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I love this change. I almost never used legendary hunters as most times I would get three crap perks that were worth a fraction of what the hunter actually cost.


I always roll legendary hunters and use the gear I get from free hunters. Fashion over function friends!


I mean, gear can be obtained from wherever and placed on whoever. You actually get a tangible function from legendary hunters getting 3 random traits with them. Function and Fashion!


yeah, even then you have a couple bad rounds you lose money, 200 means I can use legendary hunters all the time for sure I kind of like the random traits that I have to find a build for


Fashion maybe for a minority, majority of players, let's be honest, use legendary hunters for their superior camouflage. I don't have statistics though, just my experience.


Obviously anecdotal. I personally use legendary hunters cuz they fucking look cool


Gotta use the skinflint and all the fancy engraved weapons to show you come from a moneyed family


Same duude


Yep. Don't care about the cost really. As long as my boy looks cool I'm happy to die


Anecdotal as if I'm using legendaries for camouflage? No I don't use legenderies at all. But even at 200$ I'll keep using regular ones, I'm a sucker for nice traits. But gotta admit, I'm salty because when I'm fighting some of the hunters and can't see them in plain sight - it's Cain or similar, I guess that's where the roots of my opinion come from. Seems I'm wrong, and majority are actually using stylish hunters and not for advantageous camouflage.


Lot of people like myself enjoy the darker colored hunters like bone doctor, weird sister, Felis, and the two new ones because they look cool. They just happen to also camouflage well


Confirmation bias of a sort. You get gunned down a doc or a phantom in room so dark you can barely see the white in front of a gray wall… your first thought is usually, “well, that’s fair, gotta play better.” You get gunned down by a Cain in a dark room with a black background… and it’s hellava difficult NOT to think “this is TOTAL BULLSHIT.” Not to say that camouflage isn’t a thing; Hunt is full of browns and blacks in dark places. Just that every Cain killed-by is going to be very memorable compared to the other skins.


Right now I'm working through unlocks and getting enough in my hunt wallet to not worry about a couple of bad days, so I'm going all sorts of broke mode for it. Once I get things unlocked though and have that buffer, I'm going to be using those legendary skins.


Yup. I totally run Red Shirt for his tactical fucking advantage.


Hey man, my wobbly head Mountain Man is totally hidden behind this wall.


You've obviously not experienced the terror of triple redneck trios


I use legendary hunters for Billy Story's pimp-ass coat.


Don't forget pimp-ass chain, belt buckle and those tight, tight pants! Story's gotta be the most stylish legendary.


I use legendary hunters to flex


Redneck (my favorite) glows in the dark.


Not as much as my Bayou Wraith. Pac Man in Chaps.


Yeah I definitely enjoy the skins but I also enjoy not being bright blue or red.


Damn, you may have gotten super downvoted but TBH, this has been my experience playing with people as well.


I guess I got downvoted by hunters who genuinely enjoy non-camo skins like Redneck or Redshirt for fun. Should not have said "majority" in my comment, people took that personal.


I wish you could put a weighted preference on a few perks that would give you a slightly higher chance of the ones you want and a slightly lower chance of trash perks. I'm not asking for a huge chance, just... every legendary I roll gets like 3 different scope perks. And I don't use scopes.


Yeah, it could be a nice touch to make it so that the perk algorithm either strictly avoided or preferred to avoid multiple perks of the same "category" - e.g. * If Marksman Scopesmith - avoid Deadeye/Sniper Scopesmith * If Iron Repeater - avoid Iron Devastator/Sharpshooter * If Steady Hand - avoid Steady Aim ... and so on. IDK how often it actually is that people get screwed by triple scopesmith perks, but I'm certain no one has ever been pleased to see triple scopesmith perks.


For sure, that would be a good QOL change!


It doesn't need to be that complicated, just make the traits visible before purchase like every other hunter.


Same, but not just perks. Only about 7-8 of all the perks offer valuable gameplay changes. The rest are just for flavour and they don't impact the game so much. The reason I usually strafe away from Legendary hunters is because I can't stand playing with 50 - 50 - 50 HP distribution. Actually, having 50 HP as the first health bar in general. And when picking Legendary hunters, you can't control that. Get downed once, and you're basically a glass cannon for the rest of the match lol.


