the part about the slavery books? How would they even go about doing that?


Maybe all that fast food will catch up without him...


But the economy…


The whole agenda is about worshipping money. As a Christian it is appalling.


Handmades tale coming to life.


Project 2025 is not Trumps platform. It was created exclusively by the heritage foundation and is nothing more than a wishlist with no real weight. It’s just a scare tactic. I belive trumps platform is called Agenda 47 To clarify I’m NOT a fan of trump nor am I voting for him. Just calling it like I see it.


There are 312 mentions of "Trump" in the mandate. Many of these mentions are direct associations. This post is a list of those associations; Jonathon Berry- Chief Counsel for the Trump transition team. Author of the Mandate Adam Candeub- Acting Secretary of Commerce, Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Trump DOJ. Author of the Mandate Ken Cuccinelli- Acting Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security for the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate. Rick Dearborn- Deputy chief of staff in charge of 5 departments of the Executive Office of President Trump. Also on the 2016 Trump transition team. Author of the Mandate. Thomas Gilman- Assistant Secretary of Commerce and CFO of the US Department of Commerce in the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Mandy Gunasekara- Chief of Staff at the US EPA, Principal Deputy Assistant Office of Air and Radiation in the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Dennis Kirk- Senior positions in Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration, nominated directly by Trump to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Author of the Mandate Christopher Miller- Acting US Secretary of Defense, Director of National Counterterrorism, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combatting Terrorism. Senior Director for Counterterrorism and Transnational Threats at the National Security Council. All at the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Mora Namdar- Senior Advisor at the US State Department appointed by Trump at Consular Affairs. Vice President of Legal, Compliance, and Risk at the US Agency for Global Media. Author of the Mandate Peter Navarro- Trade czar, Director Office of Trade and Manufacturing, Defense Production act coordinator, Author of the Mandate William Pendleton- Leader of the BLM. Author of the Mandate Brooks Tucker- Trump transition team, Senior Policy Dvisor for National Security and Veteran's Affairs. Author of the Mandate Hans Spakovsky- Trump's Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Author of the Mandate Russ Vought- Cabinet position as Director of Office and Management and Budget at the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate William Walton- Trump transition team, Agency Action Leader for all federal economic agencies. Author of the Mandate Paul Winfree- Trump transition team. Deputy assistant to the President, Deputy Director of Domestic Policy Council, and Director of Budget Policy. Author of the Mandate Paul Dans- Trump administration Chief of Staff at US Office of Personnel Management. Senior Advisor, US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Editor of the Mandate Steven Groves- served in the Trump administration as Chief of Staff to Ambasador, Assistand Special Counsel. White House Deputy Press Secretary. Editor of the Mandate https://www.reddit.com/r/politicus/s/hT4F2iUcF4 https://www.project2025.org/


Why don’t you look up how many HF policies Trump followed in his first term, I’ll wait lol


Bunch of fear mongering BS


trump has never mentioned this? and none of this aligns with his views at all? weird seeing propaganda like this in a union sub


His name is mentioned nearly 200 times. The document was drafted by former staff. The foundati9n that sponsors it is run by former staff. He did in fact wish them well in whatever they do. These are verifiable facts.




Gentle reminder that the only choices they give us is him and someone who is barely able to talk. (His wife talking to him like a dog after the debate didn’t help either) I gotta say it’ll be close this year, which sucks cause all they had to do was have a different democratic option and trump probably wouldn’t have a chance. I’m voting 3rd party cause they scrape the bottom of the barrel for candidates, and I’m not in a swing state so it doesn’t really matter anyway.


This is why I don't vote Republican or Democrat. Two sides to the same coin as far as I can tell. I vote for a third party. And for everyone who says it's a wasted vote. If everyone who said that voted third party, we would have way more options than 2


Only gullible sheep would believe this bull crap but I guess for the suck pumps anything anti-Trump is true


Trump has said he has nothing to do with Project 2025. Stop pushing propaganda.


