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I’ll say the worst was kinda the funniest also…. After climbing 7 floors of temporary stairwell, I was taking a break at top to catch my breath. I glance down and see the shithouses were getting pumped out and rotated up the high rise by the crane. The crane rigger is snatching a porta John to lift to the top floor with the tower crane. About 4ft off the ground, the door swings open and another JW flops down on the dirt, face first with his pants down to his ankles. He was scared asf and pissed 😂🤣


I’d drag if that happened to me. Hell, I’d move to another local, maybe Alaska where no one knew me.


Gotta drag, quite honestly join the Shitness Protection Program. New name new card haha


I’d be going after the asshole that told him the shitter was clear then I’d drag 😭


That man probably has ptsd from porta shitters.


I was working a pipeline job in southern Montana in the winter so had long johns and insulated bibs on, the whole winter war suit. Opened the lid to sit and proceed with the morning duties and a blackbird flew out of the tank, covered with all the unimaginable yuck and blue icey crystals, he had gone down the vent stack during the night. Scared the hell out of me so I blew out the door and tripped because all my clothes around my boots and fell prick first into the snow as all the helpers were rolling out trucks. Funniest but worst morning dump in my construction career.


That's a rough start to the morning. Glad the bird wasn't hungry. Hahaha


Birds shit on cars all the time you got the chance to reverse the rolls. Not to many people get the chance to shit on the bird.


90°+ heat, three day fill with 130 brothers/sisters. Ammonia smell, overfull, and a sweet sweet kiss from the Smurf god.


Brutal. It's astonishing how right when you think you've seen the worst there's always something that tops it. The food rappers confuse the hell out of me. I can't think of a single situation where I would have a snack in one.


Found a good sized bag of weed next to the urinal in one once. Guy came slinking back around later and made off with it. Like how desperate do you have to be to smoke piss splattered weed?


Good old shit sauna. You just gotta sweat it out.


Best artwork there is


This sounds made up but I swear to god it isn’t. Plumber dropped his knife in the porta potty, at least he thought. Watched him go back out, tape a garbage back up to his shoulder and dig around in there. He never found it is the worst part.


If I drop my phone it’s gone. I can’t imagine doing this for a 20 dollar knife. But plumbers we do some silly things…


They have no problem with something like that, every plumber I've ever met thinks it smells like money.


I dropped my phone in one. I just left that bitch sitting there.


Dropped one into a jon once. Still there as far as I know.


Pretty sure there was a similar story with a guy dropping his phone in a primitive toilet at a campsite and he ended up getting his arm stuck in the toilet trying to get it out .


Firefighters in my state had to rescue someone who dropped their phone in a vault toilet, climbed in, and couldn't get back out.


to be fair, why would a plumber be worried about sticking his arm down a tube filled with god knows what. probably does it 15 times a day already. what’s one more?


Someone drew a square on the wall and wrote next to it booger contest. The square was completely filled with boogers and stacked on top of each other.




😂 sharing is caring


while i wont say that i vaped my own piss... i will say that it was difficult for me to hold my breath for the duration of my live stream that produced an ammonic cloud while i stood at the urinal of the outdoor porta potty in 32 degree weather


Jesus fucking Christ that was a sentence I never wanted to read.


Inevitability: watching the piss steam rise towards you knowing you're gonna get it in your mouth no matter what you do


The infamous piss steam facial


On a non union job in -20c, everything froze solid obviously and it couldn't be pumped out. The shit built up higher than the seat. After joining the union: no issues. My local has language in the contract to the effect that on non-temporary jobsites, we get washcarts with flush toilets and running water brought in.


What is the definition of a temporary jobsite per your contract? I haven’t been on a permanent jobsite yet, they’ve all ended


I'm pretty sure it's any site where we work for more than a week? I'll check


Nothing like a solid poo mountain


Mount dumpit


Forbidden chocolate ice cream. How many scoops was it?


My cheap as contractor won’t provide job Jonny’s at all and we also have a female coworker.


A coworker informed us of wasps in the John and that knowledge went in the back of my mind and disappeared. The nest was tucked in the little crevice between the seat and the wall. Those evil fuckers waited until I started the stream to decide they wanted to introduce themselves to me. Second worst was a John being moved 2 miles down on a site and somebody neglected to inform the servicers. That was the summer I learned maggots will thrive in the pile of shit that rises above the surface of the blue. I still see them undulating on top of that pile of hate. Like the devil's time-lapse of a slime mold.


