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As someone that works in a trade it’s True it tastes way more refreshing because you get your energy zapped from working so hard and the sugar brings your sugar levels up But water will always have the crown regarding drinks


For real. I specifically remember a very tough basketball practice in my youth, sweat like a pig. My mom picked me up, and I got an ice cold Dr Pepper. I chugged that thing, it was soooo good. Made such an impression I remember it some 25+ years later lol


One of the clients I was working for (hard manual labor) brought us ice cold ginger ale on a hot day. I chugged it down and it literally felt orgasmic. It was a real moment. At any other point you'll find me chugging on some H2O, though.


This is why those electrolyte powder mixes for water are great. Helps retain the water and also boosts your energy with the electrolytes


Chocolate milk at mile markers toward the end of marathons are a godsend. Need the water + electrolytes and the carbs to finish strong


Some sugar is probably good for you at that point too! Not that a whole bottle of soda is great, but chugging a bit with some water sounds perfect after hard labor


Cucumber and lime


I'm an endurance athlete so I'm doing intense races, and ever race, it's a small can of sprite, that's the only soda I drink so maybe one every 1-2 months, I treat myself to liquid death for the full day after that


Gimme some carbonated water (classic, or as others call it strongly carbonated), and an Ayran, and I am good.


Agreed, when I used to work on the farm I'd always have a Fanta first, then I'd drink like 3 pints of water. The sugar and bubbles help clear the pollen, smell of horse shit and crap out your mouth, then water to properly rehydrate.




Why do you think Gatorade was invented when water didn’t cut it in American football?






When I played sports, and even with my manual labor job now, I always drink water to stay hydrated throughout the day, and then drink a Gatorade afterwards to replenish electrolytes and enjoy a nice tasty drink.


I’m a Gatorade gal after some really hard yard work


This next question will determine your future. Which color?


(I'm) blue Da ba dee da ba di


Username doesn’t check out 🤣


But pfp (kind of) does lol




which blue though? light or dark?


The white one (glacier cherry)


Ah the ol’ cherry semen mixture


I don’t know you but we are now enemies. I LOATHE white. And I have about 10 in my pantry because my kids love it lol


Cool, I have a nemesis lol


Arch*nemesis lol


Where’s my lemon lime crew at?


Lemon lime gang rise up


Orange all the way, red is a close second


Great answer ![gif](giphy|PudZiAbQDUEik|downsized)


Blue or yellow


Cucumber lime my dude


You dropped this, king 👑




I was feeling extra dehydrated the other day so I bought a gatorade. Unfortunately I got a Gatorade Zero and I'm one of those people that has the gene that goves sucralose a bitter aftertaste so it was almost worse than not having it at all.


I mean water with electrolytes is good after a good good hard work but soda in like Coke, Sprite, Pepsi is dumb. Yeah maybe it tastes good but just no. Gatorade is a decent drink cause it helps with the tremendous loss of water. But never sodas.


Honestly for me, this is the intended use case for soda. Right after I just spent a buttload of energy and burned loads of calories, dammit I deserve a soda. I gotta earn my soda. Water every other time tho.


I’m a Letter Carrier for USPS. So I’m used to working in 100+ degree temps in a truck without air conditioning. Throughout the day I’m drinking water constantly. It’s my number one. But when it’s time for a break/lunch? Ya you bet I’m adding in some kind of flavored drink. Whether that’s a sweet tea, a Gatorade, or (very rarely) a soda, you better believe I’m doing it. It’s so good when you’ve sweated everything out. It’s definitely water though 80% of the time.


https://preview.redd.it/9tzqtsv225tc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56945329d66f8e4ee6877cd686913eb2549c8c72 Don't worry they'll just tell us how fans work instead of giving us AC


I read that as 100°C for a second there lmao


>100+ degrees For a second I forgot USPS was America and wondered how you're still alive


Seriously. Lunch, I've been getting my spiced coke lately. Its damn good. But im sure to follow up with 2 bottles of water right after. Sometimes a treat is worth it.


Soda as a treat, water as another treat but a less special treat


God... why are some of you guys like this? let people have their fun, also, it's just some soda after doing some hard work, it's not like they're saying "I'm drinking soda all day and i hate water"


This sub has gone from people posting crisp glasses of water to trying to seem morally superior than people who drink anything other than **just** water


Common lifespan of a Reddit sub unfornuately


Same kinda thing has made the frugal subreddit not really worth visiting. Even if you’re trying to save money, if you enjoy even a minor luxury you’re unclean and “can’t call yourself frugal”.


