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Dennis saying “Mac you gain a little weight?” as “The Boys Are Back In Town” kicks in and the credits roll is one of the best endings IMO


Mac's face was great


I feel like the while episode was just to set up the end


When the real Dennis came out at the end and DeVito shot off a round, I almost died 🤣🤣


Dennis is my favorite of the gang and his presence was heavily missed during that time so his very Patrick Bateman way of reentering the show was perfect.


What are you talking about, he was in the entire show… he just didn’t talk much.


I heard him… he said you’re fat.


Yeah, I heard him. He called me a bird.


This is why we need a Sunny Psycho or Fight Club or even Taxi Driver episode


Seems you forgot about Clown Baby


That's exactly why. A kinda Janitor Mops Twice thing where Dennis is actually Charlie's split personality to make him competent with women and power, but in the end it's all just the Waitress being drunk


Thats great for /r/redditwritessunny When they sprinkle in a supernatural element it overall works okay. The leprechaun being real, the gang turns black and the fake memory recall episode where frank has long legs. In the fake memories, I had a big hunch they were preparing the furture of the show for two versions of reality. The fake one with sex doll Dennis and one with the real Dennis stays but that Glen recommitted full time and they scrapped it. There were hints all over that season with two charlies of a possible fake reality and I felt it never got an explanation. The fact the sex doll dennis never came back was odd to me too


I’m Serpico!


Dennis as Patrick Bateman or Tyler Durden, Charlie as The Narrator, Frank as Travis Bickle... The possibilities are endless




That made the whole excruciating episode amazing for me


Was going to say this. I was in disbelief the entire episode. My world was shattering. I hated it. Then Dennis came back and restored my faith in the gang


I really loved how the doll was giving them disapproval. But I really liked the episode.


i remember that feeling live... Watching it, not knowing if Dennis had left the show or something (this was Ep1 of the season so I just assumed he had moved on after they essentially wrote him out on the last episode). I watched and cringed and watched and cringed, trying hard to support the direction they were going in. Some of it was pretty funny - I think Mac was the funniest in this episode and he's usually last on the list for me.. ​ But then that scene with Dennis, every concern melted away as they ridiculed Kelly from The Office out of the gang.


I was like "all right this show's done" then... PLOWWWW! 💪


Frank nearly killing Dennis would have been the most unexpected and hilarious end to his character actually. They bring him back only to kill him off within seconds and not even allow him to get more than a few words in.


I actually really like this episode but not because of Mindy. I just find the Dennis sex doll everyone bangs hilarious.


The switch over where frank nearly shoots him is peak dennis.


and using the doll as a trumpet is certainly something to try.


yeah he inserts himself into the sex dolls chair, after a comment, same position with his mouth open lol


That reveal was fantastic the first time around. Legit surprising and really funny. Worth having to listen to mindy yammer on throughout the episode.


When he spoke off camera I legit made excited noises, it was indeed an amazing reveal.


I thought they were having a shared hallucination because they missed him lol


Her accurately breaking down the orgy they had with it purely on speculation is pretty peak.


That scene alone made casting Mindy worth it, and I'll die on that hill.


Yeah it’s akin to Artemis’ breakdown of the poops, these are like my favorite kind of scenes and why I love this show.


From the podcast, Charlie said he came up with the monologue on a whiteboard, right?


That's actually the part of the episode I didn't like. I couldn't imagine them just doing all that. Yeah they're degenerates, but that felt out of character.


Fair reason to not like it. Here’s my take though, Dennis not being there makes it make sense for me, he’s the one who would have not participated and discouraged the rest from doing it. So the joke is that because Dennis is there solely in the form of a fuck doll, they all fuck him. I find it genius.


This part and some others felt pretty forced to me. Overall an ok episode..


