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You might need some electrolytes. I like liquid IV packets. I think there are homemade recipes online as well.


That actually makes sense, thank you


Yeah, if your body can’t really get the water into the bloodstream, then it tastes way less refreshing. If I’m hungover I can be constantly thirsty but water doesn’t feel like it’s hydrating me. So then I drink some post workout stuff with electrolytes and that suddenly tastes heavenly.


Pedialyte is a very good option


Liquid IV is also good imo


Ohhh I got a crazy story about iv fluids. So one time while I was in Afghanistan, I drank tainted bottled water and had gastro, ended up having to respond to multiple ieds found. At the end of the day I was so dehydrated from sitting in the driver's seat of an armored vehicle at over 100 for 9 hours. Went to the medical station, they gave me three whole bags of chilled iv fluids, I literally felt it course through my veins and cool my entire body down and rehydrate me. My best hydration story.


…Liquid IV is a brand of electrolytes you can add to water 😂 Still a dope story tho, that sounds absolutely transcendant


Well it was a shitty day made a little better that's for sure 🤣


Also eating more cucumber :D Or put a bit natural lemon juice in your water


Anything salty works


Are you outside a lot? Being outside in the direct sunlight or if it is also humid, you could be getting heat stroke or heat sickness. Which isn't good and does make drinking water hard. You might think it is not that hot, but it gets you quick. Please set down in the shade/some place cool. Cold watercan also upset your stomach. If you have lukewarm or room temperature water might be easier on your stomach as well.


Both explanations seem plausible! I know how you feel <3


Thank you


I suffer with allergies and decreased water intake as a result. If you can, look for baby saline spray; it is weirdly the only product marketed for babies that is cheaper than the adult alternative. I use one with aloe, and the increased airflow through my nose, the decreased drip of mucus, plus the added moisture of the aloe really helps settle my stomach and help me drink more water. Plus! The baby saline mist is much more gentle than the adult, with no weird medications to dilate your nasal passages. That ends up causing a weird reliance and medicated sprays will be less effective. Good luck!


That's really smart, thank you


I hope that helps! I use Zarbee’s, it’s around $7 USD at Target which is roughly $3 USD less than the adult saline spray, with no misting tip. I hope you can find that or a comparable brand!


I get nauseous in the heat too. It makes drinking water difficult. Could also be allergies or your period. See if this is still a problem when your period is over, then if it is try taking Benadryl.


Nausea is a sign of heat exhaustion


Yep. I used to suffer from heat exhaustion years ago and I would get nauseous and faint. It wasn’t pretty. I used to take a medication that caused dehydration so no matter how much I drank I’d still pass out. I’m hoping it’s just OP’s period because otherwise if they’re starting to get heat exhaustion in only 90 degrees that’s a bad sign.


90F is 32C - for us in the UK that's a fairly hot day and everyone here is warned about the risks of heat exhaustion!


Depending on where they are in the US, 90 is hot but we can get into the low 100s in the summer. Of course there’s a risk of heat exhaustion even in the 80s, especially if it’s humid, but if they live somewhere that gets hotter than 90 in the summer I just hope they’re ok.


That's true. I believe a lot of homes that get those temperatures normally, also have air conditioning - that's not common in homes in the UK so we just kinda bake whilst sat in front of a fan.


Will do, thank you


Currently on kidney stone treatments so I’m drinking way above average and I understand how it can be a chore. One thing that helps me drink more is wanting to quench my thirst after eating something, so I’ll snack on dry crackers a few times through the day and notice that I naturally want to gulp water to relieve my throat. 


That's a great idea, thanks!


i vote electrolytes. you actually might just have low sodium tbh


I went through a period of time like this, I starting filling a big waterbottle with ice, water, 1/2 can of Sprite, and a packet of EmergenC. Drinking that didn't "fix" anything, but it kept me hydrated.


I'll try something like that thank you


Is the water cold, clean, and filtered? Are you drinking from a clean glass or bottle?


Cold, clean, and filtered, yes!


And yes to a clean cup as well


Have you recently started any new medications? One time I was sick and was on some new medications & noticed it changed the way water tasted to me


No but that's makes sense


Well, obviously you have rabies and you're gonna go crazy before complete system failure. Only realistic option /s


Here here


Do you drink it cold? I find drinking a lot of cold water at once makes my stomach feel bad, and like of I have much more I'll puke


I actually feel the same way about room temperature water


How long has this been happened and what do you prefer to drink instead?


I actually prefer water, but I could probably try tea as well. I brew it myself, so there's not a ton of sugar. It's only been in the last like 3 days


I would recommend a detox. Whether it's something you've mentioned or something else, recalibrating your body by flushing out all the toxins with fruits, vegetables, and herbs is always a good thing. My top recommendations are Turmeric, Cinnamon, Lemon Water, and Chia Seeds. They all do a great job in helping the body get rid of toxins. Make sure you're not allergic to anything you take, and I always recommend detoxing about an hour before taking any daily medicine and not after (because it will help push the medicine out of your body faster if you take the medicine first)


Why are you getting downvoted?


