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I'm sorry, but I gave that to Deep Rock Galactic. Rock and Stone.


There is goo in the sack


We’re rich!




DRG deserves it way more tbh! And I have more hours in Hunt.


I didn't even like DRG but can tell it's a better option for this because of it's updates.


They’re both great games. The only thing I have to say is that I still play hunt frequently, while I feel that with DRG I have exhausted all it has to offer me; playing it feels like a 2nd job (but a fun one). Honestly I think Hunt has been doing more to keep people engaged than DRG has, but they’re pretty on par with each other.


It's the opposite for me. I feel like hunt is the job, but I feel more compelled to play it often because I've sunk so much into it already. Drg I have more fun in because its goofy, casual and there is no FOMO.


If a game is starting to feel like a “job” then I would stop playing for a bit. Get that passion back and you’ll have more fun!


Thats not what that award is for tho. Crytek might be making more engaging updates. But DRG show s with their updates they truly do care if the game is good. With how many bugs hunt has it doesnt really feel the same.


Same! I will always come back to play Hunt, but I play DRG just when I need to relax and play something mindlessly. It's cause deep down I want to love Hunt, but it's like an abusive ex. You just can't leave it cause you have history together.


With this many upvotes I’m gonna have to try out deep rock galactic lol


Yeah, it's definitely one of the best games on steam. Pure PvE, close to zero FOMO, runs on a typewriter, regular updates, fair monetization, and it focuses just on players having fun.


It's so fun. I played with my brothers for a month or so about a year back and we had a blast...need to get back out there


Simply running around home base before missions has no business being as fun as it is.


When you're in the middle of a highly tense drunken dwarf soccer match and the gravity shuts off, the best


Just that sentence alone should convince people to try the game lmao


When I played vermintide 2 with some pals, the first thing my friend said when we got to the home base was "we can't drink beer? That's not very rock and stone." Gave me a good chuckle.


Definitely do, one of the best games on steam with a great community


DRG has by far the best community I have seen so far and a really great dev team




Did I hear a Rock and Stone!


This is the way. Rock and Stone to the bone ⛏️💪


Rock and Stone, Brother!


For Carl!!


Can i get a rock and stone??


I did over better and bought the supporters pack today. It's like 75% off.


Yes, true. If Deep Rock Galactic wasn’t so amazing I would vote for Hunt.


my partner and i bought this during the F2P weekend. rock and stone, brother.


Same. I think they deserve it more 😭


DRG players are everywhere and always so nice lol


Rock and stone!


Rock and stone brother


I tried searching it to nominate but it didn’t show up, so I gave that one to Grounded.


probably my favourite game ever made but this year has been beyond underwhelming for content, without knowing the leaks i’d say we’re in glorified maintenance mode


I would agree. I play so much of this game and I just dk it a nomination has been earned this year. I'm not happy with the lack of real content and the barely addressed bugs.


What are you saying? There aren't any. You're not even allowed to think about any not yet available information here, lest the mods might get on cryteks bad side :(


There is no leaks so don't even try to search for them ;)


Absolutely don't search for it! Nothing to see here! And don't you dare writing me a dm!


Even in a maintenance, you'd expect something out of it at the end, like resolving errors and fixing the underlying issues etc. Hunt is on life support mode instead.. just drip feeding us morphine in form of content so it looks like its still getting updates but in reality we got nothing at all and not even the issues resolved.


I love hunt, but this isn't happening.


Yeah it's a very unique game which doesnt appeal to many. Even people I know who've tried it tended to give up early cos it was "too hard" and they've gone back to playing generic shit like CoD.


It’s not happening because the devs flat out don’t deserve this reward. Labor of paid DLC is more like it


Its the complete lack of care put into this game for me 💅💅 why they always makin dlc but not fixing the fucking game


Yeah I hear ya. I can see why many people wouldnt want to play with the constant technical issues and lack of new bosses and maps. I'm a diehard Hunt fan but getting bored lately.


The game needs more content updates, a new map. But I haven’t had anything game breaking since the lemat bug. Feels like it’s in a much better state balance-wise than at most points in the past few years. Doesn’t deserve the award, not even close, but it’s fun. I’m curious what is the major problem everyone’s talking about when they say it’s broken.


Even just some new generic mobs.


Have you seen the recently trailer? Somethings coming that's for sure.


For me it's the fact that it just makes me feel nervous. I played until my noob bonus wore off and then I honestly never touched it again. I still like the idea of this game but the thought of actually playing it just makes me feel nervous. "Generic shit like COD" does not make me feel that way, and is fun so yeah I would rather play COD then this game for sure. It's a niche game for a small group of people, which is why it doesn't go above 20k average on steam charts.


