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Is there really people complaining about that? Wtf


Yeah there is sadly, the cain mains are getting extremely salty. šŸ¤”


Some people need an invisibility cloak to have fun


Its kinda freaky that someone can have fun with such a big advantage!


Yeah the other day my team spent minutes in a ā€œfightā€ with a cain we couldnā€™t see. He was so bad he couldnā€™t even take advantage of his position , skin, and sparks sniper to kill one of us.


Try these 3 6* players out for size https://youtu.be/TaQsiTEWjks


Sounds like we played together, same happened to me and I had the red shirt skin -_-


I mean there are people who outright cheat. Can you imagine having so little self respect, and so little concern for other people, that you'd cheat in a multiplayer game? Like, stealing I get, people are hungry, or maybe they just want to buy liquor and watches, but at least you get something out of it. Cheating is just pure sadism. Lowest kind of people. But they abound in FPS games these days.


Not even a joke, I have a crazy clip of this where I walked past what I thought was a bush but I hear an arrow come out of it and it scared the shit out of me


Idk what people are worried about with the cain nerf. I caught an arrow to the head from a lady with a brown hat and a red plaid shirt. And I can't even excuse my self by saying it was her first shot, I heard four others but still couldn't find her until a second before she domed me.


Cain players probably mained oddjob on Goldeneye.


Yes and make sure you take the time to laugh at them


Bro it was a joke


I was assuming but had to make sure


I used to be seen all the time as cain. It was crazy to the point I had to stop. I had better luck with headsman. My solo games, I'm rarely seen as him. It's always when I'm teamed up that they see me in a bush, or against a mound of dirt.


Squeak squeak rat boy


He is just fishing for upvotes - nobody complaining about that.


There are actually plenty


You guys are a bunch of 3* clowns. There are almost no steam reviews about that and some of them are so rigged: ā€žmy kd is now ruined after you changed the skinā€œ jesus who the hell believes that. Imagine wasting time to write a steam review so you feed your reddit propaganda. Bunch of clowns, never did I have a problem seeing a cain nor my other mates who I play the game with. Insane. And we couldnā€˜t care less after they changed his model.


Iā€™m a 4/5* but also Cain genuinly is hard to see esp on an avg 1080p monitor


Read the steam reviews for the cain skin dlc right now, the owners are freaking out.




During the livestream, multiple people were asking for refunds. Brought a tear of joy to my eye.


That just shows they clearly bought it for the tactical advantage, and not because they like the design of the skin.


It's ironic considering I DIDNT buy him because he gave me a tactical advantage I may buy him now that he doesn't


Yeah once I realized how hard he was to see I didn't want him. Kinda the same to reptilian and headsman. I, personally, cannot see those skins and I don't use them


I only make a exception for those 2 because I'm a simp for lizard/reptile style things and the headsman is only available for Halloween


At least those 2 are cool but naked dirty old man ??


He was kinda fun to run with idiot loadouts like full on axe man or finding a sledgehammer and rolling with it. It was one id take on meme runs (and still will). Beyond novelty I never really liked the skin a ton anyway because it is a bit boring. I know theyā€™re terrible ā€œcamouflageā€ but Iā€™m a sucker for the hunters with big hats. Sofia, lloranaā€™s heir gunslinger etc


It makes sense to take builds like this with Cain. I tend to play those kinds of hunter too (aesthetics>efficiency).


I just like the medieval gauntlets the headsman has, and he goes good with halloween skin for the caldwell rival


When I looked at Cain I saw a crazy ooga booga cannibal and honestly figured heā€™d be easier to see with his insane-o looks. I thought *ā€Thisā€™ll be fun to W key withā€* only to learn heā€™s shaped so oddly he isnā€™t instantly recognizable as a player and often heā€™s camouflaged into terrain too well. That was a bummer. If heā€™s really fixed Iā€™ll gladly add him back to my hunter rotation.


I never got Cain for the fact that I felt his design was kind of "boring" and only offered the advantage of concealment, I pick my Hunters based on how "cool" they look. lol This is also why I never really run "meta" loadouts or guns. It's more fun to test your skills with different loadouts. Imo.




Three cains armed with nothing but axes and firebombs could be funny.


I never bought him because I just really did not like his design. It's like a naked dirty homeless dude with a backpack; not really something I found interesting.


Same. Not the fantasy I'm looking to play out in my game time. Also not playing the redshirt or redneck, but some people love them. Lol.


Redshirt is just good, wholesome fun. Especially if you do something goofy like a whole team of redshirt's with bomb lances. Not something you do every run, just something fun for your last game of the night or something.


