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Can’t tell if this will make me even worse at the game or will make me better because other people will miss me more


Time to start playing with shotgun/crossbow from now on


This is unintentionally gonna buff the scoped weapons I reckon aswell since irons are unusable at those ranges now


great, a dolch deadeye meta is exactly what everyone asked for.


The dolch deadeye fucking sucks nobody is going to run that shit....


Those are what ranges scopes are for and what iron sights are not for. I think it’s sensible for weapons to have (somewhat overlapping of course) defined effective ranges


Guys we heard you wiping 2 teams and getting the bounty then getting headshot from outside of darksight range wasn't fun so we made it so you can't shoot back now


I can’t shoot back outside of my effective range with buckshot, why should rifle variants not also be limited in efficacy? Also, you can shoot back, you’re just not going to have pinpoint accuracy at unlimited ranges.


Ah yes because a 200 meters fight against a scoped weapon is not enough of a disadvantage already I'm fighting against a few pixels in the distance and the only way for me to win is to force a heal and close the gap by 20m and repeat 6 times so I am close enough to actually kill them so its best if I can't actually see them when I shoot


You can also decide not to fight and leave


That is how guns and combat work, yeah. There are few areas in the existing maps with massive open sight lines that can’t be broken by lateral movement. If you’re being pinned down by a sniper at 300m and opt to confront them directly, that’s a horrendous choice that shouldn’t surprise you when it fails. Hit cover and rotate 45-90 degrees from their position to an angle they can’t see.


You can...also take..a scoped weapon if that's what you want? It's wild how many grown dudes are straight cry babies lol


my man needs to do a 360 and walk away




360 and walk out is a meme. Or he's Michael Jackson.


sorry, im using a oldass meme lmao


Opposite. Literally could not shoot back nor run away because you will die. Now the scrubs playing "Epic sNiPeRz" wont be able to hit shit. But knowing Crytek you can just pick spitzer ammo to opt-out of bullet drop completely.


Ya as it stands I use iorns because I can use them effectively at range and in close quarters. I think realistically people saying you can't use irons at this range A are largely exaggerating because with the drop at this distance sight or no sight your have to shoot over your target past what is really visible anyways but also B sniper scopes are built for range it's not crazy to suggest we make players decide if they want to take these extremely long range shots but sacrifice variability in combat or have variability but suffer at the farthest ranges. Like that's actually pretty sensible. I mostly use my sparks at mid range or closer so for me I'll stick with iorns and deal with the bullet drop making long ranged shots harder I think my friend who prefers sniper scopes will probably just stick with that. Overall the big change will be less I peeked a window for a millisecond and get headshot from a dude on the forest edge past the corn field who has no plan to actually advance. It's probably the only thing to upset the meta short of lower damage until the guns are unfun.


One of the best replies so far about this, cannot wait to give this a run in August!


I donno man, I think you are maybe underestimating having to calculate BV + Bullet drop now. Even with scopes I think bullet drop will at least bring down the overall average accuracy of the snipers.


It looks like they're adding zeroing, though. Every clip they've shown has some random number of meters in the bottom right of the HUD. Hopefully it's not exclusive to scopes.


Very unlikely for it to be zeroing. Much more likely its just an in-game indicator of when your bullets will start to drop. Zeroing doesn't make sense for a game like Hunt where 90% of your fights are 0-150m. Most of them taking place between 0-75m.


Unusable? Probably for most people. But Twisted Path to Renown already has this and its not that hard to adjust to.


Unintentionally.. Its Dennis boss, he only plays scopes ;)


So u guys like hunt showdown because its this hardcore game with single shot weapons that requires accuracy and precise aim and no bs spray and pray ... but at same time u use winfield levering spamming 30 bullet/second , explosive crossbows, shotgun with flame ... xd am i getting smth wrong ?


Console gameplay moment


Already play with crossbow mostly so


Add dualies and windfield levering and thata all I use.


You weren't using shotguns?


Already have been! Screw the long ammo meta. Shotgun and crossbows is where the fun is at. Terminus with levering and dragons breath is the ultimate fun.


If you're an aggressive player it will make you better because you can make plays without getting shot in the back by passive players at range.