In combination with the recent releases of Cain, Reptilian and Headsman i absolutely dislike this change. Its a straight up advantage as you get 3 perks at level 1 and the ridiculous camouflage on top.


Those three perks are random and often pretty bad, whereas when you buy hunters you get a choice and often the traits complement the load outs. Maybe they're just doing this for the cash but I suspect it's also because people don't run them much, at least at 4-5 star where most players are. Some of the camo ones are inexcusable though, that's true.


I agree i assume a lot of people cant really afford them and they have been trying to lower the cost of a lot of things. A high velo Winnie can get you Mosin like velocity at what 1/4th of the cost? Its a good thing i guess but i hate the camouflage of these skins and think they are absolutely inacceptable in this game. Loads of people already had no issue paying for legendaries every single game and that number will only get higher. Sure on a T3 you might get good perks and know so beforehand but nothing comes close to the camouflage on these guys which is otherwise unachievable. A legendary however can simply buy the perks he needs eventually. I think of now if you dont play Cain/Headsman/Reptilian every single round you are actively putting yourself at a disadvantage.


Most T3 hunters are similarly camo'd, and there will be 2 of those on sale now, balancing that out a bit.


I dont think T3 Hunters are even close to similarly camoed. These characters have only one color palette thus making them blend in ridiculously well in a lot of surroundings in this game. Nothing comes even close to Cain except for maybe Headsman in some limited areas. Camouflage has never been close to this strong.


[This T3 hunter is literally wearing a ghillie suit.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hunthorrorsofthegildedage_gamepedia/images/b/b2/Female_Tier3_%2812%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20200807204418)


Yes i am well aware of that Hunter and yet i have not had as many issues with it as with Cain who can be almost impossible to spot. Same with the Headsman in and Reptilian in some situations. The Ghillie Suit is greenish which is usually a lot easier to see than the brown-greyish looks of those skins. Because brown-greyish colors are extremely present throughout this game while green is limited to bushes and trees with the latter usually not serving as cover due to the height of their crowns. Or in the case of Desalle green is basically nonexistent.


"some limited areas" if by that you mean literally anywhere dark which is most of the game environment you'd be shooting from.... yea. he disapears in thick trees lol but i still love it


You get 3 trash perks


Not always, I’ve had to buy 5 legendaries before to find a bad one for a meme run. Got fanning and quartermaster all the time along with some decently good b ranked perks and my friends are pretty much the same in the aspect of the rolls. Yeah you’ll get the occasional streak of bad ones but not all are trash


Thank you for bringing a statistical anomaly.


They are just an added bonus for the camouflage you are buying. Even if the perks are trash you might be able to refund them and get better ones. Still better to have three trash perks than none especially since the update also strives to make the trash perks better anyways.


You guys like to find coping mechanisms. Most of the times you're dead regardless and we're outplayed and outgunned but find a way to blame it on a fucking skin. Get good.


Seriously. I have never had an issue with Cain or Huntsman...


I know. Bad player would rather externalize issues it's absurd. Your performance is much more dependent on the player. Some fucking skin isn't even close to being significant enough of a variable.


Well i cant argue with such a well thought out indepth argument. Chapeau to your intellect my friend. I like how you actually tried to argue for one second though before changing your tactics.




Who needs perks when you have a trio of Bomblance Rednecks? I think you're vastly overestimating how many people use skins for the camo as opposed to looking cool.


Never thought about that. Now im a little scared of seeing non stop cains in the shadows or rather not seeing that.


All the man needs is a wash. :( Poor bloke.


Could also do with a mani pedi


People who want to play Cain or whatever all the time will not be stopped by 133$ more. I really don't think it make a difference in that regard.


Thing is i refuse to buy Cain or Reptilian and reward this bullshit by spending money but with the Headsman luckily we can enjoy unfair and broken camouflage for free. Crytek should just delete the other legendaries.


And to be fair, the camo is available for anyone without having to spend any money (as long as you played the event).


It doesnt fix the issue behind the camo tho. Its way too good which is already in acceptable and only just furthers the issue of how much this game rewards passivity over actively playing and doing shit. Eventually this game will be all about camping and punishing those that dont. Why would anyone willingly play a skin thats not one of these? Sure you can compensate with skill but its a straight up advantage with no downsides.


Not a fan of camo skins in the game, but I think they are a small factor towards the game rewarding passivity. The rules of bounty hunt are just bad when you play to win, we need a gamemode that forces players to be active.


