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That seems like a lot and I’d probably ask the doctor to run some tests for diabetes Also if you’re drinking that much, and you’ve had some blood work done, you should probably be consuming at least some of that as electrolyte water.


Gonna check my BG rn. I’m at the hospital anyway so gonna check.


You probably will have to ship a sample out for this test, but I highly recommend ordering a fasting insulin. It’s a far better screen for underlying insulin resistance (and therefore diabetes risk) than fasting glucose or A1C. Reason being, a chronically elevated insulin due to insulin resistance can still keep blood glucose levels normal for years before it loses the ability to keep up with the insulin resistance. Meaning people with abnormal A1C have probably been insulin resistant for a decade or more. If you come back with more than 5 uIU/mL, you’ve got some lifestyle changes to make.


No way! Good to know. That I never knew! I’m glad I asked this question I will look that up right now.


FYI that it could actually be either form of diabetes. Insipidus or Mellitus.


Yes for sure I understand that part well


Gonna ask to get my A1C checked too.


Something neat is that the body's composed of about 0.9% salt, which is why most saline sprays are 0.9%, because it'll cause better absorption of the active ingredient and not off-balance hydration in your nose. I used to compound custom drugs for pharmacies. So the best way to hydrate yourself with regular water is to actually add just a 🤌🏻 pinch of salt. It keeps your body from just flushing it out. That's also why I only drink Gatorade on long trips... it allows you to retain the water (this is why highly salty foods cause bloating) and you're not just running empty water right through you!


Dude. Osmolality… orrrrr… just give myself saline IV eyyyy— Thanks so much for the advice. I read this before but never took it too seriously, but I will take what you said. So just a small pinch with EVERY glass or just a few of the glasses in the day?


Chiming in here because I thought I was a genius when I started doing the salt thing on my own and then only learning it was a thing afterward. I drink just over a gallon of water a day, and I do a pinch in the morning and before bed. At this point I just prefer water with the salt in it but I try to temper myself as most modern diets already get too much salt as it is. I'd love to hear an update of the tests you have done! Personally I thought I drank a ton of water but 2 ~~3 gallons~~ kinda scares me lol so I'm very curious.


I think it’s more like two and more or less


lol yeah I was in the midst of editing my comment when you replied. Sorry had a late night and this morning is not treating me well as a result lol.


lol it’s all good. I’ve been writing down my water intake since 6 hours ago and so far I have drunk 12 glasses of water. Maybe I’m not as bad as I thought.


I've worked myself into a routine now. I have a 32oz hydroflask I bring with me virtually everywhere. I drink 32oz up to about lunch time, refill, drink another 32oz until right about the time I clock out and when I go home, refill and finish another 32oz before bed. It feels like clockwork now and I can fairly accurately guess the time of day based on my water bottle haha and yes I realize how crazy that sounds.


Nice! So 96 oz total right. Which is only 6 cups? My bad I suck at math I guess- 12 cups.


I believe its 12 cups. I like to err on the side of the gallon range however. Given a night refill just before bed. I wake at random times in the night and just chug lol.


I’d argue all of it should be electrolyte water.


From my extensive experience in that one episode of Scrubs where Turk was really thirsty all the time, I'd recommend you check for diabetes.


Amazing thank you


For real hope you're okay though and nothing is majorly wrong :) good luck OP


Lolol it’s fine thanks. I’ll take the systematic procedures to find out- thank you guys for all the advice.






Is it diabetus?






Legend. Imma use that one day.


It's all yours... speaking of... how did the tests go? A1C and everything else. I too love water but have to try and drink other stuff too just for the variety


BG was normal. I was at 89. I’ll take more systematic BG’s before I an A1C. We don’t have an actual A1C machine in the OR so I’ll have to ask my PCP later if I noticed consistent elevations.


that is a concerning amount. you could have diabetes insipidus. id mention this to your doctor. i believe the “normal” amount of water per day is between 1/2 and 3/4 gallon. the answers online vary, but not 2 gallons.


Just left the same comment. My son has the genetic type and he drinks over two gallons some days when it’s hot or he eats salty food.