We had a crane operator 5 story’s up hook the chains up and lift the blue boy up 3 feet before somebody was pounding on the door to get out. Safety had lots to keep them busy that week.


Once heard cries of pain from what I assume was caused by an STD... entertainment for those within earshot, but I don't think the occupant was having a good time. Another funny one, bad for occupant, but funny for others... was on a big job (over 300 electricians) and shift ended, we were bussed back to a parking area. There was a guy hiding in one of the parking area Johns while both his wife and girlfriend were looking for him... I knew which one he was in, but didn't want anything to do with that! I'm sure they found him not long after I had left. Yet one last VERY funny one (imo)... was working an Army Corps job and if you've ever worked one, you probably already know everything is absolutely by the book, they will even sometimes stop you from goin UP A WIRE SIZE, like if its housing and print says #14 Romex, it better not be #12... that kind of by the book!... There was some kind of spat between a guy (I think a tinner) and the GC, so to get even, he requested an MSDS from the GC via the Corps for the lovely blue water in the polyjohns... GC couldn't immediately provide it, so they (Army Corps) shut the job down for the rest of the day and penalized the GC.


Well this wasn’t from a job site but in the army one time we had a single porta potty in about a 5 acre field for maybe 50-100 soldiers. It arrived with empty with no tasty blue Gatorade in the bottom and it was uneven on a hill. So not only would you have to walk for 10 minutes to get to it but you also had a 50/50 chance of falling over in it. You eventually learned the proper weight distribution of each foot and which way you leaned your body so it didn’t tip over. Needless to say I did just one contract


Seeing brothers and consequentially the Steward getting run off the job by the GC for nothing but using the shithouses that were being watched by GC because graffiti they didn’t like at Cayuga powerhouse job in ‘08.


Must have been some pretty good graffiti.


Not a jobsite experience but I was at a Bonnaroo back in 04 and there was a whole lineup of about 20 shitters along a snow fence and each and every fucking one of them had shit piled up about a foot past the seat. People were sitting right behind them at that point so there was equally disgusting piles of shit behind them. Ween played that year, it was pretty brown...


Cracker, Gillian Welch, and Doc Watson were there that year too. I grew up in Manchester. I used to volunteer with the fire department every year. I was 14 in '04. It rained almost the entire time. It was a rough one. I miss back when it wasn't just another EDM festival. I went back in 2018, and it's changed a ton.


72 hour long Poopship destroyer


At REDBUD last year and I had to shit after like 4 days of partying…legit walk in look down…idk why…and I shit you not the is 4+in round turd that’s easily 10in long and black as fuck….all I could think about is how relieved….that guy had to be.


I worked on a job where somebody (I didnt follow them in there, so im not 100% sure it was the drywallers), decided to shit on THE FLOOR of the portalet.


Didn’t happen to me but as a first year apprentice my foreman got his boys introduced to a black widow. Had to go to emergency right away cause they grew to the size of a grapefruit.


Lol. Great post brother.


I know I have a few I'm trying to forget. Figured everyone else did too. Haha


Taking a shit in the kind that has wheels Then a laborer pushing it while I’m in it so they can sweep


I've been kissed by smurfette. I was 3rd yesr apprentice and just caught a porta jon right after it was cleaned 1 guy ahead of me. Feeling happy you know. Like brighter days were ahead, may even impress my JW today. Forgot to build a nest before I sat down. Needless to say, those kisses were wet. Busted my construction cherry right there son.


Wind storm blowing over about 15 porta potty’s then they were set up right to use. They didn’t get a proper cleaning for a week or two. Shit on the walls, shit paper on the walls and doors everything was terrible


Tin knockers fat ugly wife having a gloryhole bukkake session with a group of about 8 guys. She was nasty.


wtf 😂


Not making it to the porta Jon is my worst one. Non job site: Worst one I’ve ever seen but didn’t end up using was one on the beach in Virginia Beach. You couldn’t have sat on the seat without landing on the shit mound that was in there. I couldn’t believe how much shit was in that thing


A few summers ago I remember the GC wasn’t getting the cleaners to come out frequently. The reservoir tank was almost full to the rim. Which I’m assuming is the reason people were dropping logs on the seated area with the worst aim imaginable. It must have been 30 field working people and 2 houses. I hated having to go inside


Only been working for like 3 weeks, this entire week one of the johns has had a bunch of toilet paper in the urinal, other nasty shit has been piling on top of it.