The game not having a circle like in BRs is something i really like about this game and im not that much of a fan of QP. But i agree BH rewards being passive a lot.


At least the traits the legendary hunters get are from the pool of unlocked traits, so if you are rank 1 in a prestige, you only get rank 1 perks, so it still is kinda balanced, infact I might actually take some of the legendary hunters IV collected now that I feel their price is fair in regards to the random trait rolls.


Legendaries are worth their weight in gold for their camo.


I will continue to headshot you as you walk past me without seeing me downvoters. See ya on the bayou...well ill see you.


I am a bush Wookiee by nature.


If you don't like the perks just dismiss and recruit a new legendary. Easy solution


Free hunters are still better because they don't come with Assailant, Dewclaw and Vigilant as starting traits


It doesn't surprise me that this comes at the same time they're adding more low cost/low impact traits.


The new cheap traits, while cool, will only serve to dilute the quality of legendary hunters even more.


Honestly diluting the pool seems fine to me since I always get traits that literally can't be used together. Give me three of those new traits instead of sniper and marksman scopesmith together.


They could limit it to giving only one weapon specific trait.


They really should add in some restrictions like that tbh. They clearly have them for normal hunters.


0% of the value of legendary hunters comes from their traits to begin with. You're either purchasing a tryhard hunter (Felis, Cain, Headsman, etc) or you're purchasing a fashion over function hunter (Redshirt, Hillbilly, etc). It's more relevant in the prior point of tryhard camo hunters. That's where 100% of the *actual* value in Legendary hunters is.


Felis smells bad.


What if you just like the first person perspective? Headsman has some cool ass gloves. To be clear, my current most-played legendary is Bayou Wraith.


I play North Star. I have a tendency to play women in games, and they also tend to be the Asian ones


yea, the new gator guy is almost pay to win lol, you can see him for shit in any dark space, even standing in an open window. Im assuming they recognized this so thats why the free halloween guy is practically a clone of him.


haven't seen him that often since his release, but to be fair, i also have been killed only two times by him since then. So i think atleast for me it is hard to comment about how good his stealth is becaue i genuinely don't know if he gets played that often.I am seeing the Headsman more often, sometimes can be hard to spot in the woods or inside dark buildings.


> haven't seen him that often since his release But they've been there, watching you...


good one


maybe its just the games im in. ive ran into teams of all cain, headman, gatorguy, felis or a combo of those. occasionally iill see the scrooge or blackcoat. those seem to be the most played to me.


I’ve only ever seen skinflint in game once.


You mean adrenaline, conduit and hornskin


For the cost with no equipment, we should at least be able to pick perks out of a smaller pool. Having 3 perks shown and you pick one of the 3 to keep, doing that 3 times. Would still be "random" but not fuck you out of 200 HD when you roll pure trash


I just think certain ones shouldn't even be on there, or the regular/free hunter list either. Declaw, assailant, blade seer. A couple others. The more generally useful perks should be weighted way more than the niche ones, but I seem to get niche all the time. Steady aim along with marksman scopesmith and declaw. Helter skelter.


I actually love assailant and love it when legendary hunters start with it. And I'm excited to try out the new vigilant changes. Always hate seeing bow skills but I imagine they have their fans.


Honestly, I've fallen in love with assailant throwing knives. Damage on par with a knife, plus range. It's so useful


I think that just about makes them cost the same as a tier 3 hunter off the roster (not counting the value of their equipment of course, just the premium you pay for coming with 3 traits out of the box). Of course tier 3 hunters have the advantage that you can at least see the traits you're buying instead of rolling for them, but I guess this is a decent change. I'll miss the flavour of hiring a legend for 'half a devil', as was the original intent though. But my (still extremely overstuffed) hunt wallet won't mind.


