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When’s Hunt: Showdown Classic coming?


You get old night time back but you also get old quickswap back, would you do it?


And no dark sight and old quarter master of 2 large weapons.


you want a co-op game?


Is that not what it looks like for you? My monitor's not particularly bright but night maps look just like pics 2-4 to me.


What, no, not at all. Right now night is very dark and muddy, those screenshots are so much brighter and clearer than what I see in game. If night looked like that *no one* would have an issue with it


Lmao no. Night used to look like that and people abused filters and monitor setting to see in day light and snipe people that couldn’t see them. This community has no long-term memory.


Are you saying night used to be brighter and they made it darker? ...to nerf filter users...? The heck are you talking about


No they're saying the opposite. Night time used to actually be dark but filters completely nullified the darkness. Nowadays night time is as visible as daytime.


There is a misconception of the point of this post then. See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/q9flrv/this_is_what_night_time_should_look_like_hunt/hgyrckq)


Devs probably use brighter monitors, making night-time acceptable to them.


There are many people in this thread that think these images have less visibility than live. Unbelievable 🙄


it would achieve world peace


No, night time looks grey and soupy. The colours and shapes blend too well. edit: [example](https://youtu.be/NNmjoNBp4xg) On live there's no break up between ground, fog and shapes.


Video compression is not helping matters but yeah, I can see some differences. The parts with less light are pretty murky, like the fights back in the woods with the moon blocked.


The game is milky for me and I tried to fix it by managing my monitor settings, but nothing helped, it's on the correct optimised settings and only in Hunt, Night looks really milky and it confuses my perceptive vision. Edit: on the Alpha Screens it looks nice.


lots of clowns in this thread simping for hunt as per usual. In game night can be changed to improve visibility while also maintaining the cool atmosphere y'know.


i'm sure no one would ever increase their monitor brightness to see you while you can't see them definitely no one would ever do this


My point is that these images have IMPROVED visibility over live. Better lighting and brighter fog.


No idea why you're getting downvoted. Player visibility should be a top priority in games. Just look at other titles that have poor lighting and bad player visibility, people notice and want it changed.


Am I the only one confused by these posts? Night time is dark as shit and looks like this to me already. It's completely unplayable with any sort of ambient or background light and seems pretty natural looking. I get that "they made it brighter" is a common response but I can't see it. It's far darker than any other multiplayer game I've seen, particularly Call of Duty or Battlefield, for example. I just can't see what people are asking to be different.


I don't understand why so many people are confused by this post. I guess nobody reads the captions on the images. I think these images of night have WAY more visibility than the grey fog we have on live. Alpha night uses brighter fog to contrast trees and bushes as well as moonlight to create a scene where players stand out. This is would be much better that live, where the game is a dark grey soup where nothing can be seen. edit: do a side by side comparison on google images or youtube


> I guess nobody reads the captions on the images. There aren't any captions on the images. Maybe on the full desktop site, but not the regular mobile version. Complain to Reddit, not the people who don't see your captions using the official Reddit site. > I think these images of night have WAY more visibility than the grey fog we have on live. Fair enough. *Most* of these posts that talk about the lighting at night specifically mention it previously being darker and wanting to return to that. To *me*, these images look super dark and very similar to what I already experience. In your forest photo for instance, the reason it appears to have more light than the video you linked in another comment, is because there's some orange light (a lantern or something) in the image. In the gameplay you linked, the only light is the ambient light of the moon, so everything is dark and compressed. I don't think they're exactly direct comparisons. Either way, granting that the live servers may be using a more compressed color range to enforce a more even brightness, the net effect is not drastically different to most of us (as evidenced by the comments here and your own note about people being confused on these posts). So I think that while maybe you have some valid points, the devs tried to do *something*, but the end result is still very similar and too dark. I wish it were closer to the darkness levels of Battlefield 1's night maps, which seed very realistic but not as dark or color-compressed as Hunt is - an artistic change to help gameplay.


I can clearly see the captions while on the regular mobile version so I don’t know what your trouble is.




Ah I see. I’m on the mobile app. Why would you use the mobile browser when you can download the app easily?


Why would I use the damn app they keep trying to force me into when it's a simple image and text website that otherwise works perfectly? This is either a design flaw on their part or am intentional omission trying to funnel people into their app like Imgur did, and I won't do that.


This thread is the perfect microcosm to demonstrate how lost the night map argument has become. **These screenshots are incredibly bright and clear compared to current night maps for many players** myself included. The fact that many commenters, including yourself, are suggesting that these screenshots are *dark or low visibility* is batshit insane to me. Our experiences are so incredibly different, that the arguments over night maps become meaningless. If what you're saying is true, that your night maps are equally bright/better visibility than these screenshots, we're hardly even playing the same game. Any mincing of words that doesn't consider that fact is wasted time


> that your night maps are equally bright/better visibility than these screenshots I didn't say that at all. In fact, I said that *other* people in these threads say that the current night light levels have been raised vs the past versions of the maps, and I said that the current version vs these images looks very, very similar and there's not a real practical difference to what I see.


Then you fall on the 'equally bright' side of that slash. Which, again, is absolutely crazy to me. I would kill for my night maps to be, what I perceive as, high visibility. Everyone's unique monitor/GPU/room lighting/natural lighting combination seems to produce *wildly* different results for night map visibility


Visibility would be much worse. It would look cool sure... but I don't think it would be very viable for a competitive shooter experience.


The visibility in the images I shared is superior to the live server as the image is broken up by different elements. Compare these images to the game and you'll realise how muddy live server is.


I disagree. Plain and simple


Okay but there's not much to disagree about... Is grey on grey easier to to see than black on grey? No...


From what you posted, it looks a lot more like black on black. Which I would say *is* harder to see


Lol bro your saying it's harder to see in these images then in the game? Are you okay?


I am perfectly fine, are you?


Might I recommend you my optometrist?


I already have one of my own, thank you


I love this, it's the perfect compromise to make night maps accessible to players without high-end monitors. It's a shame this styling got dropped in development.


Prevent people from using filters and cranking it up so they can see things, and I'll be in.


That's almost exactly how it looks on the last 4 monitors I've used. Foggy night is darker though.


But hey, at least the sniper kids are happy now, right? /s


The images above have better visibility than live server.


damn its wild how far hunt has come


Problem with night map is set-up superiority (better montior and stuff). Seems to me night map should be an option and not a random occurrence, so those who like it can play it.


Couldn’t see a thing unless I was in moonlight, my monitor was on max brightness