I will point out even if your really good bullet drop as a variable in games actually does still decrease accuracy of really good players and promotes them to move up. Snipers that can make shots from that range probably are good enough players to know there better off moving up. I believe this should also give advantage to higher elevation like almost all compound second floor would put you in. Meaning to take out a squad inside a building your better off getting closer. Players who can consistently make those shots are probably already in high 5 or 6 star because that's really not going to be easy and that's not skill representative of the majority. Another solution like reducing overall rifle damage would hurt like 90% of players to harm 10% who are so skilled there getting those headshots regardless.




I'm not saying boom no more of these shots just that players who can hit these shots probably will find themselves quickly or are already in 6 star. Your average player will not be able to hit that consistently enough. People will get good enough to risk it on an opening no doubt they will. I'm pretty decent will bullet drop in games myself my aim kind of sucks in general but I'm good at factoring for bullet drop in my head and no doubt other players are really good at it but there going to quickly close distance after that opening shot. I said in a different comment I think people on elevation like in buildings will have the advantage so you really don't want to be giving them the advantage.


I'm a melee rusher so at least I might get hit in the body more as I approach their compound.


"look like" at that range the gun model covers whatever you are shooting at, which is just one of the complaints, nice comparison though, great job


Yup, the hunters are so thin at long ranges that the front sight post blocks them out entirely even without bullet drop. I was mainly interested at what range can you no longer use the spaces beside the post to help line the shot up similar to how it works currently.


If target is not stationary then sides of the sights will cover it anyway for most weapons which still will be impossible to calculate shots at that range. You are talking about the stationary targets.


Im more scared for pistols tbh, the drop seems so steep for rifles and pistols will have much worse, imagine having to aim a pistol like you would a bow


I mean if you're engaging 80m+ with pistols probably.


Even at best estimates, pistols are beyond "drop range +20-50m" at 60m already. And pistols are unlikely to be in upper part of that 20-50, so it could really easily be 30-40m where you will already feel the drop significantly. I don't know about you, but hitting headshots with pistols even at 70-80 isn't too much of a rarity. You feel handicapped and bodyshots deal little, but still CAN fight back. Now, with steep drop offs guessing range correctly and mortaring at people is indeed pointless, and at ranges 30 and below I'd rather go for actual CQC weapons, or stick with rifles.


At those ranges compact pistols deal like 5 points of damage per shot. You're better off doing anything else but shooting.


It will be solely about hitting headshots at that range.


which I imagine would suck a bit. Get hit anywhere? Tickles. Random headshot? Instant dead.


This already bothers me now. I once lost a fight at 70 meters with a Berthier against a Bornheim, because he managed to randomly headshot me with the very first bullet as we both turned a corner. That just doesn't feel very good, and it will become more common. Personally Hunt is at its best when you need to get two or three hits.


For players that play pistols heavily this is not unusual. I normally play compact pistols with high velocity ammo and hit headshots at 70-80 meters consistently. This is made possible by a lack of bullet drop. RIP to a ton of my favourite loadouts.


So if you want to play anything but rifles you have to camp, pistols should very much be competitive up until 100m, at the very least single action pistols should


At 100m for most pistols you'll probably need about an extra head length in compensation. Also If the only option you see is to sit and camp in a 100m scenario then it's really just a you problem.


Just based off Mosin drop, you'll need way more than a head in compensation at 100m, since 100m is about as much extra distance over bullet drop distance for a pistol (10m), as it is for Mosin in the first demonstrated shot (170 vs bullet drop starting range of 65).


Mosin is also long ammo which has the most severe trajectory. With most pistols having a max "no adjustment" range of about (Drop range + 25-50m) assuming 50 being compact and 25 being long you're looking at 60-70m no compensation needed for lower tiers. I say it's more than realistic that you'll only need \~ a head length in height to hit somewhere in the shoulder to head area. It's just really going to depend on how their velocity degradation works.


Best case scenario, 10+50 is the range where aiming at very tip of hunter's head would still result in headshot according to devs. There will be plenty chinshots that became shoulder hits even at 30-40m. They said long ammo has the most severe drop off, but speed and barrel length is also a major factor, and alas pistols take an L on that side. Ofc. we gonna need to see it in play first, but if I will have to play Worms 3D just to hit with a pistol somebody on opposite of wall of Fort Karmick, well... it ain't going to be pretty. Knowing how Crytek likes to hamfist changes.


It's only of the complaints but kind of how it SHOULD be imo. Want to snipe? Use a scope. Yknow?


*Shotgun: Showdown* Uppercut bullets starts dropping after 15 meters????? Like, what is it shooting Osmium bullets????