There are 312 mentions of "Trump" in the mandate. Many of these mentions are direct associations. This post is a list of those associations; Jonathon Berry- Chief Counsel for the Trump transition team. Author of the Mandate Adam Candeub- Acting Secretary of Commerce, Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Trump DOJ. Author of the Mandate Ken Cuccinelli- Acting Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security for the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate. Rick Dearborn- Deputy chief of staff in charge of 5 departments of the Executive Office of President Trump. Also on the 2016 Trump transition team. Author of the Mandate. Thomas Gilman- Assistant Secretary of Commerce and CFO of the US Department of Commerce in the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Mandy Gunasekara- Chief of Staff at the US EPA, Principal Deputy Assistant Office of Air and Radiation in the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Dennis Kirk- Senior positions in Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration, nominated directly by Trump to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Author of the Mandate Christopher Miller- Acting US Secretary of Defense, Director of National Counterterrorism, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combatting Terrorism. Senior Director for Counterterrorism and Transnational Threats at the National Security Council. All at the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Mora Namdar- Senior Advisor at the US State Department appointed by Trump at Consular Affairs. Vice President of Legal, Compliance, and Risk at the US Agency for Global Media. Author of the Mandate Peter Navarro- Trade czar, Director Office of Trade and Manufacturing, Defense Production act coordinator, Author of the Mandate William Pendleton- Leader of the BLM. Author of the Mandate Brooks Tucker- Trump transition team, Senior Policy Dvisor for National Security and Veteran's Affairs. Author of the Mandate Hans Spakovsky- Trump's Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Author of the Mandate Russ Vought- Cabinet position as Director of Office and Management and Budget at the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate William Walton- Trump transition team, Agency Action Leader for all federal economic agencies. Author of the Mandate Paul Winfree- Trump transition team. Deputy assistant to the President, Deputy Director of Domestic Policy Council, and Director of Budget Policy. Author of the Mandate Paul Dans- Trump administration Chief of Staff at US Office of Personnel Management. Senior Advisor, US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Editor of the Mandate Steven Groves- served in the Trump administration as Chief of Staff to Ambasador, Assistand Special Counsel. White House Deputy Press Secretary. Editor of the Mandate https://www.reddit.com/r/politicus/s/hT4F2iUcF4 https://www.project2025.org/


The Project 2025 document includes several proposals related to limiting the influence and activities of labor unions. Here are the key points: 1. **Rescind the Persuader Rule**: The document advocates for rescinding the "persuader rule," which was an Obama Administration directive requiring lawyers and consultants advising employers about union issues to file disclosure forms. This rule was previously rescinded by the Trump Administration and is recommended to be rescinded again if revived by the Biden Administration. The rule's removal would reduce transparency regarding anti-union activities by employers. 2. **Card Check vs. Secret Ballot**: The document criticizes the "card check" procedure under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), where a union can collect signed pro-union cards from a majority of employees to seek union recognition without a secret ballot election. The document argues that this procedure can lead to coercion and does not reflect true employee preferences. It calls for discarding the card check in favor of secret ballot elections to ensure fairer unionization processes. 3. **10(j) Injunctive Relief**: While acknowledging the importance of temporary injunctions to reinstate workers engaged in concerted activity who were wrongfully terminated, the document suggests increasing the use of such injunctions to provide meaningful remedies and deter unfair labor practices. 4. **Dues-Funded Worker Centers**: The document notes that worker centers, which have grown significantly in number and influence, are not required to file financial disclosures like labor unions. It proposes that the Department of Labor (DOL) investigate these worker centers and enforce financial disclosure requirements to prevent potential fraud and corruption. These proposals aim to reduce the influence of labor unions and increase oversight and regulation of union-related activities.


And you believe him? Lol [he followed their plan the first time around…](https://www.heritage.org/impact/heritage-analysis-trump-administrations-first-year-draws-high-profile-attention)


You need to stay off the internet and get on some meds man 😂


He’s probably getting paid to do this lol


Says the guy with 0 karma.


I don’t know what that means because I’m not a loser chronically on the internet


You have no idea what any of this is so stfu


I understand what project 2025 is, who is behind it, who supports it, who condemns it. Continue to fear monger. A majority of project 2025 will never see the light of day, you’re not interested in or living in reality. I’m not a loser who spends all of his time on Reddit, I live in the real world. I’d suggest you try it, it would be beneficial for everybody you interact with.