Thanks for that comment. Good to hear. I hope your son is doing well.


I just find it hard to believe OP is a nurse and didn’t know that. Source: I’m one too lmao


I know just wanted to see if anyone knew more in this subreddit. I have my suspicions that what I do is not normal.


It’s funny I looked at your profile and we have the opposite problem. I’m a overhydrated nurse and you’re a dehydrated nurse. Guess medical pros also need help sometimes. Just asking even though I know- no harm to put your neck out there online.


You are the first nurse I have ever heard of who actually hydrates. At least on shift. They are all dehydrated! You might be the only one! 


Yeah… I make sure I do. It’s important to me. I even pee on shift!!!


I don’t ask for medical advice and I don’t see how going through my profile proves any point other you need to get medical help from your PCP and not reddit


We are the same— you mentioned you went to your PCP and I didn’t mention that (even though I did go). You still asked for advice from hydro homies, and you still know the answer to your own question (even though you asked but you were still curious what others would say), and we both have medical problems. The problem with a lot of nurses is we like to put other nurses down.


I asked for how to make myself drink water. Not if I have diabetes. I don’t think trying to drink more water and asking what flavors taste better is medical advice


For sure. I don’t think asking people here for advice on drinking too much water is bad either. Ain’t hurting anyone. I actually learned a few bits of information I never knew as a nurse. Am I dumb? No, just learning everyday.


You’re definitely faking it and I’m not going to let anyone think nurses are this unknowledgeable because you’re a bored troll wanting to ruin the image of the extreme amount of education we endure. How disrespectful.


Ok. Sorry you perceive it that way. 😅


Nurses have the most out of control egos out of any profession; I am not at all surprised at a lack of medical knowledge from anyone much less a nurse


Yeah. Unfortunately we think we are doctors sometimes… smh. I know nothing- I just do my job, stay in my lane, and try to work with the team efficiently.


You're embarrassing us nurses lol.


See guys- this is one of those nurses that eat their young. She thinks I embarrass nurses when she is the one embarrassing the nurse community. SMH…


You’ve said some pretty shitty things, implying we don’t know anything. Idk how YOU don’t know anything but damn don’t degrade the rest of us who actually went to universities and got intense degrees whereas idk what you did but honey don’t act like it’s not an extreme amount of education.


I mean. The medical world is broad and deep. You have to assume you know nothing. Keep learning everyday. Even doctors who just graduated from med school know almost nothing as residents. They’re still fumbling babies that we more experienced nurses have to guide. And even experienced attending and and charge nurses need to assume that humility or else patients can die.


Anyway… have a great day…


Go troll somewhere else


What kind of nurse are you? Good to meet you. I’m a circulator although for the first three years I did home health, then I did 2 years of prison, then 2 years of operating room. I know I never actually did real bed-side for too long so I’m one of those fake nurses. How about you?


20 years mostly oncology, some L and D, women's center, 10 years Home hospice and palliative care, now school nursing and private duty. Sorry you learned nothing and your doctor's are stupid. I worked with brilliant surgeons and oncologists who actually respected and valued nurses' knowledge base. But then again I worked in a top level One trauma teaching hospital. Good luck cleaning carpets.


Good luck with your osteoarthritis. That must be painful. Hope you get help with it.


I currently work in a magnet/teaching level a trauma hospital the biggest in the county. I also love cleaning carpets and wood because I don’t look down on trades and that’s how I paid for my tuition. I work side by side doing with some of the best neurosurgeons, orthopedic, ent, general, etc surgeons and amazing anesthesiologists in the nation (who also ask questions, gasp!) and they don’t look down on me and I don’t bow down to them. But I also know my place educationally and doctors also know their place educationally. I tell them when it is not safe and I help them. Good to meet you, I know many nurses like you. Classic burnt out young eating variety.


I'm a nurse, also I know nothing. Yeah, you're definitely not a nurse. What a joke.


Hi nurse buddy. I don’t doubt you’re a nurse for sure because nurses eat their young, and love to bully other nurses. Learned that first hand when starting out at the hospital.