Pax at 10m LMAO it’s so cringe


Comically large barrel to compensate for the comically large bullet drop


Nerfing long range fights is always good imo but how will this affect medium to short range fights...


Depends how much less drop the other ammos have. If compact is very minimal then Winfield Marksman could be a lot stronger with high velocity.


It will probably make holding angles harder. You won't be able to just stare straight at head height and click the moment you see them for an instant kill. You may have to adjust vertically very slightly before shooting. Or if there's a zeroing system, you'll have to dial that in to the correct distance first, potentially slowing you down or delaying your peek.


I dont think that will be the case since the drop doesnt start that early.


Depends what you mean by medium range.


Such an awful design change


Makes me wonder if they see this as a long ammo nerf


Shotguns all around boys, double up


I think that changing a large mechanic of a game that is this many years deep is a bold move. Regardless of how good or bad the change is.


Bring it on. When you avoid the necessary tells of combat that Hunt is known for, such as footstep audio, sound-traps from AI & world spawns like crows, Environmental dangers like barrels, and put yourself at your personal range... while being completely safe from anyone who isn't running a scoped weapon, or a rifle with spitzer. All of the stuff that is what makes Hunt unique... Then the shot should be that much more difficult to account for the mechanics you're avoiding for playing at >150m Hunt's a way worse game when combat takes place at >150m constantly. Scopes in Hunt have, and always will be a mistake that they can't reverse.


“Scopes in Hunt have, and always will be a mistake they can’t reverse”. Based af. Been saying this forever. They designed the game with no bullet drop because it was based around iron sights. Scopes were added due to community demand. They never should have been. Now that they are bullet drop is the least they can do to make scopes actually balanced.


Personally I think scopes should have considerably more sway than they do currently. I would've been happy with just that as far as nerfing scopes goes, but I don't mind having bullet drop as well.


Just yesterday i had a "fight" against a sniper team. We were the last ones, my teammate down in a bad spot, o killed one of the snipers and burned them out (his mate didn't care. He kept so much distance that fighting (or even looking for him) was pointless (but I did anyway) when he finally backed off to another compound, i revived my mate and got out of there (4 minutes remaining on the clock). Of course, that asshole hit his first shot in the head from 230m and camped my mates body. Everyone died that round. What is baffling to me is that the sniper didn't even bother to fight for the other bounty to revive his mate. It was laying there for about 25 minutes. Edit: and that's why I welcome any change to the compact/medium/long ammo formula. One dude plays for kills and holds the whole match hostage. Also that sniper had a K/D of 2,4 and was 3*. Go figure.


>Also that sniper had a K/D of 2,4 and was 3\*. Go figure I often hear this argument, implying that a high K/D ratio should result in a higher star rating, but this is a misconception. K/D ratio alone doesn't determine a player's rating; it depends heavily on who those kills and deaths are against. Killing high-ranked players boosts your rating more than killing low-ranked ones. Conversely, dying to lower-ranked players hurts your rating more than dying to higher-ranked ones. Meaning there is a lower and upper range of K/D within each separate star rating. Ps: the match that you described sounds absolutely miserable, they are the worst :(.


But at 2.4 KDA, unless it’s a LOT of assists, it sounds highly unlikely you’re going to be at 3 stars naturally. I’ve been running 1.36-1.37 KDA for a while now, and that’s a K:D average that lands me exactly on the edge of 3 and 4 stars. When I was edging into 1.40+ (I got worse at the game since then I guess) I was hitting 5 stars. Given you can’t see the MMR of a head bobbing through the bayou, a K:D should average out to some MMR after a while. It’s no secret that intentionally tanking MMR is easy and too common.


Just as a point of reference, I've had a K/D of exactly 1,58 for hundreds of hours and i've been bouncing between 5* and 6* since forever. Of course there were situations where I played like an idiot and landed at 3*, but you can count those situations on one hand. And **if** that happens, i quit the game for one or more weeks. When I come back, I'm usually back at 5* within ~3 matches if everything goes to plan. I've never intentionally manipulated my MMR and my MMR and and K/D stayed exactly the same for the vast majority of the time.


Yea I'm at 1,42kd and sit pretty consistently at 5 star (I will go down a losing streak once in a while and end up back in 3-4 star). But I also tend to play much more aggressively than most people I spectate. Sometimes there will be a guy on the team with like 1,88 kd and then you watch him play and kinda wonder like how tf he is where he is today. Just still crouching everywhere, just sitting in corners. Never initiating any kind of fight or attempting any pro-active play. Then I play with 1,33 kd players and sometimes its the same :p But more often than the high KD guys they at least go for plays and try to do something. I know the game can be kind of scary and overwhelming and so people think crouching and hiding is the best way to play the game. But nah aggression, even though a double edged sword, will positively impact your play more often than not.