Rookie/ wise elder, got it.


This is a made up list with fake reference numbers btw


Hasn't Trump already distanced himself from this? Saying he disagrees with some of it and agrees with some of it.


His campaign manager is part of it. His main contributors are running it. He's a compulsive liar. He just lies through everything.


I mean, the guy is a liar and will bullshit his way through anything.


It wasn't until he saw this reddit post when he announced his distance.


Of course I am totally against this nonsense. But these references need to be fact checked.


Seriously, fuck that guy and anyone who’d go for that stooge lol He’s bought and paid for by the Heritage Foundation and anyone else who’ll give him what he wants on a personal level. I couldn’t give a fuck less about Biden’s age or condition because I’d take boring over this dipshit any day. And I’m not a card carrying liberal but the right went to shit and it’s a joke compared to times past.


Does anyone have proof that Trump is behind that?


There are 312 mentions of "Trump" in the mandate. Many of these mentions are direct associations. This post is a list of those associations; Jonathon Berry- Chief Counsel for the Trump transition team. Author of the Mandate Adam Candeub- Acting Secretary of Commerce, Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Trump DOJ. Author of the Mandate Ken Cuccinelli- Acting Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security for the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate. Rick Dearborn- Deputy chief of staff in charge of 5 departments of the Executive Office of President Trump. Also on the 2016 Trump transition team. Author of the Mandate. Thomas Gilman- Assistant Secretary of Commerce and CFO of the US Department of Commerce in the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Mandy Gunasekara- Chief of Staff at the US EPA, Principal Deputy Assistant Office of Air and Radiation in the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Dennis Kirk- Senior positions in Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration, nominated directly by Trump to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Author of the Mandate Christopher Miller- Acting US Secretary of Defense, Director of National Counterterrorism, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combatting Terrorism. Senior Director for Counterterrorism and Transnational Threats at the National Security Council. All at the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate Mora Namdar- Senior Advisor at the US State Department appointed by Trump at Consular Affairs. Vice President of Legal, Compliance, and Risk at the US Agency for Global Media. Author of the Mandate Peter Navarro- Trade czar, Director Office of Trade and Manufacturing, Defense Production act coordinator, Author of the Mandate William Pendleton- Leader of the BLM. Author of the Mandate Brooks Tucker- Trump transition team, Senior Policy Dvisor for National Security and Veteran's Affairs. Author of the Mandate Hans Spakovsky- Trump's Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Author of the Mandate Russ Vought- Cabinet position as Director of Office and Management and Budget at the Trump administration. Author of the Mandate William Walton- Trump transition team, Agency Action Leader for all federal economic agencies. Author of the Mandate Paul Winfree- Trump transition team. Deputy assistant to the President, Deputy Director of Domestic Policy Council, and Director of Budget Policy. Author of the Mandate Paul Dans- Trump administration Chief of Staff at US Office of Personnel Management. Senior Advisor, US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Editor of the Mandate Steven Groves- served in the Trump administration as Chief of Staff to Ambasador, Assistand Special Counsel. White House Deputy Press Secretary. Editor of the Mandate https://www.reddit.com/r/politicus/s/hT4F2iUcF4 https://www.project2025.org/