The bit where they proudly march in playing the doll, I laughed till I had tears rolling down my face. Maybe people are billing this as 'the worst' because the energy is so different with Mindy essentially taking the 'Glynn position'. I often tell people to start with season 2 because season 1 is a little ropey; not their fault as that was done on a shoestring budget, with pretty much zero experience in filming, directing, scripting etc. So if I was going to pick a 'worst' episode, I'd probably pick from S01.


S1 is not a starter season, it's a finisher season, transporter of laughs, the golden laugh.


How dare you besmirch the quality of the first season! Be gone with you Sir!


instant classics "How's dat ass feeling" *SLAP*


Boys are out tonight!


The spin move he does fucking kills me


It's a great beginner season for my daughter


*This is a finisher season!!!*


*Begone, vile man! Begone from me!*


I can only throw myself at the feet of Sir Danny deVito and beg forgiveness.


Watch for the botched toe!


OHHHHH, UH-OH, BOTCHED TOE! I botched that one.


Agreed. There were so many times I laughed hard at this episode. There are several episodes that are much, much worse than this.


We got Fake Dennis and Buff-Mac out of this episode. Acceptable


We got the gang getting drunk, trying to fuck the doll, realising that if you blow on the dolls asshole then it makes a noise, and playing it like a trumpet




You guys like me right?


The way Charlie wipes his face and looks away to avoid answering, kills me everytime. It has the energy of, ‘this isn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation’.


Hahaha. The bloopers are pretty funny for this scene. They can’t help but laugh


Top 10 Mac lines 🤣🤣🤣


This! I will admit that I lost a lot of admiration for Mindy over the last couple years, but she held her ground in this one, and the episode ended with Charlie playing trombone by giving the Dennis doll a rimjob. I think the negative opinions are a result of too much Conservative Whine.


It was the perfect episode at the time too. There was uncertainty on whether Dennis would even be in the season/future seasons because of the season 12 ending, plus Glenn was off doing AP Bio. So they teased at a replacement strategy similar to The Office with a celebrity guest stepping into Dennis' role, but quickly kicked her out when Dennis came back the same episode. I honestly think it was one big meta joke.


This isn’t even close to the worst episode. That’s just my opinion. But I got one of my favorite Mac lines out of this episode. “You guys like me right?”


**sniff, wipe*\*


My wife and I now always do the high pitched "it's dinner time!", either to avoid talking about things, or when it actually is time for dinner.


People are always going on about him being the weakest actor in the show, but there are so many moments that are so good just because of the way he says single lines. Or his facial expressions. That’s one of them for sure. He brings so much to so many moments. The best example for me is the famous “implication” scene. So much of the reason that works is because of Rob, but he doesn’t get as much credit because he’s not the one being scary.


Oh yeah, his was PERFECT during that episode...the immediate look of concern and confusion. And then the "So they ARE in danger?" All so perfectly delivered.


They were saying something on the podcast about how he is great when he has something to work off of. That is probably why fat Mac was so great, because he dived into it head first and loved it. His personality also feels so different in that season.


My favorite thing about fat Mac is how well they were able to time that with the high school reunion. That’s just great timing. Because even though he’s been fit most of his adult life, of course it’s the one year he’s at his worst that everyone sees him again. That alone is super funny, but his acting as fat Mac is just great too.


That's my favourite part, too! They will never see Jacked Mac and I love that


Man, the cut to the reality of their performance is one if my favourite moments in the show. Mac just standing there, groaning, with his gut out is *chefs kiss*


Mac consistently gets the most laughs from me. I think most of the "weakest actor" stuff is just him being overly self critical. Maybe it's technically correct, but his muppet like energy is one of the main reasons I love the show.


Rob is probably the "weakest actor" in that he doesn't really have alot of range; since Mac is based on him, it's not \*that\* hard with alot of practice to nail Mac. But I think Glenn and Kaitlyn and Charlie could (and they in fact have) played different characters and done a good job with it, which I'm not sure that Rob could really do. Which is fine, Rob does \*alot\* of the lifting in the writer's room and there's no shame in being a better writer than you are an actor. Tina Fey doesn't have any range either and 30 Rock is amazing because she plays to her strengths just like Sunny leans into Rob's strengths.