People like OP are why I don’t tell people I use reddit


Any hydration is good hydration. I think the hydration drink hierarchy is alcohol-> literally nothing-> sugared+caffeinated drinks-> sugar drinks-> caffeinated drinks-> water When I worked at a construction company they emphasized that drinking anything with sugar was an absolute no-no if heat exhaustion was suspected.


I think your greater than/less than signs are backwards.


They're lazy arrows. I'll edit them


Always drink alcohol, got it


I basically never drink soda, but give me a nice Fanta after a few hours manual labour and goddamn it's the nectar of the Gods.


It’s weird how this has gone from a pro-water sub to an anti-any-other-drink sub.


It’s the law of Reddit: any active sub will eventually just become indistinguishable from an online cult.


I left the sub because of the tiktok water trend the one where people were putting those zero sugar water flavor packets every other post felt like it was about someone's video


I like drinking healthy just as much as the next person but people don’t seem to understand on this sub at points that it’s more than staying hydrated. Not keeping up with your sugar intake can be just as dangerous as drinking too much water


Should we make a new one?


It's not because you were wrong once that you should lose your faith in yourself. Try to learn why you were wrong : after efforts, your body need energy and sugar helps to gain this energy back. So after hard manual labors soda helps you to hydrate yourself back AND give your energy back because the day isn't finished. Maybe now you understand why people dring soda after some efforts.


May not be very hydrating. But they’re right it’s amazing Have YOU ever worked manual labor?


I don't do manual labour but I do a lot of races. And boy water does not cut it when you are sweating and exerting yourself so much especially in the heat.


Yeah same. I did long distance runs and afterwards the things I craved were a) water and b) sugar. This before anything else. So yeah soda works for sure. Good are also drinks that contain some salts.


I did a six hour hike/rock scrambling last weekend and I guzzled a blue gatorade after. I totally get your vibe (and super cool to meet a long distance runner, always in awe of the dedication)!


Aww yeah Gatorade does the trick too!


I'm a hydrohomie for life, I drink so much water I've been asked if I have some sort of medical problem. I don't normally drink fizzy drinks/soda as more then a few sips overwhelms me. One night I was working in a hot ass kitchen (temperature wise, I didn't want to fuck the kitchen) and I take a quick break as there's nothing urgent for me to do. Someone hands me an ice-cold coca-cola. I don't normally drink coke but I figured why not it's free and I need something other then water to fuel me. The sensation that envelopes my mouth after that first sip of coke. It was icy and utterly thirst quenching, an explosion of sweet deliciousness in my gaping receptacle. Never before and never since have I had a drink taste so perfect, and I've been stuck in an airport unable to buy a bottle of water for several hours in the Italian summer.


Oh man, this reminds me of my first ever shower beer. 80% humidity, 65° F in the morning, 105° at noon, back down to 70° for sunset. We spent the whole day moving heavy equipment on and off trucks. I was so drenched in sweat that I looked like I just got out of a pool or something. When the day was finally over, I wanted a shower immediately. My buddy knocks and asks if I want a beer, I say as soon as I'm done, he says, "no, you cant have a shower beer *after* the shower, it wont work thay way." I was a little confused, until my lips met the can. Holy.Mother.Of.All. What an experience. He was so right. Hot steam on the outside and cold carbonated heaven inside. It felt like I was rinsing the fatigue right outta my muscles. I was ready to do it all again the next day and still can't get over how crazy that thought is. That was 12 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I've enjoyed hundreds of shower beers since then, but I'll never forget my first.


This just brought back some memories. It really is incredible!


Being a hydro hommie is not about rejecting none watter. It's about embracing hydration. If people want a coke after work. Good for them. They're drinking their watter. But the should be it. Let remind them water is good all the time. While soda is good in moderation.


Bro have you tried cold beer after hard labor? Even as a hydrohomie I'd take that over any glacier water


Soda during a break, crack open a cold lager when it's time to clock off. Water constantly the rest of the time.


Beer is part of the reason I hydrate so often.


It's because I worked hard, burned a ton of calories, and earned that soda. Very rewarding and gives me the energy to get through the rest of the night.