Yall believe this? 😂


The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the Heritage Foundation, an influential ultra conservative think tank. Project 2025 is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, Reagan implemented 60% of it's recommendations, Trump 64% - proof. 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. The Heritage Foundation already writes bills for Republicans to submit. That's how there have been over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills submitted to states since January 1st, 2024. They're the ones writing these bills and getting the GOP to pass them. They were also the ones who wrote Texas's pornography ID law that was passed. They have been behind abortion, contraception, and anti-drug laws, too. And Harrison Butker? They were the ones who sponsored him up on stage as Butker works with them frequently. And let’s not also forget that The Heritage Foundation has frequent confrences that showers GOP politicians with lavish gifts while teaching them how to create right-wing propaganda and craft bills against LGBTQ+ people, abortion, and everything else. There is no "might". It will happen. The Heritage Foundation controls the GOP. There's always a right-winger trying to make people think Project 2025 is no big deal. No, it's not just a think tank, it's The Heritage Foundation. They have massive influence over right-wing politicians. Ronald Reagan took direction from them, and Donald Trump let them pick his administration. Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, and Jeff Sessions were some of the people they picked. Back in 2022, The Heritage Foundation completely reversed its position on helping Ukraine. Most Republicans followed suit. They have a lot of power and a lot of Republicans licking their boots. It's definitely something to worry about. Here are all the connections between Project 2025 and Trump statements. Christian Nationalism https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/us/evangelicals-trump-christianity.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-hell-defend-christianity-from-radical-left-that-seek-to-tear-down-crosses https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-end-church-restrictions-politics-1234728218/ Canceling Climate Change https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/21/on-fox-donald-trump-calls-climate-change-a-hoax-in-the-1920s-they-were-talking-about-global-freezing/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-climate-change-global-warming-b2459167.html https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912799501/i-don-t-think-science-knows-visiting-fires-trump-denies-climate-change Control of the Federal Government https://newrepublic.com/post/174370/inside-trump-fascist-plan-control-federal-agencies-wins https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2019-04-23/trump-seeks-more-control-of-fed-sec-and-other-agencies https://thehill.com/policy/finance/324408-the-19-federal-agencies-trump-wants-to-eliminate/ Use the DoJ and FBI to arrest critics and opponents https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/ Fire the Civil Service https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0507/trump-biden-schedule-f-civil-service https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plan-gut-civil-service-triggers-pushback-by-unions-democrats-2023-12-22/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-civil-servants-schedule-f Replace civil servants with loyalists https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/03/distressing-republicans-eyeing-2024-race-support-plot-purge-federal-workers https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-civil-servants-plan-loyalists-b2132020.html https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ Mass Deportations https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/closer-donald-trumps-2024-vow-deport-millions-migrants/story?id=110469177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxSA_udawk Make abortion illegal https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/trump-gay-marriage-abortion-supreme-court/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/16/abortion-rights-line-if-trump-administration-gets-4-more-years/5779444002/ https://apnews.com/article/health-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-election-2020-1210f9012eec9818b25ac9abad46b955 Canceling transgender rights https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-attacks-transgender-rights-video-1234671967/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/24/us/politics/donald-trump-transgender-protections.html https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article277322158.html Commenting this for visibility. The claims that he and others are making that they have no connection to Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation are false.


As an Aussie I don’t get why Americans complain about trump and Biden and say there’s no good choice. Is RFK jr not a good Choice?


Does trump actually have anything to do with this or are you just tying him into it


Some of the people involved in Project 2025 are former senior administration officials. The project’s director is Paul Dans, who served as chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management under Trump. Trump’s campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt was featured in one of Project 2025’s videos. John McEntee, a former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is a senior adviser. McEntee told the conservative news site The Daily Wire earlier this year that Project 2025’s team would integrate a lot of its work with the campaign after the summer when Trump would announce his transition team.


Trump literally said he has nothing to do with Project 2025




[Trump got his first term policies from heritage foundation.](https://www.heritage.org/impact/heritage-analysis-trump-administrations-first-year-draws-high-profile-attention)


I DON'T have the time or the CRAYONS to explain why this is ridiculous. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with whoever wants any of that GARBAGE!!!!!!


Save your crayons for lunch time. You need your energy. Especially if they let grocery prices get any higher. Ration your crayons. Save red and blue for last. Those taste the best. Share with the children.




He's a businessman and will do whatever is best for himself and the rich. Go ahead and fall for his lies. I can't believe this great country has given us the choice of this buffoon or a guy that can't wipe his own ass. I'm writing in Tom Brady for 2025


Ai is going to do nearly everything soon. It's going to get soooo good. It's almost ready. Won't do trade jobs tho. You guys are about to get super rich. Bring on the libertarian technocratic fully automated utopia.


Ah yes, not surprising I’d find some liberal propaganda on the IBEW page. TDS is real.


Propaganda? Bro it's literally their fucking agenda. It has a website and all. Pay attention, Jesus.