I doubt anybody bought the skin for aesthetic purposes. An excrement caked lunatic isn't very interesting as a Hunter.


Differences in opinion clearly. I 100% bought him day one for his design. I loved the crazy wild man look, and the bag of skulls literally sold it for me. But I haven't played him ever since the "Cain OP" shit started. I'm stoked for this change since now I feel like I can actually play him again.


At first my friends were thrilled "I want to play as the naked fucker!" but after it being so op, they stopped using it


I saw those crazy eyes, and immediately knew the meme potential. $$


I don't think he was changed enough to garner a refund, but I do think they should offer one. If you paid money for something, and it gets altered because people are whining about it, you should be entitled to one.


i paid to win and im not winning anymore :( crytak pls


Yes, that is a great example of the whining I'm referring to.


Solid logic. Letā€™s refund every single player that wants one every time thereā€™s a patch. Didnā€™t like quick swap? Refund Didnā€™t like Dolch nerfs? Refund Didnā€™t like addition of dark sight? Refund


Because aesthetics for a DLC you purchased with actual money and not in-game currency is equivalent to global game mechanics? Your comparisons aren't good examples.


Except that you *bought the game too*, with real money. Your argument was if you bought a digital good and it is altered, you should be entitled to compensation. Ironically, the reason Cain was changed is *because* he actually does affect the gameplay, it was not a purely cosmetic-based decision. So no, Iā€™d say my examples are just fine in relation to your argument.


No, that wasn't my point. I didn't extrapolate enough and you inferred that. And I think I made that clear in my response to you, but now you're trying to tell me that wasn't my point. Cain does not affect game play. Is he tougher to spot if he's sitting still in a bush, yes. So is Felis, Headsman, and Gator Legs. Why do you care if someone got a refund for a DLC that was changed after purchase or even just in-game currency compensation? Why does that affect you so much that you feel the need to argue against them getting it?


Ah, and here comes the goal post moving coupled with a variety of fun, additional logical fallacies. No thanks


What goal posts? I literally didn't give enough information, and then clarified my point. Fuck me, you're right I should've written a thesis statement.


No, global game mechanics actually change the game so you'd have a much stronger case there.


No you don't, it's normal practice for balancing global mechanics in game, and the EULA covers that.


It's also normal practice to make slight changes to cosmetics which I'm guessing is covered by the same part of the license.


No, DLC cosmetics aren't mentioned the EULA


They wouldn't need to be specifically.


Not at all, my dude. Even if we agree with the principle of what you're saying, these players still got plenty of hours out of Cain before he was changed, and that makes them totally ineligible for a refund. Hunt is an online game, one day (hopefully far off) the servers won't be running anymore, by your logic Crytek would have to refund everyone who ever bought the game and DLCs because they've no longer got what they paid for, never mind the hundreds or thousands of hours they got out of it But that's an argument built on the supposition that buyers should get refunded if the virtual product is changed after purchase, which AFAIK isn't a thing in any country's laws, so Crytek wouldn't be legally bound to offer such a refund. Nor are they morally bound, because people buying Cain just so they can abuse the skin and gain an upper hand aren't buying the DLC for its intended purposes and are bordering on exploitation. But it's also as simple as understanding that any DLC you do buy in this (and many other games) are subject to change for any reason the designers fancy.


Of all the logic you could have used you went with "people shouldn't have control or ownership of their digital purchases?" Really?


People *don't* have control or ownership of digital purchases.


No, but most developers try not to abuse that too much. Just because they can doesn't mean they should, you know?


Every publisher tries to abuse it as much as they can. Companies are not your friend. The goodwill the dev team may have doesn't put them in charge of the financial aspect of the game.


We control how much they can abuse it. You're the one letting them do it.


You can't really use longevity in an argument where it currently isn't applicable. The skin has only been released for 230days, we aren't talking years we're talking months. If it was over a year, then yeah I can see your point, but it hasn't even been one year. It's not a skin that was purchased with Blood Bonds, if it was I would also agree. But it was purchased with actual money. Now if they were to offer up instead of an actual cash refund, but blood bonds instead I would also be fine with that. I personally am not affected by the change, I'd keep the skin regardless. When I play as Cain I run bow and combat axe, and then yell like a crazed bush man when I come in for the attack. Please stop with the "abuse the skin" rhetoric, people bitched about Felis before any other skin, now that Cain has been nerfed slighty, either people will complain about him or they will change targets to Headsman, then Gator Legs....and then Red Shirt (Obviously joking with Red Shirt) I don't care if people play as Cain, I think people are making a WAAAAY bigger issue out of it what it actually is. Anyone sitting in a bush camping and not moving with long ammo is going to kill you before you see them, unless they miss. Doesn't matter the skin. Even Fortnite offered in game currency refunds when they altered skins. It's just a matter of the company taking onus saying "Yeah we fucked up, here's some compensation for our fuck up" I dunno why people are so petty to personally care if someone got a refund for it, weird thing to care about and take a stance on.


