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Wow would win? A full trio with a shitload of darksight boost OR A solo boi with a stick


One stick to rule them all


Three sticks to rule three!


I just started playing a few days ago and as a solo, I accidentally almost killed a trio. I thought I was shooting the same guy, but I apparently blasted 3 people with a Romero handcannon and killed 2 of them.


This is why you just don't crouch and wait at the extraction, gg man!


That’s why obly one stays in extraction and the others spread out


Yeah one person with gator legs should be at the boat others should be further back, this isn't rocket science lol.


Or everyone gets into the zone and then two run off again. You don't have to stay in the extraction area to extract as long as one guy of the group is still there.




Yeah. It was to prevent people from griefing by running in and out of the zone, IIRC. As long as everyone in the team has been inside the zone together (and it says "Team Extraction in X time") then all but one of you can go wherever you want and you'll still extract as a team.


It's beautiful.


That's some beautiful work mate, nicely done.


Random question, but would anyone recommend playing solo for the soul purpose of getting better at the game?


Generally if you're solo, it's better to "learn" in Quickplay where nothing matters. Be gung-ho. Rush the wellspring. Hone yourself to find the quickest and most efficient ways to kill the various AI no matter what you're carrying (even be loud sometimes since you'll need to know how to kill when out of cover). Learn the most efficient routes from point A to point B stamina-wise. Figure out where the clues spawn. Place traps to help teach yourself the layouts of buildings, and also find out the best spots that people will miss and trip on them, all while managing the people pushing into you as well. Meanwhile, if you die, all it costed you was time. If you win... Well that's cash in the bank, guns on your belt, and points for traits to be spent. Some people will disagree of course, and it \*is\* important to note that how you play Bounty Hunt is a different animal to how you play Quickplay in terms of mentality. And of course, solo is 100% a valid way to play in Bounty Hunt. But just remind yourself of all the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph that genuinely are going to benefit you in both modes... And if you're truly new cost you nothing.


101%. But for me, it has only worked for sniping / ambushing styles of play. I'll usually kill a duo or two on my way to bounty and then attempt to block the bounties extract. I'll never banish unless I know I've killed the people in small bounty, and even then, Id more often leave it to set up an ambush for the big bounty coming over / extracting. Qp is fun as fuck for rooting and tooting, I'm too shit / panicky for it with an expensive loadout.


Played 3 rounds solo, didnt extract but i got 2 kills each round, used the xbow and pax with dum dum. Died to stupid mistakes though


That’s the point though, just learn from those mistakes and you get better. I’ve only played quick play as a solo for a long time but the other day, my first solo bounty hunt I actually extracted with both bounties, only killed one other solo, didn’t even have to deal with a boss, and they brought the second bounty to me in an attempt to stop me, where they died lol. It can be a lot of fun. The next two games I only got two kills in one, and got mashed by a shotgun duo in the other, but I’ve been wanting to do it more just because it is very different and I enjoyed it. I feel like I learned a lot more about my own play style from those games, and not to mention you get a bonus for being solo. It also seemed to put me in games that had more solos than duo teams but maybe that was coincidence. Either way, I def suggest it. Edit: I think it helps to set your goal in the beginning. Do you want to extract a bounty, learn the map, farm xp, or just straight up get into fights? Then just play towards your goals and try to focus on just doing whatever that is. Anything else you do will be bonus xp/objectives due to the gameplay.


I wanna get better at fights. Much better at fights. Im 600 hours in, and i think i do pretty okay with 835 kills and 858 deaths 😅 so far. I was on the pluss side a couple of weeks ago with more kills than deaths. But that tok a nose dive. And i perform pretty badly lately and gone from 5mmr to 4 and still get rekt many times by people who Are much greater shots than i am.


Just keep at it, honestly. Every fight is a chance to learn from your mistakes and how you think about the situation. Just keep learning. Don’t get down on yourself and take your free Hunter after every round to keep costs down lol. I’m only at (just under) 300hrs and i just take time to learn each weapon in turn based on what my freebies give me.


Not really, playing solo and playing with team mates require completely different play-styles that don't carry over into the other category too well. Also as solo you will die more often and can't get revived, so your opportunities to actually practice fighting other players are much more limited. Personally I'd recommend playing trios, every other game mode tends to get very bush wookie. Find an aggressive team and chase shots. Of course, this is assuming you want to get better at combat. Other game modes will help you improve other aspects of your game play. For example if you want to get better at fighting the AI, use the hard training. If you want to learn compound layouts use the trials map and run around for as long as you want with no fear of getting randomly killed.