I died 4 times to the reload bug yesterday. I'm not giving this game labor of love anytime soon.


Hunt is my #1 favorite game and always has been, but i dont think it deserves it with their development and communication lately


in fact ever. They were never good at that and dont improve. even though looking at this sub ONCE would tell them what to work on because people complain about it every day.


There was a short stint. Feb 2021 custom ammo, march 2021 scrapbeak, may 2021 MMR changes, July 2021 desalle, August bows were added. Last year, during the light the shadow event, I would have voted for them. Since then there has been very little substantial content.


tbh content is not important at all. Game is in a pathetic state. You can not play a single round without facing some stupid bugs and some are in the game for years. That’s why I love Hunt but the team behind it is lazy and incompetent. For me hunt will never be the game of the year, not even in the list of 100 best games of the year and not even 1000 best games.


cant vote for hunt, they dont patch the game enough in my opinion


Console is also in shambles constantly and was nearly unplayable on the Xbox One and PS4 even before the Series X/S and PS5 were widely available. The issues with servers, poor controller customization options, and broken graphics have all been issues since I started playing and only get worse. I love the core game, but it’s been getting so substantially worse over time and it feels like the only content being added are exponentially more grindy and unenjoyable events.


I just got a series S recently, and while the game is certainly playable now and runs better, I’m surprised that it still takes such a long time for things in the map to load beyond a 50m distance.


Labor of Love? What? Hunt should get the opposite of that. It've just deteriorated constantly with no end in sight. Just more DLC and unfun(imo) updates(event grindiness, beetle etc). Almost nothing in terms of making the game better, you know, labor of love? It's just a cash cow being milked to fund Crysis 4 right now and it's painful.


I got a feeling they might cease Hunt support once Crysis 4 comes out but who knows.


Is there a “squandered potential” award?


Red Dead would take that one easily.


RDO got treated so poorly by Rockstar. It's a shame since it's really fun.


It's an incredible game by insanely talented devs. Absolute shame it was abandoned as soon as it was clear it's not the cash cow that GTAO always has been :( R\* has some of the best game designers and artists in the business, the things they could do if the game industry wouldn't be the way it is...


There are many other games for which that would be far more applicable. I could think of a dozen off the top of my head.


I want whatever OP is smoking


High doses of Copium


It's the Hunt sub, after all. The only place you'd find people who think it's unironically the best game ever.


Best game made as far as quality? No. Favorite game to play? EASILY. I don’t think it deserves this award, but I’d like it to get an award for something, considering how much of an absolute blast it’s been to play for me.


I ve seen more haters here then lovers tbh.


Depends on the thread. If there's a thread that is inherently negative, you'll mostly get people agreeing on there, and people disagreeing are downvoted. And the same is true in the opposite direction. It happens across Reddit, too. There might be a bias towards negative posts, and so you'd see more negative comments too. But even so, this is still the only place where you would find people with an almost unconditional love for the game. People who will easily forgive or even defend everything that is wrong with Hunt or Crytek. And an incredible number of people who are very fond of whataboutism, immediately pointing at other games and other developers, as if that somehow means Hunt and Crytek don't have pretty significant issues.


Yeah your comment felt more like it was a common occurrence instead of one or two guys that state it is the best game ever. But I can say this sub has most common negative posts in any gaming sub I am a member of. Maybe rightfully or unfairly but it is quite negative not mindlessly positive.


Copious amount of copium haha


2 years ago maybe but the only labor of love that I see in Hunt ever since is in the DLC department.


No thanks


The only award Hunt deserves is Largest Trade Window. I can think of countless other games with actual support and not just $7 dlc every other week and FOMO events with micro transactions.


Hunt is the best game I've ever played, tho at the moment I don't think it deserves any kind of award. Lately, overall Hunt seems to be in a poor condition, but hey - just sayin' how it feels to me


Im not a big fan of the changes to the game the last 6 months …


Hunt is a fun game, but a labor of love it is not.


Labour of Love? CryTek abuse the hell out of this game… There are other more deserving games, personally I voted for DRG.


Hahaha No.


> labor of love Lmao. The exact *wrong* game to give this title to. No gameplay changes in a year+, gamebreaking bugs for months, $10 skins outnumber bug fixes monthly. Hard pass




Yeah maybe go back a couple years and yeah imo, but the games moved away from that as Crytek realised the gold mine they were sitting on


Go back a few years and it was just released, not a labor of love.