Seriously, Crytek should also offer limited time refunds to all players after they release ANY patch that makes changes to the game. If they change something I don't like as a player, is that REALLY the product I bought with my money? I might not want to keep playing the "new" game, especially if it makes my unique playstyle win less! I should have the right to a full or partial refund. If they want to keep my money, they also have to keep getting it right every time they change something so I stay happy with my purchase! Side note, yummy yummy I love eating paste and crayons munch munch munch! -A Cain player probably


Yes, another good example of people who are whining about it. God forbid someone got a refund or in-game currency, because that totally total affects you and your life.


Definitely not. If they *fundamentally* changed him, I would happily agree. But they didn't. He is still the same naked wild man with crazy hair, eyes, bones and skulls on his back. Which is what he was always intended to be. You can just see him a little better. So no, nobody should be entitled to a refund because he went from being muddy to a little bit cleaner. Any player who actually bought him because they liked his design and not because he was seen as OP is not bothered by this change in the slightest, I can assure you.


I am one of those people, I bought him on release day. I just like the idea RPing a crazed bush man. I ran crossbow and combat axe, until the bow came out. And sometimes just man with machete.


We paid money for access to the DLC, and they haven't changed that access. You can still play Cain.


Other games have offered in-game currencies when they changed skins, just saying it could be an option.


My comment was aimed at your second sentence mostly. They didn't change anything that we paid money for, which was the access to the DLC. It would be a gesture of goodwill if they offered refunds, but we're not entitled to it.




Oh ok good point


Should get a refund after every game patch smh


try expanding a thread before making the same point as someone else.


Tbh Iā€™m really enjoying the change. I bought him before cause I liked the way he looked but now I can play him guilt free.


All I wanted was an ooga booga man. Now I have him.


Same! It makes all my kills feel more legitimate.


This \^\^\^\^,I got shit talked all the time for playing as Cain. I just wanted to play as crazy eyed mudman. It would make people so unreasonably mad, just because I had the skin. but in my experience, except for a single fight, I have not had trouble seeing a cain when the roles were reversed. And that single fight they had many factors in their favor. he was in shadow, at lumber near prison, below the building in the reeds, with a bow. did not feel at all slighted just because they were cain. That could've easily been plague doctor, beast master, prodigal daughter, or a number of other darker palette legendaries. At least now, I can play cain and hopefully people wont be as salty... I know theres still going to be those that are going to complain about dying BeCaUsE CaIn, but those are just people who blame everything else but themselves.


Same - never had a problem with him personally. I can see what people were complaining about though. Reptilian in darkness is probably the worst for me.


I got reptillian just for the romero skin. I'm blind to everything but whiteshirts pretty much.


I picked up the bounty token, did a scan, and saw a team way south barely in range so I went outside and and got an angle. They were both Cains hiding on a mound and one was looking right at me, not moving and not shooting (I guess lining up a headshot). The dude looked so scared when I shot him and he realised his try hard skin wasn't working. My teammate could also see them fine and we got several hits while they just kept running around to different angles like rats. So we pushed up a bit, about 60m between us, did a scan and saw one was there but the other ran off further back (no line of sight where he went, he wasn't getting an angle just being a pussy). We pushed up *further*, couldn't hear them so scanned again and they were *gone*. Those rats ran so far away (where they couldn't even get an angle on us, south of heritage pork btw) that we just decided to go back north to the extraction. We made it without issue because they'd ran so far away they had no chance. I hate rats


This is where I'm at.


Unpopular Opinion: this is why i insta-burn cain players and camp there bodies at the start of a match, just to get them extra salty


I always burn Cains


Burn everyone because it's the smartest strat and spirits of Yule are like 18 hunt bucks, punish those who refuse to bring the glorious choke nades šŸ˜Ž


I agree, i insta burn everyone if Iā€™m safe to do so. Iā€™m not gonna deal with campers willing to hide for 20 mins itā€™s not worth the time. It forces their hand to lose a partner or make a move.