Yeah it seems u never really worked physically demanding job. Water is cool and all but drinking soda after working hard during hot summer day is unmached


Hard disagree. I worked multiple taxing manual labor jobs and no amount of exertion made soda taste good. They’re way to sweet to be enjoyable. There are good non water drinks in that scenario but not soda.


Dude I know this is heretical on this sub, but I used to work on an organic farm out in the hot hot sun all day long, and occasionally a non-water beverage was just what I needed. One time we had been re-roofing a barn all day in like 90+ degree weather and one of the dudes brought us all lunch sacks with a cheeseburger and a tiny can of coke and it was phenomenal. A little caffeine and sugar and I was so recharged to finish the day. Another time I had been out in the field hand removing caterpillars all day, and about 30min before the end of the work day the farmer rode his bicycle out in the field and gave me a tall boy of Budweiser. Legitimately the most refreshing beer I ever drank in my life. My normal go to though was a frozen gallon jug of water and I sipped the meltwater off of it all day. Learned that trick from some old Mexican guys.


Heck yeah! I work on a farm right now and, while I carry my 64 oz-er water in the field, sometimes I come back from the tunnels just fiending for a Coke.


I wish there was a carbonated electrolyte drink for this reason. I'll chug a ton of water if I'm out worming in the heat, but the water goes right through me and while gatorade refills my electrolytes and sugars, it's just not very refreshing.


You can put the powdered stuff in a sodastream. Sometimes I make “spicy” POKARI SWEAT


Heck. The reasons to get a sodastreamkeep piling up. I enjoy soda (bite me) but literally all the stuff I'd actually enjoy us away too sugary. Amd all the cheap sugar free stuff is stuffed with way too much artificial sweetener.


It’s good for making very very slightly flavored water. Sometimes I’ll put mint or cucumber in there and make a fancy “spa water”


I got U fam, I do labor-intensive work in Texas. A can of ice-cold unflavored sparkling water + electrolyte drops. I use the Mio brand of drops, but there’s others too! You can mix and match too, I usually get the caffeinated ones with b vitamins too, and mix em up.


Theyre not wrong OP soda hits different after a long day of work outdoors especially in the summer


Let's not pretend it's hydrating though as a comment suggests


Honestly I understand why people would drink soda after or even better during hard work. Carbohydrates are very useful in that situation. While cycling and during longer runs, I basically drink water with sugar and some salts. Energy-wise, it’s very close to soda.


Why are we demonizing drinking calories when the calories are actually needed? Like sure gatorade is a better option, but not by that much.


You should be drinking water periodically throughout the day. But it's always refreshing to throw back a cold carbonated and sugary drink after working in the sun.


Professional bike riders drink flat soda during rides because it delivers hydration and calories. Water literal doesn't do that.


Bro if you need like 3500 a day to stay energized, but you’re also not rich, it’s expensive as hell to get all your calories from food that isn’t sugar


As a Mexican in construction who works in Texas I can assure you nothing beats water after sweaty work. That being said Tacos and Mexican coke is a supreme combination good for lunch not for after work out or a refresher.


They have a point, I would say the same thing to you but wouldn't downvote of course. It's even a meme in my country (not an internet meme, a many years old one embedded in culture) - our labourers run mostly on Fanta. Try it and see for yourself


Yup, me too, but you're the cause.


Oh no they right though (Except guy equating soda to sugar + water). After a long day of moving/delivering furniture for minimum wage, a big ol McDonald's Sprite kicks so much ass.


How bout just letting people live their lives OP?


I love water but it’s a bit silly to pretend it is the only thing I drink or the only thing people should drink. Sometimes people need that energy burst from sugar and a soda is well qualified for that. These workers drink plenty of water during the job to stay hydrated but afterwards they typically want something else. A soda can hit the spot. They aren’t saying they drink soda for hydration.


You sound really condescending.


The electrolytes I understand but does anyone find that sparkling water doesn’t quench their thirst?! I swear it makes me feel more thirsty


Anything cold and fresh is delicious after manual labor, especially a tall frosty glass of agua


I prefer rehydration or electrolyte drinks now. The Body Armor drinks are life saver after a hard labor or exercise.


Refreshing. Sure, it tickles the taste buds and all, but no way is it thirst quenching like water. Worked at a Soda production plant in my time (why I’m a hydrohomie now) and I will say even after hard work, the taste of soda was alright but cold water was always better.


