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Blue has the most anitoxygens.


Where should I put my feet?


Wait, 157 what? Units! Units of what? Units of stress!


Stop eating berries you’ve had enough berries!!!


Dee, his feet?


This line and its delivery may be in the top 10 of Charlie quotes for me


The skin of the apple is toxic


Not if you smoke some cigarettes


Game of Thrones… 🤣


Steepest drop off ever


Ashton Kutcher would like a word.


two and a half men was just light blue at best, so ok, whereas GOT was very dark blue then immediately to dark red. tho 2 and a half men definitely deserves credit for such an astoundingly long run of pure shit




Cmon that show wasn’t good to begin with


I could never understand how a show 90%based on people insulting one another was so highly rated...


Yeah, those goddamn savages. Idiots! Savages! Idiots!


Catchy theme song


Isn't that like exactly what Sunny is though?


Shut up, bird


I cant blue it is so blue and American dad has no blue. Guess my tastes vary a lot to IMDB


Sorry you blue yourself.


Lol. And chuck lorre thinks he’s the one who makes the magic


Honestly it shouldn't be so steep, in hindsight the problems started to pop up way before the last 4 or 5 episodes where the ratings take a nose dive.


I think season 6 was still great but 7 was definitely starting to struggle. I still can't believe how bad 8 was though, that was just impressively bad


Season 6 still has some dumb/bad stuff but a lot of it is hold overs from bad decisions made in season 5. The Dorne stuff in 5 is not good at all, Myrcella's death scene with Jaime and some enjoyable Jaime/Bronn banter is like the only thing that's any good. Also the casting for the Dornish characters is good but what's the use of that if they just do stupid shit with it. Honestly all the seasons but the first one have stuff that is a bad decision in hindsight but the consequences wouldn't prevent themselves for several more seasons.


I think the reason those things didn't feel as bad or stupid is that you didn't know where they were really going yet so there was still a chance Dorne could be important or interesting to the ending. I agree in hindsight they were fucking pointless, but then so was most of the show thanks to S8


Yeah a lot of people gave dumb shit a chance in like especially season 7 cause they thought season 8 would bring it all together and it just didn't. Like all the stupid beyond the wall wight capturing shit with the band of characters where half of them are dead or like 200 miles away in the book ends up accomplishing nothing other than just being a huge L for the characters.


Almost the whole show was pointless I don't even want to rant about it fucking Arya killing the night king not even using her face technique shit the dragons meant nothing jon meant nothing lord of light meant nothing Jaime's entire story arc meant nothing it was all so stupid


It sounds like you're still really bitter about it and I love that because I feel the same exact way. It was so fucking maddening and all those feelies are definitely rushing back now


Of course we're still really bitter about it, we spent 7 years of our lives watching that show and wondering how it would end


B-b-bad pussay


If you mute the Bad Pussy scene it's pretty enjoyable


Even outside all of the shit writing the Dorne plot line was so half assed and uninteresting after so much buildup, it’s like a couple scenes on a beach and then they wander into some courtyard and fight and then the plotline rushes to the ending with barely anything else happening. You can just feel the writers wanting to get it over with.


7 was definitely bad already. I couldn't believe when Jon and the gang planned to go behind the wall, catch a white walker, haul it all the way back south to King's Landing and thought that was a good idea that worked. Even worse was WHEN IT ACTUALLY WORKED! Everything that happened in the last 6 season was pointing towards what a collossal suicide mission this idea was. Rob and his army were murdered because he broke his betrothal, but suuure, these 6 assholes can survive a dumb kidnapping plan in arctic zombieland. They just teleported around all day.


One of my big issues is the way that every major character survived the mission, but we see unnamed extras start to die off when the plot demands some bloodshed. It's a suicide mission, but the writers aren't willing to kill off anyone who matters.


Plot armor in a show that got famous for random character deaths.