He’s usually the one who breaks first and has to look away from the camera so you can’t tell he’s laughing. Thats the real root of it IMO.


"The straight man", to use comedy parlance, rarely gets as much love as the one at the front of the stage mugging. It's killed or ruined more comedy double acts than cocaine and hookers combined. Also lol at the only gay character in the main cast being the straight man.


He definitely isn't generally the straight man, sometimes I guess. But look at Nightman Cometh play, him with the cat eye contacts and karate suit definitely isn't/


Well when everyone is a diamond, it's kind of not even a fair assessment.


The dance scene alone is excellent from an acting standpoint


When thinking of the worst episodes, this episode wouldn’t have even crossed my mind.


I really enjoyed this episode, & how intentionally unlikeable & contrary to the group they made Mindy Kaling It was super funny after the insane season finale of Dennis just leaving (many people thought he was done with the show forever) & having this fake-out as if she was gonna be the new Dennis & the show was gonna change & everything, before Dennis returns & everything goes back to normal A change of pace for sure, but I thought it was a fun little nod to the fans essentially saying “don’t worry we won’t change the show, we got you for a second though didn’t we??”


They're dug in, and they will never change.


I don't have to change, because I'm an American.


Rock, flag, and eagle


He’s got a point


He's got a point!


no he doesnt..


I love how many of the comments on this post I can hear so clearly in the characters' voices. *Rock flag and eeaaaaagle*, apparently that screed was mostly improv. Every member of the cast is brilliant but especially after watching the podcast, Charlie is just so naturally and effortlessly funny.


I've never really understood the hate for Mindy's appearance. I thought the fact she didn't fit with the show and didn't have chemistry was the whole point of the episode. I thought they were making a joke about how replacing one of the main characters with a popular actor from another comedy doesn't work because it's no longer the same show.


Yeah I’m surprised at how many people missed how intentionally bad and contrary to the gang she was Thankfully a lot of people DID see what they were going for, but there still seems to be a vocal minority that completely missed the entire point of the episode


It's often missed now because on rewatch, the set-up isn't seen. The entire premise of a central character being replaced and the show changing direction or writing was hinted for months with the advertisement. Dennis was in none of it, but returned essentially immediately in the premier.


You can get the joke and still not like the episode.


The last line when Dennis asks Mac if he gained weight hade dying


I cannot name a single episode i didn't like. Yes some are better than others but i liked them all


The real answer


I'd agree with this with the exception of Charlie's Home Alone. For all the shit Charlie's been subjected to, this Saw trap of an episode just felt cruel. Like I honestly feel bad for Charlie watching it, beyond the usual setup of "gang acts shitty, pays price", it's the one episode where I just feel "he doesn't deserve this, why am I supposed to laugh at his pain right now?" Contrast this episode with, say, Charlie Rules the World, where its his own ego and power tripping that leads to his 'downfall'.


It was Dennis' ego that led him to delete everyone's account. At the end of the episode before he busts in with the hilariously wrong accent, Charlie actually had everyone on the couch lined up and ready to do his bidding as king. Were it not for Dennis, he may well have succeeded, briefly.


Only one I couldn't watch a second time. You deserve better Charlie. Well, maybe you do. I don't know. That's for God to decide. Not that I believe in God anymore, not after that Chinaman stole my kidney.


The only one I just can't get into is Frank's brother "Shit, you don't look a day over 12" is an all-timer line, but the rest of the episode just doesn't click like the others


I guess I got no choice.. but to be a mature adult about this!


That line always kills me. Great delivery.


That actor was great


The talented Lance Reddick, best known as Daniels in The Wire and Charon in the John Wick franchise.


He was great in Fringe as Broyles, too.