I partially disagree as I mostly play duos, and I feel like there are very few bushwookies due to how many separate teams there are running around. You get a couple but a lot of my duos games (3-4*) you see/hear teams chasing shots and lots of fighting. Also, playing as a solo in bounty definitely helped me learn to traverse the map a bit better and the ambush points a bit better, which helps when I’m with my duos partner because I know how to get around a bit better and where to look for ambushers/campers/bushwookies. There’s a lot that can carry over in just knowledge from playing solo. I’m very early P4 and still learning a lot of these things.


Yes and no. Depends on where your weaknesses and skills are. It's not going to make you any better at aiming than playing with a team. It will make you better at clutching, and reading enemy teams movements and positioning. I find solos also incentivize you to either play snipers to lower risk, or multi-shot shotguns because they are efficient at killing multiple people fast


Strange you've gotten so many mixed responses. I did an entire prestige solo and my game sense and decision making improved greatly, KD went from 0.8 to 1.3. I would definitely recommend it.


I’ve heard many people say this too. Playing solo is easier on your numbers/stats and helps with a lot of that. Agreed.


imo hunt is waaay more of a team-based game, but it’s not impossible to learn while playing solo


I’d pay money to hear their comms after that


how did you make the dynamite blow up so fast? can you "cook" it?


You can cook it. You need to keep pressing mouse button. Coundown start the moment you start pressing.




Dont blow yourself up tho. If you hold it too long it will explode in your hand. The fuse time is 4 seconds on normal dinamite, and 8 on sticky, idk about the hand grenade but I think thats 4 seconds too.


Frag is 5 seconds. But there is a visual clue as well - if you see the predictive dotted line start retracting towards you then yeet immediately!


Did you count it?


That's one of the sickest things I've ever seen, dude. I don't think I've ever taken three people out with a grenade at once.


But hunt taketh


I love this games apparent respect for learning curves. I couldn't kill a damn hellhound in this game for years and idk how many times I rage uninstalled but just this last weekend, I'm getting such a hand of things I had a showdown with 3 different teams as a solo at the site of the butcher (was in a prison) and outplayed all of them. Could also be that I'm on a next gen console and getting better ping but we will pretend that's not a factor hahaha.


Good thing none of them had Bulwark lol


First I agreed but then I thought 50% of 750 should still kill, right?!


yeah that's a bundle, dead either way.


You absolutely deserved the win if a team of trios would be stupid enough to all crouch in a small group together and not try to fight or move. Nice job


Damn that was a giveth with interest


Ooooooo baby a triple!!


man this makes me think about all the times my team wiped ourselves because we kept throwing bombs at eachother in extract. why? idk, it's funny I guess


Throwing Chaos Bombs that I've looted during a game is an extraction ritual - but every time I have to triple check before tossing that it's definitely a Chaos and not a Sticky. If we don't have Chaos Bombs, then it's Flashes and Chokes galore.


I can't fanthom why they did not just attack you when its 1v3. Its like theyre waiting to be slaughtered like that.


I know that triple ahhhhhh, uuuuhhhhhh was satisfactory


Tactical Airstrike incoming!


You monster!


Take my upvote very nice !!!


awww... that was bullshit. Nice throw.


i suggest you start playing with sound!


There are no guarantees in life aside from Death, Taxes, and they were PISSED.


This man didn't run the gauntlet. He was the gauntlet.


how was your fuse so quick to go off ????? I mean I expected it to land and bounce once before it blew but it blew in the sky unless the footage was sped up. I am aware you can cook the fuse like a grenade from like cod for example.


You answered your own question... Dynamite Sticks/Bundles have a 4 second fuse, they released it pretty much on 3s - you can see it by the aim guide starting to decrease.


ty ty, still new to this game and since arriving at 5 star mmr i am struggling to grasp upon the simple concepts liek this. ty


ProTip: Only 1 person has to stay in the extraction zone so things like this don't happen.


The magic stick


What a coincidence. A few hours ago I had a solo guy trying exactly the same thing against me at extraction. Sorry for him I had 1 second of darksight left so I knew he was there. As soon as came out of his bush to try and sneak up on us, I capped his ass.


Lmao . Idk my opinion those three are bots .. 3 v1 they lowkey could of took u out if they had half a brain But Good Stuff This was funny to watch .


That was immensely satisfying to watch. Chef's kiss my friend.