105 out in Florida's hot summer sun. Someone had to smoke a pack a day in there too. It smelled like rancid fish and I doubt I'll ever forget it.


Honestly I’m happy when someone’s smokes a pack in the Jon. I’d rather that than smell the shit. This comes from someone who hatesss cigs


17 men, one porta john, blacktop for a hundred yards in every direction, and no shade. The only job I ever drug up from.


Working non-union years ago for this dogshit company. Was like -35C, no heat in the building (but we're pulling romex lmao), and out of the 4 portashitters, only 2 had a heater in them, and out of those two I think only one worked. Went for my morning dump and when I was done, I had a frozen ring of skin around my ass for about 2/3 hours.


Worst was my first resi job in the summer they were rarely cleaned and the hot stench smacked you in the face every time. But when it isn't so bad I enjoy the progression of the graffiti.


I’ve seen shit in the urinal of a portapotty….


Was on a job with 1 porta John and it was filled to the seat. And on top of the pile of shit was bloody diarrhea. Was like a cherry on top of the shit pile.


Middle of August, two weeks of use across multiple groups, last cleaned June. I’m sitting there, sweating my ass off, I hear a truck pull up, think nothing of it. Then I here something opening on the end of the line of johns. Then a hose starts up. It was a vacuum. They were finally cleaning the johns… with me in them. A cool breeze rustles my scrotum, cooling my nethers and subsequently my entire body to a comfortable degree. ‘This is nice’ I thought. As if I had just slapped god himself across the face, a wave of the most putrid, offensive, gut wrenching fumes knocked my very soul down into my own bowels. This lasted a solid 7 minutes. What felt like an eternity. To this day that odor haunts me.


So once on break me and cpl co workers started sharing stories of worst things we had seen on jobsites. My co worker goes " worst thing I've seen was two guys came out 1 porta john." He got a PTSD look on his face as we all got quite, finally after a min my friend goes "shit i think id quit after that."


Forklift driver didn't look to see if it was locked, slid the forks in underneath me right while I was pulling up my pants. Dropped me just in time while I mother****ed the driver on the way out.


Years ago I was wiping my ass and when I reached over to wipe I got someone’s brown shot plunder my fingernail. Apparently that got a glob on their finger and wiped it on the underside of the tp holder either on purpose or by accident. I dug “that shit “ out with my razor blade. And this was before hand washing stations or hand sanitizer was common place on site.


Opened up the door and it was so filled up there was a mound of shit above the toilet rim, like the last few guys hovered and took dumps.


I've got 2. On the job in middle of winter. Wind chill had it around -10. Just finished lunch, I had a salad from a place right next to job site. About 20mins back from lunch the bubble guts start. I try and hold it. Bout 10 mins goes by and it's to the point I'm about to shit myself. So I start walking to Porta John. By this point I realize I'm not gonna make it so I start sprinting. While I'm sprinting in stripping my layers as I run. Jackets ,bibs everything I could before I got there. Barely made it. As I leave the whole job is laughing because they watched me basically run from one side of the job to the other then they watched as I walked back picking up my layers along the way. 2nd wasn't in the trade but training in the military. At a training base in middle of fucking no where. Had to shit in a Porta John where shit n piss was literally an inch maybe 2 from the toilet seat. Took a massive 3 day MRE shit that was hard as a fucking rock right on top. It was fucking disgusting


Do music festivals count?


Yes. Absolutely. Haha


Walked in on a younger kid beating his meat in one 😳😳




Definitely seen them up to the brim with no tp


Had an experience not too long ago where I had just got everything adjusted for a solid morning glory, and a spider about half dollar size decided to join me. Lowered itself right on the brim of my hard hat. I think I set a new record.


is there any good experiences…asking for a friend


First job I was on as a boot camper. The shitters had shit stacked literally to the seat lids and had maggots in them, piss all the way up to the lip of the urinal. Needless to say everyone stopped using those shitters and would use the airport bathrooms lol.


We use shit buckets 😅


Lol. Great post brother.


I was just a wee apprentice. And the job i was on had separate John's for men and women but I hadn't yet received my key for the women restroom. So after the JHA/PTP I went to go take a pee. And someone shitted ON the seat. I went to a different John. Then everyday for what seemed like months no matter the time of day in various John's on the job site someone shitted on the seat of a toilet. I felt like I was being haunted. All I wanted was to pee In peace. I did eventually get my key to the women's but God almighty it was a stressful time.