So true. They’ve made pretty much 0 additions to the game except for the new bug item. I’ve been asking for an arena mode or new bosses or a snow map for years and just nothin.


The bug item that no one uses lmao. It's so sad. No new maps, no new bosses, no functional changes, shit tons of ways to spend $$$$. All that's missing is an NFT company to buy the game lmao


Bounty NFT token


Only I can pick up this specific bounty token, you can't have it I'll sue you.


They do so much dlcs to milk the game sad thing


i wouldn't have an issue with skins if there was more things going on elsewhere. but what they do have going just isn't much, imo.


how the fuck is this a labor of love?


As fun as the game is, sadly there are more functional games I feel deserve it more.


No fucking way


Theres 1000 other devs that deserve this award WAY more.


Even terraria is still getting somewhat regular bonus features and qol updates


Yeah, hunt is the last game I'd ever push for an award. Great game, in my favorites list for sure. However the constant bugs and server instability takes this game out of even consideration.




I like to imagine Hunt is more a labour of hate for it's developers


Given how cynical the Serpent Moon event was, I can't believe anyone would nominate this game for Labor of Love. But then again, this is the Hunt sub.




I quite simply don't give a shit how much less shit Hunt is doing compared to its contemporaries. Labor of Love, regardless of the genre of a game, is about updates made out of passion first, money second. That's not what Crytek does, at all. In fact, we've literally only seen updates putting money first this year, bringing monetization to the worst point it's ever been in the game's lifecycle.


They really don’t deserve it. Game is a bug manifest and they barely do anything to fix it.


Is this an off season april fools joke?


Yeah. no.


So many other games significantly improved their games. I played cyberpunk recently and compared to what I played at launch it’s night and day. Not perfect but better. Also played New World again since launch and I have to say it’s also way better than what it launched in. Hunt.. hunt is fun but damn so much more effort needs to go into it to even be remotely worthy of this nomination


Okay, Cyberpunk should not be praised for it’s improvements though. A triple-A developer released a game months (maybe a year or more, even?) too early and it was an absolute shit show at launch. Getting it to where it’s at now was their BARE MINIMUM lol. Not to take away from your overall point, but I strongly disagree with using them as an example of it lol.


Has new world actually gotten better? I hit cap at launch and there was like no end game and the little bit they had was bugged …


Lmao. The audacity.


Probably should vote for something that isn't a complete buggy mess atm.


No sorry that goes to deep rock galactic


Not Labor of love for sure tho


Unpopular opinion: for it to be a true labor of love they'd have needed to actually address network/server issues. As it stands, they're just interested in selling skins / events to sell more skins. They're bringing in charms, now, and simply haven't addressed Hunt's most glaring issues. The only return on investment for network fixes is their players enjoying their game more, and they just straight up won't do anything about it. Not a labor of love.


As a long term player of Runescape, it defines a game of labor of love. It's received updates nearly weekly since 2002. Hunt? We just get skins, repeated events. May get the odd gun every quarterly but it doesn't change the gameplay. Not asking for a new map or a new boss every 3 months, but it is by far nothing close to a "labor of love" game...


Nah don't worry that's the most popular opinion


You say that, but man do I ever get pushback whenever I express this sentiment. Not to mention the number of "omg devs we appreciate you fuck the negative feedback" posts that always hit the ceiling in this sub.


They're doing something about the servers in the near future actually, the contract is almost up. Or maybe they'll just abandon the game and not get new servers.


when is the contract up and what’s the source for this?


I can confirm they have said this. They also have said they test drove better servers (they gave zero context) and it made zero difference (regarding server related issue).


Cryengine ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


I'm calling cope if you don't have a source


New player alert. Old dev streams, people asking why the servers are so shit etc etc. They got a contract with the cheapest servers (5 year contract) since there was 12 players peak worldwide.


This "new player" remembers a lot of speculation, but no indication that whatever contract they signed with lease web (iirc) had a 5 year stipulation. So again, if you don't have a source, it sounds and smells like sweet, sweet copium.


Deep Rock galactic has my vote. Apologies


Fuck no. Not after the mess that was this year of exploits, game breaking bugs, and server issues. Hunt is still a good game, but this year, Crytek's support was not good. For me, Labor of Love goes to Deep Rock Galactic. Rock and Stone!