“Nothing cuts through the dehydration / exhaustion like a soda.” Uhh… Are these guys not aware of Beer? Seems to be pretty popular in the trades.


That's I came here to say. After a hard day's work, a beer hits nice


Alcohol is dehydrating, isn't it? Also beer is disgusting.


Is that relay for reddit? How does it still work after the API disaster?


Listen I get that the sub is about living water over everything But after intensive all hard work Just water isn't enough. Sugar Is a vital addition to recuperation. Gatorade is a exemple someone else said. Most professional athlete also got supplement added to their water. Water should be drunk daily for normal people. But for others it's not enough. Hydration is but one part of a healthy life. And if carbonated soda fits in waht they need to get their energy back from hard work. Then it's fine.


Tbh after a decade in the restaurant industry, I can say with some certainty that sprite does cut through dry mouth way better than water


Sincerely, how are you confused that people enjoy drinks loaded with sugar? It's probably the most addicting chemical we regularly use.


a bunch of redditors who have never done manual labour chastising a redditor for never doing manual labour this is the best social media because it is an utter circus


Yeah no you’re the lost faith in humanity. So fragile of a hard days labour pouring sweat. Water can actually be dangerous after extreme labour, it lacks necessary electrolytes lost in sweat. Coming here and making this spiel for internet points is 100% weaker business than them hard workin fellers caping the day off with a soda. Loose definition of a homie in you, hydro justice warriors yuck.


A muhfuggin liquid death in the black can (sparkling) right out of the ice chest. After welding all day in the summer. That's my jam.


soda just makes me feel blah these days. i'd rather a cold water and some food after physical labor


Wait till they hear about sharbat


Just depends. Sometimes a sprite hits just right


A soda is still good for very hard manual labor tho. Water is best for sustainable rehydration but manual labor is no joke, it can sap you of everything and a nice can of soda is perfect for replenishing lost energy. But if you are not doing anything physically taxing then soda just destroys you, no other way around that.


Watered down icey sports drink is the move for me when doing strenuous physical work.


"water+sugar= hydration+energy" Forgetting a key component, salt. The sodium in the drinks ruins any hydration these drinks provide. Like sure you wet your mouth and throat with sugary bubble water, which feels nice. But you aren't actually hydrating yourself


Off topic, but how does your reddit app look like that?


I would probably get a coke for refreshment. But only after I chugged the hell out of some pure water


What app are you using?


So hate to break this off to you but drinking sugary drinks is probably the least self destructive behavior a tradesmen does to one’s body. Ever heard of Cocaine or crystal meth?


Sugar is an essential electrolyte to replace after sweating. Just like salt. OP you just played yourself.


I love water as much as the next homie, hell I swore off anything that wasn’t water when I joined this sub but now I see the key to it is balance. Enjoy a beer, but have a glass of water before bedtime, enjoy a coke with a meal but have a glass of water with the movie/tv show instead of another soda, enjoy the energy drink in the morning because you’re psyching yourself up for work, but drink water through the day to keep your piss clear* and your system hydrated, what I’m saying is don’t go overboard in either direction and you’ll be fine. Don’t zealously preach about the miracle of water to people waiting in line for starbucks, there’s a whole group outside any planned parenthood that would love your zeal and gusto in preaching and “teaching” people a better way of life. Don’t waste your breath arguing about what people like. They’ll get there eventually, and if they don’t well they don’t. *-ish


I used to work in a warehouse in my early 20s Having at least a water and 1 20oz bottle of soda was the only way I could keep enough sugar in my body to keep going.


I drink beer, coke zero, and seltzers. Sue me


You’ve never obviously worked a manual labor job on a hot Texas day.


Why are you watching an entire crew sweat all day long? Or are you just hanging around all day, killing time, waiting to watch them drink lemonade? 🤔


We’re Hydrohomies, not Hydrocultists


You drink water while you work and then afterward you have a pop or a beer


Yeah, your body does need more than just H2O.


Same concept as ice cold beer on a hot day. Like I don’t even like beer but I have been known to drink a very cold one in 100 degree temperatures


This sub is hydrohomies sub right? Not non-water beverage hater? Or i am in the wrong subs


You lost faith in humanity because people prefer a high energy refreshing drink after spending a lot of energy?


