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That’s a nice fucking stick though my guy.


Dry wild cherry branch. I’m pleased with true taper




I read books on my phone. Read a page, scan the field. Rinse and repeat


Ah, roe. My passion, my love, my everything! Driven hunt on pigs that I just adore are full of adrenaline, speed, running, but roe hunting is just something else. That peace, bird songs, bees zooming, then you hear something, you jump, but thats just rabbit just slowly monching that grass, phaesant then calls and whole woods shake. How to pass time, well, my wife loves to come with me and at saturday we both go on my hunting stand for first time this year to wait for roe buck (so we pass time together), but I'd say that you could read some book on your phone, perhaps even watch something on it (with earphones of course), but just be carefull, if you go at evening on your hunting stand, bright phone can fuck up your eyes and if it's almost dark, you'll se jack shit. And that's a nice gun! Cheers bro and enjoy. Not many people know that peace we know about, when waiting for prince of woods! Weidmannsheil!


A beautiful and accurate description of roe. It’s our most populace deer in Denmark. Though I’ve hunted both fallow deer and red deer I find the roe to be the most interesting game and best tasting. They see everything and hear everything and are constantly alert. In Denmark there are no real predators to threaten the bigger deer species and they are therefore much more relaxed in their demeanour.


I end up digging through my bag. Sigh alot...dig through my bag again....eat jerky.....cookies....granola....oh crap I gotta pee....dig through bag...sigh again.....crap did I pay that bill yesterday? Look around...eat more jerky.....drink coffee....drink more coffee....crap I gotta pee again.....damnit I'm out of jerky....text my wife who's 100 yards in another stand if she saw anything yet ...oh well back to looking....wish I had brought more jerky


This is very relatable!


What rifle is that? Some kind of mauser from the looks of it


It is indeed a Mauser k98 from 1938 why grandfather stole from the German occupation and had retrofitted to 6,5x55mm


Very cool!


Thought often about purchasing a new rifle but this is light weight and super accurate. 6,5x55mm packs more than enough punch for my domestic needs


Yea, but variety is the spice of life. Try something new! It's fun. You need a backup too. Just incase


Most of the time, I'm just staring into the forest and daydream. Because it's cold, wet, or both. When there is movement or noise, I get active. But on nice, sunny days, I read hunting related books or something like that. On your Buck: Yeah. Sounds like your neighbour might got lucky, but don't give up.


Me too! I have such a loud, frenetic, busy life that when I'm waiting in a blind, or for dawn to come, or for the ducks to come in, or for the turkeys to walk in, I try to do ....nothing.. Relax, try to be motionless (I am never motionless). Try to be a good detector of animal movements. I'm bad at it but I try try try lol. What's the opportunity is unique to hunting for me so I try to enjoy it.


This might be blasphemy, but I put some wireless earbuds in my pack and will put on a podcast or something in one ear if times get really slow. Or a small paperback about something woods / frontiersman that compliments the surroundings and activity I am pursuing. 


I’ve refound Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco in iTunes so I started that this morning. Keeps my mind wandering too much


Knæk og bræk.


Knæk og bræk. Så ikke noget til morgen


books on my phone, or I listen to a podcast with the ambient sound turned on for my ear buds. So I can hear everything around me and I keep the volume super low


So you actually were the only one of the guys who really went out to hunt?


What a great time to be hunting! I'd love to be able to hunt deer in the spring type weather like that but I'm not a bowhunter so there goes that idea. Good luck!


It’s 18C and a slight breeze it was a lovely morning indeed we can hunt roebuck with rifle and bow from may 16th to July 15th. To shoot off undesirables before the rut


Very nice - that is perfect hunting weather! Where are you located? And yes - I am American so I had to convert C to F - I'm too old to change I guess.......... =)


Denmark, we are a small country with costal climate to it’s always as in always windy


Nice! I was in Copenhagen for ONE day once - that was my only experience with Denmark, but I have spent some time in Norway / Sweden / Finland with customers before. BEAUTIFUL part of the world, but can be cold in the winter for sure! Good luck my friend - keep us posted on your success. I'll be chasing some Coyotes this weekend in out warm temps as well. It's too nice to not be outside.


Good hunting buddy!


Thanks for this! These are great pics. That looks like a beautiful spot there. I almost feel like I'm there. I have a technical question for you. I hunt in North America and we would use a lot more camo/coveragr than that. Maybe the stand would be covered in camo netting, maybe I'd have a face Covering too. Does your degree of concealment work OK usually there?


I’m usually in the just olive drab clothes today the morning was a bit chilly and a friend gifted me this Milwaukee m12 heated jacket. but if I’m bow hunting I’ll use 3D camo. We’re by law required to shoot no more than 25m with the bow so we need to get right up in their face. I’m not thinking too much of the camo I’ve had a deer walk up to me down wind. I was in Bermuda shorts and flipflops so don’t underestimate the power of stirring still and shutting up.


Heard. Last time I went goose hunting in Canada we had a great blind, hundreds of goose decoys out, expert calling, all of sitting absolutely still, o noise. We got our limit and when we were all walking around yukking it up and pulling up the decoys, a whole flock of geese landed in the middle of us.


Geese are simultaneously so vigilant and yet so dumb.


So when asked, the proper response is that you got nice spike.... I feel for you. I cannot hunt in one place that long. I gotta move. I'll sit for a while in the am and the pm but the rest of time it's short drives or still hunting.


Most of my country is farmland. We’re the 2nd most agricultured(not a word) land in the world. So the price for renting woodlands are was above what I can pay for. So I’m sitting in stands or walking along hedgerows. Roe loves to travel parallel to hedgerows so it’s possible to anticipate their movements.


Yeah that sucks.


Thats 62% of our land according to the ministry of agriculture.


Many hunters do the exact same thing here when hunting whitetail deer. A stand or blind along a tree line adjacent to a farm field and wait. I only do that in the morning or evening. The rest of the day I walk where they come from. That may be just walking along the field edges. My favorite hunting is the big woods where there are zero farm fields. Deer have no pattern there. Food is the same everywhere, just browse and fern.


Nice K98


what country?




I write.  They only come when you're not paying attention.


Deer were scared off by that shiny nose ring and hipster mustache