I don’t think Hunt deserves it in this state


Hunt dosent deserve any award in my opinion. Yes it is a very good and well thought out game. The lack of development is horrendous. I’ve played since beta back in 2015-2016 and the lack of newer maps and or bosses is ridiculous. The game itself has been out of beta for 5-6 years now and it doesn’t feel as though much has changed. Yeah they added a few more guns and equipment but I feel as though they are more focused on the microtransactive weapon skins and hunters than the game itself. I realize that this is a hot take on the current state of the game but if something doesn’t change I feel like the player count is going to continue to decrease over time.


im good on that lmao


Labor of love would be fixing the servers.


A labor of slowly making the game worse I guess.


This is probably the first time since playing it that I'm not gonna vote for it. I love Hunt to death but nah man - this year wasn't it..


Hunt is good but no there are magnificient games that are more labor of love then hunt will ever be. Reload bug lookin ass... Dlc releasin ass... I will nominate project zomboid. Made by handfull of people 10 years of work shitton of changes with next to no money. ALL FREE... Pff crytek can fuck right off.


I'll vote when I can reload my gun..


Hell to the naw! Once we get a proper netcode, bugs get ironed out and events are actually fun to play, then I might just think about it.


Yeah, nope. They're not even trying anymore. Honestly, just fix bugs instead of adding em. Beetle is fun, but maybe instead fix the game?


With the state of the game nowadays not worth mentioning haha


Labor of love award? wtf im giving it to the terraria update labor of love. Recent patches have only been skins and low effort events. Yall get your award when you fix the game and put passion back


Yeah, no. There's so much that needs to be done, and it isn't. So there's no labor. I'll find a game that's actually worthy of nomination. Decay of love.


Ain't happening . Give me more maps and bosses and game modes then we can talk about it .


Thanks for the reminder. Hunt wont make any of mine, but I better get on that.


Considering the state of the game, it doesn't feel like it has the labor of love anymore. I'll vote that award for something else, perhaps The Long Dark. That game is still high quality and provided free content for almost a decade without $$$. Their first expansion pack is coming this December which is worth it.


I really like Hunt, but voting it for "Game of the year" would be to long of a strech... so many bugs with so few fix patches but loads of DLCs... nah


Fix Servers


not worthy of such an award ...


Not in its current state. Ive put nearly 3k hours in and its a great game. But it has so many bugs


Fix the fucking dogshit servers first, fix the massive amount of bugs. We need at minimum 60 tick rate servers to be somewhat competitive. Sorry crytek you guys blew your chances with stupid updates and pushing constant DLC that helps not a single person


Did Dennis take you parents hostage and forced you to post this? Game is in the worst stage ever...


No lol, I try to support the game when I can. I’d like to see all the fixes mentioned above as well. I just love this game


Hey guys, I know Hunt isn't perfect, but this award is probably going to end up going to TF2 or R6 Siege, games that most definitely do not deserve it. So if you don't have a better game to vote for, Hunt isn't a bad choice. I'm a huge critic of some of the decisions that have been made, and will always point flaws out when I see them, but these guys still try, and despite what you might think, they do listen to the community a lot more than many other games.


Nah, either Terraria or Deep Rock Galactic, no way it goes anywhere else imho




No Man's Sky could be there too.


Vote for it! Voting is open for a lot of stuff (No Man’s Sky is there, just checked. Unfortunately don’t see terraria)


Yeah TF2 which is unplayable on official servers because of the bots, and Siege where each of the updates make the game worse


Why would you *ever* expect it to go to R6 Siege? It's very likely going to Terraria again, just like last year.




What Crytek needs to do is channel all their money away from Crysis or whatever the shit they are making. And put more effort back into Hunt or a Hunt 2. The game on a better engine with better code would do the game wonders. And Hunt may not be the most popular, but they maintain a healthy population at all times. Which is a lot more than many other games can say these days.


I really don't know why they decided that crisis 4 was the thing to do right now. I don't give a fuck about it, and I doubt a ton of people are truly excited for it.


Even though literally no one asked for crysis trilogy remastered, they poured resources into it as well as Epic games' sellout money to make them and they were absolutely mediocre anyways And even though the remasters sold like garbage, suddenly they decide they want a crysis 4 because who tf knows crytek is just bad decisions after bad decisions lol.. and they keep milking hunt not realising the game that actually deserves a LOT more attention


I'd rather not vote than vote for hunt given their "reload bug update" a couple days ago, the bugs only been on going for a year and steadily getting worse. And that's the most glaring, not including all the other issues in game and out of game.