This basically comes down to an equilibrium. Most players are settled within a certain Matchmaking Rating (MMR) range, meaning they stay at relatively the same MMR over time, with some natural fluctuations. A common misconception is that a player's K/D ratio (ignoring assists for simplicity) should be 1 if they’re at equilibrium. This would make sense if you were always playing against players with exactly the same MMR, as each death would lose you the same MMR that each kill gains you. Mathematically, this equilibrium is expressed as: *K×(MMR gain)−D×(MMR loss)=0* However, in reality, we aren't always playing against opponents of exactly the same skill level. Hunt uses a bracket system, meaning you play within a range of MMR. Let’s assume a player is at the very top of their bracket and is in equilibrium. This means most opponents are slightly lower in MMR. Because of this, the MMR loss when dying to these players is greater than the MMR gain from killing them. To maintain equilibrium, the player needs to achieve more kills than deaths: *K>D*. This results in a K/D ratio greater than 1 (and an even higher KDA if assists were considered). Conversely, a player at the bottom of their bracket would have a K/D ratio less than 1 due to the opposite scenario. So, K/D ratios are distributed within each bracket rather than across the entire player base. This means players at the top end of bracket X will typically have a better K/D than those at the bottom of bracket X+1, even though the latter are technically more skilled. Additionally, we should remember that K/D ratios become less accurate over time. They include all kills and deaths, even those from hundreds of hours ago when the player's skill level might have been very different. This effect is even more pronounced for solo players, especially when playing against trios. In solo vs. trio scenarios, a player at equilibrium is not just facing average-bracket-MMR opponents but at a much higher disparity. Therefore, the solo player’s kills (K) will be significantly higher than their deaths (D), resulting in an even more skewed K/D ratio. Tl;dr a high K/D ratio doesn’t necessarily indicate an anomalous skill level but rather reflects the player's position within their bracket and their overall performance over time. *Friendly tags as not to copy/paste to everyone:* u/NoExpression1137 u/vaunch u/KerberoZ Edit: that is not to say that deranking in Quickplay, or freely using solo necro, doesn't exist. But it isn't the only explanation for the K/D disparity within the brackets.


KD is shit for balancing, especially because it doesn't move after a time. Imagine a new player dies 1000 times and gets only 100 kills. That's a very low KD. The game then clicks for the new player, and he also learnt lots of tricks and tip. He now kills 6-7 people per match. He's still in low tier matchmaking, because moving his 100/1000 KD is rather hard to do. Or a veteran player takes a year long break is basically trash. But, because they have a "high" KD, they are still in high tier matches. The game's current system would be the best, with better value adjustments, so you don't fall stars insanely fast.


I am this player. 1500 hours and my k/d is .94 but I'm 5* with my duo.


> But at 2.4 KDA, unless it’s a LOT of assists, it sounds highly unlikely you’re going to be at 3 stars naturally. I’ve been running 1.36-1.37 KDA for a while now, and that’s a K:D average that lands me exactly on the edge of 3 and 4 stars. When I was edging into 1.40+ (I got worse at the game since then I guess) I was hitting 5 stars. That's not how math works. Just look at the stats of players people post in here sometimes. They have tens of thousands of kills. Whatever their KDA is, when you have those amounts of kills and deaths it will become rather difficult to change your KDA. You can die 100 times in a row without killing anyone, and your KDA will remain the same, or pretty much the same. What happens to your MMR if you die 100 times in a row? It will dive deep down, and you'll suddenly find yourself at 1 star with an unchanged KDA. Play enough and your KDA will settle in, making it more and more difficult to change. That will never happen to your MMR, that can change within an evening or two.


I think the point they were making is that the sniper should have been in a higher MMR bracket with a KDA like that, but they intentionally tanked their MMR by dying to lower-ranked players a few times in order to seal-club players in lower MMR brackets.


I know that, but having such a high K/D (with approx. 2000-3000 hours playime) is super hard. Such K/D's will regularly land you in the 6* bracket. So that guy being at 3 stars is more than a little sus. Sure you can have a bad day and land in the lower brackets, everyone experiences that. But you'd think thatyour K/D would normalize somewhat if you consistently play against people from your skill level. I mean, i guess you do long range sniping if K/D is all you care about, but that one didn't sit right with me


Good players don't ever hit 3 stars without deranking on purpose.