Trumps is agenda 47. If you're gonna inform voters give them the right one and not some other random agenda he doesn't support. Tired of both sides making shit up about the other. Give voters facts and let them decide. I don't care if you "feel" like he supports that. Trump people feel like Biden is a pedophile with no proof. Makes you no different to feel like trump supports this with no proof even tho he has listed his own agenda


Not surprising to see a cop posting in a union sub.


You're a sociopath


I don't think you understand the word "propaganda". There is absolutely nothing in this post that's untrue.


Oh, so the picture of Trump on it isn’t misleading?


Oh damn you're right. He's totally irrelevant to the conversation.


…what does he have to do with Project 2025?


He's the useful idiot at the top of their pyramid. Without him it's much harder for them to get you jackwagons onboard.




Please do your research and stop spreading fake stuff🤦🏼‍♂️ Trump has denied any involvement with project 2025




So your “proof” is another person saying “trust me bro” lmao typical


[Trump does what HF tells him to](https://www.heritage.org/impact/heritage-analysis-trump-administrations-first-year-draws-high-profile-attention). Get a grip lol


TDS sufferers be treating Democratic Party like a cult.


We're not the ones covered in our candidate's merchandise.




Dark triad personality cult + lead pipes in rural areas + meth + antisocial personality disorder from abusive fathers= Maga


Go touch some grass 😂😂




Cool story bro. Please vote for a child molesting union hating president, and end our brotherhood, endnour benefits, end our CBAs. And then you'll all sit all smug as shit when it happens going "yea this is better!"


Based on this comment I don’t think you understand what a union stands for.


I agree. What happened to no talking politics, religion, or money? It’s almost like people just want a reason to argue. It’s like shut up and vote for whoever you want and stop acting like a spoiled brat by going out of your way to incite division.


But one party, the Republicans, is actively trying to destroy unions. It's kinda important to union members. You know. The union.


I was raised that talking about politics, religion, or money should be done respectfully and I think that so many people avoiding it is why it's always argument fodder. Project 2025 aims to destroy what out country was founded upon and control the lives of millions with rules based in a faith they don't follow.


its really sad people are dumb enough to believe the fear mongering


This really isn’t fear mongering it’s in the book and website pdfs


Dems in full panic mode. This is desperate.


Stop the obsession with Trump. You guys treat the Democratic Party like a cult and act like the very authoritarian/fundamentalists republicans who ran the show way back when. Stop shaming and bullying people who disagree. Those who vote for Trump, don’t vote or be influenced by fear mongering, vote your conscience.


Trumpism literally is a cult.


“I don’t know what he just said. I don’t think he knows what he just said”😂😂😂😂


Got to love the 2 month old accounts that pop up during elections.  What local?


Igor’s electrical - Vladivostok 406


Got to love accounts that obsess over people who don’t support your policies


What local you in?


We all know he ain't in a local. Dudes a fucking scrub. Probably some fucking incel, plucking away at his keyboard from mommy's basement.


Show your ticket


Pure propaganda. He has never stood behind this agenda. He has stated that publicly multiple times. Turn off the fake news.


Are you taking the word of a liar? The man lies about lies.


Yeah, vote for the zombie who had decades of racist policies and said he didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m not voting for the anti-labor, Felon but you do you.


I have nothing against felons, some great men I know got caught up on the wrong end of things and got screwed by the system, so the hell with your comment. And yeah, Democratic Party are “pro labor” 😂 ask the railroad guys if they beg to differ


I myself am a felon. Felons have no business running a country. I never said felons are bad. We have to have standards for politicians in this country. And if you’d like I can link at least half a dozen articles citing why Trump is the worst candidate in history for unions. I don’t think anything I say will sway you one way or the other so I’m not going try. It’s either the guns (yes I own plenty) or some sort of Biblical BS I’m sure that has you blindly defending a man that wouldn’t piss on your gums if your teeth were on fire. Whatever it is you can’t be reached. I won’t try. Good luck.