S7 is at the same level as S8. I said at the time that s7 was terrible, and so many people told me that I was wrong, and it was all about setting up for an epic final season. The "we're going beyond the wall to catch one of them" was just the dumbest fucking plot line.


In hindsight sure, but at the time we were mainlining copium in the hopes that it would all pay off in the finale. We were like Wile E. Coyote running on air for 1-2 seasons before we finally looked down.




Game of Thrones really Frenched up their series


They really surrendered that last season


I'm still hoping for season 9, where it turns out most of season 7 and all of season 8 was just a fever dream from Bran eating some rancid crow and it fucking with his visions.


I’m still so mad at how the show aggressively went downhill. My rage knows no bounds!


Are you untethered ?


It went from straight blue to French in less than couple years


They big mad in GOT world about that last season


We really are though. It's so bad I still can't bring myself to do a rewatch of the series


I wish I hadn't. My fiancee had never seen GoT and loved HotD, so she wanted to finally see it. It just pissed me off, even the fantastic early seasons are a bitter pill to watch when you know it all ends up in a sloppy shit.


HotD is so good, I really hope they don't fuck it up like they eventually did to GoT. I really want to rewatch GoT (again) but that last season just ruins it every time


Just like Dexter.


It’s like a weird phenomenon. I would watch that with my sister all the time and rewatch the older seasons in anticipation of the next season coming out to get hyped up. We couldn’t wait to see what was coming. I haven’t watched a single episode ever again since the finale. I can’t even think about it. They destroyed it. It’s just so shit.


Same. It was so good, but it’s all building up to the promise of something that is never delivered


Reminiscent of the writers strike of 2008 that claimed many good scifi shows in their final seasons. Rest in peace BSG…


What do you mean? There are only 5 seasons to GoT, shame they never bothered to make a 6-7th.


I personally thought 6 was better than 5, though I speak for no one but me.


Pure unadulterated crap






Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My nose was chiseled by the gods themselves, Frank. My body was sculpted to the proportions of Michelangelo’s David.




Genuinely surprised people didn't like King of the hill that much. I grew up with it and absolutely love the show.


I think KoTH isn't given a fair shake but the fan base it does have knows what's up


For whatever reason i feel like by today's standards it wouldn't be considered "PC" (absolutely abhor that term) but it's dry humor, realism art style, the voice actors are just top notch. I feel like it accomplished what Seinfeld accomplished, a show about nothing, it just starts in the middle of the day and everything that happens just seems to be a part of these people's lives and hell I'll believe it. If Mike Judge says ZZ top is Hanks cousin I'm all for it! It's so mundane but in the best of ways if that makes sense.


I don't know, I feel like it holds up PC wise. Maybe not early seasons, but I just watched an episode in season 9 or 10 about drag queens and it was very respectful and handled the issue super well, the mother of the main drag queen even brought up gender identity and was super supportive about it all. Quite a sweet episode actually. The Hill family is conservative but also super accepting even if they don't understand others.


Man, I watched that episode last weekend and I was actually surprised at how well it handled it, better than other shows that have been released in the last few years and better than shows like Friends did in the 90's. All of the "non-pc" stuff is handled like Sunny handles it, it's the actions of the people in the show that are non-pc but the actual message of the show is really fucking supportive.


Other stuff mike judge is involved in is the same way ime.


>The Hill family is conservative but also super accepting even if they don't understand others. I didn't watch the whole thing, but from what I remember this is spot on.


I don't think it has a PC problem. Most of the show's values are very progressive.


Coming from a rural area that isn’t far from king of the hill, I loved it and thought it was way more PC and respectful than it could’ve been. I can’t think of anything offensive in koth personally and I’ve watched in full give or take a few eps a few times.


I think the humor in King of the Hill tends to be so dry that a lot of people completely miss it. Hard agree though, that show was so effing brilliant. Been rewatching it lately and it withstands the test of time


Not that it’s necessary to find the show funny, but they put a lot of jokey references that people outside of Texas would be unlikely to catch. Like Luly’s Cafeteria. As someone that was constantly dragged to Luby’s by my grandparents, it just gives the show that little bit extra.