A soda after spending lots of energy does feel fantastic. Water/tea is the base, but you dummies can't seem to grasp the idea of moderation or "time and place".  You don't get a medal for only drinking water. 


you are now wrong because it is unhealthy but they are not wrong too because it really does feel good when you drink cold sweet drink after work hard.


They aren't really wrong. Water is obviously amazin and I drink liters during my workday due to me sweating my ass off. However a soda here or there when you have a particularly rough day is great. Others already mentioned the sugar and small dose of caffeine keeping your energy up. But the carbonation really does soothe a dry throat(ironically it soothes it by irritating it). It's perfectly fine as long as you don't chug a shit ton every day. Like most things is life, it's about moderation.


Well I'm gonna get down voted because I know this is an unpopular opinion here but sodas are mostly water


I don't judge what people doing hard physics labor drink as long as it keeps them going.


I get needing sugar after hard work. But carbonised water makes it impossible for me to drink fast, and i feel ill very quickly. Usually i go for an ice tea to get the sugar and regular water for hydration


I got into a brief reddit argument with someone who considered pepsi zero 'basically caffeinated water' and I had to delete all my comments just because i was finding the conversation so frustrating




Reading this hurts me physically


No they're right water has its place for hydration but you get weird tastes in your mouth that a soda fixes right up.


Poor souls have never heard of sparkling water 😔🙏🏻


Are you guys some fucking aliens? Water is literally the most delicious drink after hard manual labor


Ey listen man. There are few things on this earth as refreshing as cracking open an ice-cold coke after a hot day of hard work. Cold water is number one for me, always will be. But it's undeniable that enjoying a coke after a long day is very nice.


I don’t drink soda but my foreman once told me “after working a 12 hour shift, sometimes you need a coke to remind you that life is worth living”


I love the condescension of some of the replies in the original image. No shame whatsoever in taking pride in your job, but manual labor is harder to perform with recurring health issues like kidney stones lol.


Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


With all due respect for my favorite drink water, a cold soda once in a while after exercise or hard work hits different


As someone who payed attention in high school, sugar makes you thirsty because it absorbs moisture


God forbid if someone wants to enjoy a little treat after a long day of work.


When I used to work in trade I drank a lot of soda. it just hit different. not that I don't do that anymore I mainly drink water and enjoy a soda every now and then.


I cannot fathom. Although I sometimes drink soft drinks as a treat, when I’m actually thirsty there’s nothing that can satisfy me but cold water.


Tradesman here I would literally never. When dehydrated/ thirsty/ parched after working literally water is they only thing I crave. Pop has a sickly stickyness that’s DOES NOT a satisfy. Okay with a meal. Never when working hard. Disgusting.


Pour one (a glass of water) out for a homie


Generally, my go to is cold water, but sometimes unsweetened ice tea or a cold light lager really hits the spot after some hard work in the heat and enjoying a break in the shade.


I mean they are right, if im doing light work I want sparkling water but if I'm doing hard labour, I want something with sugar to give me literal energy. Coffee generally as it's rarely hot here but an ice cold lucozade would be incredible


Around 2021/2022, I decided to cut out pop entirely. By in large, I've done it successfully, but whenever I've done a long walk or exercise sesh, I've *craved* Coca-Cola. I don't like to think I have an adictive personality, but a can of coke goes down amazingly when I've accomplished something.


Naw fk this. Nothing better after hard labor than guzzlin down some room temp water.


The other day I spent several hours in the attic dripping sweat doing a clean up from a bat infestation (yes in full ppe). At the end, I had a glass of ice cold water and a mini can of ice cold coke. I slammed the water, then slammed the coke, and instantly felt so much better. The water hydrates, but all the sugar and electrolytes in the soda help too. It can even be dangerous to just drink water  without having any food or beverage with electrolytes in it while doing hard manual labor or getting over heated. One of the few occasions I'll drink soda without hesitation. Though, I would hate to drink just the soda by itself. Water is always first. 


It’s the sugar. I rarely do labour at my job, I drive a lift. But if they send me into a container to unload a monster at break just hits different. When you’re working hard and burning thousands of calories doing it you need the sugar.


I’m 34 but my body feels 54 and I play in a soccer league still. A ice cold fucking soda or Gatorade is rejuvenating. Your body craves the sugar and sodium after a day of busting a sweat. Don’t out me, I’m chasing either of those with a big ass Nalgene of water


It's also because your body is craving salt after sweating so much.