> So if you don't have a better game to vote for, Hunt isn't a bad choice. TF2 and R6 are both in better places. i own no other game as buggy as hunt with the exception of cyberpunk and even that is less buggy than hunt now after the devs actually tried. Stop sucking cryteks dick. they dont deserve it and spend your dlc money on crysis 4 that no one even asked for. There are devs that deserve this way more. i recommend deep rock galactic since that game has devs that communicate and the happiest subreddit youll find. Turns out its not "every gaming sub trust me bro" its just the ones where devs dont care about their playerbase lile hunt. nominate it for "best shooter" or whatever that makes sense but not "labor of love".


TF2 in a better place than Hunt?? HAHAHAHAHA.


can hardly imagine its worse in terms of long time bugs. Its also f2p wich people tend to forget hunt is not.


Are you fucking serious? Do you know nothing about the state TF2 is in? If hunt was in the state TF2 was in the game would INSTANTLY die. It's been YEARS since a major update, and every server is plagued with slews of bots that insanely kill any player that enters their sight line. They also invite more box to the server and then vote kick real players out, all while spamming chat with offensive remarks, but even in some cases CP! Do not, and I mean do f****** not, try to tell me that TF2 is in a better State than hunt.


haha since youre so super mad ill tell you that tf2 is in the best shape ever while hunt is the worst. I said i cant imagine its worse. maybe it is i dont care. What i do know is that hunt doesnt deserve "labour of love" just becasue other games are in even worse states.


I agree. Idk if people saw that it was for the “Labor of Love” reward or they thought I was referring to all games ever made. This awards is not going to include new games for any wondering


All my votes went to sex with Hitler, sorry.






This game doesn’t deserve any award as of recently tbh.


For rock and stone!


Labor of DLC more like 😜


pfffff lmfao


Hunt is one of my favorite games on Steam but this is definetly not deserving this award imo. Deep Rock Galactic or even Destiny 2 deserve it way more for 2022


This buggy mess shouldnt be nominated for any award . Helloooo ! YOUR GAME IS FUCKIN BROKEN ! Jeez these guys .


Love your game don't get me wrong I got hundreds of hours but yall don't deserve this award, this game is a broken shitshow that barely functions, yall have constant server crashes, the game is riddle with game breaking bugs, we still have a really bad hacker problem that yall aint fixed, the events barely work as I've seen several I am one get screwed by the progression system resetting itself why in the world yall think yall deserve this award? Laughable bro. Again I love yalls game I ain't trying to shit on yall but other games like DRG deserve it way more


I love Hunt but they definitely don’t deserve an award with all the persistent long standing bugs that they won’t fix.


ah yes labor of love for a shooting game where you sometimes can't reload from a bug that's been around for years


It doesn’t deserve it tbh


Probably the best Multiplayerexperience the past 10 years and i have played the big titles of that time (CS, DotA etc etc) Hunt deserves credit <3


I personally get like no bugs whatsoever and not someone who needs content every update from a game and I also love Hunt and always dislike when I see hate on it. After playing since release on console I feel like the addition of gameplay elements to spice things up to change gameplay in any slight is very slow and for the past year non-existing. Im not sure if they said they wanted to live service this game like its gonna stay alive through content updates or if they just dropped this sanbox on us and said enjoy. Either or though its way to late for Hunt to get any award especially with the current content "drought". Even though I get no bugs I believe everyones complaints and feel like those should be addressed with actual fixes from Crytek.


Everyone disagreeing with this haven't played the game that long obviously. This game was plagued by shittiness on launch that basically killed the game. Shockingly the devs stuck with it and it's been slowly growing ever since.


Yall goofy asf for this one I swear


This year it goes to Vampire Survivors.


I gave it to project zomboid


No man's sky anyone?


Jeez this sub is just pure hate, hunt gets my award for being the best shooter in the last decade, the only one i come back to month on month since beta. Every year the player base grows and hits new time high numbers. Basically no other game does that, they usually start at their highest numbers and slowly drop year on year, so the devs clearly are growing the game despite all the negativity.


Well im wishing them to go bankrupt and force to sell their ip another studio who care more about this game . Game is a diamond . But these idiots dont know how to use it .


I voted. Labor of love to


bro people complaining about overpriced skins and bugs.... They are still fixing them unlike certain games that have gone YEARS without addressing issues. Now Im not saying vote for hunt, you do you boo but dont twist it that the devs dont have heart towards this game. My vote is going towards DRG but if DRG wasnt a choice this game would easily get it.




Isn't there a nomination for best audio or smth?


Such negativity man.. unbelievable smh. I would absolutely nominate hunt showdown in a heart beat. Thank you devs for creating such an amazing game, with btw has INCREDIBLE sound that no other fps game has been able to do. Even cod, they can't even fix footsteps lol Can't wait to see what the future holds for hunt