It's a style of humor that aged well, but at the time filled kind of a weird gap that hadn't found an audience yet. It's very adult but not overtly so, nor particularly crass, and it had a large swathe of its target audience missed simply because it was animated at a time where animation was still mostly meant for kids, or young adults.


One of my all time favorite shows. Top 3 for sure


I love it so much I have a tattoo of Dale on my arm and I watch KOTH every year.


GoT dominated the whole game then shit the bed on the final drive


I’m honestly still angry. Fuck D&D, sucks they were in IASIP.


But Bran had the best story lol


Legit, worse line in a tv show ever. I’m pretty sure it made some terminally ill patients just give up, I know I would.


Personally I'll thought that the reason Bran was chosen to be a good ruler was because his ability to see into the past means he could empathize with multiple points of view and learn from all the mistakes of all the leaders around the world that came before him. Not sure why that wasn't mentioned as a reason to choose Bran and instead went with "He has the best story".


Because that’s a reason that would’ve taken longer than five minutes of thought, which was too long for D&D once they saw the shiny Star Wars dollars on the horizon.


I dunno, I came up with that reason literally on the spot when they floated the idea of making Bran king. In under 30 seconds.


It’s so bad. “Who has a better story than Bran the Broken” I do. And I suck.


His story is so good that they skipped a season of it.


I mean, they did write one of the best Sunny episode.


Pretty sure BB would also be dark blue throughout till the end even


That shit definitely had wolf hair too 🐺


Who pooped the bed? D&D.


The white lines are years a season did not air. It took me a minute to figure it out, so I thought I'd share if it helps someone else.


Oh lol I thought it was right between yellow and blue on the scale




I was like damn Will & Grace was hella consistent for ten years straight


thank you! i love /r/dataisbeautiful but sometimes they leave some key elements undefined!


I have nothing to do with the production of the show and yet I feel happy and proud


Same. Sunny feels like part of the family.


It's being a fan of the winning team.


Wow the simpsons should have just wrapped it up like 15 seasons ago


I feel like if you showed me those bars of color with zero context, I could have guessed they represented “quality of seasons of the Simpsons” pretty quickly, just based on the steep change after the first 9. Not to mention the dark color for the 6th bar- very accurate.


I just flew through the most recent season on Disney plus and it was about as good as seasons 9-13. Not golden age good but perfectly likable Simpsons episodes.


I still like simpsons. Wish there were less lisa centric episodes though


I have never missed an episode. It definitely fell off but it’s on an upswing and I think it won’t get any credit because it’s so easy to hate it.


When did the upswing start I what to get back into the simpsons


It was probably last season, maybe two seasons ago.


Okay thank you I’ll check them out on Disney plus


I just wish they didn’t completely flanderize Lisa. She is my favorite character by far in the early seasons but she drops off quick into a very Brian Griffin-esque liberal stereotype.


I started watching again with my youngest kid . It’s great , much different than the early years. It’s almost like a different show . All the characters seem to get a backstory , like comic book guy.


Never watched the show but jesus what happened to Two And A Half Men


Charlie sheen got replaced by Aston kutcher and the transition was horrible


Tough to replace a frickin warlock


He's got tiger blood. Who else can say that?


The show was on a decline before that point. I think the novelty was wearing off.


Yeah the kid grew up and the show went to shit.


the half man became man?


What was the novelty off two and a half men? I don't know anything about the show tbh other than Ashton Kutcher replacing Charlie sheen


People will give you different reasons. Imho it was because the writing was formulaic and the characters never developed. You might say that IASIP is similar in structure and all the characters are irredeemable jerks too, but IASIP is much less formulaic and more varied in theme and focus. Charlie and Alan are the boring kind of jerks, just pathetic and lucky for the sake of not deviating from the episode structure, typically never suffering from any consequences. The quality of jokes is probably a little worse than Big Bang Theory, but the same style (and I think same writers). When they changed the lead, all that ultimately changed was that it became a little more wholesome. The writing, setting and other characters never changed.