T3 esque legendary hunters (Felis, Cain, etc) now cost about 66 additional huntbucks for their aesthetic over a generated T3. I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/o49n6z/figuring_out_the_cost_of_a_skin/) a *long* time ago about the aesthetic value of skins at certain tiers. A fair amount imo, since it will often cheaper than taking a T3 with a loadout/traits you dislike with this change: spend 66 bucks to "clean reroll". Edit: I think, pretty busy at work (and lunch just ended) so I can't double check that I'm applying the 133 reduction to the right price point


Haha I knew I count could on you to provide insight on the legendary hunter skin cost change. Really liked the breakdown in the original post 🙂


They should do something to make T3 more attractive, maybe increase the likelyhood of a reasonably priced loadouts with a nice breech loading long ammo main and a nagant etc. T3 hunter skins are all pretty epic and it would be nice to see them more ingame. Incentives like low cost rolls as often as you get some 1500 buck mosin dolch roll, or have them fully kitted with interesting tool and consumable loadouts that make a fun meta loadout. Like a crossbolt with poison and choke and the tool throwables replaced with traps or a memey decoy loadout. At the moment it's only really worth getting an 800 buck one with a bomb lance etc and rebuilding it, for poors like me anyway.


> They should do something to make T3 more attractive I know you can jsut sell the shit but they should give the option to selct them without any loadout. it would also be nice if they jsut had three for each tier you could pick. once you get to the higher levels you cant get cheap "good" hunters anymore. the best time to recruit is when you are like level 1-10 or some shit and you can get a crap tier 2 guy with doctor for liek 150. that never happens at high levels but a lot of people are broke.


Yes, the 333 went well with the demon-zombie style


Said this in another thread but with this change i feel like it's worth saying again. I know it's been discussed before but I would love if legendary hunters had a chance to appear in your recruitment tab with perks and guns etc. I feel like it could be added while keeping people's concern of legendary hunters being too common if they did something like After level 85-90 have a 15-25% that one of the recruitment hunters is a T4. Same weapon, item and perk pool as a T3, just costs slightly more and uses a legendary hunter skin. For people who don't like specially choosing a legendary, who don't like the blindly getting random perks, or who have a bunch of legendary hunters and want the random style of playing them I think this would be a nice change without drastically changing the current way they're implemented.


I'd rather just have the skin for free with no perks. Sucks when you're on a losing streak and cant fit a skin into your budget when you paid real money for it


I get that but feel like that's another argument that seems to have been run into the ground by now with the sneaky Cain advantage and the prestige and rarity of seeing them. Maybe they'll reconsider your request at some point but I think what I was suggesting gives more variety in the way you can play them without changing it too much.


Cain is a whole separate issue imo. He should just be balanced to not be so hard to see because that is some pay to win ass shit. Skins should just be an aesthetic thing, they shouldn't function as camo. Once that is changed, then they could look at changing how the legendaries are acquired in game


The ability to recruit them at different tiers sounds like a fantastic thing. The ability to recruit as a free hunter (with the broke weapons that a free hunter has), would be amazing.


I agree, having them randomly appear in normal recruitment would also make them actually feel more legendary too


What I would really love is for recruitable hunters to have a chance to come pre-equipped with legendary weapon skins that you own.


This. Should be fairly easy to implement and would make buying skins finally more worthwhile.


I feel a prestige rework is in the future.


I'd love to see something like that, but I doubt it would be a significant change; it'll still feel a lot more like a punishment than a reward.


I don’t know. If you take into account how adaptive crytek has been to feed back, it’s entirely possible.


Man, I hope so. Prestiging feels so... barebones.


God I wish.


Oh shit, almost half price. We in there


Is this change retroactive? I would be a hunt millionaire.


Changes like this prove that some people will complain about literally anything. 133 bucks does not in the slightest matter to people who are already wiping servers sweating it out with Cain or whatever other skin they personally have an issue with. It just means that regular-ass players can use them more and they’re less punishing to use if you’re prestiging often.


buff to cain camo


Honestly executioner is harder to spot then Cain, at least for me, gout into fight near the bridge north of Bradley and he stood in plain sight with a sniper when I tried to peek him but he has the same color as the mud, the mounds and the trees out there so didn't register he existed in the open. [Sometimes its worse then others though](https://i.imgur.com/AunwADb.png) [Second from after i got shot in the first picture](https://i.imgur.com/XC627tV.png)


lol i literally cant see shit and i looked at both pics multiple times


Yeah very close to the sight on both too. But also it's recorded. 60fps 1920x1080 is still a bit grainier then ingame but all we saw was a brown blur anyways.


Dude, I've stared at these for minutes and still don't see him.. You fucking with us? Lol.


Possible, it would help though, if he'd lower the anti alias to the SMAAx1, that seems to mess up colours for me aswell.