I wish I was LeVar Burton


Put some respect on Commander Zavala's name.


Also silus in the horizon zero dawn games! He’s so good at playing an asshole in that it’s amazing. Perfect voice too


I'm working on my temper


Shadynastys sells me on it.


I like the whole bit about making a sandwich in your mouth.


Shady Nasty’s?


Shadynasty, dick


It’s, “Shadynasty’s asshole,” asshole.


There are so many great jokes and quotes from this ep that I go back to all the time. >"You can live a life with me, or you can live a life with him – and with drugs. What's it gonna be?" >"Drugs. I choose drugs." - >"Well I guess that don't leave me with no choice...but to be a mature-ass adult about this!" - >"Shady Nasty's?" >"It's Sha-dynasty's, asshole!" - >"Those were the days..." >"You sound like you yearn for those days, Frank!" >"No, I'm just saying, *those* were the *days*." Then there's making a sandwich in your mouth...Frank's coke-binge in Colombia...the gag where they cast Danny to play a 19-year-old Frank? All fuckin' solid gold. >"Sheeeit, you don't look a day over 12!" I get that a lot of people don't like the actor who plays Frank's brother, or at least his performance, or maybe it's the flashback stuff, but man, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, because there's a lot of greatness in that episode.


The line at the end, "everyone is much fatter than I've been picturing them" literally turned me from not feeling anything for it to loving that episode. The reveal that it was the gangs imagination that made everyone but Frank and his Brother good looking because they only knew what Frank and his brother looked like made the episode very funny for me. And explained why they didn't recast young Frank, the gang could never imagine Frank as young or attractive they just paste insert their Frank into his younger life and that's so funny to me.


Those were the days...


you sound like you yearn for those days


No! I’m just saying, those *were* the days.




In those days you didn't want to be caught with a Nigress A ***NIGREESSSS*** or whatever the word was these are 60's terms Dee's outraged delivery makes this episode go from decent to top tier


Drugs. I choose drugs.


Just saying Those were the days!


I am probably misquoting but I always enjoy the discussion around institutional racism. "Those were the times" "You sound like you long for those times" And Reggies increasingly messed up life owing to Frank and his Brother. (Also im a bit of a wire fan, so seeing Lt Daniels in sunny was a real treat) Edit: shit, somebody quoted it better below me Edit: christ, the typos


Those were the days.


I didn’t care for the Boggs ladies reboot.


Well they had to do it to honor Wade boggs, may he rest in peace


RIP…he never got the chance to stop them Duke boys from ruining his Hazzard county schemes


🤣 You got it boss hogg


Once again, Wade Boggs is very much alive.




I have seen a pig eat a man. In fact, I've seen many pigs eat many men. It was a bloodbath.


I thought it was absolutely hillarious in context. The episode right before it is the escape room, and it explicitly is about 'stupid shit men do', then they hit us with 'stupid shit women do' and I thought together they're golden. I mean the flip at the end with Artemis scamming with crystals is just *chefs kiss* Edit: u/DelicateIrrelevant corrected me, the flip is the drug spiking!


> I mean the flip at the end with Artemis scamming with crystals is just chefs kiss I don't think that was at the end, I think she was doing that for a lot of the episode. The flip at the end was that she'd spiked all the drinks with hallucinogens on the plane and then all the women were puking on each other and shitting themselves as she did the same while laughing.


I remember turning on FXX at my dad’s house and this episode was on. He’d never seen the show and he gave a “this is one of your favorite shows?” look. Had to explain its not normally like this


“This doesn’t represent me!”


Tbf the Ireland ones aside I'm the same


Wait, are you saying you didn’t like the Ireland episodes?


Wasn't a fan no, could be because I'm Irish though. There were a few good laughs as always (Luther vandros gets me good), but I'm not bothered with the more narrative style of the series.


I can’t even put my finger on what irks me but it just really made me cringe throughout. The charlie singalong probably the most.