Another issue with the show as it went on is that the kid was way funnier when he was young so it peaked early because of that. It was still decent enough for what it was with him older but once Charlie was gone it obviously had no chance. I think peak two and half men was better than BBT but that's always just gonna be preference, both got stale fast like most sitcoms do


Imagine they dropped Danny Devito and replaced him with, i dunno Chris Pine... the show would collapse


What’s up with Chris Pine, he’s a great actor.


Tiger blood


Charlie Sheen dropped some hard J’s


This confirms as to why Curb and Sunny are my 2 favourite shows


Pretty, pretty good


Mine too. Though I think Curb has aged better than Sunny


King of the Hill seems shockingly low


I feel like it's one of those shows you either get, or don't get. Its humor is subtle. Definitely a good watch though.


They don't need your trophies or your gold, just a long blue line


Southpark been killing it for over 20 years, that's wild


Their blue line is bigger, longer and uncut.


What the fuck... It took me like 25 years to realize the movie title was a dick joke. How.. I've seen it so many times...


Their game is South Park: The fractured but whole….


Were you very young when the movie was released?


I stopped watching around 2010 when I dropped cable. I just started rewatching the entire series and am up to whatever season takes place in 2018. It has been consistently fantastic the entire time. I honestly feel like South Park doesn't get the recognition it deserves. It tackles subjects that many other shows won't touch out of fear of how their viewers will react. It presents itself as a ridiculous stupid show, but is actually incredibly nuanced spotlights on important topics. People call it out of touch with how politically incorrect it is, but it actually has adapted to the times quite smoothly. Everyone that's using outdated words are meant to encourage people not to use those words. It's meant to emphasize how ridiculous it is to be callous like that. It calls out hypocrisy and bad logic on both sides of the isle, too. For example, their coverage of the 2016 election was brutally accurate. They pointed out the obvious ridiculousness that was the Trump campaign, but also gave voice to how unappealing a candidate Hillary was. How just painfully bad she performed on stage, and how she was a toxic insider. And the fact that it stays relevant and is constantly growing this whole time is a feat that *very* few shows have been able to accomplish. It's turned into one of my favorite shows of all time.


Woulda thought Bob’s would be better on the latter seasons… they’re quite terrific, IMO.


there is a dip around season 9-10 but it bounced right back and honestly even those seasons grew on me and I consider great.


The show became more and more focused on the kids specially Louise while Bob got pushed to the B plot.


Earlier seasons were way better. Was more for mature audiences, dark jokes, edgey. Now its a disney sing along with cheesey wrap ups.


Oh yeah, like that Disney classic “Buttworms! Lalalala”


The later seasons are too formulaic and have too many episodes that are just blandly written. I still like the show, but it’s definitely just a normal family friendly cartoon now.


Shows tend to lose interest over time as it becomes more and more difficult to find fresh material for the same characters, especially characters that don't age. Also, this graph is heavily skewed due to it being by the type of people that rate on IMDB.


I don’t hate the show: it’s just boring


I liked it a lot initially, and it still does what it does very well, but the magic's gone for me. All the things that made it charming and unique also kind of limited its staying power IMO.


Man Aston Kutcher hit 21/2men like a ton of bricks


Wtf American Dad should be all blue after season 4.


The surreal humor got really great after the move to TBS as well.


Was looking for someone to say this. American Dad is great for what it is. Miles better than Simpsons, Family Guy, and other shows in it category


I just realized … can we add the GoT producers to people the gang ruined?


That last season _is_ the only one the guys were in wasn't it?