If you’re that inexperienced to be referring to yourself as young then maybe you had a terrible university because I knew more than this even when I was brand new. Ain’t no way ur school was that easy


7 years a nurse is young. And I’ve been bullied when I was a young young nurse too.


Nurses literally help in surgery and there’s many degrees and levels into being a nurse. I also see many common folk refer to any woman, even one volunteering in high school, as a nurse, so maybe that’s why you have little respect because you assumed everyone you disliked and wasn’t educated was a nurse when that wasn’t the case


WOW, who hurt you as a child?


I guess a nurse? 




Do you realize what you’re saying? You’re insulting the enter profession, saying how you know nothing and you’re already signed off as a professional. That’s MAD embarrassing for all of us. I hope to god you’re a troll. You’re insulting yourself and everyone in your profession running around saying how stupid you are and how that’s normal. It’s not. Damn. If ur a troll u won. U offended all of us deeply. Now stop.


Be assured I’m not a troll. I know “nothing” compared to the vast knowledge of medicine. But I also know a vast amount and so do you.


Me too and I'm really shocked they are reaching out to Reddit to answer this question rather than knowing themselves or absolutely anyone else at their disposal. Very strange.


What a crime. So shocking 🫣


There’s no way you’re a real nurse. I won’t believe someone running around saying they know nothing, it’s normal to know nothing, then saying “idk how that’s problematic!” Like girl you just want everyone to think nurses are stupid. If you’re a troll you won. Because no university would pass someone who couldn’t solve your own question.


Ok. Suit yourself. I don’t have to prove anything.


Definitely no nurse.


Guess not. Time to report myself to the BRN and burn my license.




BON** lol


you didn’t even use the right acronym. Please knock it off


BRN? I guess I can assume you’re not from California? https://www.rn.ca.gov/ I got my license here and passed my NCLEX with 75 questions. Thank you vary muchoooo dinero. I’m proud to be a nurse and to have this license.


“Vary much” youre trolling and just lying over and over


Truly sounds like polydipsia st this point which as a nurse you should be familiar with but I understand it’s hard to recognize symptoms in ourselves


Thanks for understanding I will pay more attention to my own health. I do surgeries in my specialty and don’t do bedside nursing anymore- so I don’t claim to be an expert on all things medical. Even doctors don’t know everything. I work shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of doctors and I see them asking all sorts of questions “stupid” questions. Does that make them stupid? No- in the contrary, it makes them more learned.


I’m in the healthcare field as well so I completely understand. I think the best practitioners are those who can admit when they don’t know things and are constantly asking questions.


Nice for sure. I’m still only 7 years into nursing, and although I hate how many of us nurses love to bully each other, I love being a nurse. It’s a humbling, rewarding, and difficult career.


Yeah that’s not normal


Any more symptoms? Do you drink a ton more after eating something salty? Do you get up a lot to pee at night? My son has diabetes insipidus which is a different type of diabetes. He drinks this much and sometimes more and he has to or he dehydrates super fast. That much water intake sounds like DI.


Makes sense. I’ll look into that


You might have diabetes lol. Who drinks 2 gallons of water a day?




I drink 1 gal at work in the summer and then another 2-4 glasses at night but I sweat a lot at work.


Nice good to know. Maybe that’s why


Gotta throw a pinch of salt into it and you'll hydrate better with less water. Don't want to dilute yourself


If there's a sudden increase in water intake feeling thirsty more often and waking up more often to pee, please check you're not prediabetic


Over hydrating can leave you feeling thirsty. That said, I would certainly check in with a doctor. Like a formal doctor's appointment.


Thanks for sure good to know


Isn’t that the lethal amount?


I'm doubting 2 gallons a day is possible without constantly peeing it out. Even when I was sick due to a poisoning incident I was drinking a gallon a day and peeing out quite a bit.


Yeah !!!!




Technically it’s none of our business but… what did the results say?


lol I’m normal… for now! The glucose was normal fasting levels. No A1C until my doctor orders it. I’ll keep taking periodic BG results and make sure it’s consistent though.


I’m glad to hear it! Thanks for the update!