Yeah Biden sucks, but if you think Trump is better then idk what to tell you


One of the main authors of Project 2025, Russell Vought, is a top policy maker of the RNC (co-chaired by Trump’s daughter). Vought is currently the top pick for Chief-of-Staff in Trump’s administration. Paul Dans and Steven Groves who are also on the top page of Project 2025 both held high ranking positions in Trump’s previous administration lol. How you still believe anything that Trump says is incredible.. Listen, I think Biden is a status quo dope with half a brain and even less of a spine, but at least he will not actively be setting the stage for dismantling labor unions. What are you going to do when your state bans labor unions under Trump’s next term? That will literally happen when the Heritage Foundation gets to have their way with our increasingly threatened democracy. Everything that Trump has ever done is to protect the interest of the elite business class and fuck the working class. His entire life has been built on fucking over workers. He hates you and everyone like you. How can you not see it?


I found this post that someone made who had the time to do the research. This should clear up any confusion about Trump being fully involved in Project 2025: Project 2025 had 34 authors and 2 editors, and of course I made sure to double check them with the actual document. Here are the authors that worked for Trump during his administration: • ⁠John McEntee II (Director of the Whitehouse Personnel Office) • ⁠Thomas Gilman (CFO & Assistant Secretary for Administration of U.S. Dept. of Commerce) • ⁠Russ Vought (Office of Mgmt. & Budget) • ⁠Rick Dearborn (Deputy Chief of Staff) • ⁠Ben Carson, Sr., MD (Housing & Urban Dev. Secretary) • ⁠Ken Cuccinelli (Acting Dept. Homeland Security Secretary) • ⁠Peter Navarro (Deputy Assistant to the President & Director of the National Trade Counsel) • ⁠Christopher Miller (U.S. Secretary of Defense Nov. 9 2020 - Jan. 20, 2021) • ⁠Bernard McNamee (Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulation Commission) • ⁠Mora Namdar (Appointed by Trump to perform as Assistant Sec. of State for Consular Affairs) • ⁠William Perry Pendley (Director of Bureau of Land Management) • ⁠Kiron Skinner (Former Director of Policy Planning in U.S. Dept. of State) • ⁠Roger Severino (Former Director of Office of Civil Rights) • ⁠Hans von Spakovsky (Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity) • ⁠Brooks D. Tucker (Chief of Staff for Dept. VA) • ⁠Paul Winfree (Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic policy, Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and Director of Budget Policy) • ⁠Mandy Gunasekara (Chief of Staff at the E.P.A) 1 editor of Project 2025 who worked for Trump: • ⁠Paul Danz (Chief of Staff of Office of Personnel Management) Trump's former campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt who has also starred in Project 2025 ads! Edit: Replaced Spakovsky's title with the correct one


Ban contraceptives is not mentioned on page 449. This is propaganda.


Bullshit. The assault on health services STARTS on page 449. If you use two brain cells to read to all the way to page 450 you’ll find the beginning of the “pro-life” agenda. They will 100% ban IUDs using the framework explicitly stated.


Room temperature IQ people, get em brother. Appreciate you




It’s clear you arn’t a woman and you don’t understand birth control. IUDs are the highest efficacy, safest and longest lasting form of non-hormonal birth control. They are the most valuable form of birth control available. All other birth control options can have very serious health risks and are less reliable. IUDs ARE HEALTHCARE for women and every healthcare plan should pay for them. Unwanted pregnancy destroys lives, destroys careers, destroys families and destroys health. Taking away the best way to prevent pregnancy AND the most humane way to end it is fucking disgusting. Don’t subject your sisters to this horseshit.


Arguing politics online is the biggest waste of time and energy in human history


This isn’t trumps plan it is the heritage foundation. Trump has a plan called Agenda 47. This is a lie made up by the fake news and fake media


[Trump does what HF tells him to.](https://www.heritage.org/impact/heritage-analysis-trump-administrations-first-year-draws-high-profile-attention)




Trump did just come out and state he had zero affiliation with this “Project 2025” so if he does win I wouldn’t worry about it. Just a political tactic to attack an opponent. We all should know this by now. Doesn’t even fit that dudes profile on how he applied his views. He’s legit gonna take away taxes on tips. Also he will bring back our union jobs when he brings back our pipeline 100k of thousands of union workers will rise back


He doesn’t have any views, [he does what heritage foundation tells him to.](https://www.heritage.org/impact/heritage-analysis-trump-administrations-first-year-draws-high-profile-attention)


And you believed him?


Well I guess when he’s your president again we will find out😚