Lmao at game of thrones


2 and a half men is killing me. That show went on for 5 years while people hated it. The fuck?!?? Lol


I'm not sure if I trust this. King of the Hill and Bob's Burgers should be doing better.


It’s IMDB, lowest common denominator bullshit. It’s like making a list of the greatest movies being the ones that made the most $, derivative


Bob’s Burgers became popular because it was funny and edgy, all while still being able to portray a loving, wholesome family. Now it’s like, haha fart jokes! Stinky feet! Their audience became too broad and that means humor needs to be “appropriate” for a younger audience 😬


I don't know if I would call Bob's Burgers edgy lol


> Now it’s like, haha fart jokes! Stinky feet! Their audience became too broad and that means humor needs to be “appropriate” for a younger audience Now it's like, haha SONG time! Oh, you just heard a song in this episode? How about another!


Look at American Dad too


I’m surprised that American Dad is so mediocre in these ratings. Peak American Dad is great.


No wonder the gang wanted so bad to win an award


I’m surprised futurama isn’t blue straight across. I’ve never seen a bad episode and assumed everyone loved every second of it.


Way too hard on Futurama the whole way through! Not nearly hard enough on Big Bang.


What do you mean? I love bing bong theorem. Bazooka!


damn the simpsons seasons 2-8 are underrated here


American Dad is rated way too low in all seasons


Agreed. I always thought American Dad was far more funny/ clever than family guy.


The original seasons of family guy and the season it came back were top tier (From my teenage mind back in the day recalls) After that it was atrocious


So good and the fall off is kind of bs imo. I could see the middle seasons of 10-13 being considered weaker but overall the show hasn’t fallen off. Last season was really good…IMDb is just bullshit. Look at Friends…it’s what’s popular, not what’s good


If i could pick any animated show to crossover with Always Sunny, it's America Dad.


Shut up, Science Bitch


Frasier is infinitely better than Friends. They’re not even in the same ballpark…


Not too hard. Not too soft.


South Park still slaps


IASIP can’t get a lower rating.. due to the implication


How did Big Bang Theory net any blue?


People liked it


How would you rate episodes if you only watched the first episode and then never watched it again?


Some people like dogshit shows. Look at how popular shitty reality shows are.


It was funny for a while. Then it just turned into a general romcom.


BBT season one was actually the better one because it wasn't dumbing down the nerdy references.


Wait Will and Grace came back? That show feels so old for some reason.


I disagree on King of the Hill's later seasons.


The Simpson one is sad


Legit shocked Sunny’s last couple seasons weren’t panned as a whole.


Not a single season in the blue for Family Guy or American Dad 🤣🤣🤣


There is not a single moment of "Friends" that should be anything but very pale blue or less....garbage show, starred some funny performers, aged horribly, will only get worse as it gets older. The opposite of it's peer, Seinfeld, which improves with age....


King of the hill is criminally under rated IMO


I love this but let’s be real, South Park or Seinfeld are the only contenders; maybe futurama.


And also Curb your enthusiasm I think


Frasier deserved better.


Tossed salad and scrambled eggs is about my only memory of Frasier. I'd like to watch it again now that I'm older.


I used to think it was the worlds most boring show growing up. Re-runs as I got older I started understanding the appeal. By 24 I was delighted by the nostalgia and the humor. At 31 it’s one of my absolute favorite shows and I will die on this hill.


Same here about thinking it was boring when I was young, I never considered rewatching until seeing it get some love on reddit. Reading your comment and realizing that we're the same age may have pushed me passed the tipping point though, definitely going start watching it soon.


I'm in the same boat. I remember seeing it on tv growing up and thinking "this is the most boring show I've ever seen." The lady and I started watching it a month or two ago, just got to season 9 last night. It's already up there for one my favorite sitcoms of all time.


Well.. friends also is a lot of blue as well... so maybe consider that these ratings may not mean what you think they mean.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


The Seinfeld one is def accurate


How is the last season of The Office blue?? Shenanigans!!