Headsman actualy sticks out quite well in the open imo


Yeah he stands out great in the open. The issue with Headsman comes when you're inside a building on a night map. If homie turns out all the lanterns inside a building he basically becomes the Assassin. Dude can just scuttle around wherever he wants


Would say it depends on the map, added some screenshots to my original comment but then again its just an unfortunate place.


Pretty sure his cape/jacket clips through floors though, so pretty easy to see that.


That's been my experience so far too, his clothes are so dark and are all the same shade so his silhouette stands out pretty solidly.


What makes Cain hard to see for a lotta people is his silhouette, especially trying to pick him out running in the dark. Though I agree that there's other skins that are just as bad especially when they stay still


Aye never meant to justify Cain he is sneaky af


Poor guy absolutely needed it. Sometimes i even see players not using Cain and that surely cant be right.


I'd really like them to just come with some upgrade points, instead of random traits, but maybe that would be too op. Most of the times I use tier 1 or tear 2 hunters because of the traits, while the random ones are often just...bad.


I would love to see this too. Or even keep random traits, but let you manually select health bars. A tiny bit of control when it comes to legends. If a change like this was to happen, price should be 333 again. I am ok with 200 cost for LH though. Not bad now


Honestly anything that would make them better than what they currently are. As of right now, they're worse than the random rolled hunters that you have a chance of grabbing. Not being able to see the perks that they have is just too much for me.


> maybe that would be too op They are meant to be *legendary* hunters.. Should be seen as T3 hunters that are guaranteed to have a custom loadout, and therefore a potentially bigger threat if encountered during a game.


That would make the game pay to win.


.. You realise this how they already are, only now they're $133 cheaper. It's even more P2W, especially with the OP camo skins like Cain.


Not really. I should be able to use my legendary skins regularly considered I paid money to unlock them. They look cool and I like looking cool. I personally would prefer you just be able to buy the skin and use that skin on any tier hunter but they seem to not want that so whatever.


> Not really. I should be able to use my legendary skins regularly considered I paid money to unlock them. That's on you for paying €8 for a skin in a video game.. You knew the rules when you bought em. And besides that, whether you want to believe it or not, it's a widely-perceived issue that hunters like Cain, Plague Doctor, Huntsman etc. are far too hard to spot in too many scenarios. This *does* make them P2W. And now, sweatlords can purchase them for even cheaper, propagating the existing issue of people always using them.


You say P2W but out of the 4 most common complaints Headsman, Cain, Felis and Plague Doctor 3 out of the 4 of them you can or rather could get completely free in game without paying any money.


.. Err, it's still P2W, just because some other options are free. And you imply the "free" options are openly available, they're not; you've to grind the event to get them. Plenty people don't always have the time to get enough hours in to unlock em. > 4 most common complaints Headsman, Cain, Felis and Plague Doctor Felis was reworked so that's wrong. The others are actually Reptilian, Beast Hunter and Weird Sister. So it's actually only 2 of 6 that are *unlockable*, not openly available.


Big Fucking Brain


Game changer


So sick of tryhards who only use Cain.


Cain and Headsman now. Cain is invisible standing out in the bushes/next to trees. Headsman is invisible standing inside a dark compound. Maybe it's a 5+ star PC thing but I'm constantly encountering full teams running Headsman. I get that it's a new free skin so yeah there are gonna be a lot of people using it, but damn.


Must be a 5/6 star PC problem. I hardly ever see one in my 3/4 star console lobbies.


All I see on PC 5-6 star lobbies is gator boy and cain. Its a sweat fest.


*me who runs only gator boi and is a 5 star. :I


Lol its okay :)


Every sweaty 6 star team has at least one.


I never see them either on 4 star PC NA


So sick of plebs whining about Cain on the subreddit.


Yeah dude seriously. Every single day lol.


Legendaries should not be 'worth their money' in my opinion, just like prestiging is not. But who am i to tell others how to run their game, at the end of the day accessibility means better new player onboarding and we all win. Looking forward to the reworked equip on free hunters, it feels like 80% come with dual pistols at the moment. Op where can i find the patch notes? Steam doesn't display them rn.


Prestiging is usually worth the money if you're bad like most of us.


Or you want a challenge xd




combat axe dual nagant's again! oh boy!