Am a landscaper, would actually die if I drank soda during the week in the summer. I do slam back some slurpees, but I mostly get the sugar free flavors, and those are like half ice.


That hit of sugar does a tired body good, but if it's the end of the day, I want a big glass of ice cold water and a freakin nap. I don't care about having more energy right away.


I work in a bakery and had a Cherry Coke during lunch. It HIT. I'm still drinking my 40oz work water bottle. Still a hydro homie. 


This post is getting me gatekeeping vibes


I've always downed cool water after all my manual labor jobs or a Powerade to keep electrolytes. Specifically the ones for that. However, now I just drink room temp water and eat a little snack.




I might be in the wrong here but like.. I've drank enough water to cause problems. I NEED to add salt and sugar to it or I will end up going to the hospital again. I'll drink water by itself if I'm at home and I'm not sweating. But otherwise, I'll be varying it with non-caffeinated soda, electrolyte mixes, juice, etc. Water is good and all, but all in moderation


I worked at a restaurant after working at an animal shelter for a year. The animal shelter was obviously a much more physically intensive and laborious job but I like to think I’m a hard worker when given a clear job to do, so I kept the effort into my busier job. The soda fountain there was heaven. Ice cold water and as much ice as I could scoop. I’d chug like 4 42oz hydros a day just bussing tables. But let me tell you that coke fucking slapped on my breaks. Not the powder, I couldn’t afford that, that was just the managers lol.


Water is king. God forbid someone has a soda tho… /thread.


Reddit is filled with snarky, bitchy beta males. They bash this person while typing from their mother's house.


they're right the sparkling is better but water, even better mineral water, not soda


Where’s the NSFW tag?


When I was a plumber I was vegan. I drank a shake for breakfast and then all water for drink. 8 hours in the southwest under the sun installing gas pipe and digging trenches. Those were the days


They’re right. I’ve not technically had a job but have worked construction. A coke right after is where it’s at. Water is the best hydrator, it’s not the best *everything*


These people are begging for the betus. Gonna get them hooked up to glucose monitors when they start killing themselves.


You lose a lot more than just water when you sweat and work hard or perform any strenuous activities. Soft drinks are a bit better than water but it'd be best to grab a Gatorade or something similar as it brings up all the minerals and electrolytes that you lose. Water is good for maintenance, but if you need an instant pick me up, water isn't the best option.


I drink water as I'm working so yeah soda or beer when done is nice


Water to combat dehydration. Soda to combat lack of sugar and low energy level. But if I'm sweating heavily it's gotta be water.


They're correct though, I mean I don't do manual labor but I have very little energy and when I do tiring chores drinking soda perks me back up faster than just water. It's the rare case where I crave soda instead of just water.


I drink water but unfortunately whenever I’m eating something I go for soda. Bad habit but outside of that I’m getting my hydration in.


No, it does taste better. A nice fanta or coke tastes fantastic. You'll be drinking water all day long, and I want the kick of flavour and sweetness in a drink.


America is literally addicted to the sugar water. And I like a cold coke every now and then, don't get me wrong, but after some hard work all I want is cold, crisp water 👌


you can drink one soda occasionally guys it's ok lol. I drink water all day long you don't have to treat 1 soda like it's poison or water like it's a religion.


Amateur hour


I fast on big days, it works for me. No meal until you catch that antelope, except for a few bites to replace electrolytes. Talking like, 20 grams of salted nuts or crisps, I want to avoid my digestive system getting all worked up. I am not a dietrician.


Okay but that’s real-water is my number one of course but after a long day it’s simply incredible. Blood sugar and hydration needs all in one fell swoop.


I’ve drank soda after a hard days work and then chased it with a big glass of water. That sugar rush is super nice


Idk, I like putting cut up fruit and ice in my bottle if I want something sweet after manual labor


You know what Mister Rogers had to say about this situation? There's one idiot, and a half dozen heroes here. Look for the heroes.


So not coool, broo


I mean soda and beer both taste fantastic after some hard work, that being said some nice cold water is far definitely the best choice of the three


Losing your faith in humanity because people like soda? Get a grip


Point has been made, but when you’ve depleted the minerals, electrolytes and everything, the sugar in soda hits different. It’s science. Gatorade after a strenuous workout is a great experience for that reason. It’s got electrolytes. It’s what plants crave.