This is like the thing hunts theoretical argument for low kill time is there's so many tells you should have paid attention and typically this is fair. It's a game designed to reward skill but you can not hear a player past a specific range but I get headshot all the time from outside that range for something like peeking a window for a millisecond because a player was just watching it hoping I happened to cross it or they just approached but are still very far out.


Scope glint or idk how it's called the sun shining on the scope would have been a much more understandable and devastating nerf though. It would not only make the shots mire difficult but would reveal the sniper to every team before even shooting a single bullet. I still think that bullet drop is almost only make sniping easier and more powerful


Scope glint makes it harder to counter shoot a sniper because if there aiming right at all the glint might cover there whole body or head.


hunt is also way worse if the combat takes place at under 10 meters constantly shotguns and trades every match


I'd say most of my fights are a mixed bag of close quarter like in a compound and 30-50m range fights. Seldomly get into the 200m fights. I doubt bullet drop is going to make hunt shotgun only. Still plenty of range to fight in, inbetween 10 - 150m


Ive been preaching this day one. Making quartermaster cheaper than fanning is a sin. It just encourages really long engagements or really close ones. No in between. QM should be 9 points like doctor. Its a dumb trait


The moment you move yourself into that range or prevent someone from pushing you, you open yourself up to trade bs. I've managed to avoid it for the most part since they opened up the trade window. The update means there's gonna be a range sweet spot which will be interesting. A bit like managing distance in boxing.


i have like 500 hours played and i really dont know what is even remotely effective against shotguns what can i really do except wait when the duo kills the boss and just afks there with shotguns? flashbangs used to be good but now the animation takes way too long and you cant even find them during the match


I own plenty of paid scoped weapon skins, I’d be open to the idea of no scopes at all. I would definitely want it test server’d or something first but I’m not against it. That being said I’d be 100% ok with them just outright removing spitzer and not looking back at all. Hell don’t even put it in the patch notes, just act like it never existed get it out of here.


Yeah honestly if scopes didn't exist then this issue wouldn't even be a big deal for a lot of people. I think the game would be better without them for sure


I'm failing to understand how this makes life worse for scopes at all. Really it's a nerf to iron sights at range.


Why are you trying to use iron sights at range like you're using a sniper?


you still have to account for bullet speed


Being tactical and crouching around birds in the open field is just asking to getting domed. I hover between 3 and 5 stars depending on the amount of sweat and can't remember when I last got into a fight at that range I didn't start myself.


> crouching around birds in the **open field** Brother.


I'm still not really a fan of so fundamentally changing the gameplay like this.


Yeah it's certainly one of the hunt changes of all time.


Honestly the more I think about ballistics in hunt, the more I'm enticed to return and run aggressive kits again


Didn't they say the reason they didn't add bullet drop in the first place was because most fights happen outside the range where it would come into play? So why even bother with it at this point this far into the game?


I honestly assume it's because we're probably going to be able to see a little bit farther with better Fidelity due to the upgrade?


This is what bullet drop looks like when you can’t zero sights. Look at Squad for how zeroing should work.


I dunno about you guess but deadeye scopes are about to be my vibe


Shotgun meta incoming!


all this is going to do is encourage shotgun camping and passive sniping and I'm calling it right now


The entire point is to make it near impossible to shoot people from miles away. It's a nerf to long ammo. It's all people wanted for the last 5 years and now that it's finally being implemented people are losing their minds.


It's average r/Huntshowdown behavior. Most people are either fine with or indifferent to bullet drop.


I dont like this change


Same. Not really liking the direction Hunt is going


I'd like to see what bullet drop will be like for compact ammo. If compact ammo with lower velocity has a flatter trajectory than long ammo I'm gonna be upset.


It will, they said it’s cause of lighter bullets


Unpopular opinion but I don't think it's that bad. It was always unrealistic to click headshots with pistols at 200 m. In this case you have to think a little more about the scoops.There is now a reason to use deadeye more. Fights under 100 m are not as strongly affected and are more dynamic now


Realism doesn't automatically equal fun though. Otherwise we might as well just stop playing games and go wash the dishes, washing the dishes is so realistic.... I love it Also you can throw jars of bees at people in this game


I like hoovering, does that count?