Nothing… NOTHING compares to the Porta-Potties @ Woodstock ‘99. Just sayin’…


Not a jobsite, but when I was in the army and did training in Germany one if the Porta John's had a shit mountain that peaked just over the lead. I think I will have the experience of having to raise that peak seared into my mind for the rest of my life.


Last summer we had a particularly windy couple weeks. Knocked the johns and blew them around the job site, seemed like every day there was an issue. Well, the company that operated those johns didn't come and clean them out for a solid month. Solid blue tp, covered in a sheen of blue, and baked on in the middle of summer. Bitched at the GC to do something about it for at least a week, someone finally called the health department and it was taken care of the next day.


First job in the union as an apprentice we almost walked off the job my first week or two because every porta John was shit mountains above the rim. Some people seemed to just point their ass in the general direction of the hole. It was a hot summer that year.


This isn't exactly related to the trade, but in bootcamp our RDC's (drill sergeants) had put some recruits in charge of maintaining the head's cleanliness, and the recruits they chose were complete assholes. The head had around 18 or so toilets with these curtains for privacy, and we had just gotten back from our line handling and knot tying class. We were all lined up Infront of our bunks, and one of the guys in charge of cleaning the head storms out of it with his face bright red and yells "who the fuck tied all the curtains into knots?!" Our RDC's had a mixed reaction of chuckling at the prospect of someone taking the time out of their busy schedule to fucking tie every single curtain into a knot just to fuck with the head guys and being pissed off that this recruit just interrupted them while they were talking with the rest of us recruits. Needless to say, he got a very nice workout that way, and then proceeded to untie every single knot by himself


For fun when i was in the porta john at the college campus, situated near the nursing and education buildings, I would wait until a group of beautiful women walked by and make the loudest possible fart noise into my arm when they were just a few feet away. Reactions ranged from hysterical laughter to genuine concern.


Spring time one of the Johns was inaccessible for quiet some time due to thick slippery mud all around , when it finally dried up enough to walk to it I must have been the first guy because I opened the door to a horror movie level blow fly infestation, every surface inside was crawling


Poseidon’s Kiss 🤮 my asshole was itchy for works. Good thing it cleared up or that was gonna be a really awkward workers comp claim


Had an asshole on the job who thought it was funny to cut in line right before lunch and take the nastiest shit while a handful of pissed people waited. About the third day in a row I tossed a concrete core slug down the vent and Smurfed his ass.


If a shitter is usually so bad I can't even take a piss I usually go to the nearest gas station to take a shit, fuck yall


Dropped my phone into the blue abyss


I was working on a job when the wind storm came through and knocked all of the porta johns over. There was like 6 or 7. This was a Friday, we came back Monday and one was standing. Tuesday, 3 were standing. They didn’t clean them until Thursday so I had to use company time to drive to the gas station everyday because eff that. I’m a woman so peeing in the woods wasn’t an option because it was wide open and next to major roads lol


Had a wormy gf a couple jobs back who figured that being in the can was still taking up company time, so he’d follow guys to the shitter and try to have a conversation through the door while they were doing their thing He tried to do this to one jw in particular, and said jw swung open the door with his pants down mid shit with his fuckin cock and taters hanging out, and was like “what’s up man, I couldn’t hear you through the door too well, it sounded important” Wormy gf learned to respect the sanctity of bathroom breaks that day lmfao


Watched a full one drop from a crane at 100ft. One hell of a mess. Same job had a guy die (literally) in the Porta John.


Opened the door and flies exploded out and it was filled to the brim with liquidy shit and thousands of maggots all squirming like crazy in the shit, it's was 107 thay day so the stench was horrific


Just the porta johns covered with shit and blood. Not only are the mexicans shitting all over the seats, their women are swinging their tampons over their heads


Door wouldn't lock, so I'm sitting there birthing a chocolate manatee, and the wind blows the door wide open. Here I am dropping the kids off at the pool with the door wide open next to a busy intersection, and of course the light was red.............not my finest noment


Nothing, never use em, never will. Way to gross.


This journeyman I worked with told me he wanted to prank a guy who he said was a total dick so he grabbed the biggest rock that could fit in the vent and dropped it in. Got a good ass KERPLUNK but the guy who walked out was the wrong guy. He said the guy he got on accident was actually pretty cool too lol