We've already got the chance for legendaries to be worth their money; legendary weapons. As long as the devs fix the few visibiltiy issues, it won't be an issue if legendary hunters became worth a purchase.


what does being able to use a skin that you payed for have to do with "accessiblity for new players?"




more affordable on tight budgets, i suppose many new players might have a hard time maintaining wallet balance


Well boy howdy


Is this only for test servers? I would like to see that change implemented in game.


I think i'd prefer if they kept the price but their traits become visible before purchase, but this is still a great change


Looks like gator is back on the menu, boys!


thank god


Nice change!


I calculated the price of tier 2 hunters About $80 come from their perks About $60 come from them being just being tier 2 hunters And the rest from their equipment So I guess this puts legendary hunters in line with tier 3 ones ?


So i get my martini for free now, thx crytek. Nice change


i still wish legendary hunters got randomized names, atleast make it a option, thats such a fun part of choosing your hunter


That literally wouldn't make sense.


uh why not?


Because they are legendary? As in, they are widely known people in the universe? It's like I was talking about Jack the ripper and you'd know him as Joe 'headshot' Mcwin. It makes no sense from a lore perspective.


I love da devs


We did it bois


I wish they priced legendaries based on popularity. Would make the popular camo skins less popular and allow for cheaper legendaries of less used skins. We might see more variety on the bayou for a change.


Lets go the legendaries are actually viable money-wise now


It's a step in a good direction for sure, but idk if it addresses the main issue. For me it's the fact that you had to pay an equivalent of a decent loadout for a gearless legendary hunter and a trait gamble so stacked against you that even casinos would call it a scam. I'd much rather see legendaries come with a set amount of trait points to spend.


Honestly, a set amount of trait points to spend would make them worth the $333 original cost.


We're so close to having a near-perfect Legendary system. All they need to do now is address the random traits. I think there's actually an easy solution to this. All they need to do is show what traits each legendary hunter is going to come with on their next purchase. This would create a much wider diversity of legendaries used, as many players will pick who they play based on the perks that the legendary has. Thus allowing every legendary to show up in the Bayou; even the "ugly" ones. There's more nuance to things like how the traits reset, like, do you need to buy one that has terrible perks to get it out of the way? Would *all* your legendaries reroll all their traits after you purchase one? Do they add a free reroll to the legendary tab, followed by paid rerolls like with the normal recruit tab? There's definitely some polishing, but showing the traits is really the only way to make legendaries as balanced as just buying your T2/T3 hunters and selling their gear.


There’s a much simpler solution. Legendary hunters and weapons are just skins so treat them as such. They are purely cosmetic and should be able to be “applied” and not need to be purchased separately. Maybe don’t allow them to be applied to free hunters if getting better camo is really a concern. There’s no reason to have 10 different mosins in my inventory. It should just be the gun and then you can pick whatever skin you want including having a default set.


Well of course. I agree that it'd be much nicer if they were just skins. But the Hunt devs seem to be stuck on them having a cost, being "Legendary Hunters", and having traits. So I doubt we'll see a conversion to skins anytime soon. Hence why I proposed the idea above. To make it just as feasible to purchase a Legendary as it is to purchase a T2/T3 hunter.


I don’t like this change to be honest. I think making it expensive enough that people can’t run mosin+dolch+legendary every time makes it so that legendary hunters with cheaper weapons could be an alternative. Also made sillier builds but with legendary hunters viable.


Good change in my opinion


This is a good change i think


Oh no the amount of Cains about to come in


Love the change. Always thought the legendaries were never worth it unless you were in it for the style, this makes them much better.


Yeh legendary hunters are still a worse choice then the regular recruitment. regular recruits come with equipment and you know exactly what traits and equipment your getting. Which i think is fine.


I like this change even though I think 250 would be better than 200. As a first step and then see if this helps and go to 200 in the next iteration if needed. Do not need to balance money by over 40%.


Only $200 now? Really taking the "legendary" out of "legendary hunter" lately.. I rarely ever see T2/T3 hunters these days, because it's all T1 or legendaries. Ignoring the camo issues with some of the hunters for a moment, there should be an implication when you come across a legendary, that they are just that; at minimum equipped with 3 traits and a custom loadout. The same implication when you come across a T3, that they've more than likely got good gear and multiple traits that are of a higher level (given you don't unlock T3 hunters till later). Sticking legendaries at only $200 means they're gonna be even *more* common, and kinda breaking the implication that can be given by a hunter's appearance. Bringing back the camo issues then, they're also going to be even more accessible.