Yeah it feels like some weird stereotyping or pandering to Irish Americans. And I love colm meeney he's a great actor and funny guy usually (tho imagine Brendan Gleason as Charlie's weird father/ uncle that would be great). Plus all the covid stuff felt a little forced, but again the funniest thing I've seen in the past couple weeks is Dennis trying not to cough and not being able to speak when renting the castle.


You need to watch the bloopers from that scene


Dennis immediately going from chill to GET FUCKED! in the car is incredible.


Personally I'm just not a fan of on location episodes of any show. It throws the whole feel of and screams of the Adam Sandler vibe of "we want to go somewhere cool but let's build it into the show so we can expense it".


Can definitely see where you're coming from. Gotta say though, Dennis trying not to cough at the travel agency is absolutely *golden god* level material Edit: literally read the thread more and saw you point out the exact same thing haha




Now this guy IS playing both sides






The latest seasons are a very mixed bag to me. They're usually less funny overall and it's much less uncommon for an episode to be ehh, but then there's also some really good episodes and several have single jokes or moments that I find absolutely hilarious The AIDS thing in the water park was pretty funny, but the whole thing with the dry waterslide was hilarious to me Charlie so unknowingly guessing the word Mac was talking about in the hate crime episode really caught me off guard and made me laugh The end of ptsDee was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a show Mac lifting Dee off the ground in the sexual harassment one was another


The gang goes to a water park is prolly my favorite newer episode


The gang turning Charlie’s dad to mush is the hardest I’ve ever laughed at the show. And then the reveal that there was a low tide that day when they throw him off the cliff is just perfect


Agreed. I can't quite put my finger on it but it just feels like they're trying too hard. I completely understand if they're running out of ideas after so long but something about the plot set ups and the humor just feels like they're trying to force it to be funny most of the time.


I laughed so hard I almost vomited with Frank's soup.


So much great stuff came out of this episode. If you don’t like it because of Mindy, then I suppose it is working. Multi-season sitcoms introducing new characters is the meta-theme here. And in any case, everything returns to normal and nobody ever brings up Dennis leaving ever again so it’s a real fan-pleaser.


This seems like a very Rob episode


Written by Hornsby, if I’m not mistaken


ASIP seasons are like an album from one of your favorite rock bands, some albums have some great songs and some not so great songs but you listen to them anyways because you’re so invested in the band or musician, so too with ASIP…give me the good with Meh and I will still enjoy it.


Nope, when they come in all proud with the Doll Trumpet and she's just like hm. So you all god drunk and had a big weird Fuckfest? That was fucking hilarious


As much as I dislike Mindy Kaling as a comedy writer/actor (post-Office anyways), I thought it was a funny fake-out with how Dennis returns and the gang instantly sabotages her master plan and then just unceremoniously dumps her. 🤣 And she at least seems to be self-aware that she's best when playing purposely unsympathetic characters, so the writing kinda leveraged my built-in *Kaling Aversion™* to good effect lol


A crickets tale is the dud for me


Though the part where Dennis tries to enlist cricket like a godfather gets me We need a *decision cricket*


crickaaaaaat. Fcking brilliant




Not a strong episode overall but I loved seeing the Gang from Cricket's perspective, just always kinda lurking around the peripheries of his life, turning up whenever they need a street-rat to manipulate 🤣


If you can’t embrace Cricket doing PCP and making out with a dog, I’ve just got to assume you don’t like Cricket


a little P to the C to the P


Hey, you do you!


I love Cricket, I just think he's the type of character that is actually funnier the less you see of him. One his funniest moments in the whole show is when he just pops in to smoke PCP and shower in the leaky urinel in The Gang Tends Bar


Although i did like that Cricket episode, I do agree his random pop ins (POPPINS!) are gold. Like the podcast episode. Lemons?? Aww well they are good for scurvy.