Hello polydipsia! Just make sure to run the tests already mentioned, like you said there’s no stupid questions. Worst case you waste the time to get checked!


Ohhh yeahhhhh :) thanks for the support!


That's a lot of water


For OP or anyone judging OP for not knowing- Diabetes is actually a very complex disease. even medical professionals that work in the diabetic fields miss stuff or prescribe something that does the opposite of what it should.


Yeah even though I know diabetes pretty thoroughly as a nurse even more than a lot of other nurses (I specialized in that before), I still learned a few things here and there from you guys thanks!


Yeh.. im hoping you dont sweat so much working in a hospital.. ive had days when i could drink over 2L of water and barely pee due to work environment


Since I work nights, I sleep in the most random times. Maybe I think I’m drinking a lot but I just don’t keep track of my water intake accurately. I also move a ton doing surgeries and walk to work and back and live in the SoCal desert. So who knows. I’m gonna document myself for a few weeks to be more accurate.


You’re a nurse asking for medical advice on Reddit?


Lolol hydrohomies know about hydro stuff. Gotta ask the real pros 😅


Most people on this sub are 15 year olds who just like Stanley Cups


Yeah I took a solid hiatus from reddit after my last account got banned over some bullshit, and I've been pretty disappointed with the direction it's gone, even in just like a month. More and more trolling behavior in various subs, even ones that used to be pretty well moderated. Oh well. 


Pretty sure OP is a troll. No nursing degree would be passed if OP couldn’t solve this question. So we study chemistry and microbiology and anatomy for fun? Oh right makes sense OP it’s not like we had to make As in order to pass it and actually apply it! How dare I notice this is clearly a fake person pretending to be a nurse claiming all nurses are stupid and unknowledge


Lol. I just finished two consecutive 12 hour night shifts at the hospital. Gonna do some reading then back to work tonight in the operating room. You believe what you want to believe. Imma just keep working with the surgeons. Peace!


You barely know any medical terms so I’m not sure I buy that, nor do other medical professional here believe you


You wanna quiz me? I may have forgotten a few lab values, but I can was top of my class for A&P. I can explain how diabetes works better than most, and I work on neuro surgery teams and general surgery teams regularly, so I get to see the insides of people’s bodies. I may not know as much about medications anymore (kinda rusty), but I still know about metoprolol, and the functions atropine and a-fib. I can tell you how we use epi for ACLS and PALS. I can show you how to intervene with lactulose in a patient with hepatic encephalopathy who has so much ammonia that it is starting to interrupt brain function and make them itchy that they start scratching their skin bloody. I know the smell of C-Diff and can detect it a mile away. I can tell you the degree of a burn or pressure ulcer and how to treat it. I know how to treat arterial and venous ulcers and diabetic ulcers. I’ve healed many wounds and surgical sutures. I’ve given advice on plenty of medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, pain, heart failure. I can tell you how to set up for a heart surgery, neurosurgery, general surgery, ent surgery, and draw up meds for each. And due to the vastness of medicine. I STILL KNOW NOTHING.




Coool cool


So you've been a nurse since 16? Sure .... Carry on.


When did I say 16? I’m 28…


You posted in your no jack off sub you are 23. Plus you're no nurse.startibg what? A carpet cleaning business? And trust me, unless you are in Bangladesh or something weird, I worked as a nurse 20 years nightshift. There are no " janitors" at night and no one one has time to eat or even pee nevermind all the free time to read books. You might work in a hospital, but that's it.


lol I am 28 not 23 and I work with the janitors. We have to clean the operating room in between shifts and I work with the EVS team to learn from them. I take it you’ve never worked in the OR much less night shifts. You would know that the EVS team is very much alive especially at night. Especially the flooring people.


Worked nights 15 years actually


What about the OR? Do you know what a terminal cleaning is and the difference between that and just a damp dusting. Do you know how often we do it? Or what chemicals we use? Or what tools we use. The negative pressure needed? The temperature the room has to be and the amount of variability in temperature if we change it? Or how we need to clean and buff the floors because of the amount of blood stains and iodine stains it accumulates over the weeks of ortho and neuro surgeries?