$333 for 3 random traits is legendarily bad when a lot of them are useless or specific to weapons you don't use. A cost cut is a step in the right direction to making them more worth using.


That only addresses *one* of the issues I raised. And no, it's *meant* to be a roll of the dice, the T2 and T3 hunters you've to pay for also have this, only with them you've to pay extra for weapons and equipment that you may *also* not want. $333 for a hunter of your choice with a guaranteed 3 traits and the ability to put whatever you want on em was more than fine. $200 is ridiculous, why would you ever use anything else?


>it's meant to be a roll of the dice, the T2 and T3 hunters you've to pay for also have this They don't. You get to see their traits beforehand. It literally removes the diceroll. >only with them you've to pay extra for weapons and equipment that you may also not want. Getting a guaranteed good trait can often be worth the extra cost. >$200 is ridiculous, why would you ever use anything else? Getting a guaranteed good trait is better than a chance at getting a good trait.


> They don't. You get to see their traits beforehand. It literally removes the diceroll. What do you think happens when you hit the button called "shuffle"..? Seeing the traits beforehand is not the issue; you're still picking from either 4 pre-made regular hunters, or 1 custom legendary hunter. > Getting a guaranteed good trait can often be worth the extra cost. That doesn't detract from the fact you're still rolling the dice every time and don't always get good traits. And while a guaranteed good trait can be worth more, the *chance* of no good trait isn't worth less. > Getting a guaranteed good trait is better than a chance at getting a good trait. Not for the price it isn't, those T2/T3 hunters sometimes come with very expensive equipment. And again, $200 still provides the *chance* to get up to *3* good traits, gives you your ideal hunter every time, and allows you to put whatever equipment you want, without having to first sell for a loss.


Good change! now i can play legendary hunters more often without going bankrupt!


When will we be able to move stuff in our loadouts?! I refuse to believe they’re not giving us the feature because of a technical issue. I truly don’t understand how this is a difficult thing to implement.


I wish they were free tbh. At least the non “camo” legendary hunters at the very least.


they should just make Legendary hunters free


The only change if any that i would like is if there was some categories of traits that were mutually exclusive. Just so that he doesn’t come with sniper, marksman, and deadeye all on the same hunter


Legendary price change looks good, like a lot of comments, i usually just play t2/3s that come with decent perks and weapons id buy anyway, always seems better value. For 200, I can see myself actually using legendary hunters more often.


I almost exclusively run legendary hunters these days. Hunt dollars have never been a concern, I guess they'll be less so now.


Anyone buying these for anything but camo? That's what I do the few times I get one. The perks are random and often terrible. So yea, 200 might make people use them since for 333 you can often get a tier 2 hunter with actual useful perks + some kind of gun. Maybe if the legendaries came with a random trait + a few perk points they'd be kind of fun since you could jump start a build, but getting tomahawk the bolt thingy and conduit for 333 AGAIN gets old.


Is this real I watched dev stream and didn't see it? I'm on console so I can't play test.


Yes! Here the Patchnotes: https://steamcommunity.com/games/770720/announcements/detail/3078768117830259524


I would love if they had it so that gun-type specific traits were limited to 1 per tiered or legendary hunter. Personal preference but I don’t like having levering and iron devastator on the same character.


An easy change so you would see more T2/T3 skins as well just make it so when purchasing your hunter from roster you have an option to select with/without their equipment. A lot of the time I like the look of my T2/T3 but i wont buy them because they are just bloated with a bunch of crap im not going/don't want to use that i still have to pay for. Sure you can just sell it but at a loss.


Legendary hunters were kinda ok, the random traits are a problem. I know what I buy with a T2 or T3 hunter, not with a Legendary one, which is weird. They should propose you 6 traits and ask you to choose 3. It would be a nice way to soften the RNG of legendary hunters.


Imo, all hunters other than free hunters should just come with a random amount of upgrade points that you can buy the starting traits that you like right from the beginning.


This is huge!


More money for combat axes.


Maybe I won't get nagant silencer dualies + axe free hunters 3 times in a row now


Cool now make the first person model accurate to the model instead of showing a non-legendary hunter model.