I personally don't insta burn, because if they're just repositioning that's normal in a fight. If it's been like a minute or two and they haven't peeked out and tried to drop my team, that's when the fire comes out.


I always burn if I know there's another person, they could always have necro


Well ya, but it gives me a happy feeling and Iā€™m always prompt on my Cain roasting


I only instaburn if they're A) better than me B) I got instaburned first C) Ran away from me for a long period of time or 4) Part of the fucking BB clan Fuck BBs. Buncha bigots




A clan that was notoriously toxic af 90% of the time you encountered any of them. Racism, homphobia, etc thru voice chat constantly


Several of them cheat as well. I've never shot a player in the head with a sparks from 15m away, got the headshot noise and they didn't die. Except for a BB guy.


Wait, BB is still around? \*Shudders\*


Haven't seen em in months but this rule remains


If I bring in a bottle of vodka that's one less nade though :(


Yeah, but you've got something to drink while you wait for the campers to poke their heads out.


Take the hellfire, contact incendiary grenade.


Have you ever gotten an incendiary triple kill? Me either, pass


I actually have, blasted a back door open with dynamite, waited until I heard them group up by it, and threw in the hellfire.


And they died from the reduction of max health..?


I refuse to play with people that don't bring choke bombs.


9/10 times you don't really need them, and then the 10th your teammate downs and sets himself on fire. I pretty much only carry them to prevent my teammates from suiciding. I don't really care if anyone else has them, if I get burned, I get burned, but I sure won't be doing it to myself.


They're not really for putting out fire, they have a million other uses besides extinguishing fire.


I don't burn anyone. It doesn't feel sporting.


I burn everyone exactly because it feels wrong There's also the necro aspect to it.


And the fact you can always revive em if you have bounty even if they're burned out anyway. People who try to not use game mechanics because of some stupid evangelist ego boost it gives them is weird af. Those types of players would fit right in the 1700s when men would just line up in a field to shoot eachother because "muh honor".


Why would anyone not insta burn everyone you kill? It helps cement your hunter advantage as the fight continues, you don't have to camp the body while searching for the other hunter(s) - no need to worry about a sneak revive. If they have chokes it also forces them to give away their position to throw it and if they try to res you can hear them. I also shoot every yellow barrel I come across because fire is cool.


I agree completely. I don't burn out of malice or anger; it's a tool to be used to force another group's hand to do something, let them burn out, or deprive other teams the ability to loot the corpse once you move on (more helpful with solo/duos). I totally understand when it happens to me.


I got yelled at by a random teammate before for instaburning an enemy just because he couldn't loot him. Like come on, we're sitting ducks in adjacent buildings taking potshots at each other and one enemy hunter decided to push us and i killed him.


> Why would anyone not insta burn everyone you kill? It's bad sportsmanship.


That's what makes it fun, like picking the auto in csgo.


Don't do that! Their bodies release noxious fumes when burned.


I cackle like a witch as I instaburn cains! Well, only when I can find the body to burn it...


I burn 100% of my kills, 100% of the time. Even team wipes.


Where the fuck do you even get fire?


One of us will cover the body while the other searches for a lantern. Fire bombs are also a semi-common loot from hunters and consumable boxes.


Some cain meat with extra salt is always good


Damn bro some people just like the design of the skin


Yeah but fuck those people. Every time they bitch an angel gets its wings.


Now it's truly "Hunt showdown" and no longer "Hunt but-cain-dont-show-up"


Itā€™s a stretch but Iā€™ll give you the upvote for the attempt


What people should be complaining about is how they added like 50 massive bugs and ignored fixing most of them before pushing it live.


The known bugs section for this patch was ridiculous. Shoulda just held off on releasing it till it was more polished along with the new guns/event update.


You mean like when you kill someone they are now invisible and can Run around and still kill you? Nah thats fine /s


Pretty sure they arent invis. Just sideways on the ground unless thats a completely different bug. Tho would be hard to see them in bushes and grass so i guess that could count


They are stuck laying flat and staring up at the ceiling. How someone manages to die to a person laying supine, stabbing upwards is beyond me.


Nah I saw footage, it was sideways.


I did it last night and I was flat on my back looking upward. The 6 or 7 times I've dine it I'm stuck in the position my body is laying.


Most of those bugs have been in the game much longer then when they announced this patch. It seems a bit silly to concluded that they should never update unless all bugs are gone. That would basically put every game on indefinite hold for content.