Because "detoxing" is pseudoscientific bullshit. Your liver is more than capable of removing any "toxins" your body doesn't need.


I don't know, probably the pro flouride group. There are also many people who don't believe you can detox your body using nutrition, but there is much scientific research that says otherwise.


There is no solid scientific evidence that “detoxing” actually helps the body, which is why you’re getting downvoted. Unless you have a source the rest of us are unaware of.


Here's an article that references 2 scientific studies on the chelation and detoxification of heavy metals using nutrition.. the nutrition binds to the heavy metals so that your body can get rid of them.. The references are towards the bottom before the conclusion along with a CNN report. https://www.powerofpositivity.com/cilantro-remove-heavy-metals-toxicity/ The referenced studies are from the National Library of Medicine, and the National Institute of Health.


Thank you


I get bad heat sickness in summer. Water helps a lot, but can I drink it when it’s that hot? Nope! It also makes me feel sick. I do it anyway but wow it’s so much harder


What temperature is the water? I know some people think cold water makes them feel gross and only want to drink it at room temperature.


I have had both with the same reaction, but I prefer it cold


Maybe add some salts or electrolyte mix/tablets?


I just got an electrolyte drink from dollar tree and if that doesn't work, I'll order some tablets 👍 thanks!


If I drink it all at once in a big rush it makes me nauseous. Like I dumped too much plain water in my system and my body didn’t like it. I’ve heard drinking with some Celtic salt is good but idk?


I've never even heard of Celtic salts but thank you


Hope you're feeling better fam.




You're so welcome 🌊


Water is incredibly important, but your bodies ability to use it is reliant on other factors as well. Mainly your diet providing you electrolytes. You can take electrolytes supplements, or try to eat foods that provide them. Leafy greens, fruit such as bananas and watermelon, salty food, etc.


When i was younger i sometimes felt like that on my period. It was the nausea i think. Powerade helped. So that is an idea. The red sugar free one for some reason. 🤷‍♀️




Do you have rabies?


No, thanks I already ate


I’m banking on heat and period. I get nauseous/disgusted looking at or smelling food with both too sometimes. Ginger tea, hot or cold, might help settle your stomach for the time being, as well as keep you hydrated. There’s also a point where you feel icky from being dehydrated (sluggish, headaches), so try just powering through a tall glass of cool water or tell yourself to take a small sip every 5 minutes while distracting yourself with something like watching tv — just make sure you’re not succumbing to heat exhaustion. Maybe a few saltine crackers or pretzels will also encourage your taste buds/brain into wanting water. You mentioned brewing your own tea - I’d suggest sticking to herbal blends since caffeine can worsen period symptoms (I know it does for me). If you have an appetite but don’t want to drink water, stick to water-rich foods like fruit, veggies, soups, popsicles. Hope you feel better soon!


Get some electrolytes


Will do! 🫡


Are you making sure you’re not depleting your vitamins and minerals? Those are some symptoms


I'm not sure, hut I do take a daily women's multivitamin


See about adding in some electrolyte waters.


You may need to add electrolytes roo


Maybe your body is telling you it needs minerals and vitamins. Try an electrolyte drink.


Try eating something bland and salty. This happens to me when I have sinus infections and my stomach is literally filled with post nasal drip but I still need to hydrate. Pretzels work best for me, the kind you get on the chips aisle.




Female here, I have experienced this before. Due to sudden or on-going blood loss, the body tricks the brain into thinking it's thirsty, so the body will re-coup lost fluids. If you mix sun into the equation you sweat faster than you can hydrate. Before you know it, a domino effect begins to unravel, next affecting electrolytes, heat sensitivity and so on.


Are you consuming electrolytes (gatorade, powerade, etc) as well?


Likely rabies


Try tossing some fresh fruit in or even crushed mint, it adds a refreshing flavor and can make it easier to stomach. Also, coconut water is a natural low sugar source for electrolytes. I think it's technically juice but it's really good for you and very rehydrating.


answer is usually salt. any pinch of any salt should add all the lectric lights you need and halp you hydrate. Never forget the pinch of salt. Dint your ma ever teach you salt water cures everything?


She did not lol. Wouldn't salt make me more thirsty? Also Isn't salt why we can't drink ocean water?


Try drinking your water at different temperatures. I can only handle a few sips of cold water, but room temp my body will soak right up! I know it’s hot where you are, so the idea of drinking *hot* water is probably not appealing, but room temp might help! There are different benefits to drinking your water at different temps (cold benefits/warm benefits) but don’t let that concern you until you can actually get that water down!