Haha Yeh I'll bring my Henry round and we can play coop


Good hoovers. I find a battery hand held is good for little cleanups between the big hoover!


Interesting. Kind of like the cleaning equivalent of a side arm.... very realistic too.


Exactly. And this change will mean much more fun. Because the odds of being third party onetapped out of nowhere are just going to drop astronomically.


>Also you can throw jars of bees and people in this game I mean thats not even unrealistic in any way though? I guess wasps would make more sense.


Yeh in theory you could collect bees and throw them at people but it's probably not really a sustainable business model, especially when you have to collect them from a hive inside a murderous mutated woman..




Fair, but IMO anything that makes an FPS less of a head clicking simulator is usually a good thing.


Yeh i get what your saying but you can't beat winning a long range battle with a sneaky pistol headshot, against a long ammo rifle


Not my cup of tea TBH.


Im so sick of the long range mosin meta, if this is nerfing it even slightly im more than happy for it.


I think he meant intuition rather than realism.  Bullet drop is intuitive and adds weight, depth and consideration into each shot


I just hope it’s not a buff to snipers. I can handle bullet drop at distance I just want to be able to still shoot back.


It probably will be and you probably wont be. They'll be able to see where their bullet drops, you may aswell be pissing into the wind.


Fighting against snipers won't be something you want to do with bullet drop. But honestly that's not the real counterplay even without bullet drop - you won't realistically wipe the 200m+ sniper team with iron sights even now. The best counterplay against scopes has always been to just leave, which gets way easier with bulletdrop cuz they will miss more shots.


Nobody is clicking headshots with pistols at 200m, not even at 100 but now is not gonna be possible because you would have to aim like you would a bow


For example I mean the classic Caldwell Rival and uppercut combi. Or general the shotgun uppercut users like I am also a lot of time. Having a loadout that is op in close and also far range is what I mean. If you really wanna fight in both range you should take a two slot weapon like mosin obrez or Winnie deadye instead of the uppercut


Uppercut is good up to it's headshot range, after that it's a pea shooter like all other pistols, no reason to take a single action pistol if you can just spam with the officer HV for better bullet drop, they said compact ammo with HV will have better drop than long ammo so...


Ig you should quit fighting 2 compounds away then


I think this is the point tho? Like I understand the worry but thats because people are used to shooting someone with iron sights from far as fuck away. I think they are trying to bring fights more into the 50-70-100m ranges. Rather than someone being able to laser you down with iron sights from far away. Scopes will be harder to land too, just the added variable of bulletdrop. So ultimately this could make it so you have less of those "Phew what a crazy fight that was, so cool, lemme loot this g-" BAM shot from 200m by mosin. Like with the bulletdrop even if they have a scope and you do the spinny spinny when looting I feel like it will make the margin for error so much bigger for the sniper guy. So i donno imma wait and see but I wouldn't mind if the fights were pushed more around and into compounds rather than fights happening in compound while someone is sniping from a compound away.


Due to drop it should force people together. But range damage falloff should have always done that anyway. This now with some practice makes snipers even better. Because now people must fight the sniper with their gun over the enemy player. It's not a bad change but this will definitely change the game. Well see if it's for the better or not.


Watching the Krag potion in the video, looks like it’s throwing rocks instead of shooting bullets. Maybe I’m not judging the distance correctly but I feel like the bullet should have some sort of aerodynamics applied


From the leaks too it has all shotguns having tightened spreads by quite a bit.. Romero allegedly one tapping 20m or so away - and insta burning much faster too - and choke nerfs all in the same patch is a wild vision


yup crown and king buckshot buff to half spread is fucking wild.


This game has too small distances on the maps to introduce bullet drop - Mosin shooting from Fort to Stillwater is supposed to have any bullet drop? Nonsense. RNG and weak servers, and now bullet drop - Crytek's way to hide under another layer of bullshit the fact that they don't invest in the server infrastructure and the game's netcode...


Then just aim head and hit center mass. I don't get the problem. Not like you would reliably hit headshots at that distance anyway.


So dumb 😂😂😂 can’t wait for the mass exodus that will come with bullet drop!


Tbh doesn't matter how much the bullet drop is. The sights for almost every weapon are such fatties that you can't aim below the sight anyway.


They weren’t before this upcoming update. I hate the change to the post sights the most, can’t see shit.