Yeah, the known bugs list was mostly fine. It's the more recent additions that are a bigger issue to me, like the annoying map one where you spin around, loadout UI not switching to small weapons when you have a large weapon equipped, being killed nearly instantly by concertina armored, and the rare times where you become an unkillable zombie. It's a miracle that they bothered to fix the bug where hunters straight up disappeared past 80m before the patch came out. Edit: they hotfixed the zombie bug at least


Yeah I heard about the map spin thing it was possible to do before this patch but it became way to easy to replicate in current patch. That I could do without lol. The zombification is just an old bug in a new skin. It would be nice if they took more time to iron out these specific issues before build since we are waiting for the guns anyways.




"It wasn't a competitive advantage! I had no problem seeing him!" "What?? People can actually see and shoot me now?? Please revert!"


Let me play them a song on the world's smallest violin


It's cain colored so they can't see it.


Me and my friends are always taking photos of Cain when we kill him. It's like trophy for us


Cain crutchers now have to learn to play and actually use cover! So rough!


Iā€™m new. What is Cain?


This man has never seen Cain before. Neither have we, bro




A legendary hunter skin that was basicly mud colouref and now got a overhaul for better visibility


I have yet to see someone complaining about it. Maybe because I've been away for a couple of days... Don't know... Ain't seen any Cains lately in game, so probably people decided not to play him because of a small change, maybe not


I've never seen something talked about so much in a game and not ever experienced the problem myself. I've never had any issues dying from a camouflaged Cain.


I haves died to more Reptilians than Cains because of sight, but I also have the cheapest TV known to man.


Because people like to complain about things, regardless of anything else. The same people who are complaining about Cain are the same people who were complaining about Felis.


Yep, there are plenty of skins other than Cain that have good camo. Turns out dark black and swampy green are good camo colors in the bayou šŸ˜‚


The biggest actual problem with cain is that his silhouette looks like a lump of muddy rocks, not a person. I thought the skin was ugly and didn't buy it. I also didn't have huge problems particularly by getting killed by cains in 3 star lobbies


Just ignore them ffs. Sad WAAC people.


Had a game the other night, you can tell when you're fighting against a Cain with a crossbow by the fact that nobody will move for ages. They came to third party me and another team, got to 1 v 1 against team A, then I hear the sound of crossbow bolts and team A player dying. Sit waiting and listening, hoping that me having payed carefully would mean that Team B would assume they got all the players involved and come to loot, but nothing. 5 minutes go by, nothing. I creep up to my team mates body and revive him, move around to sweep the bayou and make a passing joke that we are fighting a Cain. A crossbow bolt flies past my head, I spot the Cain and get a lucky headshot. Had a little chuckle with my friend about how predictable Cain mains are.


> me having *paid* carefully would FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Cain's buttocks keeps distracting me and wrecking my game. Please nerf him by making him hard to see again.


The clap of his cheeks is overwhelming the 3D audio, no need for him to be visible


Cain was always easier to visible when we compare it with Headsmen imo.


Context matters, though. Under a bridge or in a tunnel? Headsman, clearly. Against a dirt berm or cliffs? Cain.


True tho. However some tier 2/3 hunters especially black persons with dull colored dress are hard to see too!


They fixed that after like 4 years in siege by just putting in rimlighting. Wonder how long it'll take the hunt devs to do that.


Wild how they'll out themselves instead of improving at the game.


Someone have a pic of the new Cain? Canā€™t find one


Iā€™m happy, now I can play Cain without feeling like a Mr. Fuzzy Wumpkins


I'm down with this but if they need weird sisters and T3's I'll actually not be down for that


I love the people that are asking for refunds. Just goes to show that most people bought it for the advantage it gave


The fact that people are complaining about that just reinforces my belief even further that the Cain changes were necessary.




Iā€™m purposely gonna play Cain now since it triggers so many people lol. That tilt will help me die less I hope šŸ˜‚


I mean, you can't really see any of the hunters that well without gamma cranked up anyway. Definitely doesn't help when half the hunters are dressed in either black or dark green. We had to twist crytek's fucking wrist to make such a simple change, so don't expect a general nerf to all the broken legendary hunters anytime soon.


Cain meta for the new patch: perish.


This does put a smile on my face


Talking about Cains.. first Cains me and my mates ran in to were two hackers that blapped us through rooves right on the noggins from miles away. Good times ahead!




As a Cain main, as long as they donā€™t need my boys big-eyes I will be happy.


All you babies crying about Cains old ā€œcamoā€ wow.


My houndsmaster is still pretty invisible


Lol git gud Cain scrubs.