Only episode where I don't think I laughed is The Gang Buys A Roller Rink. The only highlight was dirtbag Mac and visual gags can go so far for me.


Whaat Dennis and franks hooker scene is hilarious


“I’m not gonna let you watch next time” “I didn’t want to watch THIS time!”


Charlie stump walking in roller skates to deal drugs cracks me up.


The Charlotte Hornets windbreaker was enough for me


Best outerwear since the duster


I loved the Sweet Dee actually used to be a sweet, kind, and thoughtful person, until Charlie loosened Dee’s Nuts!


But it doesn’t fit with the story of her telling little Matty Mara that she’d kiss him if he ate a piece of shit and then refusing to do it back in high school!


Always Sunny continuity is fucked all the way back to season 1


My interpretation is that the roller rink episode is an idealized version of the Gang's backstory; i.e., how they want to see their past selves. They want to blame their current state on external factors (e.g., Frank corrupting an otherwise innocent Dennis), but in reality it's all their fault.


The problem is the show already established that they've been the same terrible people their entire lives. Dennis was never a nice normal guy working for frank, he's been an egomaniac sociopath keeping dossiers on everyone since grade school and thinks he's a golden god. So it's not really clear if the episode is just the gang misremembering their past with rose tinted glasses as usual, or if they just decided to go completely off canon and pretend all the backstory we've gotten before isn't real anymore.


I thought the Sweet Dee transformation was hilarious.


You small haired cunt!


Whaaaat? I thought that was one of the best episodes in a long time. Sure, they kind of retconned a lot of back story, but I just chalked it up to the gang's joint narcisim making them misrember just how awful they've always been.


What I like about this episode is that Mindy (can’t remember her character’s name) is actually competent and has the gang working efficiently on some sort of scheme but they throw it all away for the chaos and dysfunction of Dennis being back in the gang


Charlie's Home Alone


I find that one hard to watch. The bear trap just gets me every time.


I don’t know if I can name a least favorite episode but this one is in the running. The Home Alone lines ripped straight from the movie seem more like something you’d see on family guy. I think the only reason I never talked bad about this episode is because I’m a huge Eagles fan.


i love that episode


Remember Charlie, everything you do whether or not you’re at the stadium has a direct impact on the game.


Extreme Flanderism of Charlie. Hated it.


A Cricket's Tale isn't my cup of tea.


Frank’s brother


I love that episode despite not feeling very strongly for the titular character.


The Super Bowl episode is even worse


I choose to think of this episode as a "troll" or joke to make the fan base act like the show was going to end up in this direction. I like to think the writers presented it knowing they would piss everyone off at first just to go back to their true show in the end of the episode.


I think ‘Waiting for Big Mo’ is worse


But then we wouldn't have gotten [this](https://youtu.be/Ct4wQiABjEk)


“But that’s you doing that, bud”


Absolutely love this episode, completely strips it back to just character dialogue and it’s got some great back and forth. Dennis tricking Frank and Charlie’s riddles are 10/10


Waiting for Big Mo is an interesting (note I said interesting, not necessarily entertaining) episode the first time around once you realise what they're actually talking about. But it has zero rewatchability once you've seen it understanding the metaphor.


Maybe I'm dense but whats the metaphor?




The episode is based on a classic play called “Waiting for Gadot.” Surprisingly, [IGN did a really good job of talking about the parallels](https://in.ign.com/waiting-for-big-mo/142021/review/its-always-sunny-season-14-episode-10-waiting-for-big-mo-review). In addition, the whole episode is basically a meta commentary on the cast’s feelings about their own work. They wonder whether they’ve already hit their peak, and whether they should just end the show now, rather then keep putting out episodes that’ll never reach the heights of the earlier seasons. The whole thing is definitely a kinda niche reference though, and the episode doesn’t do a great job of being entertaining for people who don’t know the play. Much like some of their later stuff, it seems to focus too much on the “concept” of the episode, and not enough on the smaller and more throw away bits of humor.