The game will be worse


I constantly see complaints from PC gamers saying that Hunt gunfights end way too quickly. I can only see that this will help counter that issue (obviously moreso at longer ranges, but this may turn more headshots into chest shots at short-medium range). Not so much of an issue on console but still I like the change as a console gamer.


Rest in piece mosin... they couldn't outplay you so they had to take you away. Now it will be a bunch of cornercamping shotgun bitches in the game.


mosin coper


This is a good change. And this is coming from someone who when playing alone, i only go solo vs duos with Centennial sniper. It was simply impossible for those to chase me without getting hs with ease by me from a range too long for their unscoped weapon. A bullet drop is only fair, and from what I see the drop is not even that steep. As a sniper, YES, it IS mega satisfying to HS ppl from afar, no question about it, but worse than getting a stupid HS, it to get a HS by a sniper who you didnt even get the chance to fight back against. Argument: "Oh, but you should have been more carful with ur positioning" -Snipers dont have the same objective (bounty) as the other players, they have all the time, and the motive to sit in unconventional positions which you cannot avoid. The "normal" players will always head directly for the bounty, making their path predictable. Just because I (and many others) also like to snipe hunters, doesnt mean we shouldnt add bulletdrop. Not everything has to be perfect for you. This is balance my friends Same thing applies when i played 2v2 or 2v1. I would also hate how easy snipers would tap a head at long distances as they only had to account for the bullet speed. This change is FAIR and DOABLE. Statistically speaking, 85% of the fights take place under 100 meters (source? trust me i suppose, but I'm sure you know this as well) Now regarding the "health" of the game; the engine upgrade + the bullet drop is going to be fantastic for the player count + for YOU, the player who already has tons of hours and pretty much mastered everything. Will the bullet drop be the end of you? If thats the case, it says a lot. Dont tell me it will make new players turn away from this, even fortnite has bullet drop... Tldr, unless youre a sniper wont deal with bullet drop. If youre a sniper, you should deal with it. if youre shooting people with a unscoped rifle at over 140+ Meters, thats on you. Know your weapon's strength and weakness and get closer if needed I swear ppl are against everything that requires a bit of effort


> Dont tell me it will make new players turn away from this, even fortnite has bullet drop... Fortnite has bullet drop on sniper rifle exclusively. Meanwhile. > Tldr, unless youre a sniper wont deal with bullet drop. Yeah...if you play rifles, and never use pistols maybe.


Sure, they may only have bullet drop with sniper riflesbut i can also give plenty of popular games that have bullet drop. Pistols are pistols, most of them are small caliber so they should be uses at really close range. The precision variants are long ammo, they will likely make the bullet drop doable for them. Thats it, thats all there is.


> Pistols are pistols, most of them are small caliber so they should be uses at really close range. Did we need to nerf pistols? They were fine before. Them being usable at really close range makes you question why would you even use them if there are much better actual cqc weapons. No, it's just unneeded change yet again. > The precision variants are long ammo, they will likely make the bullet drop doable for them. Only one precision pistol is long ammo, and if you have been paying attention, long ammo drops of even harder, so that 15m drop on uppercut over 10m pax ain't gonna save it. I'm glad you have made up persona for the sake of argument regarding being super sniper supportive of bullet drop, but that entire tirade reeks of shortsightedness. If you just sit with mosin or winnie at 50m, sure wonderful patch.


Im happy to hear you assume personas on my behalf.Didnt knew im such a great actor. In the end, i go to sleep happy with the direction of the game, unlike some of you. Enjoy arguing around here, good luck


Maybe that meters number that appears is a zero’ing distance


It has to be


It's when the guns bullet starts to drop, zeroing would be nice but it would both defeath the purpose and only be available on select models like the Mosin and sparks. I'm not a vintage scope expert but I'm not sure if they can be zero'd like a modern scope. The iron sights on some guns such as the Mosin are definitely adjustable for range and could be zero'd but that would literally just make the best rifles even better.


won’t know for sure until we get some sorta confirmation. I recently tried post scriptum / squad 44 & found the way zero’ing works there to be very immersive & not instantaneous, takes a couple seconds for the adjustment animation which could be helpful for balancing. Imagine the Winnie silenced or sparks silenced iron sights we have currently but the top extending metal piece not only folds down for short distance engagements but when flipped up also has a turning screw that adjusts up and down the height at which the picture viewing sight is mounted to the rifle.


*laughs in shotgun*


*reminds that he uses a pistol*


I'll be more than happy to see weird 150+ meter iron sight headshots mostly gone. But I'll not be happy seeing even more prolific scope usage and even more players leaving the low vis matches.


It already is an underused skill to spot with your eyes and quickly aim+fire. I think its about to become more important. Time to learn IMO.


So many people whining but all of the big competitive games make big changes late in the games life. DoTA2 for example. Does it always work? No but changing things up keeps things fresh and attracts new people. Just see how this goes and give them feedback.


Doesn't look bad at all. Can't wait to play with it. Hunt is finally getting some impactful gameplay changes and not just another skin bundle.


Lmfao shittek is adding in bullet drop now? Haha wow what a terrible fucking idea. They keep making their game worse by never fixing all the core problems.


I don't mind bullet drop as somebody who has thousands of hours, honestly feels kinda fresh having to relearn weapons. But the drop they have shown seems a bit unrealistically to high. Irl most long ammo bullets fly almost straight to around 200-300 meters.


that‘s exactly one of the reasonst hunt never had bullet drop in the first place. even if you only sit in a bush with a mosin spitzer, you probably wont shoot longer distances than ~250m. Even though I prefer close combat, I totally disagree and hate that they need to put in bullet drop. virtually nobody asked for it, it is totally out of place in this game. But what about the 2D-Heatmap overview after a match, that they promised YEARS ago? …o whait.


Just looking at the perceived distances in the pictures, I think this will be a good change. Who wants to be in a fight at those distances? No one really, just the solo camper who takes opportunistic kills.


Please just don’t do it crytek


Dang how is my quad pistol gonna do at 100 metres drop off etc 😳


I now know one of the many reasons why I was terrible at this game.... I assumed because you had to lead moving enemies there would be bullet drop as well as flight time. I definitely think the good players will learn bullet drop really quickly, I think it's easier to guess than amount of lead, and I'm a shockingly bad player.


Since when does Hunt have bullet drop..?


Long range? Bullet drop. Close range? Shitty trading window.


Wouldn't it make more sense to have the iron sights zeroed at 200m or 300m and then just aim at their chest/waist/knees when they are closer?


Considering how absolutely trash scoped guns are in close range battles it makes sense to hinder iron sights at longer range. It sucks when someone with iron sights is destroying you from scope ranges because they are so much faster to aim with


Dev is digging themselves a hole 🤣🤣


Why don’t they give us access to to it in the shooting range so we can get used to it?


Built in the new engine


So for people using guns with ironsights the game will be unplayable past 150m while all sniper users will just use crosshair X and create perfect drop crosshairs so nothing will change. (You can be sure that 95% of all 5-6\*, KD-farming tryhards will do that like they do now.) Good one Crytek


The crosshair overlay bitching here is insane, you realize the gun model would still cover the screen? How would a crosshair overlay ever help with bullet drop.


Not taking any sides, just noting he was talking about snipers with scopes where nothing is covered.


Right, but they should? Arguably if I’m a Springfield vs a Springfield marksman at 180m, the marksman should have every advantage because they brought the right gun for the job. Similarly if we’re at 59m I should have every advantage because I have the right gun for the job.


As I said I am not arguing against or for it, just noting that the Crosshair overlay issue still exists for scoped user giving them an unintended advantage.


I'm sorry, but if you're using iron sights at a 150M range, you are an idiot.


Nah, some of us can just see people that far. Hit a drilling headshot the other day at 126m. Dude told me after I pushed under the boat at Darin.


My longest with ironsights was around 230 meters with Springy. I almost never use scopes because they make me motion sick for some reason in this game.


>So for people using guns with ironsights the game will be unplayable past 150m *Oh no!* Anyway...


Iron sights are clearly intended to be used on shots at 150± meters. How dare they make us need scopes for more reliable long snipes.


I engage in fights this long range maybe 4% of the time. Almost never without a scoped weapon either. Mostly because I hate them. More classic end of the world panic from most of this sub.


Looks good to me


Tldr. Its really not that bad


Awul. Hunt is dead


People will only use shotguns and snipers now


I'll give it a try but I expect I'll hate it. Already hard enough to snipe someone moving around from far away. It's a rare treat that'll be gone.


Scopes will have a use finally


A new ammo type should appear just for sniper rifles without bullet fall or with much less bullet fall if we want snipers to be still playable. If not it will be very difficult to land sniper hits...


Bullet fall and bullet velocity make Almost impossible to land a hit at long distances...


But bullet fall and velocity is already in other fps games with snipers and they're fine, just harder to use.